What's the longest you've gone without playing video games...

What's the longest you've gone without playing video games? I'm looking to take a break and come back so I can enjoy gaming again.

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Life is a video game so I'm always playing.

One month.

the time it takes to go potty

What is she thinking about?


too fat

Cute tummy.

3 months

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specifically MY dick.

3 months.

jesus, is she insane?

Why is she in a hot bikini?


Women are indeed slaves to their desires and emotions, yet for some reason we’ve given them the vote and equal rights and stuff. These creatures are so weak-willed that they shouldn’t even have a say over their own bodies.

He could have hit her back in be in his right.
What a cuck.

around ma'ams never relax

Stopped when i started college because i thought vidya and anime would get in the way of social things, realized college social life is a meme on every other day besides Thursday and Friday. Ended up not playing vidya or watching anime until my sophomore year of college when Erased was on and it caught my attention, From then i started using my PS4 again, watching some Anime, and i ended up building a PC which i upgraded and used to this day.

So 2 ish years, honestly 2014-2015 were awful years for games, i don't think i missed anything good if i'm being honest

4,5 years, which ended this weekend as I built a new desktop

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What is her age?

Stop posting asiatic women to get thread attention.

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Nigga looks like a thumb thumb

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you say that like the zoomer shouldn't have goten hit

I went 5 years without touching a videogame in any capacity.

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she doesn't look 3

women dont have equal rights, they have more rights than men

I can go a week sometimes, too much time sunk on this place and youtube.

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I think flossing is stupid and cringey, but I wouldn't want someone to get hit for it, because I'm not insane. You that woman in the video?



im not a woman, i have the intelligence to type
i think you this faggot should have gotten hit cause he was acting like a faggot.


Try doing that to someone in public and see how it works out for you then

I guess men commit disproportionally more violent crimes because of how much more rational they are, huh.