Tfw you will never get good

>tfw you will never get good
>Suck shit at souls
>Suck shit at fighting games
>Suck shit at strategy games
i'm sorry Yea Forums

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Have you actively tried to get good or you think if you play enough you will get good? Hell, do you really want to or its all just wanting it for the sake that it would be nice?

>playing online
>get most kills, most assists
>no one says gj
>play again
>team sucks, you left out like a wounded beast surrounded by lions
>told gitgud and ur shit
>recommended to delete game once its over
>rinse and repeat
dont even start with me

Try focusing on one game.

As long as you're having fun, you are a winner in my eyes OP

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I trudged through bloodborne (the first from software game i've played) and quit dark souls 3 at some giant bellydancer bitch.

I have never managed to beat the newer X-com games, i get real bored and abandon civ-like games, and hate starcraft.

As for fighting games its pretty much I just don't have the interest to learn them.

I have a friend who thinks he is bad at action / fighting games and just gives up every time, but really he never even makes an attempt to understand. He just starts intentionally mashing random buttons as if to demonstrate how the game doesn't take any thought anyway, then when that doesn't work he acts like the game is shit. He's really good at rhythm games so I know he can git gud, but he just doesn't try.

maybe you just don't like games you fucking tard

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>tfw actually got good at fighting games
>love them so much but there aren't any games that interest me right now
>learned so much from getting good at fighting games I am a totally changed person
>have been using the skills/learning process acquired from fighting games to get good at drawing now.
Fighting games changed my life. Repost, meant to post this image.

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he's right

>suck shit at fighting games
Those are not easy to master anyways
>suck shit at strategy games
Ditto. I feel like a retard trying to even play those. Another I'm terrible are DMC games with the combo system.

I'm the inept fuckhead who played Touhou 12: UFO on normal over the course of a year trying to get a 1cc (and that was after playing the other games prior, UFO just meshed the most). I dedicated time to it every day, sometimes an absurd amount of time (I've sat there playing in 6-hour sessions, sometimes 8). Studied the fuck out of it but it was always my shitty execution or random lapses in my attention from all the shit on the screen. Didn't matter how much I practiced the routes, I'd get my shit kicked in. Didn't even matter if I played the other games, or even other shmups. Furthest I ever got was entering stage 6 before promptly getting swatted.
Eventually the study and practice just fucked my ability to enjoy the games at all. I kept losing. It got to the point where I would get pissed off just booting up the game.
If you're not having fun practicing, just fucking drop it. It's not worth it. Especially when you aren't getting better. Don't listen to autists who don't understand how failure tastes.

Gitting gud is a meme. Games are at their most fun when you suck shit at them and don't know any better.
I could be worthless points in X rank in any mode in splatoon only using my main weapon, or I could play paint brush in turf war and try to kill people by booping them 3 times. I know the latter is going to be much more fun whether I win or lose.
You could be grinding worthless points in smash online playing a top tier you don't particularly like and fighting flowchart faggots over and over again on battlefield, or you could set up an arena with any stages you want and fight people who actually like playing the game.
You could be grinding art studies and feel constant anxiety over your lack of skill, or you could draw whatever you want for fun, pick up skills along the way by drawing ten times as much as you would if you were forcing yourself to do boring stuff.
You could be reading books from a dedicated list of classics in a set that some user on Yea Forums made in an hour, or you could read fun shit that will get you interested in reading and actually prepare you to comprehend, remember and enjoy those classics.
The more you try to control your own experience, the less authentic it will be. Like the chinese finger trap, victory is achieved by letting go.

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I played Starcraft from ages 15-24 and only got worse.

OP, I'm casual as fuck and suck shit at Souls but I can get through it. I just got to Anor Londo in Souls 3. You can do it, bro. Only other games I play are Red Dead, GTA, Elder Scrolls and Fallout. I'm an open world babby.

>Street Fighter V
>1325 hours

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>suck at fighting games
>suck at mobas
>suck at racing games
>suck at 4x games
>suck at fps
>suck at slash/hack
>suck dicks
>good at card games

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same OP (except souls game, just put everything in STR and health). I don't even try to play fighting games, strategy games and cRPGs. I just play asscreed and games like that nowadays.

>suck at vidya but just like real life, you aren’t driven to improve

Sekiro looks great but I won’t get it now that I’m reminded it will be just as difficult as BB was.

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>Video Games are your one hobby
>Terrible at them

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>think you’re getting the hang of it
>it starts to get easy but then realize you’re using a cheese weapon or method

>Suck at FPS
>Not that it matters, because I hate comp and spend all my time on TF2 dicking around on 2fort or that no rules mode in overwatch.

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>think i'm okay at FPS because I can beat bots
>actual humans destroy me
>spend my days playing FPS alone against bots

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>>tfw you will never get good
>>Suck shit at souls
This might not work for you, but try listening to music or a podcast or even a stream when playing soulsborne if you can't beat it. You'll lose audio cues but often times the music can be so oppressive that taking it away actually gives you a leg up.

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Cheese is the heart of warfare, it's pure ludo.