*takes away your tap battle orbs*

*takes away your tap battle orbs*

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Other urls found in this thread:



Why are they doing this?

they want you to buy orbs, retard
why else?

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fuck accessories

Fuck this jew fuck owl

>less reason to play tap battle

Thank god

I'm ready for Bound Hero Battle reruns to just give 200/300/400 feathers instead of orbs if you didn't clear them the first time

>less and less free orbs

M8s i will be free soon... This game will be dying so fast

tap battle was a chore anyway

They did this last month's tap battle.
And with Forging Bonds.
And the monthly quests too.
Greedy fucks.

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everyday i get more disappointed with IS.

Surely there must have been a better way to make old accessories available.
>40k arena medals
I'm drawing a blank here.

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They want to loose players to focus on the generic YouTubers who spend a lot of money on +300 orbs summons on every banner

Why are you surprised?

For me it's perfect because if they continue with this shit I would finally unistall that shit, I didn't spend a single dólar and I don't going to do

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thanks to the user last thread about the cipher caravan album

Sorry, it's my fault I haven't been spending my orbs except when characters I like come out.

Should I play FEH? I dropped it after two days on release but I recently got hooked on a mobile srpg and I'm wondering if I should give FEH another chance.
Do you NEED to roll the gacha in FEH? I'd prefer to play with default characters if possible.

>make retarded decisions
>introduce new powercreep with every new banner now
>start decreasing the income of free orbs from other modes
>now decrease monthly orbs by completely removing the quests
>also now there's even less reason to play shit battle
>wtf why are we losing money????
Suck my fucking cock ISIS, choke on it.

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This recent banner is literally the opposite of powercreep though.

>do you NEED to roll the gacha in FEH?
You could get away with using the many 5* units you get for free, but rolling for the sake of skills couldn't hurt.

I can understand why they'd want to replay the old accessories for people who missed them, but I really do not see why they didn't just do a Tap Battle Quests 2 and ran the usual quests alongside accessory quests.

dead game dead franchise
fe should have stayed dead

But at least we now got TEN whooping Sacred Coins.

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>they play FEH
this is why everyone laughs at you

Thank god, I only do crap battle for the orbs. It's a waste of time.

it's been 2 years. They know at this point they only have to keep the whales hooked. It sucks for the players but businesswise it's the most obvious choice.

And this is why you NEVER get involved with a gacha.

Hopefully they don't leave behind some of the fun stuff in Heroes like weapon triangle mattering, the skill variety like with the assist skills and etc when continuing mainline.

I'm playing it less and less with each passing day. They're really doing a great job at making me not wanting to play for more than just logging on.

But that's fucking retarded. Keeping a healthy community is the best way to keep whales. If everyone quits because they're pandering to whales too hard, then the whales will quit too.

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Isn't it in the quests now? I saw the ones for the last tap battle were for the entire length of it.
Always used to miss the quests before that because I forgot while they were slowly meting out the stages.

Nope, not even there anymore.

Yea this is getting out of hand. I like to save orbs and then spend them on a decent legendary banner. I'm going to stick around and see what that new game mode is, but I'm pretty close to dropping this since every game mode exists to make users pull for OP units to do well in them. Shame, FEH had a bit more depth than I thought it would and I enjoyed building teams with characters I liked.

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>take away orbs.
>Pad the blank with arena medals and crystals.

For the fucks sake, at least Dragalia have decency to give something useful or a pity amount of currency.

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>Cygames: Nintendo told us to stop monetarising Dragalia so heavily as it might hurt their brand


>Arena Medals
why do these even exist still? Crystals at least save me a few minutes of grind sometimes when I get a flimsy unit to level, Arena Medals are literally worthless. No one will ever say "damn I wish I had more arena medals" because they get heaps of them from arena, events, etc. and there's zip diddly do to use them on because they're only for refining weapons, which is more reliant on the refine stones/divine dew than anything else.

It wasn't' cygames it was cyberagent a parent company.

And those retards only bitched because they lost ton of money on some streaming service and wanted put blame on something.

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God I hate Aether Raids so much

Top kek. You know ISIS fucked up when people are grateful that they have less incentive to play the shittiest mode in the game. Glad I dropped this trash a year ago, back when there were *only* 20 Camilla, Corrin, and Lucina alts.

I only run a 3* Wrys in a pope hat on defense because I'm not a tryhard.

I just recently started auto battling it. It's not worth the effort at all.

I just want +10 Zephiel, for fuck's sakes. He's my nigga and my shining light and has carried me through so fucking much of this fucking game.

Does he have DC? I sacrificed 1 of my Hectors and he's been putting in some nice work.

Is there anywhere I can find the full art of characters? Some of them are cut off and I want the full piece.

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>People always doompost dragalia.
>FEH is the one actually dying.

