Why is DoA never discussed around here? DoA6 came out and barely any conversation. It's still mostly MK11 shitposting...

Why is DoA never discussed around here? DoA6 came out and barely any conversation. It's still mostly MK11 shitposting. Is DoA just not considered a good fighting game in the community? I'm a fighting game newb, only played DoA2 and DoA4, but I remember enjoying those games.

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Good thread opener, it's sure to draw in posts after the previous thread just died.

It's "discussed" pretty often though

you mostly need waifu bait to get it started. the game's great i'm playing as we shitpost.

i don't know what else to say other than know your combos lol

>fighting games

"doa" threads have never been about gameplay

I’ve always had a problem with holds.
Is there a good way to practice the timing?

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>game just came out
>people already know good combos
How do they do it so quickly? There's so much to look at during training sessions.

i typically just block a bit to get a sense of w/e my opponent is dishing out. if you want the express route just play leifang. she literally gets free holds during some attacks lol

i figured those are veterans from doa 1-5.

I really don't understand Leifang's hold stance after a one-two combo. In what case would someone ever attack you during that to trigger it?

Just experience with strings, really. The more you play, they'll come naturally.

Gee I wonder why
>Thread discussing DoA6 pops up
>MK11 fags shit up the thread ad nauseam

It's usually pretty difficult to get genuine discussion of the game happening. It's been a little better since 6 just came out, but I expect it will all devolve back into waifuposting eventually.
Until then, who's everyone maining?

Is there a reason Nico players never use the lightning bolt attack? It was one of the coolest things I saw when I first checked out all her combos.

Kokoro. Power and beauty

literally Doa girls thread every fucking day
its basically a general now

A thread just ended. You need to look at the catalog. Its also never about the game. Its nothing but Marie posting (which I enjoy if its not whoring her up and role playing) and Honoka posting. Some other girls like Tina and Helena make it but thats it.

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Takes a long startup time, you need to stun them and be on the ball to do it. Like no hesitation at all and hold PK like a charge.

All the Marie posting always make me think Marie players are twinks. Thanks guys. I hardly meet them anyways though. They must have all gone up already.

Well I've played since DoA3/Ultimate (I can't remember which one I got first). DoA6 seems to be a bit unpolished and lacking in content. I think I'll just wait for an updated version of the game. So I don't have much to discuss unless you want to talk about the older games.

>devs avoid giving any of the girls romantic interests to keep them pure for the waifufags
>except leifang


I HATE that. I love romance with cute girls. Seeing Marie blushing would make my heart explode

DOA is Shit
Marie is the only good thing to ever come out of it

This shit is fucking dead on Steam, whatever you do buy it on PS4

Fighting games in general are pretty dead outside of MK, desu

Do any of the girls ever blush?

>dead when the ranking table says there are a couple thousands just in my rank alone

Not to my knowledge, unless its sfm

Nyo. Can't say I'm good with her yet though.

How do they get away with 1 hour total of story mode, barebones online and 5 pve "modes"

How long was this on production

I played the demo, and I didn't like what I saw. When the free version comes out, I'll get it and the specific characters I want like with the last one. Not enough costumes - they should copy Saints Row 2 for customization options.

NiCO sfm when?

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>doa threads
>nothing but waifu posting
>doa6 coming out be damned.

got tired of grinding and just caved in and used the trainer instead, I'm surprised at the lack of costume variety. No wonder the game sold poorly

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>got tired of grinding and just caved in and used the trainer instead

hon honk

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there's a trainer that let's you unlock all the costumes

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>actually grinding
I just keep on playing and playing, don't even really notice what I unlock because that screen gets passed over by me too quickly anyways.

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The fuck nibba
Nearly every girl has a love interest

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Yea Forums can hardly hold threads about mainstream fighting games without resorting to waifuposting, how is a mid tier like DoA supposed to hold up.

