I have Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers on channel 6, shall I put him through?

>I have Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers on channel 6, shall I put him through?

Attached: lal.png (298x356, 217K)

Other urls found in this thread:



No, switch to channel 5 and bring Ulala up.

Huh? What's this on Channel 9?

>Bajoran workers. You have one minute left to give yourselves up to your Cardassian overseers and save your lives. In that brief time, I want to make a final appeal to you… to reach out to you… in the hope of avoiding a senseless tragedy. Even if you were to escape this station – and believe me, such an event is impossible – where would you go? Back to Bajor? I can tell you that Terok Nor is a paradise compared to what would await you there. The Guls in charge of the occupation are not nearly as compassionate and forgiving as I am. I see you as an integral component of the important work we do on this station. The uridium you process today will lead not only to greater glory for Cardassia, but to a better life on Bajor as well. Ask yourselves why you are doing this. What do you really hope to accomplish? Do you really think you can harm Cardassia by your actions? If so, then perhaps you have been deluded by a few malcontents. Believe me, they're the ones who deserve to be punished, not you. I'm sure if you think about it… you would agree.

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>*nerve staples in your general direction*


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Still my most played 4X ever. Nothing else comes close.

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Just bought this today, what do I need to know?

What year are you from?

we have a slightly different timescale

Maybe you should tell the UN to invoke "sanctions", HAW HAW HAW!


OP stop shitposting

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Open the call, start running the toll, and cut him off after leaving him on hold for 100 energy credits of minutes. Afterwards charge him further for 100 .pdf copies of For I Have Tasted the Fruit

Fuck you friendo I opened this thread just to post that

When are we finally going to elect our Sister Miriam bros? I need that 20% religious military combat bonus

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>ctrl+F dissent
>no results

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dont play on the easier difficulties since they lock away a bunch of options.
Make sure to make a bunch of new cities.
dont sweat it too much about the secret projects
terraform away
once you start nuking you cannot stop

How the fuck is that faggot contacting me from the inside of a punishment sphere?

where do i get this game

Always be terraforming up at least roads.
Correlate your gov't and your bases. You can have all the boreholes in the world so long as you're running green enough elsewhere
You only really need a few secret projects depending on your faction to cover your weakness or supercharge your strengths.
Play it like another civ game in terms of number of bases vs number of developments per base

gog or pirate it

>theres an in-universe lore reason for why these leaders can live hundreds of years instead of lol 10000 year old Gandhi nuked you XD

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I thought miriam was canonically dead during the game's events

Here are the records you requested from the datalinks.

Sphere-people get wifi now, it should have been in yesterday's memo.

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About half the leaders die or are defeated but no, every leader is very much alive and well by the start of the game/unity crash. Miriam, canon, actually dies rather late into the game she and the Believers feel that the future has no place for them, no refuge for the faithful, and so commit mass ritualistic suicide by using the Bulk Matter Transmitter with coordinates set for nowhere/heaven to free their souls.

Regardless of our ideological beliefs, at least we can all agree those cultists led by that weird kid are absolute loons

Oh one hundred and ten percent. If you have even a single negative pointed towards diedre then cha dawn is a fucking anathema. If they had given the new leaders more dialogue to actually develop themselves and shown that Cha was the one really unraveling the secrets of the universe with the manifolds then he might have something going for him but as it stands he's even more of a psycho than diedre with none of the benefits.

>mass ritualistic suicide
>Psi Gate
>Go through, my children! The time of miracles is upon us. Let
>us cast off sin and walk together to the Garden of the Lord.
>With God's mercy we shall meet again on the other side.
> --Sister Miriam Godwinson, "Last Testament"
It would have been cool if she did that in the game.

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Lal n Miriam were right

My favorite part of AC is how you can get gameplay to reflect your ideology.
The unit designer, terraforming and base building allow for a lot of roleplay.

>mfw I play Deidre, my bases are covered in trees, army consists of zero emssion enviormentally friendly tanks and death penalty for littering.

