Games nobody wants to admit are overrated as fuck
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Is OoT on that list too?
What's the rest of the list?
seething nincel
did you really need to name your bait
Kamoshida did nothing wrong.
No, because nobody considers it overrated except EgoRaptor shills. Besides OOT is underrated at this point
Smash ultimate
So overrated just means "games I don't like but everyone else does" now right? It no longer means "other games in the same genre or style should be rated higher"?
Let me guess, BotW isn't on the list?
The chosen screencap is somewhat telling.
Oh great, another butt-blasted Switcher faggot.
You are retarded and need to never post another thing on the internet again.
The game is obviously coming to switch Moron.
>games I don't like but everyone else does" now right?
It has always meant that on Yea Forums
oh no no no
I fucking wish
> 10. Final Fantasy XV
> 9. Batman: Arkham City
> 8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
> 7. L.A. Noire
> 6. God Of War III
> 5. Alien Isolation
> 4. Burnout Paradise
> 3. Persona 5 (Obviously)
> 2. Fallout 4
> 1. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Yea Forums can't go a single day without whining about P5 being overrated though.
Zelda in general.
>Literally an asspained Switchmanbabbys wishlist
aaand discarded
> Nintendo!!!!
Rent free, Nintendo is irrelevant to this conversation
>no nintendo games
YIKES now we know who made this list
Shouldnt it be p3?
I didn't say Nintendo, I said Zelda. Retard.
Fuck off Yamauchi
10 - FF XV
9 - Arkham City
8 - Oblivion (zoomer detected)
7 - L.A. Noire
6 - God of War III
5 - Alien Isolation (not even highly rated)
4 - Burnout Paradise
3 - Persona 5
2 - Fallout 4
1 - Uncharted 4
My list would include Witcher 2&3, MGS4, Killzone Series, Little Big Planet Series, Infamous, Uncharted 3. Sony games get the most overratedness. More than the Nintendo Bonus.
He literally called GoW 4 his 2018 Game of the Year you fucking retards. Smash literally wasn't even in his Top 10. He's a Snoy fanboy if anything
Persona 3 > 4 > 5
What nintendo games would you put on the list?
>> 10. Final Fantasy XV
mediocre and considered mediocre
>> 9. Batman: Arkham City
While Arkham Asylum was a 10/10. Arkham City is a 5/10
>> 8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
>> 7. L.A. Noire
mega shit
>> 6. God Of War III
>> 5. Alien Isolation
>> 4. Burnout Paradise
>> 3. Persona 5 (Obviously)
double mega turbo shit
>> 2. Fallout 4
>> 1. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
I normally stay out of console war shit but whoever wrote this is either someone who has never touched a Nintendo game or is an outrageous Nintendo fanboy.
Every mario game after 64 except galaxy
Imagine having this kind of taste unironically. Must be a reddit fag.
every bethesda game
every rockstar game
every ps4 movie game
half life games
>considered mediocre
Not according to metacritic and the FFXV fanfom
It is very overrated.
Yeah not sure why Isolation and Paradise are considered 'overrated'
I mean it's not wrong. P5 is that JRPG every retard whose never touched a JRPG praises because they got caught up in the hype. It's really not that good, P3 is easily better.
>Referring to games as 'kino'
Yikes my guy
I couldn't even finish Persona 5. Every single character in it was trash. How did they go this wrong when 4 was so good?
>an outrageous Nintendo fanboy.
>GoW 4 was their 2018 Game of the Year
>outrageous Nintendo fanboy
0/10 try again
>this opinion
Not him but BOTW. It feels half complete, littered with trending open world fodderd. I really do wish it had more to it
I'm just glad Xenocringe 2 didn't get into the list. It was pretty forgettable beside the porn.
Burnout paradise should be number 1.
And that list is missing Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner.
>or has never touched a Nintendo game
Read nigga
Not him but BOTW needs to be on here, the list should look like this. Assuming we limit to PS3-Current Gen shit
> 10. Persona 5
> 9. Grand Theft Auto V
> 8. Red Dead Redemption
> 7. TES: Skyrim
> 6. Dark Souls/Bloodborne
> 5. Mass Effect 2
> 4. Red Dead Redemption 2
> 3. The Last of Us
> 2. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
> 1. The Witcher 3
I agree with this guy maybe they'll do that in future games.
>BOTW needs to be on here
Why does BotW cause so much butthurt here? Why?
>teddie is annoying
>yosuke is an asshole to everyone and constantly sucks your dick
>chies entire personality is KUNG FU AND MEAT
>yukiko is boring and bland besides her weird laughing fits
>rise is a slut
>kanji is great
>naoto is good too, but she’s brought up too late in the game to get any good screentime
I know everyone likes to call games shit here but your taste is pretty bad
8. Planescape: Torment
7. The Last of Us
6. Red Dead Redemption 2
5. Sonic 3
4. MGS4
3. Oblivion
2. Breath of the Wild
1. New Vegas
>games I don't like but everyone else does
That’s what overrated has always meant user.
>2. Breath of the Wild
Wew lad
Apologize to the twins and evil Igor.
ITT: Games I don't like
OoT defined a generation and created a genre.
Majora's Mask is overrated shit though.
Seething, all of his articles are related to Sony shit
not a bad list for the most part
i can even accept Alien Isolation since how stressful of a game it can be
but Burnout Paradise? who the fuck is overrating Burnout Paradise?
even fans still fight over if Paradise or 3 is the best in the series
>"It's wrong for an adult male to lust after 16/17 year old girls!"
>MC can date a teacher
Yeah I actually agree except for Burnout and Oblivion. Those games are great
Both games are good.