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Of course. His weapon refine made DC a no-brainer for him.

People have been doomposting FEH since it's release

I don't see people talk about dragalia at all. But then again, I don't engage in the cesspit of /vg/.
This Tap Battle change and the random free heroes instead of pickable ones were the only thing that really set me off though, AR was vomit since the start because it's literally every shitty thing about Arena x10 and I don't usually care much for Arena itself.

I like Aether Raids

I like messing around with my defense. I just put in the minimum work to stay in my tier as far as offense goes.

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I'm the opposite. I don't know how to do a good defence while I always do my daily Aether Raid defence.

>I don't know how to do a good defence
Hide your strongest units behind shitloads of objects.

This tap battle is a rerun though.

>joined during the anniversary last month
>game is already dying
Th-thanks... At least I have all the Ikes?

Didn't they increase the orb count last time?

It's doing okay numbers. It just got a dry period and was rreleased in only 2 countries.

Now it got released on more countries and got some big updates. But I think that people still are asshurt about emulators.

Yeah and that one gave orbs, where are my orbs?!?


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Didn't Nintendo release a statement like a week ago that all of their mobile games are getting more freebies to avoid "I spent $5000 and only got 30 Ryoumas" horror stories?

get in line

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After my daughter

They said they wanted their mobile games to not make people spend in excess. So FEH should in theory be giving out more free orbs so that we don't have to buy any but they didn't get the memo

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>ISIS being next level retarded
What else is new.

I keep the game installed just to vote for Camilla in every new alt contest.


Please tell me where the 5 missing orbs from the monthly quests went.

Dailies, like every other fucking time you faggots whine about losing orbs

It's literally not though.

Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

>What, you dont like that the orbs are missing? Stop joking around, clearly you approve of this decision otherwise you wouldnt have done this

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>monthly quests lack 5 orbs.
>bond orbs got replaced by a single fucking ticket that you can't even hold.
>no orbs on tap rerun.

Do you play FGO NA? Because only those retards defend this kind of shit.

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This. I'm the same way, but only because Aether Aids is killing my urge to play.

Say what?

>people complaining about orb count
>when january had the second most amount of free orbs to date
February despite being anniversary month was lacking, but far from the lowest amount. We got more free units instead.

Honestly I love the FE franchise but the past week+ has been brutal. I've lost pretty much all my will to continue playing. I barely have enough to get login bonuses and daily bond orbs

>am literall f2p with 1000 orbs and most of the "powercreeep units"

you people are such bitches

I'm okay with the banner tickets but the other stuff is just stupid. If nothing else it could at least be something useful. Refining stones, grails, sacred coins, things like that. Instead it's just arena medals, badges, and crystals. AKA stuff I have way too much of just from playing normally.

>We got more free units instead.

Never say that again. Duplicate pulls and Legendary Lyn. Fuck, I'd sooner take 20,000 feathers than retard vote Legend Lyn.

There needs to be more banner ticket hand outs and more banners with tickets.

Its kind of ridiculous How FEH is removing orbs while GBF is drowning people in resources and outright removing most of the ridiculous timegating shenanigans

We got more free units instead.

The issue is that none of those shitty resources have use and just clog the reward table.

Look at dragalia mats, all the shit you get is useful either for weapons, adventurers or halidom.

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>>bond orbs got replaced by a single fucking ticket that you can't even hold.
The bond orbs were replaced by 10 grails each though. The tickets came later and replaced feathers I think.

>Sacred coins for sacred seal forging, refining stones for weapon refines, and grails for merging aren't helpful
Unless you're referring to the latter stuff that guy was referring to with having too much of, then I understand.

At this point I'm just hoping a mainline FE game will have similar mechanics to Heroes
Then I will finally have an opportunity to play around with neat skills and abilities without having to take a second job

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This. FUCKING THIS. Heroes has a lot I admire like the weapon triangle mattering, variety in skills, EP and PP being well balanced and etc. Even the game modes like Arena and Aether I have fun when I'm not stressing out on getting high scores, but ultimately a lot of the game is held back by the gatcha being a paywall to fully enjoy the game and how it hurts arena and aether raids due to how scoring is tied with a lot of the bonus units being new summonable units. Some balancing to remove or at least lessen power creep can help such a mainline.

Kill yourself colossal faggot

I like it, I just wish I was less shit at it. I've almost ruined my chances of t21 again

At least we got free units.

This is merely the second great orb drought. Do not buckle those of us from day one survived the first and the younglings will learn soon enough how to not roll on bait after the free roll.

Save your orbs and wait for seasonal banners, B8% banners, and herofests unless your a waifufag or favorite character roller.

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When was the first orb drought though?

>+Spd -Atk Sue
Is she salvageable bros?
I can't afford to roll for another. M-maybe she'll demote haha.


