Who is the vidya equivalent?
Who is the vidya equivalent?
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Tomb Raider
Horizon Zero Dawn's main character.
>Marco de 2019
dios mio, el brasileno de la gruta
I was going to say Remember Me, but that would be practically the opposite. You know why.
How do you know it's PT-BR?
nu-Lara has ass and her face is ok.
yeah, kinda accurate.
MK11, though it admittedly started with MK10 with Cassie Cage being so prominent despite having no place in the original timeline against Shinnok
>the most "popular" character in Marvel
>the most "powerful" character in Marvel
So who is the most forced mary sue character in vidya?
>Female character that has been around forever yet it's company has tried WAY to hard to make it a major character to represent wymen yet has failed over and over again.
Can't say I have an idea. I want to say Nu-Lara but im not sure.
Nobody actually likes her but the people in charge insist on pushing her
Nu-Lara's reboot was a sales success though.
remember me girl wasnt disgusting, kinda liked staring at her ass and doing memory hacking. Locations looked cool too, but game still was too boring for me to finish it.
lightning is perfect though
spics don't have acces to that "c" key, I believe
and there's an infestation of brs on Yea Forums
also, the most obvious sign: discussing capeshit
it was cheap uncharted clone, Tomb Raider lost his identity.
We have a winner.
pic related
She's nice to look at, but is incredibly shallow and unlikable. On top of that, she's in one of the worst iterations the series offers. But the studios push her despite failing constantly because goddammit you're going to like her you son of a bitch.
Oh holy shit this.
Thread's over boys, go back home to your families.
It's also shit, so... what's your point?
Yeah but it was still successful. None of Captain Marvel's 25 reboots can claim that.
I was gonna say Lightning solely on the account of lack of ass, but that works too
That one chick from Persona 4 Gold. Marie?
How many reboot this shitty character has?
Actually, when the letter "C" have this symbol under it, is now called "cedilha" being spelled "Ç", and it sounds different. "Março" sounds like "marsso", if you mistankenly write it without the cedilha, it becomes "marco", with a "k" sound.
>dios mio, el brasileno de la gruta
That is spanish, we don't speak spanish. The translation to that sentence in portuguese would be "Meu deus, o brasileiro da gruta".
inb4: I didn't ask, who cares.
I have nothing better to do.
Someone redpill me on When's Mahvel
Is she not popular in the comics? Or is it just the fact that she's coming to save the day in Endgame?
FF 13 trilogy had the best music though
Between 8-12 and that's in the last 6 years or so.
Could be slightly more or less. I honestly stopped giving a fuck once they reached around 5 and realized Marvel wasn't going to stop.
She's not popular in the comics, video games, cartoons or movies. Literally no version of Ms. Marvel has ever been popular for the 40+ years of her existence yet Marvel keeps pushing her.
user, i hope you are br because it is too late in portugal to be still up
mas eu tb estou acordado por isso faz o que quiseres
WW84 finna dab all over this assless thot
in the comics her character is so bad and generic that it gets a reboot like twice a year
in the MCU (cinematic universe (movies)) shes being pushed down everyones throat for absolutely no reason other than muh strong wahmen, while being cast to a terrible terrible actress with no personality, while this actress being a PR mess as well by going the "white genocide" route, ALL THE WHILE the marvel execs , insiders and other staff are all complaining about this wholet thing being pushed by one kike faggot "kevin feige"
this will completely ruin the excellent streak marvel had with the movies
possible blunder of the year
Alita very qt
Nobody has ever liked her but Marvel kept pushing for her because she's the only notable female character of theirs of note who isn't a female version of a male hero. Basically they want her to be their Wonder Woman and it has never ever worked. They caught a break now though since the MCU drones will eat up anything and pretend that if Disney didn't do it no one has.
Captain Marvel is what happens when a company discovers it doesn't have a female hero that can carry a comic by herself and manufactures an artificial push for a character that's been irrelevant for the majority of her history. Drum up the feminist controversy (I shit you not, down to the creation of so-called Carol Corps fan group), constantly relaunch the failing ongoing comic, feature her heavily in most recent events, hell one of the new characters is her self-professed fanboy! The irony of this all is that current Muslim Ms.Marvel is way more popular and successful than Carol ever was.
Not him but it's 03:29AM here.
i dont know any Retared Mary Sue promoted by jew feminists
I'm brazilian, and it's pretty late in here as well. It's 3:30 AM.
