Which one do you recommend?

Which one do you recommend?
Stellaris is the more popular game but already played endless space 1.

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Endless Space, if you REALLY must pick 1 (ome) to play.

Endless Space
Don't like Stellaris since they changed the tile system. I don't like change.

Endless Space

Stellaris is a shitshow all around. The devs keep trying to balance it around multiplayer for some godforsaken reason and rip off popular scifi tropes for shitty DLC.

Endless Space 2 is a complete upgrade to 1. Each expansion has been an upgrade to the game as well. Everything feels good but FUCK BEHEMOTHS

Stellaris is a paradox game with a space coat of paint rather than a WW2 coat of paint or European Colonizing coat of paint. Each expansion has made the game worse somehow.

Endless Space 2 hands down. Stellaris keeps churning out updates that drastically change game mechanics every couple of months.

>dude get es2 lmao
>barely has 1k players
>while stellaris is rocking 10k daily

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>if more people play it that means it's a better game

They're nothing alike, even genre-wise Stellaris is a Paradox Grand Strategy in space while EL2 is a 4X with strange focus on story.

I love how paradox sell 20% of a game and then the 80% left as 15 or 20 overpriced dlcs

I mean, do you play multiplayer and rotate players on daily basis? If yes then your argument has merit.

So fortnite is the best video game ever made?

based zoomers.

Motherfucker, you made me hopeful.

Endless Space

>4th from some literal who french
>20th something game from a decade old gsg factory

>got endless space dirt cheap
>first 4x game, no idea what was going on
>start to get the hang of it after some 10 hours
>finally learn after 20 hours that the ai is cheating
>even on goddamn easy mode
Will the sequel be any different?

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The AI always cheats in these games because it essentially cannot utilize all the 4X features sensibly. I think one game with really good AI is Galactic Civilizations 2 and even that was kinda screwed over with expansions.

stellaris is a shitshow that gets worse with most patches and also has at this point no mechanic that is not changed from when it launched.
it is basically an early access game without them admitting it.
they also dont seem to know what they want the game to be.
stellaris is not GS, it has references to the other paradox games, but it is just a bad 4x.

>mfw Stellaris on consoles

Who in their right mind will play that?

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Stellaris would be fine if the AI wasn't retarded even for a 4x game and didn't start lagging like fuck a few hours in. ES2 is pretty and has unique races with tons of flavor but it seems kind of shallow. In stellaris you can make cool shit like ring words, dyson spheres, turn your species into a hive mind, doom the galaxy to notWarp monsters, fight space mongols and some more. Just wish it was actually playable.

not only that, but the console version is Vanilla
release Stellaris
as in no DLC or updates at all

Don't forget no multiplayer too.

it's not that strategies don't exist on consoles, but you are actively fighting the interface which is ten times faster to navigate on PC.

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Endless Space 2 is objectively a better game.

ITT: nobody who actually played Stellaris.

Stellaris by far the best game

I've put about 200 hours into each. Stellaris is a fucking mess, with each DLC being used to fix one thing while breaking another. Endless Space 2 isn't without issues either, but it's by far the better game.

ES2 AI is retarded but Stellaris is even worse.

Every 4x game gives the ai huge economy and build speed bonuses and still they can't keep up because they're just that retarded. Wish there was something like openAI for other genres besides rts and assfaggots.

How do you cheese the ai in es2?

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Spam ships fully equipped with boarding pods.