Why didn't you play 月姫 yet?
Why didn't you play 月姫 yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
too busy playing this
>tfw no more JSK
I played that years ago
on the DS
though I did have to look up how to edit the files to fix a recurring typo and replace the butchered & compressed as fuck audio with the original music
Everyone that matters has played turkeyhandle.
Is that some generic RPG Maker shit?
Are you sure you played 月姫 and not some translated version or shit like that?
user I know it's the weekend but you've got school monday you can't stay up all night
>VN shit
hard pass lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
School starts in April here in Japan. I'm on holiday. Will be going on a trip around Kansai soon, actually.
But I have, and fuck FGO for what it's going to do to it. First Sion, now Sacchin.
you know he made a new game right?
I did years ago.
Now I'm trying to get motivation to keep studying JP so I can read Mahoyo at least, cause god knows TM is fucking dead.
user you really better not be fucking lying or you're getting the gun
there's no reason to read mahoyo considering nasu threw his sequels in the trashcan.
have you been living underneath a rock or something?
True, but it seems like a great VN on its own, even if we'll never get the supposedly amazing stuff that was planned for the sequels.
> now Sacchin
>he doesn't know
Why do NScripter novels have so much more soul than other engine?
Because I'm waiting for the remake and anime to come out.
>none of them translated
as I said before
>tfw no more JSK
lol EOPs
Lad, I read that shit when you were still unironically your mum's womb.
She seems to be the master of the newest Lancer for the upcoming GudaGuda 3 event.
It's just Koha-Ace you fucking idiot.
I shit on FGO every chance I get, but Tsukihime characters as Masters has been a thing there for many years.
>Zoomer feels superior because he discovered Tsukihime recently
>EOP is an EOP
This design is just so terrible and generic. Takeuchi needs to hang up his hat and stop drawing.
>he doesn't know the old tsukihime memes
Hows your first day on 4channel going?
I don't really keep up with Fate these days, just stating what I've heard from a friend.
I can speak 4 different languages though.
For the purpose of this discussion all languages other than English and Japanese are ignored.
I'm waiting for the remake
I can speak english, japanese, german and arabic.
>type moon
No thank you
There are people translating them right now, user.
Reminder that out of all the girls, Ciel canon likes it in the ass.
lol no
>choices everywhere
>5 routes
>only 20 save slots
>the development team of the remake
I only read 萌えゲー
Trying to explain to EOPs how they haven't played more even a single Japanese game with a story bigger than a screen of text is pretty tough dude, it's like telling someone stuck in plato's cave that they're just looking at hand puppets.
They'll adamantly reject the notion, because otherwise they have to face up to the basic reality that the only VN they've actually played was Katawa Shoujo or something.
I don't have a Redman smug enough for this
Daily reminder that Hisui is the best girl.
play メルティブラッド
How could everything go so fucking wrong
I can't believe Hisui is fucking dead.
But I did.
On the one hand, based on your post, it looks like you should know better than this. On the other hand, maybe you actually meant this ironically.
It became a Fate vehicle.
from a capitalist perspective everything went right for them.
they transformed their soul into a stream of endless money.
Here we have a DJT denizen that couldn't help it but 衒う his 奇.
For reference for you learners:
They sold out for literal billions. On one hand it is sad and disgusting. On the other those fucking subhuman gacha addicts deserve to have their wallets drained and their throats stuffed full of rancid cum.
naruhodo ne
If not type-moon someone else would do it
the fucking flat snark scene in mahoyo probably has more effort put into it than all fgo chapters combined, it's honestly unbelievable. it's the last scene they completed because they kept improving it.
No because Tsukihime is a shit.
I'd like to believe that since Type Moon said they're ending the FGO story and letting Sony or whoever do what they want with FGO that they'll use the ludicrous amounts of money they have to make Tsukihime's remake or something.
Don't need to waste my time with reminders on lies
They don't need that much money for Tsukihime, even if it were all Mahoyo tier quality. What it requires is time and effort, which is not TM's strong point right now.
The only thing FGO's shit eaters are supporting with their money is more FGO-like content, and shit tier spin-offs like Extella.
If we do get lucky enough to get the Remake, it won't be with FGO's help. It could've been done years ago.
extella didn't even sell well.
fgo players only care about fgo.
Its clear Nasu doesnt like Typemoon at all compared to Fate or even Kara no Kyoukai.
>Another generic Saber face Japanese thot
This is getting sad now.
Typemoon is Fate
what is this from?
It's on the tranny side of the cringe spectrum
Doesn't Shiki also ejaculate inside her ass?
Moon woman, something.
Man, I'm, bad an Kanji.
It's Kara no Kyokai better than UBW?
Tsukihime manga.
I meant Tsukihime. I have no idea why I wrote Typemoon.
yes, UBW wasn't even a good adaption.
fanbase is pretty much split 50/50 on ubw sucking dick or not, both in japan and overseas.
>Moon woman, something.
It's two characters only.
Thanks, I will watch it after UBW, it had a super slow beginning but it got alright after a while
Missing the "french me"
KnK is fucking great
ganbatte, nanashi-kun.
Was this the best track?
missing a few
It's "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" at this point considering how many there are
Type moon is the blizzard of VNs.
Fate/stay night was their WoW
I did. Hisui is best girl.
And FGO is their Diablo Immortal, except it became massively popular with a new fanbase, drowning out what little backlash there was.
In other words, what happened with TM is worse than Blizzard.
Post more koikatsu pics.
Radicals =/= characters you DJT N5 retard.
"moon woman retainer/omi" isn't a meaningful way to understand 月姫. It just ends up feeling like it works out in this case. There are million cases where radicals are just phonetic.
Best sex scene?
the ones in KT
Does Ciel have one?
play me in melty right now, fucker
Fate fucking fustrates me, it’s enjoyable but it’s not a Philosophical or good as Yea Forums says it is - it’s just enjoyable and badly written. It’s extremely badly written, really extremely badly written.
How is this one?
I can't play anime games. My hands are too retarded to instant air dash without 2 button dashes. They should put all the melty characters into UMVC3 then I'll play you.
bro JSK has been back making games since a year or two ago. he literally released a game two days ago
and so forth
Once you see it in the wild a few times it's hard to forget it.
melty blood has two button dashes you fucking fraud
Yes, everything is easy to remember once you see it often enough. That's how I learned Japanese and moved to Japan.
But how's that a response to your retarded mistake?
wait really
I havent played it since like before SF4 came out. What's the best way to play it now?
it's easier than posting a bunch of individual links to downloads
Arc's route was so shit I never bothered to finish the rest
I really miss old TM
The game doesn't have internal consistency. In once scene, Shiki will be laid up in bed, to weak to even sit up. Then in the next, he's sneaking off into the city to fight zombies or follow someone, or kill people or something, then in the next scene he's back in bed again and suddenly so weak he can't even wiggle his finger.
Also the game has about 14 sex scenes, but not a single normal one. Why?
Because it's doujin game originally made to be released to a small number of people on Comiket and Nasu wrote whatever the fuck he wanted.
never, they just going to make more gacha
My man, that one is god tier.
What is this?