He clearly has touched Nintendo games you seething autist, Pokemon LGP was in his top 20 games of 2018 list
this game is shit
>any bethesda game
Nobody is saying it's wrong to lust after them, it's wrong to rape them.
One is consensual, the other isn’t.
Weeb games are overrated by default when you consider their fanbase. They will praise any game no matter how flawed it is as long as it got half naked waifus in it.
That's because male student banging his teacher is pic related.
Its open world. I think open world blows but botw was fun imo
Fuck yes, overrated game.
Also: Super Mario Odyssey, The Last of Us, Fallout: New Vegas, Dark Souls, and Half-Life 2.
This and any mario title
Here's the real list of the most overrated games on Yea Forums.
10. God Hand
9. MGS (All of them)
8. The Witcher 1
7. Pokemon (All of them)
6. Deus Ex
5. Planescape Torment
4. World of Warcraft "classic era. AKA what zoomers grew up with"
3. Morrowind
2. Smash (All of them)
1. Ocarina of Time
Prove me wrong. Fuck all of you, especially the mentally ill Morrowind worshippers who defend an empty game that was shit even for its time with >mods. Fuck off.
Get new bait.
>no items
>four 15 minute "dungeons" with the same theme
>one hundred 5 minute puzzles
>5 bosses
>ubisoft towers
Seething, cope more contrarian Snoys. Zelda & Mario will always be considered the pinnacles of gaming
Nintendo good
Not Nintendo bad
>Super Mario Odyssey
u wrong for that
but u right on the others
This is a bad list. Most of the games on this list get their fair share of hate and are called overrated, so to say that no one is calling them overrated is just objectively false. Like seriously everyone hates fallout 4, not just Yea Forums
Yeah fuck you Deus Ex doesn't deserve to be on that list.
>no items
Stopped reading there
Final fantasy VII to be honest
Any final fantasy really. None of them are actually that good
All this proves is that they spent 100 hours being mad while everyone else had fun, who would you rather be?
Here's your (You), no one could be this retarded, not even someone on v.
It was honestly better then all the other jrpgs that came out that year. Maybe with Nier almost being on par but with no style or design.
This weeb garbage
I think Persona 5 is ok, it's definitely not the best Persona game of all time, or best Atlus JRPG or JRPG of the generation
Nier is an ARPG you fucking retard.
>horse is items!
>outfits is items!
You solve every puzzle with the same 4 abilities you start the game with. Occassionally they throw you a bone and give you an excuse to use your bow or maybe a torch
Well every single game on there is straight up bad, so makes sense.
> All his Articles are about God of War & Sony shit
> Literally the only Nintendo game in his top 10 games of 2018 was Let's Go Pikachu
> Called God of War 4 his Game of the Year
> Somehow a Nintendo fanboy simply for not being a contrarian faggot like Yea Forums & blindly hating objectively solid games simply for being Nintendo
> Shit on Red Dead Redemption 2 while circlejerking Spider-Man & GoW4
Cope more trannies, he's an actual Playstation fan whose not obsessed with console wars
>no nintendo games
I just wanted to give you your (You) and post an image of a good game. You're looking too much into it.
Fuck off cunt, I doubt you fucks have even played the broken mess of a game that is Deus Ex. It's quotable as it is memorable, but it was shit then when games like Arx Fatalis existed to blow it out of the water. If I could put in a #11, System Shock 2 would be there, too.
Fuck you dude. Oblivion is an exception. Fallout 4 is also on that list and it sucks dick.
More horses wow this game is GREAT
>no nintendo games
See R E N T - F R E E
It is great, I agree.
To be fair there aren't very many good JRPGs since they usually have good premises but hamfist the delivery. The whole "super rich company creating their own worst nightmare and draining the world's resources to keep it from crippling their empire" is a good plot but that's not what FF7 focuses on, hell their planet is essentially dead after the events of the game and it doesn't matter because the anime hair sword dude killed the other anime hair sword dude.
botw, skyward sword (the reviews on that trash were especially egregious), wind waker, mario odyssey (3d world was much better), pokemon red/blue, any of the xenoblade games.
Is it? I've seen a lot of folk calling it a jrpg.
Yeah it'd be a lot better with interesting items and dungeons though. People act like it's a godsend when it's just a good game.
people discuss P5?
>better with interesting items
The runes do a good enough job desu, most items get shelved outside of very specific scenarios
>People act like it's a godsend
It's a really fucking good game.
>stiff ps2 era animations
>braindead AI
>hideous character design
>clunky controls, especially in combat
>copy paste assets to pad game time, just like every open world game
>riddled with bugs everywhere you go
and that's not even taking into consideration the shit layout of various locations, and overall lazy, thoughtless designs permeating the game. oblivion is every bit as shit as the other TES games. the entire series is just a pointless lore safari disguised as a """"game""""
Name one game (1) (ONE) that has managed to pull of what Majora's Mask did over nearly 20 years ago now.
>personafag seriously trying to pretend P5 redefined gaming as a whole and was a genuine watershed moment in the industry
eat shit you underage weeb.
>Pokemon LGP was in his top 20 games of 2018 list
good to know his opinion can be even more safely discarded, then.
most of nintendo's shit would fall under that and the last of us
>Oblivion and not Skyrim
>GoW3 and not GoW (2018)
>L.A Noire and not any GTAs or RDR2
>Burnout Paradise, of all things
>No Nintendo Games, at all
Jesus Fucking Christmas
girl looks chubby and cute!!!
Reads like some contrarian fag. Try harder next time.
BOTW is the most overrated game ever. The developers clearly stepped over their bounds and delivered a game with minuscule amounts of content.
