Days Gone Is One AAA-Ass Video Game

>Jason: The mission you play in the open world, you actually go to her grave... So that’s the thing, I’m intrigued to see where the story’s going. And the performances are really good. I like the main character a lot, even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white dude biker.
>even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white dude biker.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: days gone kotaku.jpg (882x809, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread: Gone Is One AAA-Ass Video Game/

it means its total war on white males.

oh look this thread again
can you at least change up the post somewhat?

I think it's illegal to like white males now

>typical gruff triple-A white dude biker

How many of these exist exactly?

At this point, woke people talk shit about white people in passing without even realizing it.

He hates white people.


Oh god, of coooooouuurrrssseeeee. He's Jewish. How predictable.

Attached: Jason-Schreier-small-672x372.jpg (672x372, 66K)

I love how just repeating someone's last name is now seen as legitimate antisemitism.
Not the fact that you can do it blindly and be right 90%+ of the time with these people.

Could all the pol tourists, or dumbasses as I like to call them, kindly fuck off?

Yea Forums has always hated generic protagonists. End of story.

I agree and am also not Jewish.

Days Gone is redpilled

Well, there's that infamous glitchy ass game with the awkward clothed sex scenes whose name escapes me right now. So I guess 2 maybe?


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>retards on this board will buy this shit just to spite journos who desire that effect

>listening to what paid shills say

He means this.
Yea Forums hated this too until it became /pol/-lite, now trying to do anything different is "wHItE GenOcIDE

Attached: video-game-protagoniso9k1j.jpg (500x400, 157K)

He means stop shilling you fucking imbecile. Gone Is One AAA-Ass Video Game/

Fuck off schlomo

means he's another mindless "woke" shill that is dismissive of white people because it's popular right now

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Ignoring the article, why the hell is that guy even aiming at the mob? Like nigga, you're already on your bike just ride off lmao

What did he mean?

What the fuck, you total tard. Almost all those dudes in your pic have vastly different personalities and behaviours.
So your problem is brown hair, pale skin and stubble?

If the solution is playing as ugly nigs, twig sized women that you're expected to believe that can beat up full grown men, or teenaged asians...

Then bring on the white male bald space marines

Most of those guys don't even look alike, other than being white.

His problem is white people.

sorry you're kind of retarded
generic 30something white guys with short hair and optional short facial hair are still generic 30something white guys with short hair and optional short facial hair regardless of their personality
if you think their looks don't make a difference then why do you care about playing a lady or a nog?

Nobody wants to play as non-whites though. Wei Shen from Sleeping Dogs would be the exception, but that's a phenomenal game and Wei's a good character.

It means that Jews do not like white people.

(Jeff Foxworthy voice)
Here's your sign

>have vastly different personalities and behaviours

Attached: literallythesame.jpg (500x400, 47K)

Nobody actually cries about playing as non-whites, other than /pol/-level alt-right retards.

ride to hell retribution

Most of the guys there look very different and act even more differently though.
Do you have facial blindness?

Imagine reviewing video games for a living. Fucking sad.

Attached: bang bang bang devil trigger.gif (635x354, 2.96M)

That's Bill Engvall you stupid piece of fucking shit, mcfucking kill yourself

But 95% of non-whites are ugly, and aren't pleasing to look at it. No one wants to spend 40 hours in a game looking at one.

>look very different
tell me what is factually wrong about my statement
>30something white guys with short hair and optional short facial hair

Shepard and Thorton are inserts for you, their character is completely up to your discretion.

Attached: non white modelling agency.png (690x691, 347K)

>white dude
picked the fuck up.

Are Ashkenazi genes linked to Prosopagnosia?

Why is it okay for women and minorities to insist that we need more women and minority protagonists because they can't relate to white males, but it's not okay for white males to want to play as white male protagonists because they can't relate to women and minority protagonists?


people compare white models to regular minorities and act like it means something, when there are plenty of buttfuck ugly white people (just go to your local Wal-Mart)

Fuck shiina

Maybe the game won't be shit
And it'll have silky smooth 30 fps
Damn I want to play it
Damn I know it's gonna be shitty too
I know it's also going to be a movie game
End my life bros

Not him, but both DMC and Final Fantasy had nothing but "white" leads and none of them fell into the generic caricature as . And received no such complaints either.

>this thread again
Tbqh him being a spic biker would’ve made the game cooler tho

>white people in walmart
Those are mutts.

>Nobody wants to play as non-whites though
Kill yourself

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that's stupid reasoning either way, and not the only reasoning available
>why is it okay
stop strawmanning

Why is it okay for you to reply without answering his point?

The Japanese are pretty much the white people of Asia.

Japanese are honorary Aryans though, so nobody gives a fuck about them

>answer point with "neither are okay"

Oy vey, I agree! It's those evil /pol/ boogeymen ruining vidya! Yesss
Remember to pre-order last of us 2! You're woke aren't you? How's your Apex Legends account going? Buying lootboxes?




somebody fucking gets it
white bikers are fucking pussies compared to mexinugs

Thank you for telling me what I think.

t. Yea Forums

>"old Yea Forums"
Those were neogaf shitskins and jews raiding the site.

>Those are mutts.
>coming from another mutt

what did he mean by this?

>even though he’s this typical gruff triple-A white-ass cis-privileged heterosexual mansplaining racist sexist able-bodied transphobic and absolutely fucking based dude biker.
What in the mother of fuck did they mean by this, motherfuckers?

But I'm not american.

Clearly we need more shit haired, shit skinned, and shit eyed space marines.

>unironically reading (((J*son Schr***r)))
Makes me feel sick.

It's hard to garner sympathy for a character who would be cutting up children and flaying women alive when their husbands don't pay ransom.

Those people who whined about "GeNeRiC wHiTe MaLe PrOtAgOnIsT" are more than likely weak faggots who have never touched a barbell in their life.

This is true but I wonder if "generic" is the right word considering characters like him have started to fall out of favor in the industry.

"Uninspired" is a better term I think, and no it has nothing to do with his race/etc. There's just nothing interesting about him, that wouldn't change if he was a crippled black transwoman.

This is why Jack is better than Snake.

Lifting is a waste of time


Yeah how could I forget how we hated generic bald space marines like Naked Snake and Frank West I love that Marcus Fenix isn't even in this picture.


>based NAHMAN
Delete your post.

Attached: 1458532722142.png (371x353, 148K)

Reminder that white men are based and redpilled. Other coloured men are not important and dont matter.

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Old Yea Forums here. We didn't know how good we had it back then. No one could have forseen the abominations that games like Apex Legends' characters can be. Back then, there wasn't open war against white men. People wouldn't openly talk about how much they hated white men. Shit like that wasn't acceptable or pushed. In short, you take things for granted until they're gone (like your parents) and you realize how bad things can get.

So fuck journalists. Fuck you. Fuck jannies. And fuck niggers.

Attached: Joosten flowers 2.jpg (852x1136, 117K)

>Waste of time
Do it, it improves your life. And people like being around other people who are happy about themselves and give off positive vibes.

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i really hope you aren't trying to say that the people in that picture are attractive

>Jason (((Schreier)))


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I find it more of a time saver since I can get the same fitness results in much lower time than lighter forms of exercise.


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The problem is he's gruff, not white. Picking a different shade on the colour wheel wouldn't make him a better character.

The Just Cause guy is a spic right? Same problem.

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I'd say the Hell's Angels are almost just as bad as the mexican mafia as far as gang shit. But the mexican mafia has no real concept of honor so actually I guess they are worse

This thread really proves that the invasion is finally complete. Great job everyone!

MAN! How are those chinese, japanese, all of these foreign modelling agencies getting white women to keep their own women out of modelling?


>/pol/ has the best one
What was meant by this?

>need to spend hours a day multiple times a week
>need to spend more money on food
>if you stop your useless muscles will atrophy so you need to keep going forever
Fucking waste

Yeah, they destroyed the non-binary multiethinc culture we used to have here on v

Things change, retard. Until Obama, I used to think Bush was the worst president.

His character is shallow. You know who he is without having to trudge through a storyline.

It's just easier to pick the gang that at least stays away from butchering children for organs. You can go with the "Honourable scoundrel" like you suggested.

>From the start of the game, your main character (Kassandra, or Alexios if you’re basic) will take reduced damage from leaping off mountains or buildings, no matter the height.
>or Alexios if you’re basic


Attached: YOU THINK THAT SHITS REAL.png (1094x614, 819K)

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He seemed to have more personality than her though, and they did not even give her different animations and just stuck her with the male ones.
No idea how you could see it as the other way around.

