>woman should get more representation
>look at this female protagonist
>b-but sexualization bad!
>it has a story purpose
>w-who cares it still bad cause it offends me uah!
SJW hipocrisy thread
Go to /pol/ so you can learn how fucking mental you're acting right now.
This is sincere advice.
sjw agendas dont really apply to nip games most of the time
if the nips include ((diversity)) in their games its for entertainment, not pandering
>Female has sexualized outfit
>has an actual good in universe reason and adds depth to the character.
This can literally only happen in Japanese games
But nobody complains about Nier? Actually scratch that, I've legit seen more people complain about toobs design on Yea Forums than anywhere else
The fan service on that game is absurd. I actually cringed with how 2B was over sexualized.
stop farming (You)s idiot
Omg ikr????
Most complaints about nebulous "SJWs' exist entirely in the minds of people making them.
yeah right, now go to resetera talk about the serious facist threat in the world.
This is not OK.
This is perfectly OK.
i want to marry a rori pepowidesad
OH NONONONONO!.The series is going full Usagi Drop.
>character is female
>is written by a woman
>"This character is a sexist fantasy created by a disgusting man"
>Female author
You should've expected this user. They love daddy-husbands. Also apparently it was apparently obvious in the japanese title for it what the story was going to be about.
>it has a story purpose
Yes yes, her dress exploding off to show her ass had a "story purpose"
>Also apparently it was apparently
Goddamn it.
Women have and always will be, incredibly petty and jealous. This is nothing new.
Good thing her actions had consequences. That poor boy is going to have psychological trauma from old ladies for the rest of his life.
>it has a story purpose
Has been an excuse used to justify shitty fan service in anime for years and no one believed it then either. If you want to jerk off fine but don't pretend to have some sort of moral high ground
That is bad advice. If he goes to /pol/ he will be with his mentally ill brethren. He needs to seek help from a psychiatrist.
>if the nips include ((diversity)) in their games its for entertainment, not pandering
Racism is entertainment now?
>This can literally only happen in Japanese games
There has literally never been a good universe reason for it. It's all a bunch of shit to sell copies to horny fat otaku incel pieces of shit.
>She gets pissed and knocks the guy out for grabbing her ass and humiliating him in front of his buddies for getting his ass kicked by a girl
>Bu-but he still grabbed her ass! The game is sexist!
>>it has a story purpose
Who even believes that? Her design and exploding clothes are just bad fan service to hide the shitty gameplay and story
It's obvious the clothing was designed first and a story excuse made later. Not that it even needs an excuse to begin with.
NieR Automata, good game. I need to play through the other endings though. I was extremely buttblasted because of an event that happens in the middle of the game, and I chose 9S for the ending. I'll have to finish the other routes soon.
The people upset over this kind of thing simply accept that men are bad and should be punished. They do not want to see them do the thing that deserves punishment. Simply showing the act is considered heinous to them, whether or not it's depicted in a positive light.
In kaines case yes considering shes a hermaphrodite and feels the only way she can be seen as a true woman is to dress provocatively in a way that makes her more woman features stand out
You can be also for moving away from the estabilished norm of female protagonists just being eye candy to jerk off to. What hypocrisy exactly? You can't be both for more fem protags and against everyone being dressed like a pornstar?
It's a bad game though.
I've only seen Anita Sarkeesian criticize Bayonetta. Most SJWish people I know like the game and think its an ok female protag.
I read tonnes of painfully awful Instagram feminist propaganda and you dipshits are only marginally better in regards to making up pants-on-head retarded scenarios where you're targeted.
I’d tell you to fuck off back to /pol/ but this entire site would be better if that place got nuked
Just leave and stay leave, go on an alt right shithole forum
Epicly based my Shadilay compadre. The only good lib is a TRIGGERED lib
this. Based nips don't care about what some westerners might think about their character designs. Nobody would talk about the 3 letter word if it wasn't for these kind of threads about imaginary problems.