Estou desempregado e indo para a faculdade apenas de noite, então o meu horário biológico está todo ferrado até achar outro emprego. Estou indo dormir as 8 da manhã e acordando as 5 da tarde.
Literal who (both character and actress) being forced hard by Disney
Doesn't help that the actress says stupid political shit constantly
>pls start liking our shoehorned mary sue
After watching this movie I agree with her, she would make a decent live action Samus. The only change would be to talk less and scowl more. She has the perfect "I'll kill every Metroid on this planet" scowl without being "too" edgy. Basically, be less compassionate and more focused on the mission at all costs. None of that Other M shit
This type of haircut gotta be the most man-repelling shit in terms of hairdo.
>already editing pics to make your competition look back
I guess botting good user reviews on rotten tomatoes wasn't enough, eh marvel shill
Samus is way too beautiful and fit to be played by this toe fungus hag
It's not the hair, it's the personality that comes with it. Just look at her. Everything about her screams 'I wish I were a man'.
god she is so fucking ugly
That isn't the undercut
yeah but it's 6:36AM here. 3am on a saturday night is a normal time to go to sleep if you went out (at least here it is)
>she's the only notable female character of theirs of note who isn't a female version of a male hero
She literally stole her current name from a male hero.
Who the fuck seriously thought she was a good casting choice. It's like, you go from black widow, to fucking that chode.
I think shes cute
Being a bitter roastie won't make your foot fungus go away.
>dyke hair in the comics and games
>no dyke hair in the movie
Make up your fucking mind you double standard cunts.
One good song a game doesn't quite make the cut, user.
Okay Seamus
I think what's more hilarious is that she's probably the least interesting character to hold the Captain Marvel/ Ms.Marvel name. Hell, you might even be able to get the sjw and anti-sjw types to agree to that.
>I agree with her, she would make a decent live action Samus
Man I'm so glad Nintendo doesn't give a shit about Hollywood when it comes to their properties outside Mario (for now). All these people desperate to get their filthy hands on something like Metroid, it gives me satisfaction when some rat of an actress says she wishes could be Samus
Most people look like shit when their head is down like that. I'm pretty sure you made all of your judgements on that one image alone.
Any FE character in Smash
ScarJo aged like milk.
Prove those are actually her feet.
Was she a ballerina?
thats a man, right?
Have you seen Captain anerica’s actor’s Twitter? Most of their actors are extremely publicly left leaning so why does this make a difference?
why the fuck would someone with fucked up feet walk around with open toed shoes?
did she do ballet or something to get them fucked up? where did they get this girl? the dude who plays spiderman has a better ass than her
he actually has a pretty good ass- that gymnastics thing works wonders. no homo
ok, maybe a little homo. a month or two on that trap routine thing and i might bite
-is only partially owned by Nintendo
She goes an extra mile to post stupid shit.
>marvel movies start dropping in quality. hiring ugly cunts for lead roles
>dc movies start getting better. hiring attractive people for lead roles
i honestly hope it bombs. of course it won't because
>pokemon nostalgia
>ryan reynolds is hot right now
>it'll be PC, pro feminist and pro LGBTQscoobydoowhereareyou+
Bad as chris evans and co. are, I don't think any of them ever said such stupid shit as wanting to exclude white male critics from press screenings
I liked the second half.
I think the issues are on the director shoulders. The film is Han Solo dark during some scenes, overall it has no style to it all. And the script is bad at times.
She probably needs some Ragnarok/Guardians treatment.
>Pick up sister from school
>What film you wanna see?
>Idk nothing much on
>theres that captain marvel one I guess
>Nah it looks pretty bad, what about that alita one?
i'm proud of her
she's an incel
and so are you
How is she forced? Because she was only referenced in the previous movie instead of appearing like Spider-Man and Black Panther?
The hate for the Captain Marvel movie is about as autistic as everyone shitting themselves about sunlight in Cyberpunk 2077
>this is my original character, captain marvel. she's the strongest hero in the world and the avengers are named after her.
holy shit that's a meme worthy post, i actually laughed really hard at that shit
>also she invented the avengers
Did you fuck her?
no matter how bad it is people are still gonna watch it because of avengers endgame
Also she kicks Thanos's ass. Also she's now the head of the avengers now that Iron Man and Captain America are dead and hey wait where are you going
Probably the most popular FF character of recent times, shes even on fucking ads for cars and clothing, shit unrelated to vidya. But yeah you dont like her so nobody does right? Really makes me think.
