Why does nobody ever talk about it?
Why does nobody ever talk about it?
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Have you ever browsed Yea Forums before user?
how do you separate the xbox 1 and the xbox one? Microsoft really needs to fire the Console Naming Division, it's ludicrous
Cause ps4 has all the games :)
no games
too busy playing all the games on game pass
Yea Forums talks more about the games themselves, but I see xbone threads every now and then. Halo threads too.
Because Xbox One literally was the worst console to have this generation despite having the better Uprade with S
Plus none of the games were remotely trying to bring you in unlike the Swicth or PS4, I highly doubt they’ll do anything that’ll change the tide even with all these features they’re trying to push, and No amount of shitposting can change that
>no MLB The Show
You anger me so much.
>awful company
>no games
>worse performing multiplats
>new IPs get cancelled while old ones get ran into the ground
The only "consumer friendly" choices they've done lately are because they were forced to by Sony being so dominant. If they ever got back on top they'll start trying to makes games as a service shit, always online, social connectivity garbage that they tried before.
What's to talk about other than Uncle Phil's IOUs?
Too busy playing games
Code Veronica is back-compat? Wtf? Why isnt it on my games then?
Nvm. I shouldve checked first, RECV there. But it must be a relatively recent addition though, I dont think I even saw an announcement.
We call it the Xbox OG.
It came out last week with the lost planet games.
>be sonyman
>buy new game with genderfluid protag
>watch it for 4 hours while it plays itself
>ending credits
>"man that was a good game, time to tell 4channel about it"
Because Microsoft lost this generation, people are waiting for the next gen Xbox.
>despite having the better Upgrade with S
Irrelevant when the vast majority of the player base has the base models and devs have little reason to optimize games for better hardware. The most done is "4k support" aka upscaling and maybe a marginally higher refresh rate.
Why do you even care enough to do this
Based Sakuraposter.
I was planning on getting an X but are you telling me third party titles only upscale? Whats the point in buying one if there are only a handful of first party games to care about that do it?
Does the X run backcompat games better than the S or should I just save my money?
It makes more sense to own a S or an X as a 4K Blu-Ray player. There's only like a marginal price difference between them both, so you might as well get a console.
Am I wrong though?
Sony is know for their "cinematic" games, hell mgs4 set several world records due to its cutscenes
Xchad here
Honestly, this board is filled with lonely virgins that watch anime. PC and PS4 is more suited for those types of individuals
Nigger is full of shit.
The only devs that are "upscaling" are Japs that have no idea how to optimize a game
Thx fren, will definately grab
Jesus Christ what's your hard drive?
Not him, but I’ve noticed improved visuals and loading times on backwards compatible and original Xbox games. Definitely worth buying over a “Pro”.
Gixxer nigger.
this nword actually buys games
I have 1tb internal with 3 externals around 500gb to 2tbs. Can't remember their sizes.
it's just a slightly less powerful but more affordable PC that plays multiplats. like, it's not necessarily bad for those reasons but it really leads to the Xbox having literally 0 brand identity when you compare it to Sony or especially Nintendo. the most talk it's had recently was the introduction of the Xbox Game Pass which is literally just handing away hundreds of games for a slight monthly fee.
Sony DOES what Microsoft Don't!
>get cancelled exclusives
>The only devs that are "upscaling" are Japs that have no idea how to optimize a game
They're also the only ones making games worth anything unless you actually play garbage like Crackdown
Xbone has no games
>Why does nobody ever talk about it?
Cause Xbox threads are usually immediately met with shitposters of a certain fanbase. Hell, I suspect this thread of being started by a false flagger.
We're too busy playing games to talk about them
They are the same morons who think putting an exclusive on PC won't hurt sales for their console. Must be the tap water in Seattle.
Not sure to laugh or cringe whenever I see this term, literally the most cucked fanbase this gen to a point where it is sad rather then funny.
name one game, faggot
Jackie Chan
I recently thought about buying an Xbone X to mostly play old Xbox (360) games and maybe Rare Replay, hoping that it'd be cheap near the end of life of the console. 500 autismbux is however way too much, as it has no exclusives or multiplats worth buying for the Xbone itself.
