I really enjoy how diverse the playable legends are. Three white dudes might be too much but other than that they did great.
Apex Legends
cry more
kill yourself
Lifeline is best girl.
>3 white dudes
Are you seeing things
Caustic is the only white dude until the new guy is out.
I don't mind that but I do mind every male character being completely useless so the game forces you to play one of the females.
Caustic and mirage are white. Dunno about bloodhound
>Yea Forums
Holy fuck, I love this game, but goddamn are the characters annoying. I stopped playing Overwatch regularly about a year ago, but one thing I find myself missing from that dumpster fire is the fact that the characters themselves were actually somewhat endearing or at the very least not actively grating. Apex's characters annoy the fuck out of me every time they spit out a voiceline. Only Wraith manages to not actively annoy me, and even then she's still way lamer than her concept should be. Also, all the alt skins look like absolute shit compared to the baseline skins. They also cost 20 fucking dollars a piece. I wasn't going to give EA any of my money to begin with, but jesus christ the nerve of those fucks.
Have sex
Mirage looks hispanic. He acts like a "non-toxic" basedboy white basedboy though. Bloodhound is a 'germanic' """"Non-binary"""" chick though. She just has a very mannish voice.
Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb
>before update
>minimal to no crashes for hours on end
>smooth as butter
>after update
>crash every other game
>laggy as fuck
I dunno what the fuck they did but I'm pissed. Game is unplayable for me right now.
h8 that they made her a niggeress
Mirage is obviously spanish or italian with his flirty personality, retard.
His skin looks somewhat hispanic, but I could see him being italian or a spaniard. And no, his personality isn't "flirty". He doesn't say anything remotely flirty. He acts like a soiboy nice guy.
I'm talking exclusively about his portrayal in-game. I'm aware of his artwork. Name one voice line that makes him seem "flirty" in the traditional sense. I could maybe see him being "flirty" in the same way a beta orbiter is "flirty". But other than that, no, they were too afraid to record lines that match his concept as presented outside of the game.
he acts like someone who needs a hug.
I cant play lifeline her skin looks like fried dark meat chicken. Why does she have the worst skin in the game its fcking wierd.
>obviously spanish or italian
aka non-white
>aka non-white
ok kid its past your bed time
>t. snowmonkey
Pathfinder is based.
Mirage definitely hispanic or arabic, no chance he's white. Bloodhound not white, not male.