It wasn't because of that. It was more like Marvel going "We don't have the movie rights to the X-Men, She-Hulk, nor any of the Spiderman women, so who's the next popular?
Your sister is based and redpilled. Give her a pat in the head.
>Durr it's everywhere so clearly everyone likes it!
Trust me, I love bootys. I probably spend hours a week looking at asses on Instagram. Im an ass connoisseur and ass addict. But while she may not have this biggest butt, she makes up with it by having a nice body and cute smile.
she got "ass doubled" in movies or just padded ass implants
It's funny because just a movie? ago there was Wasp who had character, relatable motivations, kicked butt and a starred good movie. I mean, she wasn't great, and Lilly is old as fuck, but
Saw it last night, I hated how inconsistent it was with her understanding of earth things.
>film sets her up as having no memory of earth
>somehow still drives a motorcycle fine
>Fury tells her to take off the flannel, knows what he is talking about instantly
Except they have a history of doing this with Carol.
>she has her name on purse
When are we gonna know if this movie's bombing, I wanna see another media shit show. I imagine they thought they could pull it off again after Black Panther
>dc movies start getting better
>posts Aquaman
But people actually like her tho.
It's only that 2/3 of her game is shit.
That rights split was unironically one of the few good things that happened with the MCU movies. Marvel works far better with the X-Men being an entirely separate universe from everything else, and I wish they'd take the comics in that direction. Fite me.
I'm 100% sure this happened and it definitely makes sense that she waited this long to see Alita.
Aqua man was better than all Previous dceu movies, save wonder woman.
and a dick in the ass
Those 90s animal mascots that people tried to force into being popular.
>he doesn't have a Goddess folder with thousands of pics
What are you, an heretic?
>white males bombing reviews
>marvel film
Are you retarded? Marvel could release a guy shitting for two hours and it would make at least a billion.
After taking a quick glance at Yea Forums it seems like lots of people are reporting empty theaters, yet the movie is pulling big numbers.
People talk about Disney buying up the tickets to report a smash hit.
Spider-Man and Wolverine team ups were the best though.
>hurr she got 3 games and as a result of her popularity she got ads and whatnot but nobody actually likes her durr
>dick sucking noises
Especially the MCU, Wasp was a high C tier, in terms of Marunomi at best, while Ms/Captain Marvel was always around B level.
The film is already under performing
Post the new pic coward
It's bombing now, go to Yea Forums and watch the shitstorm
I wouldn't say forced. Well, no more than any other Disney film. People are taking the comic argument and applying it here as if it works. It doesn't.
I mean, if you hate the politics around the movie and Brie Larson's regular horseshit, I get it.
Nah, that'd be any female haircut that involves a razor/clippers.
People fucked hated 13 and they hated the sequels even more holy fuck are you actually 10. You'd have to be to not remember this
Cool. Now they just have to fix everyone else. ezpz.
>Yea Forums
Ah yes, truly a trustworthy source of unbiased and professional information.
Normalfags eat up marvel anything, no way it would be that bad.
people said the same thing about Star Wars
I don't doubt that it might be bombing, but no fucking way on that ticket shit
I don't think you realize how hard Disney is shilling it
If this movie does not do amazing numbers, the next Avengers movie will be cut differently.
Cassie is a qt now with smooth jazz singer voice. Delet this.
>Normalfags eat up marvel anything
Normalfags are confused by the sudden supposed importance of this captain literally who in the MCU now.
every woman in this game is sexless as fuck. It's actually hilarious
The mouse shills anything it can.
Avengers hype alone will probably allow it to at least be a moderate success. People here seem to forget how stupidly popular marvel is with normalfags.
>nonono everybody hated her
>what youre saying doesnt fit my fanfic
>y-your 10
Just another western game chasing realism with ugly women so as not to piss off the gaymen bloggers.
>save wonder woman
Wonder Woman was overrated garbage. Only thing good from the DC movies were the Batman scenes from BvS.
Overrated doesn't mean bad, you silly goose.
>the Batman scenes from BvS
I'm not a fan of snyder's batman at all. Enjoy your trash.
So what's the controversy around this movie? Is it just that it's a marvel movie that isn't making billions in a single day?
Both of the Antman movies did pretty lousy compared to the rest of the movies Marvel has cranked out lately.