>pirated day one
>$93 season pass
>lol input lag
>garbage netcode

ded game

Does the trainer work fine with the purchased game or pirated only?

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any mods yet?

Bought the Deluxe Edition and jumped into training mode for an hour. Then refunded it.
For some incredibly stupid reason, the training menu shortcuts are set to buttons that you would normally use in a combo, so every time I try to practice certain combos the game pauses, but since they're shortcuts they're like 2 or 3 menus deep, so you have to back out 2 or 3 times every single time. And who's bright idea was it to have the start/pause button set to one of the sticks? You have a dedicated start button but if I actually want to pause the game on my own I gotta press the stick? And I can't change either the start button or the training menu shortcuts to what I want? And to top it all off the reason you even get the game is for the girls, but they barely look any different from DOA 5, some of them even look worse. It's a last-gen game with even less content than vanilla DOA 5. And it's a 50-GB install. There's nothing here. They couldn't even be bothered to mocap or even improve Kasumi/Ayane's walk animations. Those animations have always looked glaringly wrong since the first few DOAs, and they still look terrible. You can't pretend to go for realism and then not make their locomotion look realistic. It just ruins the whole thing. I can't do this, not for 80 bucks. Maybe in 2 or 3 years when DOA 6 Final Round releases and its on sale with all the intended modes and full roster.

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you'd probably get VACed

well it allows for punch combos to be viable at range if you sense your opponent is eager for counter damage. just whiff the first 2 punches and your opponent might take the bait. it happens more often than you might think

Trainer works fine on steam version. I used it to skip the grind for costumes

>garbage netcode
You one of those WiFi retards aren’t you?

The rest are fanfic. Kasumi and Ayane only love Hayate platonically. Everyone else teases Eliot for comedic effect. Hitomi wanted that Ein dick, but not Hayate.

But Leifang's story in every single DOA game is just her stalking Jann Lee.


Piss Off

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Head On

Apply Directly to the Forehead

Head On

Apply Directly to the Forehead

Head On

Apply Directly to the Forehead

Head On

Apply Directly to the Forehead

Head On

Apply Directly to the Forehead

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Did this guy know how to tech roll?

This game is trash. Trash gameplay, trash characters, trash story. It's literal garbage. Play Mortal Kombat 11 when it comes out instead. Fights in that game look like The Raid. Not this anime slapfest shit.

fuck off MKbot.

This is true she is too good for Doa i wish she was in a more serious game

Oh I plan to get MK11, shitposter-kun. MK is my second-favorite fighting series after DOA.

Played it once got a refund worst game in the series

I wouldn't play NRS garbage for free.

Omg how ultra edgy and epic

Rachel user?

>MK fan
>posts like a 12 year old
checks out

Why does this idiotic game allow you to pick the same costume and color?

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They never expected to have that many players online.

Why are you "playing" Mortal Kombat 11 when you could be playing BATTLEFIELD 4 instead?

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Nobody cares about Marie Rose, retard.

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hitomi is cute

You rarely run into someone with the same outfit and it's not like it's a 2D fighter with constant side switching, it's easy to keep track of who is who.

Like DoA.

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How is your score calculated in Arcade?

>And to top it all off the reason you even get the game is for the girls, but they barely look any different from DOA 5
Nah bro, it's totally different. They all have shitty navels now.

They look considerably worse, the skin has no texture, pores or anything like that, they look like cheap plastic compared to 5.

My PC can't run it.
What alternative game should I play?

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I don't give a fuck I just want to see Nico in cute outfits i'm ditching Marie for her.

That being said I downloaded the CODEX version and i think it's fucked, the audio during cutscenes fluctuates from high pitched to deep as fuck, uploader probably trolling, idk who knows

5 was already like that and I'm glad for it, I don't want fucking pore detail on my pretty characters. 6 looks worse but you're focusing on the wrong things.

i have the legit version. audio in cutscenes is delayed like 2 seconds behind the video for me

Ah there's that too. Alright

The game is fun honestly. More than let’s say Dragon Ball FigbterZ.