Microsoft sure fucked up this generation.
>The most consumer friendly and innovative company in the industry
You can't be serious
Crackdown 3 is nowhere as bad as people say it is, and I would honestly place it around KH3.
Also you would have to be a retarded weeb to think that Japs are the only one game good games when they have the same track record for making awful games like thew west.
I own an X that I managed to purchase for $233 brand new (a really convoluted process) which I probably would not have bought otherwise. Anyway, I mainly play the Forza Horizon series and FM6 (although I have FM5 but it sucks dick). MCC finally operates half way decently after the recent patches and it looks much better in 4k or close to it. Every new game that comes out utilizes the extra power, but like said, some Japs either are incompetent, can't be bothered because they sell more on other platforms (sony) or in the case of capcom, they usually deliver a solid upgrade over other consoles.
Visuals and performance are both typically much better compared to other consoles and quite a few games will even give you the option to play locked 30/4k or locked 60/1080p like FH4 (which I'm waiting on a sale before I buy the ultimate version). If you have a 4k tv, everything will look greatly improved and there are of course a number of 4k enhanced 360 bc titles like the original FH, RDR, Gears, H3, Crackdown and so on. HITMAN (1) was another game I really enjoyed. Just beautiful graphics and solid gameplay. But even if you only standard 1080p, the visuals will still outshine what you would normally see on standard consoles. TeeBH, we're probably 1.5 years out from the next gen so I'd only bother if you can find one for cheap.
t. xfag
The fact that I have a 4K OLED helped in my desire to buy an Xbone, but $233 actually sounds like a reasonable price. Maybe by the time black Friday comes I'll still want one and then I'll see how cheap it is. I'm not into racan games though so the only decent exclusives don't do anything for me.
>Crackdown 3 is nowhere as bad as people say it is
Not him
>4k OLED
>black friday
Probably your best bet unless another sweet deal pops up beforehand. What kind of games do you like? There's always your standard 3rd party fair. The Ass Creed games from Origins on up all look sweet. What bums me is that they won't bother upgrading the older titles like Syndicate or Unity which would look beautiful in 4k. Those dicks didn't even bother to upgrade WD2 so I doubt I'll ever buy it unless the complete version goes on sale for a few bucks.
Scalebound would've turned out exactly like Crackdown 3 if they hadn't cancelled it. I thought it looked bad from inception (although the potential was there but that means jack). I can't take anyone seriously when they get butt hurt and I'm not surprised that a game in dev hell turned out mediocre as is all to the often the case.
Miyamoto's delayed game speech is becoming more false every day. I had faith in the game but now I'm just waiting until all the patches fixes the game, I kind of wished it got canceled. What a terrible generation, at least next gen looks light years better for Microsoft since they seem to have finally got their shit together now that Mattrick era is finally done and Phil era is about to begin.
I'm gonna wash my hands of 343 if they fail to deliver on the next Halo. It amuses me that their boss, Bonnie Ross recently got an award and inducted into some hall of fame thing for basically being a female boss and providing "excellent leadership" despite the franchise turning into a shit show under her. She was even quoted as saying she wanted Halo to be the next Star Wars which is perfectly fitting considering how that series is doing.
>I'm just waiting until all the patches fixes the game
Seems like that's been the case for just about every MS game this gen aside from the horizon series and FM6... and Gears 4/ultimate. Pretty rough.
they're busy playing it
I was mostly interested in playing ninja Gaiden and the Darkness again. I guess single player action games then. I had a lot of fun with the original Crackdown in multiplayer mode, so I was actually hoping Crackdown 3 but it was shit.
>have ps4
>build high end pc
>end up trading in 90% of my ps4 games
Some games are inherently unsalvageable for various reasons. Crackdown 3 is one of them.
Seeing as to how Halo Infinite's a Chief game with open-ended levels I'm sure it will be fine.
You could be right but they did fix ReCore so anything could happen but honestly, I don't know if they can fix an entire engine. So Crackdown 1 may just be the only Crackdown game I will continue to own.