There is a limit to what the casual audience can bring themselves to give a shit about. I know it's anecdotal, but I don't know a single person IRL who wants to see this hunk of shit.
>Normalfags are confused
Normalfags don't get confused, they see what is tending and go after it, as simple as that.
yeah, normies sure love that super popular character, captain marvel.
>they'll still watch it cause marvel
The antman movies say, hello.
Her English VA is terrible, I think her nippon VA did a much better job of humanizing her. LR best game as well Lumina ma waifu
Carol Danvers is a character that nobody likes but was shoved to the forefront, making everyone go from apathetic to downright hating her.
Brie Larson ran her mouth and said white men shouldn't review it
It stars a woman, honestly it.
Literally incels vs tumblrfags, no one beside them gave much of a fuck about a mediocre film.
and c-list heroes don't trend because normies get confused by movies lead by them.
what the fuck are those cgi muscles when she jumps
How progressive of marvel to use a trans body double for brie
>lets watch shit movie 2 instead of shit movie 1
not a good reason to be proud of her desu
it's the same Captain Marvel controversy there always is
>established thing
>shove a character people have literally never cared about into it
>woah, people don't care about this
The worst thing is a decent MCU take on her character might be what it took to finally breath some life into her shit character but they chose some unlikable cunt that already made an ass of herself on the press circuit and put her into a boring movie.
I thought the CGI in Black Panther sucked, holy shit
I'm surprised they used Carol Danvers instead of Monica Rambeau when Black Panther was so successful
It's a boring marvel movie but unfortunately a boring marvel movie with a female protagonist, so everyone who doesn't like it is "sexist" and the mediocre sales can only be blamed on sexism instead of superhero movie fatigue
Most marvel movies didnt make billions.
But they were in a billionaire winning streak lately so people tend to forget that.
didn't they just fire their female lead a couple weeks ago for being a shit cunt?
I physically cringed at this scene in theaters.
Literally any of the hundred other beach babe extras had a better body.
Were you literally shaking too?
well she's a poor man's Wonder Woman so I guess the video game equivalent would be a poor man's Samus?
Wasn't the Captain Marvel a success on that front too?
Carol is one of Fiege's personal favorite characters. He was determined to make this happen even if nobody else wanted it.
Motherfucker even retconned the franchise to be built around her.
is this a reference to that brick-shithouse dva cosplay?
>I physically cringed at this scene in theaters
As if you didn't already look like a massive autist.
I thought the first one didn't meet sales expectations
not because it didn't sell though, cause square spends to much money on graphics and marketing and has dumb sales expectations because of it
They're saving her for the better film.
Master Cheif?
I wonder how stern a talking to He's gonna get over all this bullshit. Even disney's CEO is shitting on captain marvel.
You can't blame a guy for loving his waifu.
I don't think Square views FF XIII as a failure. All games met their sale expectations and FF XIII and XIII-2 got great reviews. Shit sucks.
I didn't watch BP for IW and I won't watch CM for EG. Also I just never watched Antman in general.
Did he base Lightning off of anyone? Was she his 100% original waifu?
His own personal Galatea.
>it's a let's cast a great actor and kill him off immediately movie
Jude Law was wasted on this shit.
the only reason I know of her is because of the Axel Braun porn parodies
There were various statements from SE along the lines of "the cool parts of cloud as a woman" back in the day.
I think cross-dressing Cloud had a lasting impact on him.
>kill him off
mm he's not as blatant a rip off tho, Carol straight up has Wonder Woman's color scheme or red blue and gold
Could in drag is a different thing entirely.
Square was just being Yakuza style and defending their jap team while blaming it all on the gaijins. For them, TR and DeusEx were commercial failures but not XIII, no sir. Fuck Square.
>a real-life BR
Oh boy.
That's just where she stores her cheese.
>Villian has his powers taken from him by some pricks
>No more than a mere human now, he challenges Carol to a 1v1 fist fight
>Kills him with a laser beam and some fucking Yas Queen song starts playing
I was actually rooting for the villian. Jesus christ this was bad.
>ScarJo aged like milk.
Well she's a woman, so... duh.
Couldn't even afford the Blue Angels, pffft.
It's like they knew the movie was going to bomb and were just going through the motions to make it look like they care.
Is that what happened? Based
Always hated the "lets forget all the terrible things i did so please throw away all your advantage and lets have le fair fight" cliche
t. ScarJo