Now that the dust has settled, was it really that bad of a game?

Attached: dmc2.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

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The dust on DMC2 settled 14 years ago when DMC3 came out and brought the series back on track.

It was complete dogshit. Had some cool designs and 2nd form final boss was the best thing it offered.

It's fucking awful, user. It's not even "bad for DMC" or "just mediocre", it's utterly fucking terrible.

I would rather play DmC again, because at least DmC is a fully functioning game.

Yes. It's terrible and easily the worst game in the series.

It's the only game I've played where at the end of it I really felt like I had just wasted my time. I don't value my time highly so I don't ever feel like that but this game did it to me.

Nah, it was better than 3 at least.

Lads, I'm playing through the series for the first time before picking up 5.
I've almost finished 1, is it worth playing 2 next or should I skip straight to 3?

Yes. I replayed it the other day and it was fucking god-awful. You could literally kill any of the bosses by just holding square all day.

You should play 2 if you want an even deeper appreciation for 3 afterwards. The difference in quality is night and day.

It's actually way worse than whatever you imagine it to be.

Skip it completely. I only played it for "le true fan" experience and it was a gigantic waste of time. You miss absolutely nothing by skipping it.

Do you like playing bad games? I don't mean in the sense of "So bad it's good", I mean "Bad and just fucking boring."
When I was going through the series I played through DMC2 because I wanted to see just what exactly went wrong. If that's your thing, play it. If not, you can just skip it. There's virtually nothing of note in there besides a few decent ideas that were all greatly expanded on in 3 anyways.

Skip. It's not only a bad game but there is basically no story connection from 2 with the other games. You gain absolutely nothing by playing it.

Horrible, it shouldn't even be mentioned around here

The game is so bad the director made DMC3 with all his heart and soul because he, and I quote, didn't want to be remembered as the guy who directed DMC (after only taking the director's credit despite only being on the project for barely any time to shield and protect that actual people behind it from getting shit canned)
skip it

It’s worse then fucking DmC
Only saving grace it has is it has the best looking Dante and that’s it

Yes. It literally felt like a fan made game rather than something made by professionals.

*remembered as the guy who directed DMC2
DMC1 purists are crazy, I don't want them after me.

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garbage game
best dante design by a fucking mile

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Yes, it was. It's an absolute chore to play. I'm amazed I managed to get through Dante/Lucia's storylines once, I guess it was out of sheer curiosity. I've tried replaying it a few times and always give up after half an hour.

The whole feel of the game is just really bad and gives you a strong appreciation for 1/3.

the reason I haven't bought the hd collection yet is because I don't want dmc2 taking up space on my pc

>0 replies
shit tier bait

How does that attire even work? Like, what is even going on?

You can manually remove DMC2 in a game directory.

It was better than DMC 1.

Attached: 1397747643838.jpg (200x200, 8K)

sounds good, how?

Literally go to DMC:HD directory, then data and remove dmc2 directory.

does it cause any problems for 1&3?

No, since they have their own folders.

sounds great then, thanks.

So how did it end up being so bad anyway?

Arcade division was made to make home console game. Also the real director is completely unknown, Itsuno took over in last 6 months to put together a game and at that point they only had completed one move (Stinger)

pic related (one of the best videogame players in the world) thinks it's the best DMC game

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Most of the people who hate DMC2 didn't actually play it and just watched an e-celeb bitch about it. They can't actually come up with any arguments as to why it's bad, they just say it's bad and expect you to believe it, it's a typical leftist tactic.

Attached: dmc2 dev.jpg (1692x2264, 556K)

Here's how.

Attached: DMC2 development.jpg (1692x2264, 880K)

even the DMC Reboot is better

Yes. There is no debate here.

I'll bite. Tell me what makes it good.

>nothing in this thread has any source

DMC2 was actually my first DMC somehow and I liked it quite a bit since I'd never really played anything like it before and I didn't have any of the other games in the series as a point of reference for its shortcomings

it's in the artbook.

DmC was an alright game that no one asked for.
DMC2 is a game that's simply worse than you imagine.