3 is still the better game, so the video means fuck all.
>Phil era is about to begin
Phil era started five years ago, and he's had his finger in the pie for over a decade. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Last year was the first time he actually had control, all he was able to do was prepare for next gen and let this gen die.
Crackdown 2 went bc yesterday evening. MS put it up for free. It's probably still up
But Crackdown 2 sucked.
I've been an Xbro ever since Sony started censoring. Basically I buy games from whichever company is trying to screw me over the least. Right now that feels like Microsoft/Nintendo. Not that they're not trying to fuck me. They're just not trying to fuck me as bad as Sony has been lately.
This, it's why I'm going Xbox and Switch next gen.
free is free
Debatable my ass. Crackdown 1 has even less of a story, less weapons and abilities, and doesnt even have boss fights.
It's there if you want it at no consequence. People say it sucked, and it probably did but I'll still check it out. There's gotta be something redeeming in it
welcome to the family, xchad
here's a complimentary cap for your superior choice in consoles
This isn't /r/Gaming, you're going to have to put effort into your shilling.
But it has godlike physics and less bugs, plus the game seems to have more life to it compared to the empty and clean Crackdown 3, blood doesn't even get anywhere when you shoot someone in Crackdown 3.
Honestly, what I know now, I would go XBOX.
Backwards compatible is great, especially when you have the option to buy physical or digital copies.
PS4 and XB1 actually have IDs that carry over info and games to the next gen, Nintendo is lacking this greatly, but PS4 is also lacking BC.
GWG give four games every month, two which you get to keep without a subscription. I got Gold for two years basically free thanks to Microsoft Rewards
Keep saying that but Sony has changed for the worse and Microsoft and Nintendo are stepping up. Plus, Halo is looking like Halo again and Metroid is back plus I'm hearing Microsoft next gen is dropping the One name and the consoles will just be called "Xbox" the Lockhart will be known as the Arcade and the Anaconda will be known as the Pro.
this makes me want to watch nascar and drink bud light
I would unironically wear a hat with the OG Xbox logo on it. That shit had some good-ass games. I've been thinking about trying to find one on Ebay. I have Halo 1&2, Ninja Gaiden, Mech Assault 1&2, and all the old DoA games.
You're a moron.
>wearing this cap
>drinking soda
>eating pizza
>playing Halo Infinite campaign on an Xbox Pro
I'm ready
Oh, it's this cuck longing for his middle school years again. I can disregard you and your fanfic.
Seethe more.
When i was young this bitch had so many porn comics online it was absurd. Broke my brain seeing cartoons undress and fuck.
Looks like it's a party everybody, Eric's here.
Crackdown 3 early game and after you beat the game are the only time when the world is empty, but that's mainly because all of the compounds are destroyed. Mid to late game is more chaotic than anything the first game as to offer, and after 11 hours of play, the only bug I ever got were checkpoints taking me further into the level.
You can argue that 1 has better physics, but the trade off that 3 provides for example much better performance and all around much better gameplay makes 3 the much superior game.
I've had Gold forever but I didn't even know this game pass thing existed until now. How is it different?
Now the true question is, did you buy silent hill hd collection before it became back compat or after?
>playing sports games
Is anyone else a retard and bought a PS3 last gen as there main console but now re-buys the games they own on PS3 on Xbox 360 when they become back compat on Xbox One. Im essentially rebuying my whole library of games on 360 just so I can get that Xbox One X bump.
Not him but shit like NBA Jam and MLB Slugfest are fucking great. I love any game that allows me to make Roger Clemens cry like a bitch after hitting a dinger.
Before. My friend that i gameshare with bought it day one on the 360 back before we knew it was a shit port. I just installed it because I wanted to see if it becoming BC made the game run any better, but I'm actually too lazy to check.