Well, if you ever change your mind - this book is an excellent start.

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Subjective. You've been brainwashed by the patriarchy into think white features are the only good looking features.

The funny thing is that in the "normal" column, you would end up with 99% white people, next to zero black people, and a small minority of asians. Which is racist, and why we need to abolish the idea of "most qualified".

And now it's time for Yea Forums to pretend that we weren't all complaining about the glut of generic ass short haircut cawdooty gruff broski protags that flooded the market in the post cawdooty world during the aughts? All Schrierer is doing is repackaging that genuine ennui in his bullshit neo-feminist intersectionalism dogma.

Right complaint, wrong reason. It's boring because it's been done a million times and no matter how high the production values, it's generic. Even God of War wrinkled the formula a bit by making Kratos a dad and forcing him to humble himself and care for another person.

The hilarious part is it's so easy to see what's going to happen now. Yea Forums, which up to this point decried AAA cinematic generic games, is going to flip the script and say "you know Days Gone is actually a good game fuck the haters", all because Kotaku is now trying to co-opt a stale meme. It's essentially "Reddit has copied it, now it's shit"; but on a genre level. Kotaku is dead ass and lazy for regurgitating what's been the ambient public attitude under the radar for years, and Yea Forums is dead as lazy for becoming hypocrites just to spite Kotaku

>those people aren't attractive though
fuck off cunt. i've seen loads of attractive non-whites and i've got yellow fever out the ass. the girls in that pic just aren't good looking.

or, to put my point differently, these:
Everyone hated these shaven head assholes for a decade. There was a huge outcry when they redesigned the protag for Infamous 2, so much so they had to backtrack slightly.

You don't have to brainwash people for that any more than you have to brainwash them into believing that the sky is blue.

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middle one is cute, just has to do something with her hair and those dark tired circles under her eyes.

>Some random kike shits out your standard woke game journo article complete with typical swipes at white people for being white
>Everyone starts an hour long debate on what bignose shekelstein wrote in 5 minutes.

uggnnnhh milkies

modelling agencies trying and failing to be woke is the new trend though. They try to hire "realistic" body types but still get confused at the existence of what is actually average because they just think "take the skinny model, but she's got a more natural look so that balances it out right?"

He means he's generic, you can stop begging for drama now.

I don't understand how they think this works. Who is the target audience for unattractive models?

I really don't give a fuck what they think, I'm just glad we get to play as a generic white dude. Why does it matter to this kike, he doesn't have to fuck him anyway.

I like how they think "realistic" only means hideous abominations.

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Majority of those characters haven't been in a game for 5+ years

white man bad

i had absolutely no hype for this game and thought it looked generic as fuck, but now Kotaku whining about it makes me think it can't be all that bad. Am I just a fucking sheep? Am I a reverse shill? I'm legitimately interested in seeing this guys characterization now, at the very least.

>he can only play as self inserts
Please fuck off from my hobby, go watch handegg and new marvel abortions or something.

It means game reviewers are fags and so is snoy

Attached: 1551649843404.png (1700x730, 209K)

Wouldn't a "true celebration of diversity" try to represent all skincolors

>Asians expect us to know the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.
>Hispanics expect us to know the difference between Mexican, Guatemalan, Venezuelan, etc.
>anyone whose ancestry is anywhere in Europe is just "white"
>put a Russian, an Italian, an Englishman, an Irishman, a Pole, a Frenchman, a Spaniard, a Romanian, and a Scot in a room together and it's "WOW, ALL WHITE, ZERO DIVERSITY" just because they all have relatively light skin
>replace all of them with Somalians and now it's diversity

Anyway, video games.

>faggot is still pushing 2009.jpeg
>literally 10 years have passed
>an actual current_year version of that image is not possible and hasn't been for 5 years
>current_year version would be possible for niggers and "feminist" protag

Has anyone ever quizzed you on the difference between these groups?

What kind of next level normie do you have to be to be excited by days gone?

I don't understand the question. Which groups are you asking about? Why would someone "quiz" me?

>Nico Bellic and Alan wake
>generic space marine dudes

It's an exclusive so people pretend to care.

You said they all expect you to know the differences between them

They do. That doesn't mean they go around asking people questions about the differences between Mexican and Guatemalan culture.

Yes my fellow white people, I too remember when we all hated these problematic white male protagonists.

You can always, always tell who is russian in the room. Not so much for western europe, maybe excluding spaniards and east european shitholes like romania and other baltic states.

If you ask a Thai girl if she's Chinese, she will scowl at you.
>t. happened IRL.

>a Russian, an Italian, an Irishman, a Pole, a Frenchman, a Spaniard, a Romanian, and a Scot
These aren't white.

When people said "Aren't you tired of these brown haired white male protags?"

I thought they meant replacing them with blonde and red haired male protags

I had no idea what SJWs really meant

t.tranny and jew

How to spot a kike, the post.

Attached: Frost_pepe.png (500x500, 183K)

>has always hated generic protagonists
Yeah no, fuck off tranny

Or maybe because it's been nearly a decade since that's been the norm.
>tYpInG lIkE tHiS
Hellooooooo, discord.

You're kinda retarded for not thinking that in the first place. The thing is though, is that most SJW add a women protag for no reason other than the fact thag shes a girl.

It's also been a decade since we had a larger library of new games to play per year.

Technically I never even claimed that they were. My post was about other people's application of that label.

>You're kinda retarded for not thinking that in the first place.

How was I supposed to know? They never said "no white males". They just showed a specific kind of white male. I was a lot less woke to the JQ back then though

Pretty funny the result is a bunch of mary sue womanblob characters no one will remember

No just stop. We don't need a other schizo. Anyways, there right on that too. I couldn't even name those half of those dudes in the brown haired white pic. Make them more vibrant blonde hair,blue eyes. Something for they can pop out as. But personality is more I'm than looks. Watch. Yea Forums is shiting on this dude now but they're gonna be saying the exact same thing when the game releases. Happens almost everytime.
That's the problem.

The way you type makes you seem like the schizo, bud.

A (((schizo))), if you will

Wondering why Jews are such a tiny minority and control a majority of government, finance and the top wealth in the nation isn't schizoid in nature. It is just being aware.

It wasn't long ago that almost everyone fell for the media's anti-white propaganda because it was so subtle. Now that they've liffed the mask an increasingly large number of people become repulsed by it with each passing year. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle now, they'll never be able to openly shit on white people without suffering major backlash.

You sound mentally ill goy.

Oh boy. Is this the part where you start calling me a jew? Well you can stop now cause I'm catholic. And yes you do sound like one, saying that a group of people are hellbent in destroying another sounds like schizo talk. I can tell you as an expol tard that leaving and dropping/pol/ was the best decision I made, take the /his/pill. Also realized how you didn't read the rest of my post

/pol/ tourism

check out all the fucking invaders calling this guy a kike to seem like they fit in
you couldn't have missed harder because he's completely right, people like characters not because they identify with whatever archetype, but because the character, within that archetype, has things about them which make them different
reminder since 2016 Yea Forums is majority underage

>take the /his/pill

Post among commies/liberals?

This is why personally I'm an anarchist I don't trust people with that much power in the government or with that much wealth. You should be worried about USA(imperialist state) and the 1% whether they're Jewish,Black,White whatever. Also one answer I may have on why theres so many jews in the media industry is because they have some good work ethics and are taught to focus on school fron their parents. Me and couple of lads used to this Jewish kid in my class cause admittedly he was a nerd.


Attached: 1517326911180s.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Most game makers are white/Japanese, most game buyers are white/Japanese, most game protags are white/anime. Cry some more, nigger. Maybe come back when you've caught up in evolution through the 10,000 years of natural selection in civilization your people missed out on.

>challenge bias towards caucasian features
>two of them are bleached blonde
You can't make this shit up.

>3 years after Yea Forums death this guy is just realising now

The joke is that he's actually praising the game literally in the next paragraph. OP is just repeatedly fishing for (You)s.

are you trying to prove the guy you're quoting right?

At least you acknowledge that they're too completely different things. No, /his/ is filled with communists,anarchists,monarchists,conservatives,liberals etc etc. But almost all of those that I listed above find the JQ retarded and a waste of time.