Read DMC3142 interview parts.

If he thinks DMC2 is the best DMC game then he is not one of the best videogame players in the world. Even a casual can appreciate the depth of literally any other DMC game against DMC2. Maybe he's really good at a few specific things. Good for him. If he prefers DMC2 over any of the other games in the series then there is something wrong with him.

Is bad in the sense its a boring as fuck game. You pretty much are force to dump red orbs in the guns since most enemies are airborn or have auras that hurt you if you are near.

Lucia is kinda fun to play but in the end play until the Infested Tank/Helicopter and see if you like it

>Dante outfit
>Lucia's DT
>Cozy environment
>Walking sounds
that's the good part

Lucia still has the best looking DT in the series

>imagine her DT in RE Engine
>biggest potential character/gameplay improvement
>Capcom forgot about her. at least she got mentioned in the novel

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he's got reddit eyes

Yes, even DMC5 barely aknowledges.

should i play the dmc on pc or emulate the ps2 or ps3?

I love Lucia's DT At least we got good things from DMC2

>Itsuno made DMC3 out of guilt and everything got better
>Dante in Nocturne was great
>on top of that they got Kaneko and the good ol' man of the flowerfield made the bests DTs of the series right in his DDS era, the best era

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I was hoping for at least a reference or a returning enemy type from 2.
Even the DMC recap movie doesn't cover the events of the game
It just kinda lumps it in with the anime under "other shit happened too"

>tfw the title of the artbook doesn't make sense anymore
I want a 5 artbook and a new compilation artbook called 31245.

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It's bad because it's boring as hell. You don't unlock any skills at all and the swords are all the same. I regret playing through both Dante and Lucia's campaigns. I cannot believe there are people who platinumed 2. Seriously, I applaud you if you beat the game 6 times and did bloody palace for 2.

My memory is fuzzy, you have to beat 6 time to get the BP? I remember I beat both characters, played some bloody palace and got the disel outfits long time ago

I will always root for Lady but a dark part of me wants the next game to be set in Vie de Marli where Nero finds a red-headed boy who fights with daggers just to see the reaction of the fanbase

>even the recap video in 5 doesn't mention anything about 2 except "dante continued to hunt demons for awhile"


No, you don't, you just need to beat the game with both characters for BP. But you need to beat hard mode with both characters for DMD, which is already 4 times, then you have to beat DMD and beat the game with Trish for the achievements.

>dogshit stinger
>everything feels slow
>no unlockable moves
>only other weapons are palette swaps
>combo system is based on stick being tilted
>combo moves are functionally irrelevant
>unga bunga shoot gun free juggle
>infested chopper
>infested tanks
>infested chopper
feel free to add shit

post of webm of dante fighting the last boss with the dodges

sometimes i forget there are actual zoomers on this board that weren't alive when DMC2 came out

I wonder if capcom would ever consider remaking DMC2, and fixing its problems.

>these are the people shit talking DMC

Oh fuck off. DMC2 is a boring as fuck game and I remember when it came out very well

>poor lad
>I won my ps2 in a contest alongside DMC1, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter and Jak & Daxter
>play the fuck out of those three games alongside the demo disk with Wild Arms 3 since I played WA2 alot when I was a little kid
>DMC2 comes out
>rush to the game shop and swap DMC1 for 2
>happy as fuck because I was waiting for another great game. Im was sure this game is going to be great
>swords are complete shit
>only until you find the submachine guns and max them out, the game gets a little bit more tolerable
>at least the enemy design is kinda cool
>feel scammed but since it was one of my only games I played the fuck out of that
>because DMC2 killed my love for Capcom I didnt get into Dragon's Dogma and DMC3 until many years later

It was boring but like I said here we got some good things out of 2 in the long run

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Lucia and playable Trish were the only redeeming parts of DMC2. Sucks they didn't bring Lucia back for DMC5. Even a cameo would've been cool. I know she's in the novel, but that's pretty much nothing.

>stinger spams
>best vidya """"""""""player""""""""""""

if he eats pizza every day then why would she ask why?