>No lobbies
>Reused assets
>Day 1 $140 DLC

It was fapbait at best.

Green square, huh.

don't forget:

> only 1 winning pose with a static camera
> no tag team
> barely any good costumes

No bully please. The E ranks were rough. Everyone plays in their own weird style, so you're there learning everything at face value.

DOA5LR with mods

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>a static camera
the fuck are you on about, you can move the camera around and switch to the loser too

you can? during the winning pose?

Because the game is fucking shit and when anyone brings up the points niggers just spam stock screencaps or hardly any gameplay. It's mostly just niggers who want sfm or bad screenshots of t & a. Game is also incomplete so that doesn't help. We got another sf5 launch but worse on out hands here.

>tfw this happened and I hardly ever played against Leifang so I didn't know how others played her
Was double confusing, but not too bad. The worst is when you both exchange and the screen flips because you're both idiots and passed each other.


I main Marie, but I'm trying to get into Kasumi at the moment. Still feels like I'm gimping myself if I'm not using Marie so I need to practice more.

I haven't played this game but I think Rachel is worth edging to.

There's no like free-cam theatre mode or something where I can view the girls scrolling through outfits and zooming in and out??? wtf shit game.
Beach vacation or whatever emulated to the PC fucking when

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>I can't be a cuck
Rope yourself my dude.

Just play venus vacation on pc

>the training menu shortcuts are set to buttons that you would normally use in a combo

I think the issue is with your machine because I have absolutely 0 idea what you are talking about, and I have been playing this game since release and have been using free training extensively.
Pray tell me, in what intricate combo do you need to press L3 + something?

>released without a lobby mode
doa indeed

there is.

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I just want to tie up and violate nico

I think he was talking about how his waifu is the only one with a love interest. That said, romance doesnt make you a cuck. Its actually quite fulfilling if you self insert.

Does this game have lobbies right now? Even 1 on 1 invite??

Kasumi players are quite the pain to deal with sometimes. They're probably the ones I see the most.

Yes, have you never even tried it and went ahead claiming you can't?
What the fuck is wrong with some people? I swear to god.

That said, having only one winpose is bullshit, but at least they are fixing it and new winposes are coming in a free update.

I have been taking screenshots more than doing anything else in DOA 6, story is kinda junk and quest mode can go fuck itself. The costumes are meh'ish, a few nice ones, the visuals are nice, the music is ok, but overall I like DOA 5 more.


no it's bare as fuck

the next update should fix it though

>but at least they are fixing it and new winposes are coming in a free update.
Source? That would be nice to see. I like all of the current poses anyways.

I remember playing DoA core fightrs on ps3 for the first time with my gf.I was a noob,she was sorta familiar with the game.She beat me a bunch of times til i started spaming hyabusas teleport attack...good times

Fuck that shit. I've been there with 5 pc and they never fixed it. Pass

New entry/victory scenes (free update)


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Name of the song? Sounds really familiar.

5 PC launched without any online and they didn't promise lobbies for it.

that's because 5 was some bastard child frankenstein where they took the arcade version and added some ps4 features to it

Oh I just noticed that there will be new entry/victory scenes added in April and May too. Nice.

>game is meh
>roadmap is more dlc they're gonna charge out of the ass for


Did you not notice the free updates or something, or you are deliberately shitposting?

fuck off
It didn't have any of the features of the ps4 one at all but had the new characters and all the dlc was ported without any delays. Shit made absolutely no sense at all.


doafags are basically team ninja paypigs LOL

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>Get lobbies a month after launch, something even SFV had on release
>Free updates are before/after cutscenes
>Everything else are costumes that you have to pay for

Didn't DoA5 flop? Why are they doing this shit again?

lobbies are nice but they should have been in day 1 and more poses is some garbage content

>entry and victory scenes aka shit people will probably skip
>lobbies which should have been there from launch

boy they're just bestowing so much bounty upon us with these generous updates.