This whole thing can be blamed on zoomers.

Zoomers dont remember the 2000's being infested by dudebro marineguy.

Fuck zoomers.

and its a good thing

>But almost all of those that I listed above find the JQ retarded and a waste of time.

Because they're not allowed to question it IRL you mongoloid. Holocaust denial is literally illegal in some countries. They're normiecucks

But they're perfectly capable of questioning it on the internet. But wait...they don't cause they know it actually happend and aren't dumb.

Attached: holocaust_deniers.jpg (612x792, 176K)

>dudebro marineguy
That's what I want to play as.
t. zoomer

Attached: 577.jpg (717x409, 215K)

This is why we need Furries to take over game development so we can have more games like ratchet & clank.

>dudebro marine guy
Gay and confirmed crayon eater

>Am I just a fucking sheep? Am I a reverse shill?
yeah you kind of are

>they know it actually happend
>aren't dumb
Imagine believing in this fairy tale.

Attached: Typhus_not_holocaust.jpg (2496x2590, 1.9M)

not me
Im still waiting for games with cute loli protags

Just shows how many zoomers and newfags are here. I kinda like it in a weird way..

Hey that's cool inforgraph /pol/. Now read mine. But read fast cause I got a other one coming!

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Anthem generated more hype than Days Gone. This game is already 6 feet under.

Listen here you hypocritical bigot

why are there tons of american post WW2 gas chamber doors shown next to german non-gas-chamber doors?

I like how the /pol/ column has been decided to be part of the original.

this pretty much

>giant wall of text
>not one picture of the gas chamber doors allegedly used by the Germans
How expected. Jews live to lie and lie to live.

Attached: Quotes_From_Talmud.png (998x1134, 197K)

>Try thinking for yourself
I thought about it and realized how astronomically absurd it is that a religious collective conjured a fake genocide down to the infrastructural, logistical, documentary, and photographic evidence, and paid off everyone from France to Russia on both sides of the conflict to verify that it happened.

Attached: 1488323027239.png (479x477, 392K)

>No please don't make me read!
>c-can we go back to images and epic maymays instead?
The IQ of a /pol/tard is said to be in the negatives. Also I like how you immediately post a block of text. So by that logic I shouldn't read whatever you just posted. C'mon/pol/ tard post more EPIC YOU'VE BEEN LIED holocaust infographs. Don't quit on me :(

>zoomers have no idea who most of these characters are
It's beautiful. Now add Days Gone guy to complete the circle.

>mfw this image in this day and age is legit triggering people
What the fuck happen to Yea Forums
When did we became snowflake haven

Attached: 1551741243589.jpg (480x360, 54K)

>Protagonists are deemed generic based on their gender and ethnicity alone
Back to retardera.

>I like the main character a lot
Doesn't this disprove the whole argument?
It seems like he was expecting Boring McGruff based on appearance, but was surprised by the character's personality.

Meanwhile you could have an eskimo girl who ends up having a generic boring personality.

Attached: 1550505169594.png (549x560, 222K)

What triggered all the game journos on this one? Everyone is badmouthing it. Can't be ONLY because it had a white protag.

It's a generic as fuck and not very good open world game with zombies. Some people seem to like it through so I don't expect it to be Crackdown 3 or anything.

>Old Yea Forums
>that fucking photo
No. You're not "Old Yea Forums" by a mile
You're "just before Zoomer Yea Forums"

Attached: you are this mad (2).png (707x403, 26K)

It's a generic zombie survival shooter in 2019. Mind you that was also Yea Forums opinion, but now that one or two game article publications mentioned how generic the MC is, it's now white geneocide and we must all buy and pre-order the game to own the liberuls epic style

I should really write game articles, it's depressing how easy it is to make money of /pol/ tears, using them to generate clicks as they cry on every platform

Attached: jesawyer.png (630x630, 40K)


live by the sword, die by the sword. Not reading all that shit, /pol/ subhuman

There's nothing wrong with zombies

so THIS is the power of a brainlet

Attached: pol.png (1058x503, 289K)

>*cries forever about the tranny boogeyman*

/pol/, true badasses that are all about muh free speech

What's wrong with the first one's neck?

Attached: soys gone.png (600x1755, 1.35M)

Full Throttle will make 3.

There's also the lost and the damned.


There are a lot of zoomers here who have only been really active on the internet with SJW shit going on so they literally can't comprehend what it was like before it.

The reason SJW stuff became so big was partially due to just how over saturated the market was with AAA big brown shooters with gruff brown haired white male protags. They overcompensated for this by getting offended by everything that was straight, white and male. You guys compensate by getting offended then by anything that isn't white straight male.

White is right, sorry if that bothers you, cuckboy.

He literally says he likes the character, so what's there to complain about? All he's doing is virtue-signalling to his resetera pals.

I love it when Yea Forums throws tantrums about /pol/ because Yea Forums is the shittiest board on this site yet pretends it is actually good

>Yea Forums is the shittiest board on this site
That's comblr. At least resetera tourists aren't completely mental like twitter ones.

Nolan North/Troy Baker overperforming and sounding awkward and unrealistic as shit. That's what that faggot means.

On Yea Forums they can actually have a discussion.

Who cares Jesus fucking Christ
You people scream "nigger" every second word and hate on everyone who isn't white constantly, but all of a sudden racism is bad when it's the whites being poked at
>It's ironi-
You're not fooling anyone, moron, it's clearly at least a little genuine, shut the fuck up and stop making this same fucking thread every five minutes

Anyone with eyes would realize after visiting this shithole for two days than /pol/tards don't come to threads and reply to other people already talking about politics to "give their two cents", they are the ones starting shitposting threads, and when anyone call on their shit they nonstop give (you)s whith insults, reaction images, memes, or their favourite, falacious statistical graphs.

black person detected
go back to the savannah

Shitposting is considered Yea Forums culture, though. That "Yea Forums is always angry" shit ruined this board harder than any /pol/ poster.

Fuck off nigger.

Attached: average consumer.png (416x435, 114K)

You cunts want to actually defend your retarded double think or do you just want to make le funny responses

>Shitposting is considered Yea Forums culture
By reddit.

>they are the ones starting shitposting threads
Are you talking about threads complaining about sjws and leftist politics in media? Those aren't made by pol, every media board hates leftists.

same guy, nothing new.

Attached: siopWVD.png (1918x788, 401K)

>media constantly on anti-white tirade
>balance it out with funposting on a chinese cartoon forum
There's nothing I need to defend. Get the stick out of your ass.

You will actually find genuine and reasonable responses in this thread if you look past the shitposting.

Being white and male are the least of the problems with MUH BADASS SPESS MUHREN. If you open up photoshop and turn the BADASS SPESS MUHREN into a black or a vagina then you still have the same boring archetype.

Femshep did not have any more of a personality than Manshep, despite marginally better voice acting.

You must understand how there are likely genuine racists around who believe themselves to be in good company though

Which coincidentally is 70% of Yea Forums. The rest don't play games.

Oy vey! Reddit is a religion of peace.

lol go hunt some lions or sth

FUCK WOMEN (except my wife, who I love very much. But I will fuck her brains out)

Attached: deacon.jpg (1280x720, 82K)


I still don't care about this game.
Looks fun, but I'll wait for the bargain bin.

So this is a 2019 AAA video game...

Attached: Days Quat.gif (640x360, 3.67M)

He means it's a generic shitty character design I guess, which is fair. Although the main issue is the generic shitty visual design and generic shitty gameplay.

>(and large breasts)
Actual cherry picking here.

I've only read the highlighted line and haven't played the game, but always thought this was an outrageously shit character design though.

Coincidence, pure coincidence.

wtf, i cant find same quotes on internet, only debunking em. I want to believe.

How is insane homecoming guy anything lile Nathan Drake?

no, he's actually just farming clicks from triggered alt-right drumpfkins like you. Good job giving the writer a nice bonus at the end of March

And speaking of outrage marketing, did you know Nike gained 6 billion dollars after the Collin Kaepernick thing? That was also on you. Good job

>Literally says Alpha gameplay on the screen
>"Hurr durr this looks so bad hhaahha triple ay more like triple GAY HAH
You may or may not have been dropped on your head as a baby, but you sure as hell deserved to be

Yea Forums's ability to deal with genuine racists is hampered by the continued presence of fun-hating prudes who smell blood in the water whenever an online community's stance on race is centrist enough to be between Ta-Nahisi Coates and the KKK.