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Wait 30 seconds for impact and then yes. If they come through fire the second wave.

>Can only side with Planet
What were they thinking?

No jobs on a dead planet.

You would turn away the chance to become god?

I've read Stanislaw Lem, I'd be wary of the chances of a potato, even a field of them, merging with a sentience.

What actually transpires beneath the veil of an event horizon?

Dinner, drinks, some light banter, and then a game of Yu-gi-oh, the loser being banished back to the "shadow realm, ie, reality."

However, the potatoes are not offering much choice in the matter. It's ascend or be destroyed in the flowering.

Personally I'd choose to leave the potentially nascent entity alone. I'm too stuck on my own form and being. Why "be one with god" if it's the same thing as not being? It's like a cultist saying "drink the kool-aid" except there's a big pulstating slug next to you that doesn't seem to give a shit about you personally, just "you" as a collective. "Give my mind to birth a god" is all well and good but it's too narcissistic for my tastes to be perfectly honest.

Imagine the gaming being released today. I can already see all the threads about "muh sjw" and "forcing politics".

What are you hyper autists talking about?

Cute strawman user-kun.

They tried to do that with Beyond Earth. People hated it for completely different reasons.

>retard that never finished the game confused when two people talk about the game in metaphor
I'd explain but it's even more convoluted than the metaphors.

>Tfw you grow up and realize Miriam was right all along

It took becoming an adult to realize a lot of the tech in the game is really fucked up when you think about it. Also, not sure if it's just from playing it so much as a kid, but I think the game still holds up excellently as far as future tech goes. Playing through it again and ACTUALLY reading through the tech descriptions you can tell the devs put a lot of thought into how we would function on a different planet.

>Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment.

Never played that gay shit period. Looks like a poor man's Civ 3 desu. Judging from your autistic ramblings I made the right choice.

that is not what a strawman is

1/10, you're trying way too hard.

The attention to detail and world building is what really makes SMAC great and is what's missing from a lot of "soulless" modern games.

Is that all you can manage though? You probably have some sense of pride for playing garbage like that, maybe that you think you're some kind of intellectual and all you can do is meme about baiting when confronted by someone telling you it's shit?

>Completed a game of this
>Had absolutely no desire to play it again despite really enjoying it

Such a shame, just not enough replayability with stuff like natural wonders and luxuries.

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Nah i still believe in the fundamental views of Brother Lal, which in a nutshell is "lets all just stop being mad and take it easy"

have a pity (you)

How am I supposed to get any research done if I can't even nerve-gas every city within a 12-tile radius of my territory

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Yawn. More memes.

You couldn't even get Yang on your side

You're the fundamental example of not just sour grapes but a zoomer with bad taste. Nobody who has actually played SMAC would even remotely come to the conclusion that you would about this game. Instead of actually wondering what this game was about you just came in to instigate recourse about a subject you're woefully uneducated about, I suspect this would not be the first time you've delivered input onto a subject you lacked understanding of.

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And you're engaging with him. You just gave him what he wanted.

4channel didn't even exist in 2014
Try harder newfriends

>not Sachiko on the chair
Obviously not 4channel you spastic.

Then why are you posting, go back where you came from

It matters not, you can't let plebians dictate the course of discussion. It must be addressed.

The reason SMAC factions work and will work if released today is because the leaders are hypercharged, to the point where they are caricatures of any resemblance of their philosophy.

All of them turn into villains as you get further into the game and technology makes it possible for the leaders to do literally whatever they want.

I can stand in one America and say "this artwork is from Germany" without standing in Germany you bogtroll. How rotted is your brain?

filthy dumb Uni scum

Which America?
Nobody cares about your made up ban from some random site

Do it anyway, what are they going to do about it

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>Which America?
NICE TRY FBI! NO WAY NSA! If you're honestly interested you'll have to pay, CIA.

Haha could you imagine what she does with those worms haha do you think she makes love to them????!