>Ocarina of Time
#1 way to spot a zoomer.
OoT literally made the definition for 3D action adventure games.
You can't take that away, no matter how much you hate it.
I hope you're taking your "Z" targeting for granted user.
> 10. Persona 5
> 9. Grand Theft Auto V
GTA online was """""""Fun with friends""""""
> 8. Red Dead Redemption
Great game
> 7. TES: Skyrim
> 6. Dark Souls/Bloodborne
> 5. Mass Effect 2
> 4. Red Dead Redemption 2
> 3. The Last of Us
> 2. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Would've agreed 2 months ago, but i played through it fully and fell in love with the mechanics and choices of how i chose to tackel certain situations
> 1. The Witcher 3
Hard agree, fuck this game. Given it 4 chances and it still hasn't had any effect on me
>BOTW is the most underrated game ever.
I'm a boomer, I didn't even say anything about Persona 5, I just asked if OoT is also on the list. Fuck off, fag.
Persona went to shit after 2
I honestly want it to stop before it reaches the level of shit posting Xenocringe 2 gets..
>OoT is the game everyone claims to love just because everyone claims to love it
>Not overrated
It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but it's just good. Like a 7/10 good. Don't kid yourself.
this but unironically
Somehow missed DS/BB
>DS/BB both excellent but the "DS is hard lmao" meme is trash
> ME2 was ass, liked 3 though
>LBP is overrated
Also no one actually overrates Killzone games, most of them are treated as mediocre save 2 and occasionally Mercenary.
I just thought it got stale using 4 abilities for every puzzle throughout the entire game but that's just me.
Like I get it, I stop time here on this moving thing. Water? I guess I freeze this. Metal laying on the floor for no reason? Hmmmmmmm?
Oblivion is a genuine inclusion, a lot of people hold that game to a lot of praise while people can openly say that Skyrim is ass. Same thing is true of Morrowind.
>I just thought it got stale using 4 abilities for every puzzle throughout the entire game
You don't, you also use wind leaf, torch and metal items etc
>>OoT is the game everyone claims to love just because everyone claims to love it
>>Not overrated
You're such a douchebag, OoT Is the foundation for all 3D action games.
It's not really overstatement to say that games like OoT are above being considered overrate or underrated.
It's like calling the carriage wheel overrated when you use a car or bike everyday.
>Have a friend I've known since Kindergarten
>We still keep in touch even when we're 27 and several states away
>Recently he bought a Switch along with Smash and Breath of the Wild
>Big fan of Witcher 3 and God of War 2018 and all those Ubisoft open world games
>Starts spamming texts to me after he starts Breath of the Wild that it's the greatest game he's played in nearly a decade
You losers are just contrarians. To the masses of normal people who don't give a fuck about being butthurt about console wars, Breath of the Wild is a revelation and a 10/10 game. You're going to have to deal with that, friends.
You literally cannot prove me wrong, like 100k's of people already decided this a long time ago
> 1st. The Legend of Zelda (Beat Final Fantasy) (3,000 Vote Difference)
> 2nd. Final Fantasy (Eliminated by Zelda) (3,000 Vote Difference)
> 3rd. Super Mario (Elminated by Final Fantasy) (10,000 Vote Difference)
> 4rd. Metal Gear Solid (Elminated by Zelda) (62,000 Vote Difference)
> 5th. Resident Evil (Eliminated by Final Fantasy) (70,00 Vote Difference)
> 6th. Smash Bros (Elimated by Super Mario) (29,000 Vote Difference)
> 7th. Kingdom Hearts (Eliminated by Metal Gear) (22,000 Vote Difference)
> 8th. Metroid (Elimated by Zelda) (93,000 Vote Difference)
> 9th. Castlevania (Eliminated by Kingdom Hearts) (3,400 Vote Difference)
> 10th. Street Fighter (Eliminated by Resident Evil) (1,779 Vote Difference)
> 11th. Pokemon (Elimated by Metroid) (6,400 Vote Difference)
> 12th. Mega Man (Eliminated by Final Fantasy) (65,000 Vote Difference)
Everyone shits on fallout 4 though, so it doesn't really belong on the list
This, OOT is so flawlessly paced & designed outside of Jabu Jabu that it objectively will always be one of the 10 best games ever made
Look at you, you seething homo. Shit like this is what drives people to believe this game is overrated. People blindly parrot some sort of perfection narrative that just isn't true. It's a fine game, what more do you want? I'm not gonna say it's the best game ever made, because it's not. That carriage analogy is fucking retarded, too.
have sex
He's objectively right though, even Rockstar games themselves called OOT & Mario 64 the most influential games ever made, and said everyone has taken influence from them in some way
Sorry nigger, I see Final Fantasy above Mario games in this, so your statement is half false, just like you are only half retarded for being such a Nintendo cocksucker.
we would if smash rosterfags, port beggars, console-war shitposters, and seething p3/p4 babbies didn't make it impossible to discuss.
>People blindly parrot some sort of perfection narrative that just isn't true.
I hope you're not playing any game past 1998, you drooling hypocrite.
Everyone except a vocal minority is a Zelda fan, we hate BOTW out of genuine disappointment
normalfags think any game that's marketed enough to them is the greatest shit ever. see also: skyrim, bioshock infinite, overwatch, fortnite, etc.
>we hate BOTW out of genuine disappointment
lol no
>Any benchmark for quality
Rockstar is another factory of "good" games.
What does this even mean?
Literally every major developer from 1998 agreed that Ocarina of Time completely turned videogames upside down and made them all go back to the drawing board. Many developers TO THIS DAY will tell you that about OoT.