The price of Yea Forums not turning into Yea Forums is an occasional *ahem* FUCK NIGGERS.

>seething this hard at an anonymous user
I've never bought a nike anything.

How deep are you two down your respective rabbit holes? From a completely neutral standpoint all he's said is "this character is generic". I think it's poorly worded for professional journalism but that's why he writed for videogames.

There's absoltuely no sign of an ulterior motive in those words.

If you didn't see this coming a year ago you're a literal retard

You don't need to buy, your incessant crying everywhere was millions of advertising for free. Nike loves /pol/

I don't even know anything about burger football. Why are you acting like this?

Because you /pol/niggers are worse than SJWs and are actually too stupid to realize it

It reveals his mindset, and its not an uncommon one.
I'm sure there are plenty of reviews calling Rico Rodriguez boring, but none of them will cite his hispanic ethnicity as one of the reasons.

Rico Rodriguez is the embodiment of this type of boring character, so it only goes to show that the problem isn't a racial one.

You need to calm down friend.

Attached: kaos.png (593x845, 478K)

Attached: 1220667597224.jpg (1135x1585, 1.62M)

>Zoomer /pol/tards are absolutely seething over their 60 meta Sony Exclusive Template game

Attached: 1433498778888.jpg (618x783, 255K)

I don't want to be around people. I feel worse the longer I'm around other people. I've surrounded myself with a cocoon of things I like while I wait to die. Yea Forums is the only exception.

Days Gone might be the most uninteresting AAA game of the past couple of years.

I'm really starting to hate open world shit. It's so fucking lazy

>It reveals his mindset
No it doens't in the slightest. It genuinely does not. Stop with this way of thinking before you kill yourself or someone else.


Enjoy being played like a fiddle by outrage marketers and funding your political enemies, /pol/tard

Yes it does. He associates white with boring, despite the problem of boring gruff shooteyman characters being their personality.
Unless you can explain how lowering the brightness slider would make him more interesting.

Which one of my posts was enraged? Maybe you got me mixed up with another user.

Whoa..... never thought of it like that..... haha

>Days Gone might be the most uninteresting AAA game of the past couple of years.
That title is always claimed by a ubisoft game.

If race is such a non-issue it really makes me wonder why /pol/ cries at every non-white character cast in anything ever


Stay obsessed and seething, thanks.

Attached: 1535463153904.jpg (816x1356, 378K)

"White" isn't a key word. Get that shit out of your head. What are you not understanding. It's you people and only you people making a big deal out of it. It's JUST a descriptor like "biker" and "gruff". By saying "white gruff biker" you know exactly what this looks like.

>Not knowing what alpha and beta gameplay means

This frankly looks worse than a generic ubisoft game

>deflects and shouts /pol/
We were almost having a real discussion for a second there.

Attached: 1527888368295.jpg (811x742, 150K)

>open world
Sure is ass.

These "Journalists" have no idea what they're talking about and what they're critiquing. Even if these threads rake in the (You)'s, you need to stop making threads about them. They deserve to be forgotten.

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OP is just trying to start a flamewar.

Attached: Generic dude.jpg (900x1197, 158K)

lack of factial recognition abilities is a sign of autism

owo so many bikers~

That's what I mean. I don't believe he said it with malice or purpose. That's just his mindset.
>another boring white dude
>stale pale and male
>white bread protagonist
It's all over the place.

Find me a review of Far Cry New Dawn or Wolfenstein 2 that talks about "another sassy black woman" and I might agree that it's just an innocent adjective.
This isn't even /pol/tardery, it's just pattern recognition.

Attached: 1524222689509.webm (274x468, 207K)

>pattern recognition
That's racist

No man, you see this is clearly da j00s and their white genocide agenda.

Which is totally real despite there being more white people right now than in any period of history ever. Gotta say, what an unefficient genocide

>concepts and ideas I don't like are fallacious
Maybe, just maybe, one day you'll grow up and leave mommy's basement.

High quality post.

No. Genuinely and seriously, you need to get a fucking grip.

>v is one person

I think Big Boss counts.

A normal person recognizes that color characters are still pretty rare, especially compared to gruffy white cowadoody characters, so a review of an hypothetical game with a black lead that said "another generic black dude" would not exist, because it's blatantly false

For a /pol/tard, this is white genocide, let's all preorder Days Gone to totally own those SJWs xD

>Yea Forums's ability to deal with genuine racists is hampered by the continued presence of fun-hating prudes
It's also hampered by niggers being actual subhumans.

The people considered attractive among any racial group are the ones with caucasian features.

You may not like it, but white people are the beauty standard of the world.

the problem is the guy who made this article would be fine with all of these guys if they were painted brown

>Put niko and chris
>forget about cj and sheva


Why did you feel the need to ruin your post with an epic gotcha?

There are plenty of common character tropes in video games, including "generic black dudes". People might say they're stereotypical, boring, cliche, whatever. But it only seems to be the white ones that have their race tagged onto the other adjectives.

>A normal person recognizes that color characters are still pretty rare

Its like you're living in a alternative dimension.

Your post has zero substance and won't convince anyone of anything.

can someone show that pic from e3 of all the sassy black women with afros?

I noticed you specifically did not address the point I made talking about LEAD characters

I truly wonder why you decided to gloss over that

>Francis York Morgan
>James Sunderland
>Nahman Jayden
Which retard made this picture?

Attached: jones.png (376x462, 350K)

The issue is that this guy has a reputation for bringing this up and implying that a colored person or non-male would be less boring, but he's a dumb racist that doesn't realize that a black woman would be boring to play for black women, etc. There's also the fact that a well-written character isn't necessarily somebody people should want to identify with (such as a heavily-flawed but interesting protagonist, or an actual good antagonist), so implying that the character needs to appeal and be identifiable by other demographics is short-sighted and, frankly, annoying.

The other retards on this board will cry about how he's a self-hating faglord, and that's probably true, but that's not really why his reviews and opinions are trash. He'd be a trash reviewer even without the obvious, annoying political slant.

Attached: 1364152988672.jpg (300x300, 14K)

Just post that one image with like 4 sassy black women with afros. Just know for every woman in that photo, one can post 10 scruffy white guys from videogames, pretty easily

Then again, according to /pol/ race doesn't matter, so I don't see why you're so against sassy black women

Only game I can think of is Full Throttle.

That makes no difference. Is black Shepherd suddenly more interesting?
Is Sheva more interesting than Chris because she's a strong black woman?

No. But would you use the word 'black' to explain why they're boring? No again.

The problem is they're sassy.
Honestly I'd be more bothered if I was black, being portrayed in the same bitchy way every time.

>4 sassy black women with afros

>10 scruffy white guys

theses two things are the same the people like the guy who made this article rail against the generic"scruffy white guys" are perfectly fine with the generic"sassy black women with afros"

for them its about nothing but forcing their ideology it has nothing to do with originality

LMAO, its like your obsession completely mined you capability of interpretation, that the only thing left is to showt buzzwords and projections.

Saying that "color" characters are rare is a blant lie and shows how disohnest you are.

Attached: 1518363553893.jpg (566x943, 99K)

>race does not matter
>but adding colored characters is forced diversity and muh white genocide

These two stances are not compatible. Make up your mind /pol/

its the only thing they know they're too scarred to make black people with flaws for they might look racist

Johnny Klebitz (GTA IV TLatD)
Rust (Payday 2)
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct)
Ben (Full Throttle)
Jake Conway (Ride to Hell: Retribution)

He didn't say that, you retard.
He said that describing someone by their race and portraying them in a negative light is offensive, which is why SJW faggots only do it to whites.

You're free to prove me wrong though. Compare the race of lead characters in videogames (non-RPG) and report back your findings

>user makes a valid point
>Proceeds to strawman and play the /pol/ card

Its like you're the Yea Forums version Cathy Newman, pathetic.

how else would you describe a generic scruffy biker white guy? Are you so triggered by the use of "white" as an adjective?

I'm not even sure if some of the things I listed here count, but you can count the number of "gruff white bikers" in one hand and even then you can debate that some of them don't fit.
Also Francis from L4D.

>/pol/ of all boards complaining about strawmen

The ironing

>scruffy biker guy

Why is a company allowed to openly exclude whites, when if any other company tried that with any other race they'd be sued into oblivion?

