What went (so fucking) wrong?

How did they all drop the ball this hard?

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notice how they're all american games

I don't see how it being absolutely fucking terrible, bricking consoles of people dumb enough to buy it and likely killing BioWare is "dropping the ball".

>dropped the ball this year
their games have been complete shit for years now, Valve doesn't even make any

Oh hey, this retard.

He's not wrong. Canadians are pretty much discount Americans.

>76 Too much marketing, not enough content.
>Artifact Weaker than Hearthstone, not enough buy in from the peasants.
>Anthem All the skilled Bioware people left years ago. Frostbite was too much for their weak QA.
>Diablo Immortal Diversity hiring and complatency meant they were overloaded on PR that was out of touch with what gamers wanted. Blizz needs to make fucking games that people care about, and they'll get a pass on the cash grab.

What I specifically mean is the fact that muh east/west is as shit as console warring.

Dev entitlement is at an all time high. it is pretty much unmatched by any other industry. They have gotten so high from sniffing their own farts that they have completely lost touch with the people who buy and play their games.

Reminder that pirates always win.

One thing in common is decisions were made at a high level solely for revenue. Instead of making the best game they could within budget to sell the most, they did they opposite.

Each of those games have their own fails
Fallout 76 was just a fill-in for ez revenue for Bethesda with a small-ish team
Artifact was pure greed from Valve for a cash grab
Anthem went through development hell with key people leaving mid project and rushing the final product
Blizzard lured by chink-money

They all deserve to eat dicks.

has always, yes ALWAYS, been shit
the only good original games they have are portal 1 and 2. everything else was either jacked from the community or is just shit
do I even need to comment
has been on a steady decline for a long time

western development studios padded with unqualified "diversity" hires

Chasing constant cash flow and games as a service based set ups is the cancer that will kill western vidya
People like Bethesda single player games, trash as they may be, FO3, NV and 4 were pretty popular as well as TeS 4 and 5
Biowares most popular games are their single player RPG's
For the other 2, Valve has just been dead for too long anyways and with Diablo, that game was the Metroid Federation Force of Diablo
Diablo mobile would probably have been fine if it was announced alongside D4 but it wasn't

publishers usually aren't going to take something from a passionate developer who wants to make a game for the sake of it being fun. they are profit motivated and are far more likely to support a game that is filled to the brim with the same, shitty "proven" features that move units with no regard to actual game quality.

>Diablo mobile would probably have been fine if it was announced alongside D4
This is correct.
It would've been equivalent to (and this comparison has been made a fair few times) the Fallout 4 + Fallout Shelter announce. Shelter was to tide people over till the main course.

hey now their tes and fallout games have always been shit but future shock and skynet were fantastic

Yes, more or less this. D3 was shit on launch but they've at least fixed it since, I actually quite like the console ports. Very interesting how they saved it
Point being, D4 seemed obvious based on all the hinting, my friends who are way bigger into the series showed me all the teasing and yeah all that and the "dont you have phones" comment, no matter how non-offensive the guy meant it was just too poorly timed

>killing BioWare
a studio is only as good as its devs, and BioWare lost its devs long, long ago
it hasn't been "BioWare" for a while

>Fallout 76
Bethesda pushed their luck and finally found the straw that broke the camel's back. The removal of Fallout's identity and the insane amount of bugs were already an issue in previous games but 76 took it to an extreme.

Valve totally bungled the marketing and never figured out who the game was actually for. Dota 2 players aren't gonna play a paid card game. Card game players already have plenty of other options. Everyone else doesn't care. It might recover if Valve gives in and makes it F2P.

Bioware, a studio already on its last legs, was forced by EA to make a type of game they had no business making, because Destiny/etc were a success. It's almost totally lacking in what makes Bioware, Bioware. Another step towards the studio's inevitable demise.

>Diablo Immortal
I actually think this will be a huge success regardless of quality, but Blizzard has been totally clueless about what fans want for years now.

>>Diablo Immortal Diversity hiring and complatency meant they were overloaded on PR that was out of touch with what gamers wanted. Blizz needs to make fucking games that people care about, and they'll get a pass on the cash grab

Wrong on all counts. D4 is stuck in development hell and DI was meant for the chink market but since they had no other releases for the franchise coming up they decided to be lazy and announce it for the burger market too.

>Western developers

Attached: DkeJeU3UcAEEtzG.jpg (762x1000, 114K)

76 was designed from the get go to be a multiplayer mod for fallout 4. There was no way it wasn't going to be shit.