Also if you weren't a 12 year old and were actually alive when OoT released, you'd know how fucking mindblowing it was.
Deal with it.
I think the appeal of Persona is to target people that weren't cool in high school and let them play a game where they can be. Also making it weeb as fuck and having waifus just makes it print money
Splatoon series
Not him but I’ve really hated the shrines for the most part. I dislike that they’ve replaced the traditional dungeons. Also no hook shot is unfortunate
Seething, Snoy trannies are fucking mentally ILL
OoT is the ultimate consolecuck game and anyone who says it was revolutionary is looking at it through that lens.
Thief 1 came out a couple months later and was far more complex and revolutionary but because it didn't sell a bajillion copies to 10 year olds it isn't as "important".
San Andreas & RDR1 are objectively two of the best games ever made
>What does this even mean?
It means that you're not giving enough credit to a genre defining game.
Every game you've touched past 1998 is influenced by OoT in some way, because it is fundamentally amazing enough that other games must use it as a standard.
jesus christ the delusion with these people
>know how fucking mindblowing it was.
And that's the problem. I'm talking about the game as it is today. By all means, it's a good game, I don't know why you're so mad over that statement. It's a game that holds up despite its age, but it's not the best game ever made.
>Literally every major developer from 1998 agreed that Ocarina of Time completely turned videogames upside down and made them all go back to the drawing board.
And your source is...?
Thief is complete shit & nobody cars about it, OOT has always been officially recognized as the most influential game ever made behind the original Super Mario Bros.
Overrated doesn't mean bad, it just means it's not as good as people say it is. Pretty much everything Nintendo makes falls into that category thanks to their rabid fanbase. BOTW in particular triggers Yea Forums because Nintendo fanboys act like it's an innovative masterpiece when it's actually a decent but generic entry in a genre the rest of us have played to death and are tired of.
EP>4=3>IS>5>>>>they're all still pretty good though i think
Definitely dark souls considering it didn't really innovate anything people attribute to it
>Thief is complete shit & nobody cars about it, OOT has always been officially recognized as the most influential game ever made behind the original Super Mario Bros.
>Thief 1 came out a couple months later and was far more complex and revolutionary but because it didn't sell a bajillion copies to 10 year olds it isn't as "important".
I think you never grew up past 10 user, its time to let go
You say I am seething but you brought up trannies out of no where. I think you're seething about some things, user.
Also get fucked, stop bringing up SNOY as if everyone you disagree with only plays the console you don't like.
Persona in general is overrated. I still like the games.
This. The novelty of the world interactivity is tempered by a the massive amount of padding, bad dungeons, and extremely bland combat.
fear the old bait, by the gods fear it Lawrence
Wind Waker and Twlight Princess are like 7/10 games, Skyward Sword is like a 4/10 game.
I like the good Zelda games but most Zelda fans are willing to prop up super mediocre games as pinnacles of gaming.
>the shooting and melee mechanics of both of those games
Fuck you. In a just world every shooter game on consoles would have a gyro option. Splatoon redefined how a console shooter should control but idiots are still too scared of motion controls after the Wii so they just shrug it off as 'waggle'.
Also it's the greatest new IP of the last decade, maybe only challenged by Dark Souls.
>but generic entry in a genre the rest of us have played to death and are tired of.
The hilarious part of this statement is that we did get a generic open world game that year, called Horizon Zero Dawn, which basically 10 year old open world design and was horribly dated.
In the same year we got BotW, which once again refreshed the genre, and since then Ubisoft's Assasisn's Creed games resemble BotW more than Horizon.
I only hold it as better than Skyrim. Which it is.
>OOT has always been officially recognized as the most influential game ever made behind the original Super Mario Bros
To get away from the OoT derailment, yes P5 is completely overrated, especially its story. There are some great characters but also a lot of really awful ones and the main narrative is extremely poorly paced.
They're both strong 8/10s, sure.
Bully and Warriors are up there too. But not "best games ever made" material.
Chrono Trigger.
That's the one Nintendo franchise that really is as brilliant as people say it is.
Call of Duty 4.
not bait. everything i listed is vastly overrated, shallow fucking meme shit.
> 10. Final Fantasy XV
What? Only shills pretend this game is good and nobody believes them anyway, everyone else agrees that game is shit.
> 9. Batman: Arkham City
Nah, game's pretty good
> 8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Haven't played
> 7. L.A. Noire
Haven't played
> 6. God Of War III
I find it suspicious to find this one instead of 4 on the list
> 5. Alien Isolation
Haven't played
> 4. Burnout Paradise
> 3. Persona 5 (Obviously)
> 2. Fallout 4
Haven't played but game looks like shit, honestly
> 1. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Haven't played but the game looks fun
>Ubisoft's Assasisn's Creed games resemble BotW more than Horizon
That is completely untrue. They definitely have much larger worlds but the RPGlite systems are purely derivative of crap like Shadow of Mordor.
You're not helping your case much by citing Ass Creed, especially the recent ones, they're the very definition of mediocre and generic open world games.
Definition: It's popular and I don't like it.
Who fucking overrated fallout 4? I've never heard anyone praise except the same people who claim every new AAA game is "the best game ever made"
The fact that out of the 70 best game lists it's officially appeared in, it was listed as a top 2 game 65 times, which for comparison if you add the scores of the other games in the top 5 they still don't even match OOT
> FF7 (15) + SMB1 (17) + SM64 (16) + ALTTP (15) = 63 < OOT (65)
Guaranteed not, if anyone dare insults OoT they have to deal with mobs of faggots who defend a game that holds up worse today than every zelda game released before it
Kingdom Hearts. People need to quit pretending its not written like ass, you can still enjoy it of course, its just written like ass
Some games are not popular but overrated by their niche community
Most games are overrated to me now.