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sometime near the end of? the first year it was a big deal when orb distributions came back. I'm sure some autists on reddit have carefully spreadsheeted the distrubution of orbs over time multiplied by faggotry or something go google it homo.


>2017 June, May and April only had under 180 orbs when most other months at least had 280.

she is just the purest waifu, her womb will kill off any semen that isnt robins

anything less than 280 orbs a month is truly suffering tier. I remember thems was bad times but I guess they didn't have enough content to even roll for back then. when were free first rolls introduced? they also are trying to jew us with the first roll tickets too when they should just be 5 additional orbs or tickets for ANY roll on any banner instead of being tied to first roll on specific banners.

I refuse to believe we get this many orbs per month.
Where the heck did all mine go?

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I thought the same. This month I actually decided to mark what I had at the first of the month and going to check again what we get at the end of the month to make sure I'm not missing anything. Surprisingly we've gotten about 90 orbs this month so far.

>being a luck shitter
>sniping one color and that color appearing once or not at all
>rolling EVER
pick 3. any self respecting F2Per should always be sitting on a minimum of 300 orbs unless their dream banner character comes along or the aforementioned seasonal, B8%, herofest occurs.

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I've basically been ignoring the bl*ssed gardens, so I know I've got a good stash when I can be bothered.

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>nintendo tells mobile department stop being jews with micro transactions
>IS doubles down
The game is also going to die out faster if they gets stingy with distribution of in game currency. How do they not see that?

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One of us needs to get into debt and publicly an hero, so they're forced to give us free stuff.

Fuck I still got all of the lunatic chain challenges to do
I'm not looking forward to them

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I vote spic user does it for a live event. While streaming the build up the donations from the chat go towards f2pers to roll on a bait banner.

Now hear me out~
no more faggot spic user
no more shitty spam from that faggot
higher quality of all fire emblem threads
f2pers get some well earned orbs
he gets to be with his waifu aka everyone elses shared bicycle

the filter sensible people use goes to waste
no more free art scammed off of artists for free
if conspiracy that Aceman is spic faggot then we will lose Basedman image dumper

has anyone else here seen the conspiracy that Aceman is thotjanon can you post the infographic

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>being this obsessed
Just filter tripnonces bro. Alternatively put yours back on.

Eir can be used as a healer/attacker. If you can get Leanne or Reyson they can function as dancers and healers at the same time. Really the main ones you should watch out for are the chain challenges like book 2 chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12 as they have big threats like dancers Lewyn, Ishtar, Helbindi and Laejgarn. It took me like 12 tries for them to beat them until I got a team that worked.

I already do I'm just fuckin spitballin bro chillax. I know you're mad about your lack of orbs but seriously dude chill out it's not like there are better waifus across the series or anything which have been voted higher than her or anything just chill dude damn. why you goin so aggro mane chillax jeez gawd dayum aint no thang lil dog aint no trubs bubs just breathe man sit down dude wow.

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*Replaces the orbs with grails*
Because retards play AR and encourages ISIS to replace orbs with grails because its "FREE UNITS XD"

Same, I just need one more merge until I can drop that shit

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I run Leaf, Finn and Nanna. With Leaf equipped with just a Light Brand and Escape Route. And I've had one person throw me a free win by letting his whole team die on purpose, and others have killed my whole team with Arvis/Julius solo. It's pointless to try get defense wins with a level 2 fort anyway.

>others have killed my whole team with Arvis/Julius solo
How? You have to make your teams before seeing your opponent, and it's hard to imagine people just happened to have a team of just Arvis and Julius as one of their offense parties.

Kill yourself, the world would be better off with one less retard.

>Lyon's weapon is just a raventome
>Not something fucking amazing fitting the final boss of his series.

Thanks for the tips bro

The ones with Brave Veronica, Hoshido Miciaiah, Brave Lyn and Owain are some other paralogue chain challenges that are particularly harder than usual.

Thinking about uninstalling, talk me out of it. It's definitely better for my wallet

If you're spending money, uninstall.

Early lifetime (which is a given)... or well, first year in general.

I know i have like 40 orbs on squad assault because even with very good teams i always fuck something up and have to do it all over again. I don't even want to start those

Give account info. send to [email protected]

You'll just have to promise yourself to ignore all FEH threads and news, otherwise you might be tempted to go back in.

t. me

>being this upset

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i've been collecting dailies only for the past few months. this gacha's appeal is long gone and it's shit is whack. i see myself dropping it sooner or later.

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When did CYLs come out? Curious to see them. Basically the highlight of FEH since they typically look nice and can carry a team for the next half to full year. Also curious if Camilla will stay a dragon flier. Didn't she get her own special scene in the old Witch DLC? Maybe sexy witch Camilla.

Late August.