The browner the country of origin. The shittier the game. Of course NA makes only shit games, they’re minority white.

>Wrong on all counts
This is Blizzard we're talking about. Have you even played diablo 3 and overwatch?

Nope. FPS is normie trash and dungeon crawlers are boring, repetitive garbage.

Japs aren't white though

Why is Diablo Immortal in there? don't you guys have phones?

>You're wrong
>Have you any knowledge base with which to substantiate your claims?
>Lolno, those games are shit, why would I ever play them?
user, what is wrong with you?

Canadians are Americans.
Argentinians, Canadians, Brazilians, Mexicans ... you guys are the same, the same cesspool of human life.

Anthem is Canadian.

Their mistake was not making a TPS cinematic story game. Hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and start cranking those gems out.

I seriously have no idea what Valve was even thinking with Artifact.

They were thinking magic the gathering marketplace money without getting buy in from the users. And they figured richard garifield knew his shit, even when the players were telling them "FUCK NO".

They ain’t brown that’s for sure

Fallout 76 was a LONG time coming for Bethesda, though. Their games were always handled with gloves by all the critics out there and "mods will fix it" was the pervasive attitude among the fanbase. Now they're released a low effort stinker critics can't turn a blind eye to because the community turned on it due to no possibility of fixing it on their own. This wake up call should have really happened with Fallout 4 which had the shortest honeymoon period of all the Bethesda games.

Attached: TES_dagoth despairs.jpg (635x457, 108K)

Diablo Immortal is being made by Netease, a chinese company.

>you have to play the games to know their dev history

Consumer of the Year award right here.

>Their games were always handled with gloves by all the critics out there and "mods will fix it" was the pervasive attitude among the fanbase.


How many games got torn to pieces for shit that's just plain overlooked in Bethesda games?

>Meanwhile in Nippon

Attached: ohnononononono.png (984x670, 480K)

Diablo Immortal does not fit in with this. It was not the sole factor in Blizzard's current position. Investing in Overwatch League and having nobody care, a shitty WoW xpac, admitting that HotS is over, Hearthstone stagnation and people's gaining interest in MTG Arena, are all influencing this. Plus, Diablo Immortal isn't out yet, and will probably make a ton of money in China, so it will still be a success for Blizzard regardless of how you feel about it.

It's not like Japanese are immune to bad games, but it certainly appears to be less systematic than in the west.

Unfinished even more so than usual, doomed from the start
Valve resting on their laurels thinking people would buy a game because it had their name on it, plus a poor leadup to the closed beta and bad advertising
lol bioware
>diablo immortal
game no one asked for advertised directly to the people who didn't ask for it

Canada is part of americas you dumb fatburgerlandboi

3/10 trolling. Stop while you’re ahead, user.


I'd team up with the banana monkey bastards in Brazil to eradicate you worthless mounds of meat called Europeans

>the only good original games they have are portal 1 and 2. everything else was either jacked from the community or is just shit
portal is technically not even original, valve hired the devs of narbacular drop to make it, who was already proto-portal

>actually thinking the problem with Artifact is the business model

It LOST players. The game play simply isn’t good. Garfield is a one hit wonder

At least some people had the balls to call the tech for what it is.


the internet at large might have invaded Yea Forums due to crossboarding retards who can't stop acting like le eppikk four chane in public, but this also had the side effect of Yea Forums's opinions dispersing through the internet at large

1. Focusing on investor profits instead of good games.

2. Forced diversity, giving jobs to people because they’re unique/ differnt.

I’ll also mention that in the last year I realised gaming had become a chore and that I wasn’t trebly enjoing it, more of a grind if you will.

I had an Xbox so I thought maybe it was the console so I bought a ps4, ps4 same thing.

Two weeks ago I bought a switch....

I’m actually enjoying games again, I’m kinda more casual and relaxed in my play. Playing BOTW, Smash, Mariokart and Arena of Valor.

I think the family friendly content is also kind of relaxed, and maybe, just maybe the fact that I don’t chat with people online is helping too.

Can’t believe I also actually like indie games, not for long periods but yeah.

Seethe harder cuck.

They're all shameless cash grabs trying to cash in on the success of other similar games.

I think its bad to blame investors. The suits pleasing the investors are the ones to be blamed. Suits pull out the cheap and easy tricks that will make investors happy in the short term and end up hurting themselves in the long term.

Fo76 is a fun game.