All I can really play for more than an hour or two are strategy and wargames.
Vermintide 2 was probably the closest to a normal video game I could stay interested in for more than a couple hours in years, and a large part of that was me liking the setting and the voice acting being amazing.
>People now claiming The Last of Us is overrated
Hivemind is a crazy concept
I'm shocked that this one isn't on the list. I only liked KH2 and that was because the combat was a ton of fun and the music was excellent. None of the story or characters mattered to me.
This list is kind of fucking garbage. I like BOTW and SM64 for example but I'd probably put them on here.
Pretty weird how it takes everyone 5+ years to think opinions I used to think.
>they're the very definition of mediocre and generic open world games.
That may be, but that wasn't the point.
I was mostly referencing how they game is built, like the climb any surface thing and the focus on exploration.
Why is she naked with that guy? NTR?
A bunch of lists made by retarded game journos, not developers.
Again, where's your proof?
The polish on CT is insane though. It definitely deserves a spot as one of the best JRPGs for its time.
Pretty agreeable. CoD4 was pretty simple and shallow. The single player was good but way too goddamn cinimatic.
>Writing is the only part of a game
Just admit you like movies and not games.
>People need to quit pretending its not written like ass
People pretend KH isn't written like ass? A good chuck of the fanbase just shits on the story like no tomorrow.
prolly because it has some of the hardest, cringest fans in the world. Most can't critique it in any way
claiming? It's one of the top 10 most overrated games of all time though?
that is part of the charm
But he's right. It seems as if nobody even remembers how crucial and revolutionary OOT was for gaming.
twilight princess also
all i see people pretending it not, its funny watching them scramble
Nice strawman, next
How was OOT revolutionary again
its literally the second most overrated game of all time (#1 is now BOTW)
SM64 has so much depth to its movement though, I’d have a hard time calling it overrated.
All Naughty Dog movie games are overrated.
Not really, I really like Half Life 2 but I still think it’s a very overrated game.
Just the way it is when innovation occurs. Other games take that innovation, technology improves, and zoomers look at the original and say it's old and shitty.
>Alien Isolation
but that game got bad reviews and just has a strong cult following.
But botw is actually fun for a few hours
OoT was only important in the console realm for the genre, same as GoldenEye. Impressive for the N64 but similar and more complex experiences had long existed on PC
Kys yourself zoomer
>Final fantasy XV, Oblivion
These games are controversial at most, if anything, it's easier to find people that hate then, then finding people that love then.
>Fallout 4
WHO the hell defends Fallout 4?
>God of War 3
Makes sense. The game have an AMAZING start, but it gets kinda weak in the past half. Still, is the second best God of War, and any of the mainline tittles are better than the reboot.
Anything else can hardly be called overrated. If anything they have a small cult of apreciators. Also, this list was obviously made by an asspained nintendo fan, as there is no overrated Nintendo tittles there, like Melee or Ocarina of Time.
The Witcher games unironically deserves the praise, from first to last. I'm reading the books and I'm already on the 4th, and I gotta admit, they made an amazing job making such an interesting world based in such lame low effort literature.
Shadow of the Colossus.
The biggest one was the targeting system
Which was done previously by Tomb Raider and Megaman Legends
The problem is very few people are saying it's bad or shitty. People are just saying it's overrated, which it is.
I didn't think so
>load it up
>oh, open world physics environment based, check of all the locations thing. basically same thing as every console game since crackdown/prototype/infamous
>throw a stick at some goomba and run away
>turn off game and never play again
name three
kill yourself yourself, faggot.
Literal who Garbage, OOT is literally the most popular game ever made
> Ranker.com (OOT 1st, Skyrim 2nd)
> GameFaqs (OOT 1st, FF7 2nd)
> TheTopTens (OOT 1st, Skyrim 2nd)
> Wikipedia (OOT 1st, Mario 64 2nd)
> IGN.com (SMW 1st, OOT 2nd)
> Favslist (OOT 1st, ME2 2nd)
> GameSpot (OOT 1st, SoulCalibur 2nd)
> MetaCritic (OOT 1st, SoulCalibur 2nd)
> Famitsu (OOT 1st, SoulCalibur 2nd)
> GameRankings (SMG 1st, OOT 2nd)
> TheRinger/ESPN (OOT 1st, FF7 2nd)
> WatchMojo (OOT 1st, Tetris 2nd)
> Slant Magazine (OOT 1st, Zelda MM 2nd)
> PwnRank (OOT 1st, HL2 2nd)
> Empire Magazine (TLOU 1st, OOT 2nd)
> VGChartz (OOT 1st, FF7 3nd)
> GameFaqs 04 (FF7 1st, OOT 2nd)
> IGN Readers (OOT 1st, Chrono Trigger 2nd)
and only a few hours, because the weapon durability system is the most fucking dipshit retard decision they could have possibly made.
He can't, because every game he will name is irrelevant literal who garbage. OOT is officially credited for inventing lock on targeting
How the fuck is botw overrated?
the most popular game ever made is counter-strike.
>look what all these game magazines said!!
Every single "best movie" list used to say Citizen Kane was the best movie of all time, too. Then the pretension stopped.
>Thread is about games that are overrated
>Let me just pull up how many people love this game to death without really proving anyone wrong about the game being overrated
user, are you fucking new to the internet? I liked BOTW but it's definitley overrated because it's a Nintendo game.
It has to be overrated to convince people to get a switch
its a retread of every game for the past like 12 years dude. theres just nothing special about it whatsoever
its the biggest case of nintendo bonus in history too because any other game wouldve lost like 15-20% for the weapon durability issue
the game just isn't special in any way, at all. it's a repeat of previously made games, it uses the same assets nonstop a hundred times in the game.