>It has a story purpose
Nigga I don't give a shit about fan service but don't try to pass that pisspoor excuse as something else than milking horny neckbeards
>it has a story purpose
Plenty of guys affected by sjw derangement syndrome in this thread.
>It's not me that is wrong, it's everyone else
Take your hurt feelings and go, being a little bitch will get you nowhere
Discord tranny detected
OP is a willfully ignorant tard
Fake outrage. Nobody gives a shit about Nier
Rent free.
We know. Shut the fuck up, moron.
I don't care about what normals think anymore. Can we talk about something else?
It always has been.
>hating Nier Automata
Leave my site right now. You should be at least 18 to post there.
>Bayonetta called sexist trash for years
>Lady Gaga plays it and loves it
>Suddenly the character is empowering
Actual, non shitposting example of hypocrisy.
>>b-but sexualization bad!
>it has a story purpose
Oh yeah, I'm sure there's a compelling reason why 2B is designed exactly like non-sentient life forms in almost every jrpg.
Yokofags are truly disgusting with how much absurd mental gymnastics they are willing to resort to to defend their masturbation material.
But there is an reason actually. You'd know if you watched those livestreams with taro.
>This can literally only happen in Japanese games
Image unrelated? Because Kaine is a primeexample of how NOT to provide a good in-universe reason for a sexualized character.
If you make fun of sjws than yiu are literally a nazi
Can we stop giving a fuck about what the female version of a neckbeard has to say?
Sjws make a lot more sense if you look at them as failures who pretend to care about those that have less than they do just to get at those who have more than they do. This is true whether you talk about men or women.
at this point i no longer know if it's people genuinely shitposting, or people actually believe in this sort of drivel.
>muh sjw
dead meme, cmon just call me a discord tranny because you have no other retort to this, all you guys do is cry and whine about lefty people's opinion on things, get a life
fuck off with your frog you nazi scum
Stop giving a shit about what other people think and just enjoy the things you like.
So what you're saying is they are sheltered snowflakes that get triggered at the slightest offense to their fragile psych.
I for one love big fat jiggly anime tiddies, but I couldn't care less if a game has them. What pisses me off is when some fag decides they know what's good for me and tells me that I can't look at them. And I'll be damned if I let some multi-billion dollar corporation tell me that I can't.
I like how people on this thread say being an SJW is just opinions, its like they don't understand how their beliefs work and that they literally want to censor everything, how do people on Yea Forums defend this?
Absolutely disgusting, helicopters can't come soon enough
Can someone enlighten me as to what the in universe explanation for the clothes is?
To be honest why do the YoRha soldiers look so fucking RETARDED 9s included
>>woman should get more representation [in video games]
You know I've never actually heard anyone say this.
Does Yea Forums just make people think that there is more than 0.0001% of the population like this?
YoRHa androids are literally propaganda units used to raise the morale of androids on Earth so their pointless cause seems worthwhile. Making them look as cool as possible is probably the most important aspect after making sure they fulfill their specific model niche to their best capacity
>Making them look as cool as possible
How in the flying fuck would you think they look cool especially a twink skelly bitch looking one like 9s
>YoRHa androids are literally propaganda units used to raise the morale of androids on Earth
>non-human life forms
>morale is raised by...parading androids dressed in fetish gear in front of them?!
Your explanation is even dumber.
Do these threads happen when there are no more cringe compilations to watch on youtube?
why don't they just program the androids to think practical clothing looks cool?
We've been at this for years. Did you really think your shitty strawman would add anything to the conversation? Fuck off
>Local manlet from the moon looks at an enemy machine and it explodes within seconds from hacking
It doesn't take a creative mind to see why the scouts are small yet hilariously effective
>androids are fighting against a machine hivemind for humanity
>but humanity is fucking dead
>Wait! This hilariously strong androids coming from space says there's a cryosleep humanity storage on the moon to keep fighting for!
