Cant wait for Yea Forums's autistic meltdown when this game releases to glowing reviews

Cant wait for Yea Forums's autistic meltdown when this game releases to glowing reviews

Yea Forums spastics are completely incapable of recognizing a good game.

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looks like you called it
the first post is one such infant

Tumblr Lesbians>>>>>>>>>>>>>Goblina (((Lesbians)))

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Ps4 will sell more than ps2 and this board hates that :)

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The game is undoubtedly going to be a masterpiece, but if you actually unironically care about reviews in any capacity then you're just as retarded as the shitheads panning it for sheltered white boy political reasons. You should feel ashamed of yourself and this thread, and you do not deserve to play The Last of Us Part II.

I'm sure it will be a perfectly serviceable movie game, I'll probably play it once, but I'm not looking forward to the ugly Jew lesbian girlfriend plotline and whatever other cuck shit they're gonna shove down my throat. I actually really like the original game for it's story, I thought the ending was brilliant because of how Joel was both extremely selfish and selfless in saving Ellie's life. I'm fully expecting the sequel to shit on him for being a WHITE FUCKING MALE.

user, i liked the first game well enough. but criticism you see pointed towards the sequel will likely be warranted. it will be nothing more than a by the books sequel that does nothing more. another game that feels more like a movie than a game, in a generation full of such "experiences". it will be good, but it will also be highly overrated as a (near) fucking masterpiece.

The console? or the games? Ps4 has less games then PS2 not something to be proud of when Sony wants PS5 getting less exclusives AAA games. Meanwhile more PC gamers are on the rise.

I think I hate people like you the most. You acknowledge the shitty political pandering of modern games, modern anything really, but you still inevitably consume them. You're like a prison girlfriend who just kinda accepted the role after enough gay rapes.

"its the last of us, but better" aka the devs took 0 risk and its the same fucking game a second time.

well the first one was great so this one probably will be too

My hot take: I really enjoyed the first one when I played it, and was excited to see a sequel, but from what I've seen so far, it looks like another samey cinematic experience from Sony with a VERY forced SJW agenda. You don't show that trailer (you know the one) to a theater full of people who don't want to see what they showed without wanting to deliver some sort of message that you are "with the times" or some other nonsense. I mean, it could have a very enjoyable campaign, but right now, I don't like what I see.

i don't seem to recall saying there was anything acceptable about that, nor that it would even be better than the first, but that also doesn't immediately make it a bad game. critical thinking, user. use it.
>You acknowledge the shitty political pandering of modern games, modern anything really, but you still inevitably consume them.
pretty easy to do if you aren't a braindead, easily manipulated mongoloid. you can experience something without agreeing with everything expressed within, user. i'd recommend trying it sometime.

I probably hate myself more than you do, but I am admittedly weaning myself off pozzed shit. Haven't seen a movie in theaters in about a year, and I don't subscribe to shit like Netflix or Hulu anymore. I will probably wait for Yea Forums reaction threads before I decide to rent the game or just avoid it entirely.

>to glowing reviews
The reasons behind the reviews matter more than the numbers themselves.
If it's praised for gameplay then it's praised for gameplay, but if it's praised for being some fucking "experience" where they just jerk it to the story or narrative or whatever the fuck then the reviews mean fucking nothing because it's meant to be a videogame and should be critiqued as such.

>implying a naughty dog game will ever not get glowing reviews
It's a foregone conclusion, OP. Reviewers probably started drafting their pieces after the reveal trailer.

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You already posted this thread today, fuck off

Is there anything that has made Yea Forums seeth more then Zelda, Smash, Undertale & TLOU?

Look guys, I posted it again!

Imagine thinking you're part of some counterculture movement to rely on some hivemind (who also feels part of said movement) to tell you how to feel about something lmfao

None of what you just said describes my thoughts on this matter. I already came to the conclusion myself that TLoU 2 will most likely be shit, because Uncharted 4 was shit. I am learning to be a more discerning customer and it has very little to do with (((4channel)))

>western devs in charge of female design
Another goblina, how surprising...

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Which is exactly why you said you'd wait for Yea Forums reaction threads after previously saying it'd be a perfectly serviceable game, correct? Just admit you're one of the sheeple and move on, user.

>mfw I get to play more movie games

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