>shills are now calling anything that doesnt fit thei agenda mkshitposting
if you didnt know, they are trying to distract you from this
pic related is how amazon reviews for dead on arrival 6 looked like before they disabled it
literally no one but shills want to have anything to do with this kusoge

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These threads have sadly been taken over by samefagging shitposters who just keep repeating the same thing about DLC and lobbies.

Not twinks, fucking pedos
Honkers and NiCO posters too

I don't get you people. Are you seriously complaining about the season pass which you don't have to buy at all if you don't like, and now it's a problem that they are adding stuff to the game for free?
What is even the point? What do you want then? Do you want to get the season pass content for free or something?

You are being ridiculous.

>pointing out flaws in a product that dares to have a $93 season pass at launch is shitposting

no lobbies is a legit complaint, how can you have a fighting game without lobbies these days. I'm surprised that barely anyone called out on that bullshit

the series has never had much support from the competitive scene but always had heavy support from waifufags

that puts the team in an awkward possession because even though they are making a fighting game they aren't exactly able to foster a proper tournment scene
but that also puts them in a great position to sell costume stuff for their characters and know people will buy it cause thats just what waifufags do

they never seemed all that committed to either market though. i mean we never saw much merch of he characters

but DoA6 they tried to push for more competitive appeal but that honestly fucked up a lot of things for them.
1. lost a lot of goodwill with the people who buy their games
2. shit backfired on them because as they tried to appease the waifufags minimally that still was to much for EVO
and 3. being a center of drama already attracted the reactionary community who think DoA6 was trying to pull really greedy shit with the season pass without understanding that it wasn't really that different from what other fighting games have done this gen


You are acting like you are forced to buy it. They release expensive season passes because it was profitable in 5, no other reason.

some new stages would be nice, the current ones are pretty shit

They announced it wouldn't have lobbies before launch and that they would be added in during March, that's why no one is complaining except shitposters who don't own the game.

Gundam vs and Dissidia NT didn't even have local multiplayer
what the fuck are they even doing these days

i think they're complaining that the game was lacking from release and acting like free updates featuring content that should have been there on launch isn't some grand gesture while having the audacity to focus on paid dlc ahead of those things might rub people the wrong way

but i could be wrong

Lobbies are coming in a free update though. Yes, it should have been added at release. No, I have no idea how what is so difficult about adding lobbies to a fighting game, but there you have it.

I honestly don't get this whole lobby complaint. Game plays fine without it. The really weird thing is people declining to play with you without seeing anything but your connection. If I see they have good connection, don't they see I do too? I honestly don't get why they decline.

then they advertised that poorly because I sure didn't fucking know

so you can play with people online even without lobbies??? I might buy it if so

>just buy it goy, patch will arrive somday :^)))
for real, when did Yea Forums become so retarded they they cant even see whats in front of them?

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i think fighting games are being made half baked these days because the idea is to get more news to have a surge of more players when it comes out
i mean fighting games lose players all the time, but when you keep adding shit thats what gets people coming back and a steady sales chart looks good to investors

plays fine if you only want to do ranked matchmaking, fighting games are the most fun when you play with people you know

The problem is that there is currently no way to play with people you know, only with randoms in online ranked mode.

If I could throw an invite for a match to a friend so we could play online, I wouldn't even want lobbies, but you can't.

Yes. Why wouldn't you be able to?

It was on their social media and every site that covers fighting games.
It has ranked matchmaking that works fine.

They probably figured the waifufags would be fine with the Vacation games. Problem is that they still don't include the full roster while also losing features.

well alright that's fair, I only looked at videos of the game before release

Does anyone else crash when they finish a match and tab out?