>answer someones question
what the
>nintendo gets 2 games a year on an underpowered console
>xbox has all the best games of the past 20 years
yeah man keep laughing
>Crackdown 1 has even less of a story
i garauntee you have no idea what the crackdown story is, because its mainly stuck in audio logs and things like this
nigger is you for real?
go back to your hugbox, baby
>anyone mentioning anything i dont like is shilling
your parents suck
because this is new /v old v was more of an american form with a lot of foreigners now its the other way around , xbox is an american brand in vidya destined to fail outside of murica 99.9 of the times , no matter how good is the offer worldwide xbox will never take off they just have to focus 100% on burguerland this gen if they want to remain competitive
>hi, i am an autistic on Yea Forums, and cannot detect basic satire, sarcasm or irony!
do you really think he typed "nword" UNironically you fucking dickhead
That's another thing that annoys me about Crackdown 3, where's the corrupt Agency storyline?
>where's the corrupt Agency storyline?
in real life, with the release of the game
Whats to talk about?
Xbox is the only console that feels like just a regular ass gadget than an actual platform or something cool I'd want in my house
Same reason as always. If you have a PC and/or Playstation, it's hard to remember Xbox exists.
very tired of sony/nintendo trying to make statements with video games
sometimes i turn on my xbone and play forza 7 or some 360 title
thats it, and thats all it needs to be
100+ games you can play whenever. Most of them are usually pretty good indie games you would you never would have heard of. Games come and go every month.
Every major Microsoft release will be on it, so far Sea of Theives, Forza Horizon 4, and Crackdown 3 were released on it. We Happy Few as well. The Halo and Gears of War series are on it.
Going to drop this before I head to bed but Jez Corden says that Infinite will not have dialogue trees or leveling up, it will just be different objectives on one level and chances are Req weapons you would normally see in Warzone. I'm guessing vehicles will be the same.
baseball is great
I bought a PS3 when I learned I could get CFW on it.
Every xbox thread until its bc
Forza Horizon is pretty dam great
I got Super Mega Baseball 2 last year, it's kind of a serious game while looking cartoonish, it's pretty entertaining and has some funny moments
Can someone who has crackdown 3 wrecking zone installed get on and play territories? There is literally no one playing now and i need some more captures for the last few achievements
I had RBI 16 and I was kinda disappointed. Thinking I might get the show this year though, baseball games are so fun.
forza horizon is shit and only filled with 14 year olds
How dare you, my console will never have that literal trash near it as long as I live
>I'm gonna wash my hands of 343 if they fail to deliver on the next Halo
Why didn't you do that with Halo 4?
not any of the people you replied to but i actually did do this after halo 4 was complete trash
Because it’s literally worse then the Swicth and PS4 when it comes to games regardless of what features or better models they have. Even then I highly doubt they’ll do anything next gen that’ll make a Dent against Sony or Nintendo unless these new Studios they bought blow people away I highly doubt they’ll get far
Its not that great but its easy achievements
Fires all their white male stuff to make space for talentless blacks and women.
Consulted with Anita on every of their games to make them pro feminist, especially halo and gears
>switch can barely display 720p
>xbox has 4k
>"literally worse than the switch"
i dont think so
>inside xbox on mar 12
>GDC: Xbox/Xcloud in mar 21
>E3 Xbox conference June 10
Gonna be a good quarter boys. Get ready for some Snoygoy tears
Had a xboner sold it 4 years ago
Great controller terrible console built a gaming pc and play forza on that instead
>Inside Cuckbox
Retards still talk that up?
Worst of the three Xbox consoles. OG Xbox was so much better than the Xbone it's unbelieveable, and that wasn't evem as good as the 360. Funny, right? The original Xbox was better than the Bone in every way, but the Bone sold more (marginally). Tells you everything about marketing, brand loyalty, and hype.
If the Xbox One was MS's first console, and didn't come after the 360, it would've killed the brand on arrival.
