Five years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin' watched...

Five years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin' watched. Tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots. I know you understand.

Attached: LH.png (827x519, 390K)

I don't

how many 3-star generals are in fighting shape like Shepard?

COD literally had nukes as a core of the plot, how did they explain the nuclear winter situation? Are nukes just weaker in the call of duty universe?

The nuclear winter after WW2 really sucked balls amirite?

There was like one nuke in the Middle East who cares

you are so fucking stupid. Today there are so many ICBMs, and of orders of magnitude more power than the initial atomic bomb, that the launch of one instantly precipitates global nuclear war and the death of 99% of the world population.

This is such a famous concept in pop culture that the fact that you don't understand that is fucking pathetic. Holy shit fucking kill yourself. You're literally on Yea Forums do you not understand the premise of the Fallout games? Have you never once heard of the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction? Just fucking kill yourself you total waste of life

The only nuke fired at the US was by price to help the US forces.

it wasn't a nuke
it was an EMP

>he fell for the nuclear winter meme

lmao, fucking retard.

There were only two nukes if I recall correctly. The first was in the Middle East, so who cares? It probably cheered the place up if anything.

The second was detonated in space or something.

It was a nuke but it exploded in the upper atmosphere so only the emp effect was felt.


Why do Americans wear their beret's so shitty?

>the launch of one instantly precipitates global nuclear war and the death of 99% of the world population.
Yeah because of MAD, not because of the power of one ICBM. If one ICBM exploded we wouldn't be in a nuclear winter buddy.

>tfw you lose the 1v1 on Rust

which is why I did the launch of an ICBM not start nuclear war. Because that did happen in MW2.

And unlike what retard mcgee suggested earlier, Price intending to help the US in a top secret mission known only to Shepard wouldn't stop the US from seeing it as a hostile launch from Russia


>hostile launch from Russia
they're already invading America

The whole premise doesn’t make a lot of sense to begin with. In the game, the Russians are winning their invasion of the US, while at the same time having the capacity to win against the whole of Eastern Europe. While that is ongoing, the US is depicted as losing basically most of their naval capacity in direct combat with Russia (to the point where they can’t prevent a naval incursion against their major cities, which in turn allows the Russians to gain a solid foothold including supply lines).

I know this is supposed to be an alternate reality, but even at the height of the Soviet Union, they wouldn’t have had the capacity for fighting in both Europe, and launching a successful invasion of continental America.

Hell, World in Conflict made more sense, because the Russians in the US were actually feeling their supply issues, and the only thing that stopped them from winning was their belief, that the US had a counter measure against their nuclear missiles. it's a ghost town