because I'm not a gook
shouldn't it be "why aren't you enjoy league right now"?
you know, like how it used to be?
I’m not a brainlet/female/cosplayer/entry level weaboo/gook
I hate league but I'm having fun playing with the new Kayle, gonna keep playing till they nerf her to te ground
because it's shit
i no longer enjoy this game. also, na is the absolute worst server.
Because late night LoL is full of actual, clinically diagnosable retards.
I would rather tear off and strange myself with my dick than entertain a bus full of hauehauehaue's.
because its shit and i have better games to play
not becasue its shit but because its a coin flip team mate rng game
you fuckin faggots
>making a new account just to shit on new players
Why though? Are you so bad at the game that playing at your own level isn't fun for you? That's pretty pathetic OP.
>why aren't you playing league of legends
I played it for 4 years from beta and watched it sink into shittier and shittier levels every patch, there's no point in playing this game anymore since the devs went out of their way to remove all depth from the game.
>Why though?
because my main accounts got banned for a certain sequence of words? you dumb fuck
Why would you make another account for a game this shitty, after having been banned for typing letters into a chat box?
What in the name of fuck compels you to stay with it?
Because the retarded balance team completely destroyed Singed, the only champion that matters.
Plus my other mains Urgot and Yorick are currently broken so I wouldn't want to play them.
i like zed and lee sin and enjoy it to make a show to shit on kids and /all chat afterwards
you low test cuck
League has no rng outside of critical hits and Zyra's passive tho
Because there is no way for new blood to get into the game because of smurfs and morons that get their accounts banned.
>one game you get smurfs
>the other you get a fuckin poppy main rushing bloodthirster
If you didn't quit this game by Season 4 you're pretty much 100% a loser.
Because I'm playing Dota instead of the cheap Dota knockoff for horny preteens and casual normalfags
>i like shitting on kids because that's really the only time i ever win consistently.
Like i said, pathetic.
>you low test cuck
Speak for yourself, little girl. Atleast i enjoy competition and a challenge.
I'm so angry that I wasted probably thousands of hours playing this shit game instead of playing actual fun stuff.
love fisting low elos who will for sure go on reddit and cry! losers!
a challenge for you is tying your shoes low elo, shut up lol
everyone else is subject to the same RNG, the only constant is you, the player.
Making lol threads out of /vg/ should be a bannable offense.
God damn it Tyler you fucking nigger, stop shilling.
I drew the line when I met someone who actually was a meta whore in fucking Urf Mode. It was the straw the broke the camel's back of the fanbase being ridiculous and not fun to be around.
I was D2 - D1 around the time i quit, this is the difference between you and i. I enjoy actual challenges and strive to do better by wanting to play against stronger players.
You're the silver tier low T cuckling that makes new accounts to win against new players so you can feel good.
my friends stopped playing it and I stopped having fun
garbage sjw game
if you still play it, kindly shove a rake into your ass while you head back to r*ddit
>blind pick
>no smite to be seen
>0/9/0 mf (how the fuck do you not even get one assist
oh wait, you're playing a smurf against children who barely made it out of bots
moba sucks ass.
you cant call me a smurf dude i dont own a main account
let me guess, all your other accounts got banned?
Yep. And one of you cant make up for 4 braindead apes. As one streamer put it
League is in the state where 1 person can't win the game, but 1 person can lose the whole match.
and let me guess i deserve it but tyler1 doesnt becasue he prints the kikes money with his streams
If you got banned for "bad wowddds oh noeessss!!!!" Then no, you didnt deserve it.
If you got banned for running it down/feeding. Then yes, and uninstall you boosted drooling shitstain.
I don't give a fuck about streamers but with the name you got you're just asking to get banned. you're probably the type of person that does thinks that knows will get him banned but then bitches about how they banned him anyways. you feel a sense of accomplishment when you get banned.
with a name like gas the jews he's probably just talking mad shit and saying nigger and faggot a lot
Because mobas stopped being entertaining five years ago and are basically only fun to play while you learn them and at the pace at which Dota and League are getting updates you're pretty much going to get bored by them sooner than they can keep your interest
I used to enjoy Dota during the beta when they'd release a new hero like once a month which was still exciting, but the game is way too stale to still be entertaining after all these years
What's more, all my friends have moved on.
Words really fucking shouldnt warrant a perma ban from gameplay. There's a literal mute button if you cant stand letters on your screen.
Permanently ban chat? Sure, absolutely understandable. But ban from gameplay? Fucking stupid.
I burned myself out on MOBA shit.
When they removed the system where you could lock a hero and role and then just queue, I they killed the game for me.
Also, LoL's lore and design choices have gone to hell and don't appeal to me anymore.
If I ever play another MOBA game, it will be something new or DotA2
but as it stands, I won't because I'm just too tired of them
Yordles are the only good thing to ever come out of that game.