>XBone SAD Edition
>GAYming pc
lol get outta here
Yeah even as an xbox fan, i think the only good inside xbox was the first one. The one where they announced the new bc xbox games. The rest have been 2 hours of black guys and rainbow haired dykes reading social media posts. Never any cool announcements. No big info drops. No more bc updates
Well technically it's general shitposting box I made myself 2700x and gtx 1080
Based user shitposting in the highest quality
i have a 200k PC and i still use my xbox to play forza 7 (and read dead 2 when that was alive game)
not him, i think i last watched inside xbox in 2010, i honestly had no idea it still existed, surely now its pure marketing?
i stopped around the time they released a show called genisis or indigo or some shit like that, to date my post
>”When it comes to games”
>Implying most give a shit about 4K when they only care for games
Despite being the weaker Console it’s somehow doing better then the Xbox because it does something better then it can. By actually having games
but the switch actually DOESN'T have any games so i really dont know what you're getting at
xbox also has a game drought atm but i literally can only think of around 5 switch games since its been released, and most of them are aimed at 9-12 year olds
Funnily enough it is actually the best console this generation in a lot of ways. It just started the shittiest, and then became the best out of necessity.
It is oficially the Xbox, and the Xbone.
Censoring their games?
>but the switch actually DOESN'T have any games
You must be joking
>xbox also has a game drought atm
Excuses especially since most of the games were ass and flops excluding Sunset Over Drive and Ori and Despite the Xbox being the oldest console it offered absolutely nothing that matches the Switch
Why do retards always do this?
Of this entire stack there are 2 games I actually would play/played on PS4.
Yakuzza 6, and Bloodborne. Two shit games I will give you just to be charitable (Uncharted 4 and the Ratchet and Clank Remake) and the rest, games that objectively are better on other platforms.
Maybe I just have autism. But It always gives me cancer when I see someone post shit like Titanfall 2 on console. Fucking why man?
god why the fuck do redditors think they are welcome here
>omg, you MUST be joking
stop talking like a faggot, your toy for children has no games, my toy for teenagers and children has barely any games, this is the truth
if you like goofy and spongebob still, thats great and im happy for you, but most people wont dish out 300-400 to watch spongebob in 720p
sorry sir.... i really am....
>master Chief collection coming to PC.
>Big PC Gaming announcement at E3
>Gamepass fully coming to PC
>they had people test Xbox One builds of games running on windows.
>pretty good media player with Gamepass being an actualy good service.
Friendship with Sony is over. Now Phil Spencer is my best friend.
>Embracing cuckoldry this hard
Hey, if you're willing to share. :^)
>>Gamepass fully coming to PC
didnt know this one actual hype desu
At this point you’re trying way to fucking hard to fit in, especially with you failing to make a good argument or counter point at all. congrats dumbass
They recently brought them back, starting last april. Theyre not really terrible but...they go on to long and theres never been a meaty announcement outside of the april 2018 one so far. They have the potential if they make it no more than an hour and have a fun surprise announcement. Not an aaa game, but maybe a look into the next console update features, 4k enhancing 360 games, or new xbox games
>Literally doing a Ad hominem
Holy shit you are dumb as shit
>i am so new i cannot read reply chains
please lurk more :) as you can see your friends epic counter argument was "you must be joking" :)
so its basically just a podcast of some goys that happen to be related to xbox, and therefor if there is any news they're the first point of contact with the audience?
makes sense i guess but cant say i'd ever watch it
>didnt know this one actual hype desu
I mean, I hope it is local playback. If turns out to just be streaming than my friendship with Phil Spencer is over again. But they had some weird thing where they made people test what turned out to be the xbox build of a UWP game on windows so my hopes are up.
I don't even know what this shitpost means.
Cuck has become so overused and meaningless you might as well have just posted a blank reply.
They hyped it up and the first one was actually good because of the new xbox bc games. So they set up high expectations but just never did anything as cool as that one. A podcast of goys, yes that actually sums it up well
>Being unironically upset somebody correctly described your favourite gadget as a childrens toy
This is what he meant by "you are not welcome here"
IDK man, you do you. Just why show off something that embarrassing...? Like why not pick out all the games that idorts would never even humour getting on PS4?