Nobody has even provided an argument for it being overrated other then "Nintendo made it & it's popular"
>OOT is officially credited for inventing lock on targeting
Open world is a plague upon gaming and one of the worst cancers that is killing Yea Forums. There's nothing wrong with more linear/streamlined experiences, and of course, that doesn't mean you have to completely give up on exploration as well. Have of the reasons genres such as Metroidvanias are praised is because of its combination of gameplay styles while keeping a high set of exploration.
It also sets a more quality > quantity mindset on the devs, which many open world games seem to lack.
I love legends but let’s not pretend that the lock on system in it was anything good. It was the exact same lock on system the RE games used.
Legends 2 pretty much copied Z targeting and it made the game a lot better because of it.
>Skyrim and TLOU showing up
Jesus fuck marketing must be strong.
Also Link to the Past and Link’s Awakening have better world and dungeon design than OoT. All the dungeons outside of the water temple are linear.
The best game ive played in seemingly forever is Celeste and everyone on this board wanted to fabricate some retarded reason to hate it. this is just a valueless place
killing Yea Forums? Yea Forums has been dead since about 2012 bro
Any game by Team ICO really.
Legacy of Kain is more genre defining than OoT.
for a game that's an 85 at best
Does bloodborne happen to be on that list?
I know it's anecdotal evidence, but myself and all of my friends that are Zelda fans generally rank BOTW in the middle or lower half of the Zelda games we've played. So, in that sense I think it's overrated.
But I have provided an argument. I've said it's a good game that holds up well, but it's quality is overstated because of its impact on gaming. Like I get it. One of my favorite games (Resi4) has the same problem. It's a game that's given more credit than it deserves because of it's contributions to third person shooting. Games shouldn't be judged because of their impact, they should be judged on whether or not they're fun to play. OoT is good, but not that good.
Blood Omen is just a jank grimdark version of Zelda. Soul Reaver is a legit as fuck Metroidvania game though.
"Influential" doesn't mean "popular," though Quake was extremely popular. It means it influenced the makers of future games. Go watch just about any interview with a major game developer and you'll hear Quake cited as a major influence on their games, and you can clearly see Quake's influence in just about any first person game today as well as most over the shoulder third person games. It also created esports as we know it.
Also, people generally call it the pinnacle of open-world games, when I personally feel as though there isn't much to do aside from ONLY exploring and discovering Koroks and it also lost a lot of its identity as a Zelda game in the move to open world. Plus, everything is pretty barren. I know there's a plot reason for it, but it still sucks in that sense.
Literally any CRPG, so Ultima VII, Fallout, etc... Also Looking Glass games, so Ultima Underworld, Thief, and System Shock.
Half Life 2 is easily the most over rated game of all time and has done more damage to gaming than any other game and Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.
Yeah, but at least the environments are pleasant to walk around for a 5-20 hours
Weapon durability isn't even an issue, the problem is that all of the combat in the game consists of spamming the attack button (same as OoT)
>(Same as OOT)
A game shouldn't have the same flaws as another, 20 year old game
Chrono Trigger
the environment graphics are representative of games from 10+ years ago. There's just no value there. Would rather walk around in Oblivion.
I just strongly feel that people who consume console games are okay with being told what to like. It's reality.
>damage done
Half Life 2 wasn’t even influential. Halo 2 destroyed shooters by making them all focus on console online.
Half Life 2 by far. People praise that game like some retarded mix of F.E.AR, E.Y.E and SS2 into one.
Zelda is the 2nd greatest series of games ever created, right behind Mario.
But Ocarina of Time is a pile of shit.
If this guy's right it seems like quake has done more damage
don't respond to that guy, he's nonstop in every thread for the past week.
if nintendo garbage like zelda and mario aren't on that list it's objectively wrong
The legend of zelda's gameplay just isn't able to work in 3d
Twilight Princess actually gets a lot of bad rep, no one really talks about it and no one particularly likes it. I think it'd be remembered as black sheep of the series if Skyward Sword wasn't much worse.
> Perhaps OOT's biggest innovaton was "Z-targeting," a system that allowed players to easily lock on to enemies in combat with the press of a button - Business Insider
> Ocarina of Time introduced features such as a target-lock system and context-sensitive buttons that have since become common in 3D adventure games - Wikipedia
> Ocarina introduced many aspects that would become staples of the genre. The lock-on “Z-targeting” and the context sensitive actions chief among the innovations - Telegraph
> The Masterpiece helped pave the way for 3D adventure games, Nintendo continued its innovative streak. A now-common concept like lock-on targeting was folded into 3D combat - IGN
> Another brand new concept - the Z-lock targeting system has since become a staple of other Nintendo series such as Star Fox and Metroid, while titles like AC, KH, and Psychonauts have all utilised a similar mechanic - GamesRadar
> “Z-targeting” was a prime example, Nintendo’s lock-on combat is now standard in third-person games - The Ringer
> Nintendo basically invented the first workable concept for 3D combat in a video game, The ability to ‘Z-target’ has become standard in every 3D Adventure game - Unliad
> One of the most universally recognised gifts from Ocarina of Time to the world of gaming was its Z-Targetting, every 3D combat game since has used it since - Fandom.co
> In OOT there is one mechanic that undoubtedly paved the way for countless other titles and this was z-targeting. - MadTomatoes
> OOT introduced a lock-on system that would prove to be nothing less than revolutionary. Z-Targeting revolutionized combat in a 3D environment - DenOfGeek
> OOT's a Technical masterpiece, it's introduction of Z-targeting alone revolutionized gaming moving forward - Escapist Magazine
> I think it comes down to the fact that Ocarina of Time laid the groundwork for how a 3D action game should be made - FromSoftware (Miyazaki)
It's stylish as fuck, the combat is fairly smooth, and the dungeon crawling is a major improvement over 3/4 (though far from perfect). However the story goes to shit after the second dungeon and the game is far too handholdy (in terms of gameplay and writing).