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>young and clueless
>adore Zakharov, hate Miriam
>15 years later
>feel the exact opposite

really made me think

>there will never be a cromartie high school - alpha centauri version

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she really is the only one that stayed somewhat sane

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Lal turns out to be a maniac though. He wants to be seen as the chosen leader and, if the implications in the diplomatic victory is to believed, does that through mind control.

Corpsefucker Lal and Miriam are the top tier choices from a "least horrible world to live in" standpoint

How do you even kill yourself via Psi Gate?

so who's the least insane leader in the game?
also how's alien crossfire? is it a good expansion?

>so who's the least insane leader in the game?

whats the easiest way to play this game right now?

the leaders and plot in alien crossfire isn't as good as the original.
but it adds some cool techs and buildings that are nice.
I usually play with crossfire installed but vanilla factions selected

Why was the music in this game so fucking wierd?

Crossfire is decent. However you need to play with all the new leaders/factions to get the most out of it. None of them are as interesting as in the base game and some of them are overpowered.

pirating the GoG release
I guess I shouldnt really use it then, thanks fellas

Brother lal is probably the most level headed of the bunch. Every other faction carries with it one of the problems that sentenced earth. Corazon Santiago is a fucking warlord that would blow up planet rather than get along with other factions. Deidre is a tree hugger in a world where hugging trees can fuck you up worse than death. The believers are zealots that purge dissent and heresy while living on a fucking alien world. Morganites literally learned nothing of Earth's depletion and overpopulation and think they can just throw industry and credit at everything until it works. University spends time equal parts devising new and horrible ways to cause harm and becoming one with the alien superconsciousness. Brother Lal? he's the middle man trying to keep all those flaws in check for the sake of survival.

>I have Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers on channel 6, shall I put him through?

I start a new game because I realize I accidentally put two of the same faction in my custom settings again.

>not playing the SMAC equivalent of the Federation

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"a constant voice and an equal hand still let the seed ship shatter and split irrevocably. If his hand could not guide a thousand, how can it guide a million?"

Dude was a softcock and dosn't understand humanity at it's most pointed.

Brother Lal and the peacekeepers are literally the past. Every faction is an extreme evolution of society into different directions(and the human species itself in some cases) while the peacekeepers are ourselves, our society, and our perspective of the marvels and atrocities they commit.


Organic superlube?

>was around 12 years old
>playing games like homm3 and diablo C&C etc
>have this friend who was a Jehovah witness
>was super fucking smart at school
>was rarely allowed to hang out with kids who weren't the same religion but he somehow convinced his parents to let me come over one day
>i was into super nintendo/sega/pc gaming
>"so user what games you got here?"
>all he had was a shitbox pc with a game called m.a.x and sid meier's alpha centauri
>m.a.x looked totally rad and wanted to play it
>his parents were around and wouldn't let us because it was apparently violent and only his dad was allowed to play
>so we boot up alpha centauri and i'm confused/bored as shit
>this kid was a fucking savant, knew everything about the game and shit
>leave an hour or so later
>get home and my parents ask me how my play date was
>tell them i was bored shitless since he didn't have any cool games and all he had was this "smart" game that looked really gay
>remember my dad muttering something like "well he's a smart kid maybe you should play games like that instead of the crap you do"
>"yeah whatever" him as i go sit my ass in front of some total annihilation

that kid grew up to be a fucking millionaire and i'm stuck in a dead end job with no prospects. I can't ever bring myself to play alpha centauri because I'm reminded of this

play alien crossfire

They're also the most reasonable and level-headed. They don't actually reject any of the other factions or their philosophies, only the most extreme versions of them. You'll notice they even have the best scientists in the game second only to the University.

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The game has terrible mechanics and is only fun to play because of the lore and the leader personalities / faction ethics. Strip the game of its flavor and noone would touch it.
Play Civ IV BTS instead.

>The game has terrible mechanics

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Threadly reminder that Morgan was never meant to be on the Unity on its way to Alpha Centauri. He most likely bribed some U.N. personel to be hidden on board or replace another crew member.

well at least instead playing of the best 4x game you played the best rts game ever, doesnt sound like a bad deal for me

I'm sorry bro but I laughed out loud.