I agree but I also think people should be able to follow simple rules. I'm all for profanity and jokes but there's times where you just need to hold your tongue. even with pings banning you from chat could potentially cause some problems considering it's a team game. As much as I think people need thicker skin I also think people need to learn when and where to let lose with their actions and language.
oy vey you naive goyim they print money with banning people and them coming back and buying the skins again
There's a clear line.
Threatening someone should obviously warrant a ban because it can carry legal ramifications.
Using no no words(racial slure, homophobic terms) can justifiably warrant CHAT bans.
Insulting someone over how absolute fucking dogshit they're playing shouldnt warrant harsh penalties. The player playing like shit should be penalized.
They are ruining MY gameplay. They are not up to the expected standards of a simple fucking game. THEY have access to a mute button. I dont have access to a "stop teammate from feeding" button
Riot bans on chat in order to appear PC friendly to garner a bigger audience to shill their garbage skins. Fuck this game im beyond glad i quit it and spent 0 dollars on it.
Because picking Rammus and building full tank feels about as durable as playing any bruiser in the early seasons.
Because they ruined my favorite champions, such as Trundle, with terrible reworks in either an aesthetic or mechanical sense.
The Juggernaut rework was 4 years ago. Today, they have just made it so Skarner's dominion passive (a mode they deleted from the game because no one liked playing it) doesn't ping the enemy team whenever you cap a spire.
No incentive as you don't get anything via leveling up or just by playing, for example Skins.
Even HotS has more incentive as i often get boxes where even the latest skins are in.
I'd rather go scuba diving in the collective pool of discharge from gonorrhea infected genitals than play league of legends.
But i'm playing URF right now !
>Threatening someone should obviously warrant a ban because it can carry legal ramifications.
in terms of online video games I think threatening someone isn't really a problem
Shitty balance.
I wanted to reinstall LoL a few days ago then remembered how unfun it is to have no control over winning/losing
Imagine bragging about normal game
Imagine playing League of Legends
Because lol is boring. There si no feedback in gameplay, ie ablities are weak.
>Either RIOT forgets your champion Nidalee and leaves her in the gutter or destroys her like Akali
>tfw am addicted to league
>currently around 3 weeks free from this sunken cost fallacy
>see this thread
just fuck off already im not reinstalling
That's some terrible anatomy bro
Do not reinstall. It isnt worth it. Im sorry Riot cucked you. Fuck them.
I can honestly say im much happier after quiting league. Reignited my love for Team Fortress 2
>talk shit
>got hit
wew. "Bad [hero]" is the most worthless thing you can say. The person you are calling bad will ignore you and the others on your team don't care. You set yourself up to be banned by being an idiot.
He didnt deserve the ban. The player(kayle) shouldve been penalized for ruining his gameplay.
The kayle couldve hit mute.
user couldnt hit "stop teammate from being shit" button.
why would I care about that? it's not even a perma, kys for actually defending this timesink of a game you retard
It's a flawed game that's only fun when you're winning and when you don't mute the children, glad I moved on when I did.
Fun for a bit until you get tired of not being able to do anything because you'll be matched with shit teammates. It's not even about winning, if someone on the enemy team is fed and your brainlet teammates decide they won't work with you then the rest of the match is going to be completely miserable.
I had a period where I decided to try my hand at ranked (I played an excessive amount of draft, and almost never touched ranked), spammed Jhin and got the most kills on my team in almost every match (dozens where I got 15+ kills), and had about a 50% winrate. Could not for the life of me get out of bronze, even though I was the one doing the best (except for the matches where I was the bad teammate and fed as Yasuo).
You can try to push the game in your favor by roaming, teamwork, objectives, ect. but let's be honest; if your team keeps deciding to be retarded, which will happen almost every match, you won't be able to do anything.
Riot is also fucking braindead at balancing their game, and I honestly think they do it on purpose in a desperate attempt to keep the game alive. Something is OP? Nerfed to the ground. What, something else is OP? Nerf that shit, slightly rework/buff the thing we nerfed several patches ago. Endless cycle.
Good on you man. Wish you all the best.
because I don't play cheap knockoffs
>my main account which I've had since the beta is permabanned
>my friend gave me an account with hundreds of skins which also got permabanned
I don't understand why are they so keen on bleeding money.
Urf is a fun mode, everyone can play that, ranked is shit and thats why the game is shit
>Talk shit, get hit
reminder that lore retcon killed league, both in gameplay and lore
my fellow warcraft 3 veteran, we are few but enlightend
One Rioter said that if you spent more than x amount of money ($500 iirc) then there's a higher chance of you getting banned because the numbers show that those players proceed to create new accounts and rebuy skins.
>Lee sin top
Learn to play jungle or you're gonna have a bad time later
>blind pick
Ive gotten away with full AD/AS ADC Singed on Blind Pick. It doesnt matter.