I hope Persona 6 takes 5 as a base and makes something truly great out of it, maybe the new director can deliver.
It and has though. Nobody is saying it can't, they're just saying BotW or OOT (depending on your point of view) are oberrated
>ultima vii
a 2d game? are you retarded? are you even following what the conservation is about?
what a fucking dumbass
came out at the same time, and was worse
>system shock
horrendous fucking controls require a mod to be usable
weapon durability is absolutely a major issue. you're right about spammy combat though.
The Last of Us
Silent Hill 2
Keep seething, it will always be considered the GOAT like The Godfather & Citizen Kane in 50 years when you are on the verge of death
That schizo guy is going nuts, kind of endearing how hard he wants Yea Forums to be completely contrarian like him.
TP is a fine game. SS is total dogshit though.
nigga alien isolation was fucking great and nobody played it
Not at all, a ton of people like TP and it was the best selling 3D Zelda pre-BotW. Obviously plenty of people dislike it as well, every 3D Zelda is very divisive.
I love how people act like hitting a button to focus the camera about an object in a 3d space is something that wouldn't have existed in any 3d game without zelda
I'll accept that maybe OOT refined it, but my point is that it didn't invent it.
I feel like I'll like TP when I get around to it. The thing that matters most to me in Zelda is dungeon design and atmosphere.
I mean how is this important though when quake came out in 1996?
Descent came out in 1995...Full 3d aiming kinda more important than a video game aiming for you...
Dark Souls and Ocarina of Time are the two most overrated games ever made
They wouldn't, it's the most iconic game to have ever existed behind Mario. Every game took influence from Mario 64 & OOT
I mean, there's plenty of design choices that seem obvious in hindsight but took developers a while to figure out.
And even if you understand it conceptually, executing it correctly is another story.
>it was the best selling 3D Zelda pre-BotW
not meaningful. gaming's audience is like 100 times bigger now than during n64
Except most of these quotes are wrong or at least not entirely right, and how many games use Z-targeting these days? Now compare that to the number of 3D games that use a system where the left hand (keyboard or left stick) controls linear character movement and the right hand (mouse or right stick) controls rotation, and aiming at enemies is done by manually pointing the center of the screen at them. Now guess which game introduced that whole method of character control? Oh yeah, that's right, it's Quake again.
I hope TWEWY is on that list.
Quake is irrelevant garbage, Doom, Halo, GoldenEye & Half-Life are considered the pillars of FPS history
>OoT defined a generation and created a genre.
ur mom defined a generation
Nobody gives a single fuck about Quake, it's irrelevant & always has been. When people think FPS they think Metroid Prime, GoldenEye, COD, Bioshock, Halo, Half-Life & Doom.
When will mods do their job and ban this spammer? Holy fuck one of the most obnoxious posters in years
Skyrim should be on the list as well. In fact it deserves to be 1.
These threads are on topic & always get fucking genuine discussion on this board. Which is something that 99 % of the threads on Yea Forums do not. If anything these should be stickied.
Why are people so salty about p5?
except half-life sucks donkey balls, you fucking retard. valve is shit, literally the apple of game developers. they just take shit that's already been done and package it up conveniently.
>Thread about overrated games
>The arguments are, hypocritically and counterintuitively, about relevancy rather than quality
I'm gonna keep saying this until it sticks, since nobody's proven me wrong. Games should be judged on their own merit, not by dated means such as impact.
Actual top 5 coming through:
5. Xenogears
4. Deus Ex
3. Pokémon GSC
2. Final Fantasy (series)
1. Chrono Trigger
> It's popular so it's bad
Keep coping, your irrelevant feelings mean nothing when everyone already considers HL2 the most influential FPS game ever made & always rates as the GOAT FPS game nearly 15 years since it's release
Halo, CoD, and Half Lofe would not exist without Quake. Just because Zoomers don’t remember it doesn’t make it not important.
>it's popular so it must be good
keep drinking the kool aid, dumbass. it didn't innovate shit, and it doesn't do anything better than other shooters that have come before and after it.
Are you unable to properly judge something on its own merits without looking at popularity? Is your favorite fast food McDonalds or some shit?
Don’t respond to the schizo poster user, we’re hoping he leaves.
what's your list of overrated games?
It used to have multiple threads daily now it’s just ruined by switch port beggars like they do in every game thread.
Every single one of those games, except for Doom, is derivative of Quake. (And Doom 4 and D44M are derivative of Quake too.)
Wait, that guy is literally the same spammer? Shit i didn't even know that
I own a fucking Switch and PS4 and I have no idea why other Switch owners are acting like Joker means a P5 Switch port. It's fucking ridiculous and embarrassing.
this is terrible
Yeah & nobody ever mentions Quake outside this board, therefore it aged like shit & is utterly irrelevant. Doom still gets circlejerked 24/7
Chrono Trigger is the very definition of overrated as fuck.