A lot of people like to shit on it cause some tekken and street fighter scrubs that dont understand the hold system are salty they gotta learn how to play good defense. DoA is a hidden gem in the fact it's actually a great fighting game. People just like the tits and ass despite the fact that the Male characters are usually top tier.(minus zack)

>tfw I actually really like this fighting game in comparison to Tekken and SF
What does this mean? I especially like that there's no chip damage for guarding.

That you're just a genuine fan of the genre. I try to play all of them so I just try to avoid all the fanboy wars.

It's a surprisingly good game, mostly due to it being quite clean. Things act based on properties assigned to the moves (or parts of the move) so you have a lot less weird hitbox interactions compared to something like Tekken.

Combo theory is a pretty advanced skillset that you typically dont gain without years of experience. This shit is the same for other genres like FPS games where people follow a meta cause they can't objectively think about a game and can't get into game theory. Back when I was big into AFPS games I was friends with a high level player who used math when he discussed why certain tactics work the best. It really gave me a lot of insight of how to breakdown maps and weapon choices in AFPS games. With fighting games you can learn good combos faster if you have access to the frame data and know based on prior knowledge of a game series what could potentially string together properly. Then it's all experimentation. I would honestly start out by copying someone's combos and then try to start and end them off differently. If you do this a lot and then read frame data on the moves you use then you might start to see a pattern and try to come up with your own shit. There are some fighting game players that do nothing but make combo videos and are just interested to see how much damage they can output.

Meant to reply to this user

jive and t7 sold 3 mil each

i dont like the animations of the engine.
and evry thread turns into incel waifu posting

>and now it's a problem that they are adding stuff to the game for free?
This only shows that the game was released in a rush. Basic features which had been in the previous games shouldn't be new patched added contents.

>Why is DoA never discussed around here?
Fighting game was never popular on Yea Forums. Except Smash.

Kind of glad I got DoA over Smash.

how do?


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Because Tekken is better, has a cooler roster and people actually play it.

Why the fuck would I ever drop 60 for DOA?


Holy shit what the fuck user, you got that with Leifang? Are you like A ranked online?

Are these combos actually legit? As in people use them and they are not just for training. I've been thinking about memorizing them, but I don't know if it's even worth it.

hi, redner group

Nah, they give some ideas to what you can do but you will definitely find more damaging or practical combos with labwork

Well, jann lee and diego are canon otp now

Reminder that a shitposter is, trying to start shit between DOA and MK

That's an average VF-level combo.

^This is the problem with the NuFGC.
>"Is everyone else doing it? If no one else is using it, I don't wanna be the only one!"
How about just using that to your advantage. It's how new tech is discovered you brainless fig.

I'm a Tekken fag, but I played the demo and found the hold system to be super fun and interesting, is it worth buying the whole game with season pass? Are people still gonna be playing it in a month?

Wait with the season pass until they show all the costumes. Even then just pirate it, don't support their scummy dlc practices.
Once the free version comes out many more people will play

Is the soundtrack for 6 released somewhere? Some of the songs are really good

>that music that plays when you get to the boxing ring stage
Gets me every time.

i prefer cunny threads

The gym one? I don't much like that one. But the stage with audience has a great song.

Why is it so hard to find downloads for the DOA OSTs?

My bad, I meant the wrestling ring with the electric fence. They're so similar that I mixed them up. Basically the audience one. Can't remember their names.


This one? THE MUSCLE

>unironically being a DOAshill

so is DOA6 actually good or not? I enjoyed 5 but I see this getting shat on by Yea Forums.


Nope, the first step a company makes towards censorship should be bashed down on. I would bet the next game will be OTT tits bouncing around now it was boycotted successfully.

>he hasn't played DOA

>but always had heavy support from waifufags
There are other fighting games have heavy support from waifufags while still having more of a playerbase too though
no one in any part of the world cares about DOA, either casually or competitively, just accept it already

>no one in any part of the world cares about DOA
>tfw my very first online match was against a Japanese player
Really makes me think. Did it really skip entire continents just to choose that one player?

it's better than 5 aside from the cosmetics and maybe your favorite character missing

Yeah. That's the one.

because the free to play version isn out yet, which is when the real hype begins

I want Nyo's big shiny leather-clad butt to straddle my face until I nearly suffocate.