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed an online game. A good 5 years ago. I play 1v1 games now and again, mostly Fifa. I'd never play a team game online again though.
This game made me feel legitimately angry when I played it. Not even dota did that to me. Once it stopped being fun to me, I dropped it and haven't touched it again ever since. I also heard the champs I enjoyed most, poppy, the girl with the fans, kayle and urgot got redesigned, fuck riot.
On a last note, I would actually enjoy a game that had the chogat ult mechanic, eat someone and grow in size. I enjoyed that way too much.
I want to marry Poppy.
I want to Lane stomp and gas Poppy.
Why I don't play the game?
>every match is a coin flip
>riot employees don't even play their own game, some random hobos on the streets would do a better job at balancing the game
>always gets teamed up with filthy polish gopniks
>waste of time
I could’ve mastered fighting games by now, or even a new language.
They made Galio ugly
not going to bother with "competitive" game which locks characters behind a paywall
used to play it for over 3000 hours, but eventually never touched it again
having more fun with heroes of the storm currently
>playing lol after tencent completely swallowed the game up
no point playing ranked this early on the season, if you want to prove yourself play it at the end where everyone is tryharding to get challenger
started playing league to scratch the competitive itch after overwatch completely went to shit and i'm really enjoying it.
there's too much retarded shit in it to truly enjoy the good parts. hots is better.
It doesn't have actual graphic, and it's in fucking top down, lowest tier in the skill ceiling, it's all point and click with pseudo skillshot that are actually extremely easy
also too many champions to keep track of and it make for an unbalanced as fuck game
Why did you post the game that only had graphics and nothing else?
literally shut the fuck up Paragon was actually not boring and had actual aiming, no bullshit vision where you can't sneak up on someone or shit like the overloaded item shop and character roster
it had gameplay unlike the point and click rpg mess that the top down moba are
Honestly, you need to be a shitty teammate for several games in order to get penalization. One game is not enough.
I am not a broke 13years old.
i'd prefer hots to be honest but the queue times for my region are off the charts.
I seriously miss that fucking game. It had such awesome characters.
Anything specific that went wrong or was it just the ''oversaturated market'' meme
Because Dota 2 exists.
fortnite came in, and the dev shat on the game by making it an hots clone late in its development
fortnite took more resources so for example they moved the matchmaking team to fortnite instead of the ranked mode we were supposed to get
some fucktard started talking shit and I just quit the match, don't fucking start shit if you want to win retard.
> getting this tilted over somebody flaming you
just mute the cunt you moron.
Who else here bans their team mates champs and picks their second choice afterwards. Nothing gets more salt.
No, I get my rocks off knowing that fucktard lost the game.
>they never learn
now they'll probably think twice before flaming
and for the rest of your team who wasn't flaming you. just don't play competitive games kid.
If paragon was good it wouldnt have died
Isn't this true? Paragon fags always blame Fortnite for killing it but the game simply couldn't compete with the other mobas
I've gotten to diamond before, now I just play out addiction. If someone WANTS to lose, I'll make sure they do.
i used to enjoy this game when it had some semblence of strategy...
now its a deranged and hyperactive frustration simulator where you exchange misery with the other team depending on who has the better teamcomp and got ahead early.
no wonder sivHD quit this shit. im glad i didnt sink more than 20 euroburgers into this game back in the day and i am even more glad about the fact that i managed to quit back in s5
I will be playing later on today, actually. Morgana was the champion that really got me into League, but I haven't been able to play a Morgana mid lane game since like a month after they nerfed her passive so it doesn't proc on small minions, and that was like 3 years ago. Because of the ass damage of her W she just wasn't viable mid anymore without the sustain from her passive. But with the VGU they buffed the fuck out of her W, so I'll see if she's viable mid again.
I'm busy playing the much-superior HotS.
i like hots too
shame blizzard is shitting the bed
the buff is an increase in damage the less health the enemy has btw
How the fuck is singed supposed to keep up with all these busted, over kitted champion abilities? The powercreep is real. If singed came out today he'd have bullshit like "The longer an enemy stays in poison trail the more damage it does, also it heals him, also it reduced magic resist, also if singed runs into his own trail he gets a speed buff etc."
Yeah before it did up to 50% bonus damage per tick based on missing health
Now it does fucking 170%
I played a few training games vs npcs and shit felt pretty fucking strong. I'm the taking it live for the first time today.
They fucked Kayle up, she was more fun and stronger before the remake. They even fucked her up aesthetically
I don't play assfaggots.
Pre rework she was good at all points in the game. Post rework she's shit early game good post 11 but if the game drags on long enough for you to get to level 16 your team automatically wins the game. Not an awful trade off imo especially during those clutch games where the teams are running around at 35 minutes in just waiting for the other to fuck up, now the team with Kayle has an ace in the hole.