presumably the whole point of the xbox/PC relationship is that eventually they will be indistinguishable, i.e xbox games can be brought to PC without worry and visa versa
should have happened already desu but who knows, i dont think they will go the direction of video game STREAMING, but at the same time they could if they wanted i dont think many can be arsed to complain
i imagine for the past like 4-5 months all they spoke about was read dead 2
>Dude Lurk more
So you can’t refute shit then should have told me sooner Dumbass
>nothing to refute
are you even reading the reply chains cause this will be my second time telling you to do this, im the one waiting for a refute
you sound very upset
No just amused on how you dumb people are
WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE REFUTATIONS1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok Sweetie
> i.e xbox games can be brought to PC without worry and visa versa
I get that and they are making strides. But the problem becomes weird with third parties. Both in terms of licensing/sales/competing with themselves, as well as porting over someone elses games. Like dealing with variable hardware is something you have to take into effect.
this this this this this
BASED TO THE MAXIEMUM! make em seeth boy!
Did you submit your request to get it backwards compatible?
I gotta agree completely, after I played Crackdown 1 with my brother online I wanted to kill myself. That game just sucks ass, Crackdown 3 has way more to actually do and it actually feels like you're leveling up your agent in 3 as well. I prefer 3 > 1, I haven't played the 2nd game yet.
xbox make ya seeth?
>but the switch actually DOESN'T have any games
>What is BOTW
>What is Smash
>What is Xenoblade
>What is Arms
>What is any exclusive Downloable title
kill yourself beta virgin
>Post literally says "i can think of around 5 switch games"
>You listed 5 switch games and went HA!
Who the fuck is this retarded in real life
I've sent phil spencer and koei tecmo emails and tweets
Also on windows 10.
nice trips also children cannot read posts to their end
>master Chief collection coming to PC
Oh cool. I now have literally zero reason to ever use that long out of date, first version Xbone that's been collecting dust in my entertainment unit. Well, I guess if I want to play the XBLA release of Perfect Dark
I emailed Phil. But said he would never let those dirty nips touch his home console again. That is what makes it good tho.
The S is a pretty gud media player/living room machine IMO.
>had best show on E3 last year but only noteworthy titles are multiplats
>only exclusive that came out since is Crackdown 3 which is a steaming pile of horse shit
While PS4 got Spiderman and is the preferred console for multiplats. Nintendo then got Smash I guess. Still better than Crackdown.
Oh I am illiterate. Yeah it is kinda useless if you are a mustard.
Why is the Playstation such a nigger console
What about the Xbox emulation? I'd pay for that shit
Well serves me right for being one of those retarded early-adopters. Good thing I didn't pay too much for it since I got it second-hand off a guy on Canadian Craigslist.
> and is the preferred console for multiplats
What why..? PC is my preferred platform for multiplats, but if I had to go console only Id play them all on Xbone X. Xbox has the better controller, more powerful system, native M&K support, etc.
Point is that aside from the multiplats, you have good exclusives to play on a PS4. As you have said if I need something to just play multiplats, best choice would be a PC.
> As you have said if I need something to just play multiplats, best choice would be a PC.
Microsofts other platform. I wasn't trying to consolewar though. I just was curiou as to why you would feel PS4 is the better of the two for multiplats when it was really not IMO. for console gamers I think Xbox one is kinda the best option now. For PC gamers who just want to play exclusives, yeah PS4 has a lot more value to you, but I see that as a positive for Microsoft, and a correction of past errors (not that I really can hold it against Sony that they don't own a desktop operating system to port to.)
I always buy a console late gen used so that I can just hack it and pirate all the exclusives for like $80. The exception is handhelds/Switch, because they are always complete and utter shit condition when bought used, plus the Switch Hardware vulnerability was to juicy to pass up.
as an xbox/pc man spiderman very nearly got me to get a PS4, i just needed like 1 or 2 other games to justify it
i see his point, and im sure you do to, but i think that console to console xbox performs better (and they fixed the fucking shit xbone UI somewhat)
Yeah, I agree PS4 is worth the price of admission. Also I have preffered the Xbone UI since Dashboard. Why does everyone hate it?
Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred because they are angry Sony has made multiple 90+ metacritic games
You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant after so many 60 rated metacritic games.