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Is it wrong to like watching girls hit each other?

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Do they sweat over time or does the sweat effect get applied at some point? I only started to notice it when Hitomi has a sweat drop from her chin in the win screen. It probably has to do with using attacks or is it just always there?

Because Yea Forums doesnt and never cared about DoA, only dumb bandwagon waifu zoomer fags who found out about the series just now talk about it because of the girls, never about the actual gameplay.

Next some unnironic retard who thinks he's a funny guy will meme and say "there's fighting in DoA?"

yes, know other characters combos

>and evry thread turns into incel waifu posting
That's more on Yea Forums then the game though

I wish i was good with my wife i this game, she's just too fast and pressure heavy for me.

Her Sigma 2 outfit is so fucking hot with those shurikens strapped to her thigh, way better than her classic default. I'm glad we finally saw the complete costume but now i just wish she was playable in that game even more. I would change those puffy things on the arms though.

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>already discounted this much
No sympathy for the fucktards that bought this early access shit at full price. Kudos to KT for tricking people with low standards into buying an unpolished game with Day 1 on-disc DLC.

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DOA6 is so shit, 5 is better and Soul Calibur 6 plays a whole fuckin lot better.

>barely any conversation
There was shill threads constantly before the threads returned to ground zero with people literally ERPing in these fucking things and repelling any sensible human.

As far as the gameplay is concerned. You let me know when these happens
>more intros/outros
>Gen Fu
The first two are coming eventually. The last one will never happen ever

I want a game just about her

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Never cared for the gameplay
Only the characters

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This is what in my opinion needs to be add / changed :

>secret paradise or something similar
>tag mode
>better customization or at least better character viewer
>Make arcade mode more rewarding
>better outfit destruction (85% chance modders will make this happen on PC)
>Better matchmaking , not sure if is just me but my opponents are almost always button masher retards that stand no challenge at all

Momiji won't happen ever because she's in Ninja Gaiden. Now shut up and take your SNK characters

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i know i read about like 1 week ago , but honestly i think she makes more sence then adding a random SNK figher shes was allways in the top 5 meta picks for DoA5

You forgot one thing tho

And yet she'll never get in. Because Shimbori doesn't think she should be in. Play Raidou instead. Sure next to nobody played him in Last Round but maybe you'll like him this time.

I played this today. The game is amazing. This is better than Tekken. Tekken has more appealing characters, but as a game, it has nothing on this game

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Because there’s not really anything it does that makes it different from DOA5.

Seriously, they could have shaken up the formula a bit. Cycle out some old characters a bit and add some new ones. Change some designs, add in some new gameplay features to shake things up. Maybe add more Tecmo guest characters.

Nah, it's a better DOA5. If you like 5 you are going to love this

Bought it today

hadent played a DOA game since Dimensions but liked the gameplay in the past

so far its pretty fun

>Because there’s not really anything it does that makes it different from DOA5.
Why Yea Forums never actually play fighting games above the button mashing for once?

>Soul Calibur 6 plays a whole fuckin lot better.

theyre different kinds of fighting games and cant be compared

theyre both good

Funny thing is that KT/ Team Ninja made a meter system less retarded than Bamco, with a game that people usually don't take it seriously

meter and break burst are new though

>Universal holds are new
and retarded
Break Burst are Power Blows and Power Launchers (in terms of their juggle functionality) mixed into the same button. But usable more often.
The old health system was okay. This new one though
And is there a reason they deleted 99% of all sidestep attacks?