This is like the 10th thread I seen about this shit. Glad to know outrage marketing is alive and well

it's a archive they cant get clicks from it

Avoiding the point once again I see, "color" leads aren't as common as white ones, but they're still not as rare as you're implying, get a grip.

>complains about people getting "triggered"
>is triggered by literally everything
Alright, bro. My point was that people aren't stupid and they see through your shit. Until I see the same standard applied to non-whites, then I'll call out your hypocrisy.


This game is such a waste of time and money, who the hell cares about zombies in current year

>Everyone who disagrees with me is /pol/

You're a living meme, no substance, only buzzwords.

>/pol/ of all boards complaining about buzzwords

muh j00s, muh discord trannies

It was a different time.
Then again if this was now /pol/v/ would just call them all mutts and kikes, and if they have any negative personality traits it's the jews trying to shit on white culture and making white women fuck niggers. There is no winning.

But does being different make something better by default?

>Still shouting buzzwords and projections

I got me there, have my last (You) retard.

Attached: bf960a4c8017847a1b4bdd50e5a009bfb20d2ed1ab73551ea94268b8a00261dd.gif (199x199, 571K)

>dip them all in chocolate and all of a sudden journo's are singing their praises

Why exactly can't I hate niggers and kikes without going on /pol/?

>My point was that people aren't stupid and they see through your shit
If you saw through any shit, you'd recognize outrage marketing at work. I'm sure you felt like a savior of the white race when you left an angry comment on the Gillete Ad, blissfully unaware they're making bank off the outrage

>It was a different time.

maybe Yea Forums didn't expect the industry to give them generic ugly black women to replace them all?

just sayin

Attached: 1550922408313.jpg (300x240, 32K)

Looks like a dog, barks like a dog

If you're not a /pol/tard, but act exactly like one, no reason to treat you any different. If anything redirecting you to /pol/ is a favor, it's full of like-minded incels like you

there's disliking generic protagonists because they're generic and then there's disliking generic protagonists because of their race
t. wasn't here for the 360/ps3 era where cod was continuously slammed

>outrage marketing
We're talking about a faggot "journalist" giving his shitty opinions on things. I will never read his articles from the source nor ever look him up, so what exactly is your point?

You should also go back to resetera, no one likes your kind.

>Looks like a dog, barks like a dog

then what does that make you?

Just saying that it's not much of an insult. The reason why calling people redditors and discord trannies is because those things are associated with negative traits, like faggotry and mental illness.
Calling someone /pol/ doesn't mean much.

The point is that this is not first thread about this article and it won't be the last. There are retards like you crying about the same shit on twitter and facebook and some of them are giving it clicks. Good job giving them free advertisement, really sticking up to the SJWs and da j00s

I'm not the guy you've been arguing with, it's just you keep saying that most protagonists are white, and a black one would've been different, which it would have, but you also seem to have an underlying message that different=better, so I wanted to clear things up.

Slavs are not white so this is a shit argument

Why doesn't the "outrage marketing" ever go after niggers or fags? If a black guy got offended that a Gillette Ad basically said "fuck niggers", would you tell him to simply ignore it?

Agreed. A tranny would have been better design.

Jason (((Schreier)))

Attached: WOODinFLAMES.png (274x237, 83K)

/pol/ already calls everything left of Hitler discord trannie kike nigger jews SJWs, so I don't see your point, or why you expect people to split hairs regarding the fringe right wing retards on Yea Forums


Could you assholes stop trying to redirect any video game threads there is. I can't get into a single thread without retards like you being obsessed with "pol" and "incels". You don't even bring anything to the conversation. You just bitch and moan until everyone is just too tired of your bullshit. Fuck off.
Just try to think for five seconds either members of one defunct reddit are able to infiltrate all threads on every Yea Forums board at once or you are insane. Which is more likely?
Get help fast.

I dont think youre supposed to count vidya only, retard.

Have sex.

Is this some weird meta troll? Foxworthy started that over a decade before the blue collar comedy group was ever formed.

you didn't answer the question

the message of gillette ad is simply "men, act well", just presented ina somewhat controversial way to make alt-right idiots like you cry.

"Fuck niggers" means nothing but "fuck niggers". Can't you /pol/ idiots argue without strawmen or false equivalences?

answer the fucking question, jew

You were the first to mention "discord trannies" and "white genocide". You are worse than actual /pol/ since you are doing the same bullshit /pol/ usually does with addition of your own brand of garbage. Fuck off.


have sex :^)

>it's just you keep saying that most protagonists are white, and a black one would've been different, which it would have, but you also seem to have an underlying message that different=better

I didn't, you're pulling shit out of your ass.

The only point I made was that "color" people aren't as rare as retard user was implying to be.

Get help fast.

>argue without strawmen or false equivalences

Follow your own advice then.

Alright, so how about this
>black men, stop raping and robbing stores
Would that be better?

>men, act well

bullshit it treated men like they have some collective responsibility to police their gender

if it had been ad like it about women people would be calling it incel logic


Who are you quoting?

>I didn't, you're pulling shit out of your ass.
Alright, so this means there's no inherent value in a protagonist being non-white though.

You're as /pol/ as everybody else here, you dumb hypocrite


who gives a shit? hows the gameplay?


>n-no u!

epic, simply epic

>fuck off Yea Forumstard
>Wow I don't even go on Yea Forums?
I mean if you drag other board's shit into threads people will call you out for it. It's always been like that. /pol/ being the largest board and full of newfags also helps.

Kinda like how other boards tell people to "go back to Yea Forums" all the time.

>Yea Forums, 11 years ago:
Why is every game protagonist a brooding bald space marine type
>Yea Forums, now:

>Looks like a dog, barks like a dog

He's right you know.

/pol/ would probably eat shit if Anita Sarkeesian said she was really triggered by scat

got an archive link for those quotes?

>>Yea Forums, now:
>be careful what you wish for


Making brown Space Marine doesn't solve the issue. Yea Forums likes Japanese games where protags differ (for better or worse) from the usual generic western protag template.

>>Yea Forums, 11 years ago:
>Why is every game protagonist a brooding bald space marine type
>>Yea Forums, now:

>Anita Sarkeesian
She's not even relevant anymore. Zoomers probably don't even know who she was.

This won't ever go through this retard's thick skull, leave it be.

you're fucking retarded

its ass alright

That's a false equivalency. Using memes popular on a board obviously makes people assume you're from that board, but why is hating niggers /pol/ specific?
Are you implying racists and etc. didn't exist on the site before /pol/ existed? It's just dumb.

>Anita Sarkeesian
You know she was just the face of a trendy media project created by Jonathan McIntosh?

scroll up lol
or a better option is to be less new
that's what i was implying
brown space marines were a thing back then too, didn't you play gears? there weren't any neon lesbian space marines though, which is what you've got now
i'm firmly in the camp that mostly plays japanese games and avoids western generica though
lol so you agree with me but have a sore butt?

No one who has sex says this, you're just using this as a retort because you think this is some sort of weapon. Using sex as social validation is the most pathetic form of weaponized bullying there is.

I have sex tranny. Do you, or rather, can you?

We're going by the American definition of white.


Attached: 1549296770604.jpg (689x758, 101K)

can you link those quotes in this thread? you didn't just make them up did you?

Not him but im thinking more about the "What do we think about him?" while showing a picture of Trump, or "What are some games that..." while showing a pic of the elections, or simply those that show seething hatred for an upcoming game for the whole reason that the protagonist is either a woman or black(see everything regarding the last Far Cry game which I would know nothing about if idiots werent screeching so loudly about how bad it is because of the antagonists, and not because in general, it was a shit game)

>"What are some games that..." while showing a pic of the elections
Oh, those. I honestly don't see the difference between them and "games with this feel..." or "games that let you do this..." with some viral pic or webm and disregard them all as reddit shitposting.

Bros... This is White Genocide...
Don't you see? They're going to put us in concentration camps... It's the next logical step...


Attached: 1519928235493.png (409x306, 102K)

there's obviously a difference between the old racist stuff, nigra posting and 2015 crying /pol/tards getting triggered by everything. See this thread for an example of the latter.
Racism is inherent to this entire website, /pol/ pussies aren't. I do agree that it's hard to say anything racist these days without getting labeled /pol/ though.

I think you're a faker, to be honest. The reason why more people act offended nowadays is because it wasn't typical of 10 years ago to see the mainstream talk shit about whites and men and heterosexuals and etc.
You increase identity politics and all that shit, then you increase people's racial awareness, among other things. Blame lefty fags for that, not people that react to their actions.