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Damn, opposite happened to me. I started playing SMAC almost immediately after being introduced to it by my smartass kid neighbor. He wasn't a Jehovah's Witness though, but his family did have a lot of important political connections.

I'm now editor and co-anchor at a radio news station. I'm not a millionaire but I do like my job and I'm buying a new condo this year.

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It's true though. Go ahead and explain what parts of the SMAX gameplay you find enjoyable. The supply crawler spam? City spam? Forest spam?

Noone is courageous enough to call this cult game out for its shit gameplay, someone has to do it. We need to reach a consensus that the aesthetics and lore are GOAT but the gameplay is an unsalvageable in order to save innocent anons who didn't play this game as kids from wasting their time.

If I really really really liked SMAC (favourite 4X ever), then which of the HoMM should I play?

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>It's true though. Go ahead and explain what parts of the SMAX gameplay you find enjoyable. The supply crawler spam? City spam? Forest spam?
Vbabby secondary detected

Doesn't matter if you like SMAC or not, HoMM3 is by far the best. Make sure to get both expansions, don't waste your time with the vanilla campaign.

Alright, I assume both the Steam and GOG versions are good? And are there any stuff I need to do for it to run well on Windows 10? Like a fan-patch or some shit?

homm 3
there are other TBS games you should check out too

What do drones eat?

I played the game before Yea Forums even existed you fucking mong

Each other

GoG version should be fine. Get the HD patch, it not only adds HD but a couple of very useful quality of life interface changes.
I'd recommend playing the Shadow of Death and Armageddon's Blade campaigns, then playing the story-focused stand-alone Heroes Chronicles games and then getting the Horn of the Abyss mod.

Alright, thanks mate.

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It seems there is a hard-cap even on minor atrocities if you do them too often. I was just nerve-gassing one of the last Gaian cities within reach of my aircraft when suddenly everyone declared Vendetta against me. Even the Spartans who I've been in a Pact with for centuries.

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Lals weakness is that he has the same trappings as the old elite that fucked earth. His wive was shit at her job yet she got on the ship because he used his power. The unity project was a scam, so lals demands going back to that setup are retarded.

and miriam is evil as well. Her followers are religious zealots that attack first and are totalitairan in their own way. Remind that she thinks she got appointed as leader of her people by divine intervention, nothing so dangerous as a person who does not doubt himself.


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So? Bomb them to the stone age with your superior planet busters, fuck them and fuck planet too

>Proctor "Retrovirals for the whole of Chiron" Zakharov

>The transit shuttle rolls on its axis and you are treated to your first view of Planet from orbit since you left the Unity over $NUM1 centuries ago. Through the whitish haze of the atmosphere, the oceans have the same deep vibrant blue, and you can easily make out the violet-orange of the major fungal forests. A sharp line of green marks the edges of the ever-growing Human Zones, and here and there a glint of silver reveals some major metropolis. Blue, red, green and silver, the colors of Planet--mile after mile out to the curve of the horizon.
>The docking thrusters fire and you hear the airlock bolts thud into place. You have arrived at the new orbital Planetary Headquarters to assume leadership of the fledgling Executive Council. Not a word has been heard from Earth in all the years since Planetfall, so one can only presume that you and your colleagues now preside over all that is left of humankind.
>All of the remaining faction leaders have at last agreed to unite, putting aside the last vestiges of faction rivalry. All of the true enemies have been vanquished, those of your former colleagues who refused to unite for the common good, who foolishly place ideology ahead of humanity's survival. The human race has at last achieved the Unity of which the U.N. Interstellar Colonization Agency dreamed so long ago.
>The growing fungal neural net will be the first issue humanity must confront as a united species. After a period of quiescence, the fungal forests are on the march again, now with an almost devious cleverness behind them. Planet is clearly awakening, and it remains to be seen whether humans will even be allowed to maintain a foothold on the surface. You realize, though, as the airlock hisses open and you step into a floating nation of 100,000 souls, that in the long run one world is of only passing significance. Humanity owns the stars once again, and the stars will ever after be its true home.