If you're going to criticize a setting without knowing any of the basic lore, of course it's going to look fucking stupid you dolt.
>it has a story purpose
They should stop with this bs. You don't need excuses to show some skin.
I'm so glad this gay /pol/ shit is finally normalizing itself. Jesus christ I forgot what Yea Forums even talked about pre 2016
>has an actual good in universe reason and adds depth to the character.
That has never happened. "she breathes through her skin" c'mon man
>androids that have their own emotions and desires having to maintain morale is impossible
And somehow, you are even dumber than him.
>Japanese women design things that please them, which is handsome men and cute girls.
Western women design things that please them, which is weak men and women uglier than they are
Nier Automata has been damn near universally acclaimed as a good game.
You're really fucking reaching, /pol/tard.
yes it has, in automaa and draken
>women want story-driven games with strong female protagonists!
>story-driven game with a strong female protagonist releases
>bombs due to lack of sales
It's literally that episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog where Muriel gets turned into a child. SJWs will moan constantly about things not being the way they are but when it comes time to put their money where their mouth is it turns out they don't actually play videogames, they just like complaining about them
Sure why not. The quotes are from Arthus Gies Polygon review of Bayonetta 2. The pics are from his once-public suicidegirls account
the final fantasy girls seem to all be into NieR so I don't think people outside of gays and trolls actually have a problem with the girls in NieR
oy vey make sure it's a jewish one
Lol I don't need to defend shit. If you're against cute girls in vidya you're a faggot or a roastie.
>Every (you) gives you 1 dollar
>it's just a meme guys, let's ignore all the evidence like sony censorship of jap games and an increase in woke marketing
I want nice looking characters and sex appeal because it's nice to have. BTW, pic of char that I "jerk off" to. Not everything's about getting your rocks off, aesthetic and sex appeal are just nice qualities to have in a product.
Go to /pol/ so you can learn how fucking mental you're acting right now. This is sincere advice. Racism is entertainment now? There has literally never been a good universe reason for Female sexualized outfits it has been an excuse used to justify shitty fan service in anime for years and no one believed it then either. If you want to jerk off fine but don't pretend to have some sort of moral high ground. It's all a bunch of shit to sell copies to horny fat otaku incel pieces of shit. Don't try to pass that pisspoor excuse as something else than milking horny neckbeards Most complaints about nebulous "SJWs' exist entirely in the minds of people making them. Nobody would talk about the 3 letter word if it wasn't for these kind of threads about imaginary problems. Anyone who says "forced politics, diversity, SJWs" is an actual child who you shouldn't listen to. I read tonnes of painfully awful Instagram feminist propaganda and you dipshits are only marginally better in regards to making up pants-on-head retarded scenarios where you're targeted. I've never actually heard anyone say women need better representation in video games. Does Yea Forums just make people think that there is more than 0.0001% of the population like this? You can just be for moving away from the estabilished norm of female protagonists just being eye candy to jerk off to. What hypocrisy exactly? You can't be both for more fem protags and against everyone being dressed like a pornstar? cmon just call me a discord tranny because you have no other retort to this, all you guys do is cry and whine about lefty people's opinion on things, get a life Oh and I'm sure there's a compelling reason why 2B is designed exactly like non-sentient life forms in almost every jrpg. Gamers are truly disgusting with how much absurd mental gymnastics they are willing to resort to to defend their masturbation material. You're really fucking reaching, /pol/tards.
>a good universe reason for Female sexualized outfits
Are you an alien?
Basic trait of females is beauty.
In nature, in the universe in the cosmos. In all dimensions.
SJWs are mentally damaged psychos.
Was that pasta or is someone projecting their mental illness? I feel like that poster should be on suicide watch. Simply yikes.
Remember when Waypoint published a NieR fanfic about 9S getting force-femmed. It was written by a trans author and approved for some reason as a "critique" on female character design, but it was obvious fetish material. Trannies actually blamed Waypoint for making them look like dudes with fetishes
It's not a female. 2B is just a robot.