Better than this

Attached: Pop of the Wild.webm (1600x900, 1.72M)

but most of these games are made in and/or set in counties where there actually is 4 black women to every 10 white people

>Using gtav as an example when the main character is black
Who is this retarded?

Didn't happen to me :^)

Days Gone looks fun, i don’t get why so many people want to hate on this game.

How many of these guys are bikers?

I count 10. Unless you mean which are the biker archetype, in which case I count 2.

Uh huh. Not like we've had a few hundred million newfags invade the site or anything. Blame them.
and if someone thinks a video game journalist complaining about generic white protagonist in a AAA game is an attack on whites that's their fucking problem. Explaining to them where that criticism came from in the first place and how it relates to this board isn't wrong. Or it is depending if anyone still gives a fuck about the "lurk moar" mentality.

Attached: kk4ac7zj16az.jpg (1214x403, 88K)

I didn't see Farcry 3 get any hate, or the default mass effect commander, or bulletstorm 3 protag, or the Silenthill 2 protag, and no CoD never had a "generic" protag, one of them was a muscledude, another one was a psychologically scarred soldier, yet another one was a veteran way too old to be in battle, and let's not forget, ghost. You're just buying in to resetera memes.

I have no clue wtf you're even trying to say. We agree newfags have to assimilate, but what does that have to do with the OP? Are you telling me that this article wouldn't have been trash talked on Yea Forums 10 years ago?

>this article wouldn't have been trash talked on Yea Forums 10 years ago
Pretty much, yeah. If you came out with a main character that looked like brooding white dude pic related you could expect Yea Forums to shit all over it. Harder than that Kotaku dork ever could.

Attached: _infamous.jpg (620x695, 117K)

Yea Forums would've complained that the character is white?

>i like the game despite the white male character
>being a white male is now reason to remove points

really getting sick of this industry

I just noticed the guy playing is a Soijak.

Ye, mostly that standard character template they followed.
now I'm stuck in a loop trying to think of 7th gen western AAA white protagonists that Yea Forums actually liked. There's still a couple.

I don't think you do. Many big game studios don't either.

>everyone mad about main character
>sitting here mad about fast zombies
fuck fast zombies

Shepard, Clementine

Who're you trying to fool?
Do you not understand the difference between "boring character" and "boring white character"?

Attached: 125162162161261.png (731x764, 833K)

Oh wait, you said white, then Kenway lads I guess.

>looks like a poltard, barks like a poltard
>'if you're not a poltard'
They're always a poltard user. They just like lying about it like little pissants to waste your time.

I remember too many people saying to ditch Shepard in favor of Femshep, but he gets a pass. John Marston, Isaac Clarke (DS2), maybe Joel from Last of Us but that feels too recent and hated in a way. Frank West is an honorary western character.

One triggers your thin-skinned faggot ass and one doesn't because you don't understand where it stems from.

Hey user look at the OP ;^)

Is this a trump game?

Attached: days gone is right wing.png (648x777, 75K)

Oh boy it's an
>everything is politics

>you don't understand where it stems from.
Enlighten me.

As a Nintendo fan, I'm glad Yea Forums is boycotting sony and this game for being too white and male.

>Biker = Hell's Angel

Doesnt that happen in almost every survival story?
>One sole organization thrives and has all the weapons and resources
>they may be connected to the whole crisis to begin with
>As they are the longest and safest standing, they also provide most of the records for what happened in the world
>Protagonist will obviously clash with them or join them

based and bluepilled

You probably hate deus ex, fucking zoomers. Days gone is looking more and more like Yea Forumscore and you trannies cant take it

Read the thread, it's been explained several times what he's referring to. Or just stare at this picture

but everything literally is politics you dumb frogposter.

Oh shit, it's the pedo from life is strange 2.

Full Throttle and GTA Lost and Damned. Also that guy from L4D.
Can't think of many more desu.

Attached: 141554865454522.gif (390x259, 982K)

ITT: white nerds get triggered for the sixth time this week.
These reruns are getting worse and worse

>no arguments

Ebin! Politics is what the government does, and what opinions people have about what the government should do. Politics dictates what you can do and say, and what options you have in living your life. It influences your decisions, your behavior, and your relationships.

This game looks beyond boring.
A 3rd person shooting, open world, zombie survival game with crafting and super soft stealth mechanics.

That is THE most generic video game you could possibly make.
Just watching the trailers makes me wanna take a nap

Attached: 1551845756735.png (632x768, 151K)

Sony Marketing force out in full swing I see for their generic zombie game.

And it was explained several times why he's wrong.

This. Changing generic army dude from white to black doesn't make the character suddenly interesting.

Isn't this the game where this cutie is from?

Attached: 1551907030051.jpg (1920x1080, 384K)

Alright, gang! Let's split up and search for clues.
There's got to be some video games around here somewhere.

Attached: Fred-Jones.jpg (650x400, 271K)

no, thats LEFT ALIVE

Being a /pol/tard means you're 9/10 a socially isolated retard, you have to be to reach those levels of extremism.

What's extremist now was the norm 50 years ago.
Extremism isn't determined by what you personally feel, but about how different what you feel is from the norm. Obviously, in order for you to break from the norm you'd have to be a bit different.

You still don't understand.
>typical gruff triple-A white dude
is not an attack on your white pride but a reference to last gen when it felt like there was a new one every month. It's used to evoke a certain kind of generic protagonist, not to shit on white men.

>tfw only play video games with white/asian protagonists

Attached: 1396998215416.png (800x670, 222K)

Okay? This doesn't change the fact that /pol/tards are just as mentally ill as their "discord tranny" counterparts.

Yeah go back a few more centuries and slavery would also be commonplace, it's called "progression" for a reason.

>a reference to last gen when it felt like there was a new one every month
As opposed to when? Just admit you started playing vidya last gen and jumped on the media bandwagon without thinking things through.

Days Gone Is literally the least hyped AAA game I have ever seen.
This game is gonna bomb so hard.

Attached: EfKjpiJ.png (239x240, 48K)

You mean in the West or where? Obviously pandering to the West you make typical white characters. Only people that have a problem with whites see that as an issue.

>Okay? This doesn't change the fact that /pol/tards are just as mentally ill as their "discord tranny" counterparts.
Why? I don't go on /pol/ but I hate Muslims, niggers, kikes, etc. I find my hatred to be completely logical. I don't cut my dick off and go on HRT while pretending to be a woman, so this is a silly equivalency.
>Yeah go back a few more centuries and slavery would also be commonplace, it's called "progression" for a reason.
So if a country "progresses" into full-blown Nazism, you'd accept that as the way of the future?

t. bioware employee

He likes the game but is probably trying to signal his wokeness to a feminist or ethnic chick he likes at his job so he can try and get her to touch his peepee. It won't work.

>Why? I don't go on /pol/ but I hate Muslims, niggers, kikes, etc.
If you hate someone for an immutable characteristic that they cannot change based off of that single characteristic, and nothing else, without even meeting them, you're mentally ill. Maybe you don't go on /pol/ but you share their ideology, which makes you a /pol/tard in spirit.
>I don't cut my dick off and go on HRT while pretending to be a woman
You don't have to cut your dick off to be mentally ill, Ted Bundy wasn't trans.
>So if a country "progresses" into full-blown Nazism, you'd accept that as the way of the future?
You know exactly what I mean by "progress" as in progress towards a better future.

I wish the protagonist was older. Old biker men are the wisest, coolest people you know. A biker at that age is just a certified shit head. Nothing interesting about him. Just generic muh girl nonsense.

Attached: 11bikers.large1_-480x317.jpg (480x317, 73K)

Now I guess. If we were still in that era you would hear way more people (mostly journalists and SJWs) screaming about it.

Here. And you don't win people over by making generic and boring protagonists, that's why so many of them are forgotten. Technology moving forward also helps obviously.

I love how hard Yea Forums is seething and trying to convince themselves and others the game is boring and we all need to ignore it. Trying new strategies than GOW, Horizon, Spiderman, etc where you made a million thread insisting it will be a shitty bomb after all those games sold 10 million.