Morgan is just greedy and doesn't care about others. He knows what he's doing, just won't be his problem
Santiago just wants her super humans and domination. Aggression and vindictiveness isn't insanity

They're just assholes

>cool mix of balanced factions, engaging gameplay from start to finish
>oh hey let's make a faction who's only downside is removed with a compulsory base improvement everyone builds anyway
>oh hey let's make a faction who resides at sea and can go the entire early game without being attacked until you unlock cruisers
>and let's throw in some aliens with legal maphack and +25% bonuses to combat regardless of morale or tech level

what the FUCK were they thinking??

Lord's Believers:
>Pros: Founded on conventional human morality, you can expect the state-church to treat you about as well as it can.
>Cons: Mandatory bible time, no sinning allowed. Might get accused heresy. Can't play video games because of research penalties. You're expected to be willing to give your life for God if necessary.
>Pros: Also founded on conventional human morality, human rights are important. Less dogmatic than Believers.
>Cons: Bureaucracy, oh Planet the bureaucracy. There's a good chance you'll be conquered by one of the other factions.
Gaia's Stepdaughters:
>Pros: Clean air, pretty gardens, you get to fuck hippie chicks. Don't have to worry about wild mind worms so much.
>Cons: Domesticated mind worms. Of all the employments, brood pit duty is at once the most horrific and the most desirable. You'll be processed into onions green when you die.
Morgan Industries:
>Pros: If you're wealthy, can live in unrivalled opulence. Fairly high average standard of living.
>Cons: If you're poor, don't expect any handouts. Probably have to pay for oxygen rations. Better not get sick, or annoy anyone richer than you.
University of Planet:
>Pros: Best at research, meaning hologram theatres, advanced medicine and really fast computers. The thinking man's faction.
>Cons: The computers all run Gentoo, you may get pressured into volunteering for cruel scientific experiments.
Spartan Federation:
>Pros: Once you're through the hazing, your Spartan Brothers and Sisters will die for you. Strong sense of community. Guns.
>Cons: Your drill sergeant will break your bones to make a point. Might die in a training accident. The future of warfare is mind worms, not guns.
Human Hive:
>Pros: You love the Chairman, and the Chairman loves you.
>Cons: The Chairman does not actually love you. The secret police will nerve staple you for the least sign of dissent. Must live your whole life in a smelly cavern, under constant surveillance.

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>pick always Lal
>go into nuclear weapons and nuke other factions
Always do this, dunno why.

>game lets you customize units
>get overwhelmed and just keep using basics

>mods in charge of Yea Forums are younger than SMAC
Worst timeline.

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Its deadsimple, always use the latest power core. And then make 1 blueprint iwth strong weapon, one with strong armor. If you make one both strong in offense and defense you pay the cost squared. So its cheaper to have a offensive and defensive unit stacked onto eachother rather than wellrounded units.

>chairman allows you to be part of something bigger than yourself
>chairman forces you to be part of something bigger than yourself

Did you even play the game? You can go full Morgan with -6 Planet for maximum ecological damage.

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That's just immoral. Not insane.

The expansion factions are so much worse than the originals. The only two that should be there at all are the cybernetics and the free drones. The rest don't fit the theme of the game very well.

>The believers are zealots that purge dissent and heresy while living on a fucking alien world.
There's actually not much wrong with the believers. Miriam is the only leader who appears to see anything malicious about merging with Planet and most of her warnings that seem ridiculous and fanatical in the early stages of the game turn out to be right.

>terrible mechanics
Unit Workshop? Terraformation? Actual climate with wind direction, humidity and temperature mattering? Satellite layer and orbital drop pods? True altitude, not Civ's bullshit tiles?

All of that is a terrible mechanic, you cockmongler?!

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None of them are insane. That's the beauty of it. All the faction leaders are completely right.

>[x] doubt

Fuck you OP, reinstalling.
Time to cleanse the planet in pink fungal bloom and mind rape.

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