Hey gamers, whats going on

hey gamers, whats going on

what are your favorite chat clients?

for me, its talkworlds

Attached: sup guys.png (1163x555, 638K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hey mark

oh seriously?
i better catch you at the AA meeting tomorrow

hey jose

its at 8pm right?

yea dude look at this gun i found in TALKWORLD

Attached: unknown.png (385x148, 14K)

bro, nice gun

sorry its me lonelystranger

yep you know it bud. hope the daughters doing good


what the fuck is going on?

Talkworld! Duh!

Attached: tw.png (1914x1080, 445K)

this game always looked cool, this thread is gonna make me download it finally after all these years

Attached: talk.gif (1216x556, 348K)

talkworld face reveal

Attached: hunk.png (450x399, 115K)

anyone gonna get on tonight

Attached: august2050 and james and mark.png (1186x553, 572K)

meetup is already going on!

Attached: meetup.png (440x346, 203K)

we're way ahead of ya

Attached: talkworld_jyppkQBUR7.png (1018x460, 187K)

this is lewd

Attached: dog about to get fucked.png (283x220, 117K)

scott is a cool guy


scary game, killed me

wtf this looks like Worlds.com except cheaper and creepier.
how do i download

Attached: 1348793802764.png (138x248, 56K)

Just download the client. It's free!

spoonfeed me the link pls i can't find shit

Attached: IMG_0902.png (418x537, 276K)

Attached: 2vo3b0.jpg (651x383, 62K)

i vaguely remember something about this from years ago

im partial to worlds.com, i love 3D worlds.

Attached: 2vo3ct.jpg (500x575, 85K)

Attached: 2vo3dn.jpg (577x433, 71K)

Attached: FUCKYOUFAG.jpg (500x676, 146K)

Attached: camping.png (1220x561, 220K)


Attached: they come.png (1181x556, 441K)

ya , my favorite flavor is vanilla

izzy moment

Attached: Screenshot_11.png (1232x568, 96K)

anyone know this hidden area

Attached: ripworlds.png (1099x531, 237K)

what the FUCK is this game, nothing on google about it.


Attached: Capture.png (360x270, 73K)

bro dont let the newfags know

nigga toilet

Attached: he comes.png (1221x556, 394K)

deepweb video game

Can you sill play talk world? Good just comes up with a telecommunication company.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dagashi Kashi - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.59_[2016.01.23_00.50.28].jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

we playing it right now

Check out my whip faggots

Attached: sick whip.png (1222x562, 212K)

Haha, what a joker am I right guys?

Attached: debz44 moment.png (200x44, 1K)

Attached: Timestomp.jpg (1032x581, 99K)

Attached: RIP NIGGAS.png (586x321, 159K)

The talkworld-online.com link that seems like was tarkworlds original link now redirects to fucking nike shoes

don't fall for it, it's a scam

check out my bitch guys. don't even think about fapping to her or I'll kill you

Attached: my waifu.png (204x377, 15K)

Why dont you upload the client because it seems nobody on the internet did yet

its for free

Its three for free, give me the mcchicken sauce or delete the fuckig thread.

Attached: cold ad.png (234x342, 41K)

Attached: download.jpg (500x820, 60K)

Me trying to find Talkworld

Attached: Wow Look! Nothing!.jpg (957x1024, 103K)

Cnet and some other site hosts it but their links are dead

sorry i dont know how to do outline text in paint

Vlord you fucking autist i know you're here, stop teasing and upload the client

Attached: smosh dont care.png (460x205, 117K)

It's online for free download no virus

Блять ты eщe и pyccкий, я хyeю

baby noob cant handle the speed

Im at a dead end


>baby noob cant handle the speed
Am i supposed to find a password to use on the secret page?

eeny weenie brain man

Oh shut the fuck up, you think i specialize in schizo args

tiny brain! tiny brain! (kids on the playground are all laughing and chanting with me, you start wetting your pants)

Why you don't want to give a link

Attached: 123.jpg (960x540, 129K)

You hurt my feelings deeply

Almost funny but you misspelled TalkWorlds retard

It's another "LET'S PRETEND THIS FAKE GAME EXISTS" thread but not entertaining like EEnE Online


smallest brain possible on Yea Forums right now

Attached: 1551857609097.png (1320x900, 547K)

ok schizo gang

playing talkworld does not make u a shizo dum dum

I literally unironically played this game.

niggas mad they cant play talkworld

Attached: snellhest.png (1029x540, 265K)

>anime poster
twice the amount of stupidity in one post


im pretty excited for the upcoming talkworld mobile app

for me its this

Attached: what am i reados.png (125x157, 11K)

is talkworld on there?

Johnny 13 Danny Phantom wiki

i knew i recognized this from somewhere

Are you talking about the 13th johnny game or your husbando?

get on free obline

>88 replies
>22 posters
1/4 of these posts are made by a samefag trying to start some sort of meme. Talkworlds was not mentioned once in the v archives before today.

Judging by the image name, i'd say its a desktop poster lol

please bro...Log oN

new game

Holy shit we got a genius over here

real game. made it myself :)

old game but source code just released. get on

nice thread, saint

second life is better

huh? nice trips

i never checked the slug page, i really am retarded

holy shit i did it. thanks for the ride bro

This is the best thread on Yea Forums right now.

>no talkworld in the basement
that was dissapointing

Don't leave me like this, how do i get ON