Attached: Vento Aureo.webm (1280x542, 2.12M)


>If you hate someone for an immutable characteristic that they cannot change based off of that single characteristic, and nothing else, without even meeting them, you're mentally ill. Maybe you don't go on /pol/ but you share their ideology, which makes you a /pol/tard in spirit.
No, I hate them for the cluster of characteristics that tend to accompany those immutable ones.
>You don't have to cut your dick off to be mentally ill, Ted Bundy wasn't trans.
Yes, but you do have to be mentally ill to be trans.
>You know exactly what I mean by "progress" as in progress towards a better future.
We disagree on "better future".

I believe he wants to point out a boring trope, he shouldn't have said white
The boring trope being the tough guy who protects his gf. It's lazy in terms of a main character. I'd much rather have a main character who doesn't have an easy time helping people and being the hero. Those are the best MCs.

>No, I hate them for the cluster of characteristics that tend to accompany those immutable ones.
Then you can't by any means call this "logical." It's the definition of irrational. If you were thinking logically then you'd just hate them for those "accompanying" characteristics while ignoring the immutable ones.
>Yes, but you do have to be mentally ill to be trans.
Okay? That's neither here nor there.
>We disagree on "better future"
Probably, I'm sure your "better future" resembles white North Korea.

why she punch baby

Probably a shapeshifter

t. SEETHING shill

>Days Gone gives us a grizzled white man
>Meanwhile Xcucks are trying to shill Gears of Woke 5

Tell me again who the bad guys are.

It'll be a shapeshifter but no doubt /pol/ will spin it into WHITE WOMEN NO HAVE BABY metaphor.

>Then you can't by any means call this "logical." It's the definition of irrational. If you were thinking logically then you'd just hate them for those "accompanying" characteristics while ignoring the immutable ones.
No, it's 100% logical. Those secondary characteristics are caused by the immutable ones.
>Okay? That's neither here nor there.
You're the one that brought up trannies.
>Probably, I'm sure your "better future" resembles white North Korea.
Nah, nowhere near as totalitarian but white for sure.

Bet he writes that shit with his nose

>muh /pole/ boogeyman

Attached: 1466035800432.png (571x618, 53K)

>No, it's 100% logical. Those secondary characteristics are caused by the immutable ones.
Too bad scientist disagree and went out of their way to debunk this "race realist" horseshit.
>You're the one that brought up trannies.
I didn't, you must have be confused with another user.
>Nah, nowhere near as totalitarian but white for sure.
Well, that's too bad since the opposite is happening, especially if you live in America, sorry pal.

If race doesn't matter, why bring it up

She copied that XD

>wtf i LOVE cardboard-cutout protags now!

Attached: cantwakeup.gif (403x297, 2.27M)

Worked for GTA SA but the zombies need puffs of orange hair to really seal the deal

Attached: 1551666559425.png (738x669, 235K)

Hey! My girlfriend is a cardboard cutout!

>can't even cuddle
Dump her user, she's no good for you.

>Too bad scientist disagree and went out of their way to debunk this "race realist" horseshit.
Their stance on race is due to culture, not facts.
>I didn't, you must have be confused with another user.
I thought you were this user. Guess not.
>Well, that's too bad since the opposite is happening, especially if you live in America, sorry pal.
I don't expect some brown teenager to want a white utopia. I understand that you're happy with how things are going and I don't hold it against you.

You know I'm right

there's so much jewry hidden in this resetera repost its frightening

We'll be back again next thread to tell you how much you hates whites and that Yea Forums always has too.

>Their stance on race is due to culture, not facts.
They're 100% because of facts, most of the shit you /pol/tards consume is beyond debunkable, you just don't realize because you never leave your echo chamber.
>I thought you were (You) this user. Guess not.
That was me, but all I said was that you're just as mentally as said "trannies" and nothing more.
>I don't expect some brown teenager to want a white utopia
I'm not "happy" about how things are going, it's just your quote-unquote "white utopia" doesn't have minorities best interest at heart, we already know what happens when someone shoots for a "white" utopia instead of a utopia.

bruh what if calling games shit and instilling a distrust of critics as unreasonable haters was actually an orchestrated marketing move to get people to try them?
People get favorable feelings towards others who do them favors, but they get even MORE good feefees towards people they do favors for themselves.
Putting up this false foil would be a good way to get people to argue on the shitgame's side, predisposing them to view its flaws through rosy glasses.

Attached: dota man.jpg (500x500, 188K)

>They're 100% because of facts, most of the shit you /pol/tards consume is beyond debunkable, you just don't realize because you never leave your echo chamber.
Not really. I mean we know that there are genes tied to violence rates and they're present in some ethnic groups in higher rates, we know that intelligence is mostly heritable, we know that tons of personality traits that you can see differing on average between races are largely dependent on genes.
It's not a matter of science or truth, just a matter of what's politically acceptable.
>That was me, but all I said was that you're just as mentally as said "trannies" and nothing more.
Right, we've been over it then.
>I'm not "happy" about how things are going, it's just your quote-unquote "white utopia" doesn't have minorities best interest at heart, we already know what happens when someone shoots for a "white" utopia instead of a utopia.
There's never gonna be an "utopia" to begin with. Look at how despised whites are when they're the majority, imagine how despised they'll be when they'll be a minority. You think that the only thing stopping a race-free utopia are racist whites, but in every non-white majority country everyone still has an in-group mentality.

>Not really. I mean we know that there are genes tied to violence rates
False, this has been thoroughly debunked. And I can go into great detail about this if you're up for it.
>we know that intelligence is mostly heritable
This is true to an extent, but heritability doesn't necessarily = race.
> you can see differing on average between races are largely dependent on genes.
Again, this doesn't necessarily tie into race at all.
>Wah wah wah muh white victimhood complex
You white supremacist kill me with this. You claim that one minute whites are the most hated, then in the next breath when you're trying to put down minorities, specifically black people, you claim they're the most hated and every other race just secretly wants to be white. Just admit you're scared that minorities will treat you the way whites treated them for centuries instead of obfuscating with all of this nonsense.
>everyone still has an in-group mentality
for lack of being exposed to the out-group, yes.


At 30 years old, I'm completely OVER open world games. Artificially padded bullshit.

Give me linear games with great gameplay and great action. Fuck open world.

Let me guess: In this game you collect weapon parts and craft weapon upgrades? Upgrade your backpack? Unlock bases? Pffffffffffff

Also Jason (((Schrier))) - the longest nose of all the kike journos

>Yea Forums shilling cinematic shit and generic hollywood bait protags just because a SJW did the opposite
based /pol/tards.

>cherry picked models for publicity article in rag journo
>all three models look like shit
>mfw xD

They didnt pay off anyone, they just took control of the worlds media and kept repeating a lie until everyone took it as fact.

>all those assmad /pol/tard responses

>Just admit you're scared that minorities will treat you the way whites treated them
Nah. I'm scared they'll treat me the same way they treat each other in their own countries.

>False, this has been thoroughly debunked. And I can go into great detail about this if you're up for it.
Please do.
>This is true to an extent, but heritability doesn't necessarily = race.
>Again, this doesn't necessarily tie into race at all.
And? A race is nothing but a cluster of heritable traits.
>You white supremacist kill me with this. You claim that one minute whites are the most hated, then in the next breath when you're trying to put down minorities, specifically black people, you claim they're the most hated and every other race just secretly wants to be white
Idk what you mean by this. I think that every race is capable of racism. For example, mestizos and blacks both act like victims that unite with one another politically, but that doesn't mean they aren't racist against one another.
>Just admit you're scared that minorities will treat you the way whites treated them for centuries instead of obfuscating with all of this nonsense.
No, it's not a matter of revenge or karma. It's a matter of predictable outcome. Every group has a bias that favors itself.
>for lack of being exposed to the out-group, yes.
And yet racially diverse countries remain segregated.

Enjoy your short life fatty

i like jason

It is true that Blacks are more likely to carry the MAOA gene that Whites. For the 3R allele, 59% of Black men carry it, while only 34% of White men carry it. Perhaps this is the smoking gun that explains Black crime! Well...not really, 54% of Chinese men carry the 3R allele as well, and they are relatively non-violent. Okay, so it's not the 3R allele. Maybe it's the 2R allele? For this allele, it is true that both Asian and White males are unlikely to carry it compared to Black males. However, it is also extremely unlikely that Black males will carry it. It's estimated that only about 5.5% of Black males will carry the 2R allele.
.>And? A race is nothing but a cluster of heritable traits.
Physically? Yes, but there is no proof that violence is one of those traits tied to race.
>For example, mestizos and blacks both act like victims
Okay, so you're one of those "black and brown people aren't actually oppressed and get free shit handed out to them just for existing" types I see.
> It's a matter of predictable outcome. Every group has a bias that favors itself.
If they have a lack of exposure to the outgroup, yes.
>And yet racially diverse countries remain segregated.
Just because a country is "diverse" doesn't necessarily mean it's integrated. You probably live in a majority white area despite being in a diverse country.