>deleted 99% of all sidestep attacks

thought i was the only one bothered by this

Moar waifu posting pls

It took me half an hour of trying to register on a shitty forum to get this.
You fucks better appreciate this.

considered buying it but its a cash grab
also its pretty much a worse soulcalibur, so im probably not even going to buy it when its $10 with all dlc

>Its a cash grab
99.1% of todays AAA titles are cash grabs , DoA6 sin is not trying to hide it .

whats the appeal of getting your character dismembered in some deranged fashion or doing the same to the other character ?

this was amazing when i was 11.
not that i am a waifu fag either but at least i get the appeal there.

It's amazing how long this animation bug has persisted so far. Ever since this move got added, it's bugged.

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The raid man itself , dont u get tired of shit posting ? noboddy cares about that fcking movie

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I wanted to get this game so I could worship Marie-Rose, but I couldn't get a single IRL-friend to agree to button-mash some rounds out with me. I decided to look up some Marie-Rose porn instead of buying the game.


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The free to play version shouldn't be too far off, considering the game isn't selling too well.

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Is Marie into anal?

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She doesn't have to be, because I and all 2,000,000 other anons are.

The soundtrack is surprisingly good.

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People only care about the titilation or lack of it her.
Though the last game I played in the series was 2 also. Never botherered getting an Xbox and wasn't really as interested in fighting games as I used to when 5 and it's rereleases came out

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I'm done for now

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Because it's garbage unless you're talking about X3

How did Nyo molest Ayane afterwards?

Ayane was completely out of breath and was only able to mutter "what's with you?!" at the end.

threads usually devolve into waifufagging and softcore porn. the gameplay I've seen of DOA 6 actually looks entertaining for once.

It's a more limited skeleton of DOA5 but with no sidesteps and Break Blows as opposed to Power Blows. Holds were buffed. Again.
Unless you play Kasumi, Hayate, or Phase 4, play LR.

What if i play Nico

idk about that , is different for sure . You just need to get good at holds and thats it ur gonna rekt any button masher u come across

Yes, literally all of this shit should've been in the game at launch.

full agree

Is the user with the honoka x3 and venus vacation folder here?

Theres a DoA thread in /e/ check there .

Obviously you have your answer already. There's no equivalent to Nico in 5LR.

The main reason I play DOA series

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Anyone with brains is waiting for Core Fighters or DOA6 Last Round

>Why is DoA never discussed around here?
>never discussed

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Here calm your autism user


boring / 1 , still a long way to go till it reachs DoA5 levels.

My problem is the 4th hold, the forward one.

Medium, high, low holds I get. But why the FUCK is there a kick hold, is it medium kicks? do low kicks get parried with the low hold? why have a separate kick hold? jesus christ

it's always "discuessed" here, just look for the "i want to fuck x" or "i want x to be my mom" threads

I haven't played a 3d fighting game in forever but I've been considering getting this or tekken. Not an oppaifag though. I'd main Marie or Nico.


>soul calibur 6 lets you make any character you want and is just brought over from sc5
>tekken 7 is older and has lots of customization for all characters
>doa6 only has a few for everyone with color swaps and expects you grind for them and then shell out a hundred dollars for more and a couple characters
This is the series that should've embraced this aspect but Tecmo's gotta Tecmo.

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Who would be the feMC in a DoA anime?

i have both , DoA6 is more fun then tekken but the online mode is full of noobs sadly . Tekken have way better players if u want to have fun compiting if is not the case DoA6 is the way to go.

I fully intend to pirate all the dlc so this is good by me.

At this rate? Honoka. She's already turned into the bestest most powerfulest fighter in the world whose also related to everybody and had a 10/10 life due to obvious Shimbori bias and fanwankery.
And DOA7 is likely going to focus on her again.


did they nerf hitomi's forward+kick? that triple kick used to be my bread and butter in 5 because the first knee was faster than anyone's light punch

As if. her face is on the boxart but how important was she in story mode?

check it for urself , almost nothing is clear in the story mode , overall is a mess

Yes, in Venus Vacation

It was extremely rushed from the outset. KT gave them a tiny amount of time to make it, and also forced them to use the DW9 engine which required a complete rebuild.

