> be me
> playing Apex legends
> get grouped into a game with two other guys. Choose caustic
Lol this tard chose caustic. Doesn’t he know that he has the biggest Hitbox
> Game starts i’m jumpmaster
> choose to land near the edge of a cliff
> dive to it and at the last second go straight into the water killing all of us instantly
be me
>playing apex
Stopped reading...back to plebbit with you.
Kinda cringey, ngl.
But this one's way more cringey.
>hurr durr im so unique and special and ur reddit if you like anything popular
i would have done the same thing
Caustic sucks and is a shitty teammate to have, his gas slows down and blinds his own team
>Play Chinese apex
>1/4 of the server left before the game starts
>Somebody with an aimbot burst everyone down with a RE45
>1 minute since game start
>"We‘re down to 50% that some easy math"
>You finally met your first enemy
>She 3 tapped you with a wingman
>Your teammate rushes to help
>Your teammate also get 2 tapped
>Be Caustic
>Always last one standing
sigh, why aren't there more carry duos? I'm decent enough.
This is why you always give your teammates the digital threats, also helps if you're not a retard who goes in too hard.
>playing apex
>memory can not be referenced crash
might have to upgrade to win10
>be me
Who else would you be, skinwalker?
>get bullied online
>prove them right by being a thin skinned soiboy bitch
>Read people complaining twitch streamers just solo and suck
>Be streamer (shut up)
>Randoms are mouthbreathing retards everytime
>Steal shit
>Run into fights dying instantly
>Don't help
>Shittalk them in the beginning when I already see their bad ways
>Bamboozle lots of people
>They both go down, I destroy the enemy team on my own (again)
>Even though shittalked they start sucking my dick
>Endscreen always looks like this (me on the left)
>green text
Go back to wherever you came from.
>Steal shit
First come, first served queer.
You're not entitled to loot just because you killed the guy.
t. faggot that doesn't split when dropping and is just a leech
Which is why I play him. I hate my teammates.
>wahh wahh wahh
Cry some more while I cruise through early game letting you take all the risk while I swipe the good loot
I hope you get paired with a level 30+ Wraith with less than 100 kills.
I can actually kill people to get their loot friend. Looting is for weak bitches who have no skill, so I let noobs like you do it for me :)
I'm not a baby so I don't cry and whine about my team mates being shit. If I find a wingman and kill 2 people with it it's a good match in my book.
Yikes, read your own post again to see how retarded you sound
>2K is a good match
>this is the state of Yea Forums now
go back
>hahahah bro it's just a game at least I got some kill man
Fucking off yourself.
But it is just a game AHAHAHAHA
I'm gonna play how I want, which is looting the best shit I can even if I didn't get the kill, having fun with the wingman and not giving a flying fuck about your retarded code of conduct
You are I and I'm you, we're all one mind
bragging about 9 kills lmao
monkas in the chat boys
why not just be the bigger man? everyone here always says to "git gud". well if your team mate sucks cock, thats the ultimate get good. get good enough to carry him, the team, and get a win every time. that or stop being a stupid ass and use him as bait, thats what i do with my retarded team mates, it works surprisingly well
If you think that's so bad, post your total kills faggot.
Just showing how inferior randoms are. Was one of them you? That'd explain the butthurt and being so bad.