You Microsoft fanboys constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of classic games like Bloodborne, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone. Sad.
You are sick in the head and need help.
Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales or good games, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile after State Of Decay 2 was a broken mess and Sea Of Thieves had no content
Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, not favored by developers and has no games.
Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts while leeching off delusional and evil Nintendo fanboys
Friendly reminder to Microsoft fanboys that you pioneered cancer on all platforms and you earned all the hate you get.
These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.
Microsoft fanboys will continually damage control and make disgusting lies like the evil, worthless, malicious pestilence they are
Enjoy your tranny parades
Xbox exclusives never were remotely good, now they're even worse and if not completely absent
>a few random shitty hentai games that aren't released on any other platforms get censored
>OMG!! SONY IS CENSORING ALL THE GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grow the fuck up
>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Hellblade directed by Tameem) [3 teams]
>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>new Xbox Division in Asia
>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Giant Sparrow (What Remains of Edith Finch), and Turtle Rock Studios (Left 4 Dead)
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>backwards compatibility
>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen
Ori 2 is gonna be goty unless something tragically wrong happens to the level design. The first one is one of the best games ever
Nice, I haven't seen this stale pasta for a while.
It'll be RE2 or Sekiro. I imagine Ori 2 will cuck DMCV out of a few art design awards though.
Ori is a tad overrated, it looks nice and sounds nice but its gameplay is pretty damn average
because the 360 guide was literally perfect TBQH
i didnt have an xbox till battlefield 1 released (shit game) so i didnt get the very first UI but i heard it was trash, when i started it was functional but not as good as 360, and now its just a plain regular "good" UI.
and underage nintendards wonder why they are universially hated
didnt have an xbone*
>Ori 2 is gonna be goty unless something tragically wrong happens to the level design. The first one is one of the best games ever
>baby's first metroidvania
>best game ever
sounds like SOMEBODY is butthurt that their pc/"console" has cheap worthless games, while Nintendo ENTERTAINMENT systems have the most expensive and thus BEST games. There's a reason why the wii outsold BOTH PS3 and Xbox 360 and why the switch will outsell PS4/Xbox One AND PS5/Xbox Two. Cope.
>Silent Hill HD collection
maybe im getting old but i really cant tell if this guy is pretending or not
You're not getting old, Yea Forums is getting young
Nintendo having the most expensive games = the most consumer friendly company.
Why would you invest in a console whose games drop to bargain bin prices like 2 months after launch? Does that sound like a company that has your best interests at heart or someone just trying to screw you over? If you buy a nintendo game, you know it will stay full price for YEARS, but on pc/ps4/xbox one, buy a $99 game like a retard and have it drop to $40 within a month. You KNOW you got screwed, but then you go ahead and do it again!
thank god he is pretending, maybe Yea Forums hasnt fallen as far as i'd thought
Lost Planet is backwards compatible now? Nice, time to do some henshin poses.
based and moviehaterpilled
>stale pasta
Those are facts.
It's the best metroidvania in 10 years so you can suck my dick you disgusting tranny.
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
Big surprise, swarms of mentally ill, deranged, evil microsoft shills in this article spreading lies, hatred, and FUD.
Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.
That's what microsoft shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.
Once again another thread swarming with pure evil microsoft fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil microsoft shills spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Xbox. Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.
You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant.
Stop spreading fanboy lies, FUD, and hatred and get help.
Yea Forums
The real answer is that barely anyone here owns an Xbone, so there is no point in shitposting if you are not sure it will make anyone made.
>xbone fans
>get polished exclusives
ocuh, isn't that a bit overdated?
like around 7 years outdated
also, there is not much point in generalizing the playstaiton fanbase considering it is the biggest gamer fanbase, encompassing all ranges from normies to neckbeards
What are you talking about? Playstation is for the gaymers!
>most consumer friendly and innovative company in the industry
>Implying a purchase was made
It's the most hyped brand right now across most gaming forums what I've seen simply because it has changed the most and there's the most happening surrounding the brand right now from studio acquisitions to possible deals with Nintendo.