I did check it for myself. Kasumi is worthless. The biggest joke was
>radiou comes back only to be defeated literally soon after
>New literal who is beating everybody
When you compare that to
>alpha escapes yet again
I'd rather have that then what this ended up being

Honestly, the game is good. More fun than SC6. It just got a bad reputation because of fanservice and DLCs.

yeah lots of manchilds around.

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It takes at least one ass reaming for most people to clue in on how KT goes about releasing all DOA games now. I learned my lesson after DOA5 Ultimate and they then brought out Last Round, which I subsequently have never played. I would never touch DOA6 anywhere near release because they're doing the exact same thing, releasing an empty, unoptimized game too soon and then backloading it with dlc, including basic features like win/lose poses. All of this will come with the core game in the subsequent rereleases. Yes, they'll carry on with the dlc ad nauseam, but it will be all cosmetic costumes and maybe a guest character or two at that point. Balancing issues and other things the game never should have been released without will be (hopefully) implemented. There's too many newfags who have yet to learn this lesson, padded by FSD shills doing damage control

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I just don't know how the first guest they're adding to this game isn't a character from the previous (many of whom were used frequently) and is instead a crossover character

Like what caused this to happen?


What the hell

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Yes, people play the game, thats why theres 6 of them.

Are you aware what time it is retard

There's to much sniffing in DoA threads

DOA5 vanilla had 3 crossover guest characters. Crossovers raise the potential of attracting players who otherwise play the guest character's games and not DOA to buy DOA. Characters like Momiji, Rachel, Ein, Leon, or Gen Fu just attract existing DOA fans many of whom already bought the game. It's money, pure and simple. KT doesn't do anything unless they think they can squeeze maximum shekels out of people.

Did you just turn 18 or something?

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I can get Ein or Leon since they have literal clones but I don't get Gen Fu.
>like Momiji and Rachel
But those were also crossover characters from Ninja Gaiden. Meanwhile Mai was ALSO in Last Round and she's our FIRST DLC character despite having like no play in Last Round.

Please explain

no I just assumed it was PS4 exclusive.
Is this the newest one or is the PS4 one the newest one, what's the chrono order

Momiji and Rachel were so good in DoA5 fck this sucks man

this game is like 2 years old by now

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I don't see it on steam or gamestorrent

There's quite a lot of NG fans who are also DOA fans, by way of the series being linked. Therefore, they assume that a lot of NG fans probably already bought DOA6, so they'd just make money charging for Momiji or Rachel. Mai got a lot of hype when she came out for Last Round (a lot of the new porn of her also uses her DOA5 look and model, and she's often tagged as a DOA character as much as she is tagged with her own series), but it was very late in DOA5's lifespan, so they're making up for lost time and money by getting her in there early now, so she can be part of the dlc sets from the start.

X3 Fortune released on PS4/Vita back in 2016. Venus Vacation came out on PC a couple years later and is basically a parallel game to X3 and is the only one currently being supported. They're rereleasing X3 on PS4 again and Switch under the title Xtreme3: Scarlet. This version will have some gameplay tweaks and more content than Fortune (since KT cut that game off from their dlc plans when the fans protested paying through the nose for cosmetic dlc for a game with so little other content). They're going to start adding some dlc to Fortune again down the line, after Scarlet comes out.

That's because it's on dmm and only in japan

Wow. So it'd be on nyaa then?

Are you retarded?

Venus Vacation is a free-to-play gacha game. You can't buy it, per se. Everything is handled by the dmm servers.

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>you should know everything about a game you don't know anything about
Stop talking

fucking google it you turd

Don't reply to me then faggot.
Wow that fucking sucks. Fuck that then

at least they allow gaijin connections unlike senran kagura new link

this is KT gold mine , i wouldnt be surprised if they suddenly implement a eng UI.