Well, immigrants commit less crime than native-born citizens statistically.

>Okay, so you're one of those "black and brown people aren't actually oppressed and get free shit handed out to them just for existing" types I see.
So he's the type who is correct?

>So he's the type who is correct?
He's the type that's wrong, unfortunately. There's nothing glamorous about being black or brown in America.

That doesn't make them oppressed.

I mean, innocent black men are 3x more likely to be shot, they're 50% of all exoneration and false arrest, a white man with a criminal background is more likely to be hired than a black man without one, people are more likely to buy from a white merchant than a black merchant, I can go on and on.

>they're 50% of all exoneration and false arrest
That's not the only thing they're 50% of

i might be wrong but i dont think the Hell's Angels regularly skinned people alive, decapitated and dismembered them, and left their corpses out in public in order to terrorize citizens.

can you explain what you mean by "just as bad as"?

They're white.

That "50%" you're talking about is inflated by those false arrests, my friend.

All these guys are different. This is "all black people look the same" but in reverse.

>. It's estimated that only about 5.5% of Black males will carry the 2R allele.
And? It is just one genetic factor that leads to violence. Or do you believe this is the only one?
>Physically? Yes, but there is no proof that violence is one of those traits tied to race.
Yes, there is. Global trends are a bit hard to explain otherwise, and I gave you an example already anyway.
>Okay, so you're one of those "black and brown people aren't actually oppressed and get free shit handed out to them just for existing" types I see.
Correct. Why'd you avoid quoting the second part of that sentence?
>If they have a lack of exposure to the outgroup, yes.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean. You keep repeating this as some sort of great counter to my position for some reason.
>Just because a country is "diverse" doesn't necessarily mean it's integrated. You probably live in a majority white area despite being in a diverse country.
Right, and? That's my whole point.


What the actual fuck DID he mean by this? Does he dislike it or hate it?

Attached: 1533996593592.png (128x128, 31K)

>What the actual fuck DID he mean by this?

I just don't get this, maybe I'm retarded but are they purposely trying to find the most ugly motherfuckers to make a statement or something? The fuck? I'm sure they can find actual good looking people of basically every minority group ever except maybe abbos, so why don't they?


>And? It is just one genetic factor that leads to violence. Or do you believe this is the only one?
Even if I make some extremely bold assumptions like the Black-White IQ gap is 100% genetic, everyone who is imprisoned with an IQ below 90 is imprisoned because of their IQ only, Blacks have 15% higher testosterone purely because of genetics, and that there is a one-to-one correlation between testosterone level and criminality. All assumptions that even the most fervent of white nationalist wouldn't make, mathematically speaking, we still don't arrive at the 50% of all crime statistic that the FBI arrived at
>Global trends are a bit hard to explain otherwise
Poverty and oppression = violence and higher criminality. And what example?
>Correct. Why'd you avoid quoting the second part of that sentence?
Because I never said they couldn't be racist.
>I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
>Right, and? That's my whole point.
Because this is statistically proven. They'd already done a test where they exposed an outgroup to an in-group. What was shown is that yes, there was a spike in disdain for the out-group, but this was temporary and after a period of time they begin to warm up to said out-group.

>Even if I make some extremely bold assumptions like the Black-White IQ gap is 100% genetic, everyone who is imprisoned with an IQ below 90 is imprisoned because of their IQ only, Blacks have 15% higher testosterone purely because of genetics, and that there is a one-to-one correlation between testosterone level and criminality. All assumptions that even the most fervent of white nationalist wouldn't make, mathematically speaking, we still don't arrive at the 50% of all crime statistic that the FBI arrived at
I really don't know what you mean by this. So 50% is made up? You understand that America isn't an exception to the rule, right? Blacks are over-represented in crime statistics all throughout the West. Look at London's crime demographics and you'll see the exact same percentages when it comes to Africans.
>Poverty and oppression = violence and higher criminality. And what example?
Not quite. The average Chinese man is poorer than the average African American, and yet China has a lower crime rate than African Americans do. Same goes for Eastern Europe, etc. And the warrior gene I referred to previously.
>Because I never said they couldn't be racist.
You sure dodged it, though.
>What was shown is that yes, there was a spike in disdain for the out-group, but this was temporary and after a period of time they begin to warm up to said out-group.
Meaning what? What does "warming up" mean? No in-group bias at all?

>are they purposely trying to find the most ugly motherfuckers to make a statement or something?
Umm sweetie actually 'beauty' is a eurocentric social construct invented by white male patriarchy to downplay other races.

Attached: now this is based.jpg (1076x1064, 132K)

>I really don't know what you mean by this. So 50% is made up?
No, I'm saying that number is inflated due to over-policing of black neighborhoods, stop and frisk, false arrest, etc. There is a crime problem in these neighborhoods, but I think that's because of the drug war started by America in the first place and has nothing to do with "muh genes."
>Blacks are over-represented in crime statistics all throughout the West
I can't speak for other countries, but I often see these posted yet I never see any proof of this. It's always hearsay.
>The average Chinese man is poorer than the average African American, and yet China has a lower crime rate than African Americans do. Same goes for Eastern Europe, etc. And the warrior gene I referred to previously.
Ironically enough I JUST went over this, Chinese men are more likely to possess this gene than black men, yet they commit less crime. So we already know the warrior gene isn't the reason why, the reason why is because when the Chinese immigrate here, they're typically well educated, wealthy, stable,etc.. The same is true for Nigerian-Americans as well.
>You sure dodged it, though.
Discarding it doesn't mean I "dodged" it.
>Meaning what? What does "warming up" mean? No in-group bias at all?
It means they're more accepting and more likely to welcome them into their "in-group."

You hate Jews, Blacks, Arabs, and whoever the fuck else because you avoid these groups, whilst the only understanding you have about these groups are through /pol/ infographic which are biased and dishonest.

Also, I've always felt weird about comparing crime statistics to other countries. Since what might be legal in one country, could be legal in another, which fucks with the statistics

>No, I'm saying that number is inflated due to over-policing of black neighborhoods, stop and frisk, false arrest, etc. There is a crime problem in these neighborhoods, but I think that's because of the drug war started by America in the first place and has nothing to do with "muh genes."
Please name one country in which blacks are not over-represented in crime statistics.
> Chinese men are more likely to possess this gene than black men
Are you fucking retarded? They're 5% less likely to carry it than black dudes, but I've already explained that's not the only genetic factor at play. Why are you so stuck on that?
>The same is true for Nigerian-Americans as well.
What about second generation Nigerians?
>Discarding it doesn't mean I "dodged" it.
It absolutely does, yes.
>You hate Jews, Blacks, Arabs, and whoever the fuck else because you avoid these groups
Wrong! I hate kikes cause they're subversive, I hate Arabs cause they're fanatics and I hate niggers cause they're criminal.
Please tell me what rational statistics I should be aware of to change my mind.

>"All white men look the same"
Have we come full circle? Are they going to start lynching white people now?

We've been over this, different times, back then saying what this journalist said today, wasn't driven by politics, it was legitimate criticism of over the saturation for these characters, nowaday's its much different, with the growing hate for white males and self hate towards their own race.

Attached: 1552093183968m.jpg (1024x853, 120K)

>Please name one country in which blacks are not over-represented in crime statistics.
Don't flip the burden of proof, the burden of proof is on you to prove that somehow they are.
>Are you fucking retarded? They're 5% less likely to carry it than black dudes, but I've already explained that's not the only genetic factor at play. Why are you so stuck on that?
Of course you're getting flustered now so you resort to ad hominem, 54% of Chinese men carry the 3R allele as well, which is the warrior gene you keep blabbering on about. I addressed it up because you brought it up again, Nimrod.
>What about second generation Nigerians?
They still do better than native-born blacks. Hell, they do better than native-born whites.
>Please tell me what rational statistics I should be aware of to change my mind
I already, and if nothing has by now then nothing will. I'm not going to try to reason with dumb racism, making a blanket statement like "all black people are criminals, change my mind." isn't worth the pixels it's typed on.