There's nothing racist about having brown people in your videogames, Billy-jo.
Androids have human brains and partially/fully artificial bodies.
Only white losers call anime pedos. Only white landwhales call anime pedos.
Only white losers call anime pedos. Only white landwhales call anime pedos.
Only white losers call anime pedos. Only white landwhales call anime pedos.
Asians don see a problem with anime cause of their looks that dont really age and blacks dont care.
more than 90% of those repeating "anime is pedo" and trying to censor anime are fucking WHITE PIGS
No, androids are completely artificial. What you're describing is a cyborg.
So did you even play the game?
It is, but beauty doesn't require skimpy outfits. Hell skimpy outfits is shortcut for people who doesn't understand how to dress creatively. And that is why all the neets like them, because they don't understand the dressing up part and beauty in it at all. Look up how mmo faggots dress their characters, it is very telling with how prevalent slut transmogs are.
I complained about how the story is fucking retarded.
Are you trying to make a point here?
SJWs are firmly against feminity.
That's because their movement's entire point is to empower the hambeast roasties so they can get bf too.
Feminism is literally a female incel religion trying to manipulate men into lowering their standards.
You do understand that majority of this board will never be up to female standards either, right?
Both sides right now have way too fucking high standards in general. Every female, be it hambeast or miss universe, want a rich good looking prince that will put her before himself. Every male, be it basement dwelling neet or musclemass mcrich, want a good looking girl both comforting and motherly while at the same time ready for sex whenever.
YoRHa are the good guys even though the entire organization is based on lies and deception.
Nothing humans have ever done has had a verifiable meaning or purpose behind it. We convince ourselves into believing whatever we want to by falsely manufacturing evidence to support the belief. The fact that we have to use circular logic or blatantly lie and mislead to do this is bad, but overall the net gain that comes from bringing hope or joy that otherwise wouldn't have existed outweighs the bad.
>female standards
Those are much more fucked up. They all want the uberchad meme guy. Male standards for women was already much lower, this already has been proven
>this board
is super normalfag yes, and not taking care of yourself is the normalfag thing to do now. It's really easy for a man to be good looking, literally just fix your diet and lift a little bit and you're done.
>it's just the vanilla game on the disk bundled with some one time use dlc codes on paper
Fuck this type of shit, these fuckers are stupid lazy
I thought 2b's outfit (with skirt) had a perfect balance of sex appeal and modesty. It's barely skimpy. Its a very nicely designed character, great lines, nice contrast, very elegant. I can say this without dick bias because I don't have one.
It is yeah. NIER clothing design as it is in the game is absolute top notch. I never argued that it wasn't.
>masturbation material
Is that women are? When women show cleavage, or wear short skirts, is their purpose only for sex in such a state of wear? Is that all they can be or must be?
A reasonable answer would be no, which opens up the idea that someone can be sexual and still hold all the complexity of a full person, that it does not limit other aspects.
But I would like to hear your reasoning as to why them looking like that just makes those characters into masturbation material and why the way looks limits their ability to be complex.
If you say something along the lines of being taken more seriously than I will repeat the question about women. Should they not be taken seriously and as nothing more than for sex if they wear certain clothes or are sexual?
you probably eat jizz you fuckin degenerate having no business telling others they're "mental"
Yeah, it's the kind of thing I would enjoy wearing in real life if I could pull it off. I don't think any actual women would complain about 2B unless they were literally just jealous of a fictional character.
Why do such threads always attract people like pic related?
Give me one good explanation in any game.
Just one.
Corruption of Champions
They want more women in games but not in a fashion that makes men happy, they want it in a fashion that makes you annoyed.
Keep in mind feminists still hate men.
Because you find what you look for.
Everyone knows ranting about SJWs is for losers on the Yea Forums/Reddit, don't need to pretend to be anything,
cause /lgbt/ and Yea Forums are on this same website.
>bombs due to lack of sales
psp was long dead when this came out