You are one of the stupidest fucking human beings
How did you go from shitting on Doom constantly only a few weeks ago to admitting that it's still popular and well liked? Mentally ill piece of shit
joker got into smash
Overrated doesn't mean bad, but I agree that both OoT and HL2 are overrated. On their own, they're both perfectly good games (I like OOT but don't like HL2, but I can recognize that it's a totally fine game), but they're not in the conversation for best ever without the "relevancy and influence" argument. One of my favorite games is RE4 and that game is also horrendously overrated due to its influence on OTS Shooters.
i refuse to believe you are actually this dumb, being overrated requires a certain ratio of relevancy and poor quality. a bad game that is barely relevant is just a bad game, a bad game that is very relevant is over rated
I've got to agree with this.
durr quake is irrelevant
invented modding
invented internet play
invented pro gaming
invented community servers
directly created consumer 3d acceleration market
could go on but you dont really get it anyway, everything has always existed in your 15 years :)
Imagine being so schizo that you think everyone is the same group of anons each time, even barry isn't this autistic
More buzzwords, not an argument or retort. Anger is clouding your judgement because the facts hurt
That's the most retarded logic I think I've ever read on this board and I've been on it for over a decade. Congratulations, but don't get too excited. These days that record is broken a lot more frequently than it used to be.
i agree with your definition of overrated
often, people just latch onto it as a synonym for 'bad'
Name one time Quake has ever been mentioned as a great game outside Yea Forums
>t-there can't possibly be more than one person who doesn't like half life, r-right?
>it's obviously the same guy
"people think" is not an argument that needs a reply
Deus Ex is not overrated, it's unironically one of the best games ever made
Because it's overrated
5. Oblivion
4. Tony Hawk proskater
3. Fallout 4
2. Kingdom Hearts
1. Skyrim
Someone was paid money to write this, and continues to be paid.
It's hard to believe people post their retarded contrarian opinions on Yea Forums, reddit, and particularly twitter (where you won't even have to argue with anyone) for free when people are apparently making a living off of it.
I am not saying OOT is a bad game, but calling it the best game is as retarded as calling Don Quixote the best book because of how influential it is. Don Quixote is a fantastic book, but that has nothing to do with how influential it is
>Tony Hawk proskater
fuck you, idiot
No that's still one of the best games ever made zoomer
Mother 3
Fuck off, this saved JRPGs.
>ctrl+f: undertale
>0 results
baka (that stands for shake my head btw)
That's because everyone on Yea Forums has a hateboner for it, so they assume everyone else hates it.
It is overrated though, despite not being as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be.
Persona 5 was genuinely unique... In terms of UI. That's basically it. It was fun though.
>Using 'Overrated' in any context that isn't paid/coerced
i have some bad news for you user, JRPGs actually completely 100% died in the 90s
Who overrates these games outside of gaming journalism?
BotW. I still don't understand how Nintendo just made a Ubisoft game and everyone lauded it as life-changing.
It's overrated dogshit and I'm 20 years older than you guaranteed you fucking moron.
t. stupid nigger with incorrect, invalid opinions
>While Arkham Asylum was a 10/10
ALL of the Batman games are pure shit. I fell for the hype and bought into that garbage and hated every last one. Batman has all sorts of devices and tools, yet you can only approach a situation from one angle, using a specific tool. It kept happening and never became fun.
10 - Persona 5
9 - Fallout New Vegas
8 - Planescape: Torment
7 - Super Smash Bros (series)
6 - Ocarina of Time
5 - Baldur's Gate (series)
4 - God of War (PS4)
3 - Bloodborne
2 - Metal Gear Solid 2
1 - Majora's Mask
before anyone defends Planescape or Baldur's Gate, go ahead, name me a single thing that happens in either one. everyone sucks these games' dicks but cannot say anything except for how great they are
do you even know what "overrated" means?
Imagine posting on Yea Forums at the age of 40 AND having terrible taste.
>Everyone who hates OoT is an EgoRaptor shill
Correct and valid opinion I guess.
Kind of? It started off as a 10/10 but then dropped the ball.
im almost 40
Chrono Trigger is not that good and is worse than Secret of Mana.
When CT happened it was the biggest collaberation in jap shit of all time to ever happen, so people still have boners today.
although i like the Lore in Fallout.
I hate all fallout games the old and the new ones.
Do you?
Overrated means being given a higher opinion than it deserves. Nowhere does it imply a lack of quality, only that the credit given is overstated.
Planescape Torment has great writing and unique setting
>single thing
Brothel for Slaking Intellectual Lusts
>Now compare that to the number of 3D games that use a system where the left hand (keyboard or left stick) controls linear character movement and the right hand (mouse or right stick) controls rotation, and aiming at enemies is done by manually pointing the center of the screen at them. Now guess which game introduced that whole method of character control? Oh yeah, that's right, it's Quake again.
Uh, Doom? I think you could use a mouse in Wolfenstein 3D, even.
>everyone sucks these games' dicks but cannot say anything except for how great they are
It's really just that you don't like that genre of games, user.
We understand that BG2 is too hard for you because you were born after it came out. We get it.
What do you think belongs on a list of "Objectively good games, that get the most undeserved hate for being popular"?
So far all i can think of is these
> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 3. Undertale
> 4. SoulCalibur (1999)
> 5. Resident Evil 4
> 6. Final Fantasy X
>Oh yeah, that's right, it's Quake again.
I'm all for sucking Quake dick but the first game with free six axis aiming was Descent and as an Official Quake Dicksucker you should know this.
>doesn't even name anything that happens in it
just because you bought the game on gog doesnt mean you beat it
Final Fantasy X isn't a good game. It represents the utter desolation of what was once one of gaming's crown jewels. It did basically every single thing wrong.
I get Uncharted 4. In that game's 30-ish chapters I felt like 5 of them had gunfights and the rest was just sightseeing and funny quips. Really don't get the love for that game.
>It’s widely regarded as one of the most influential video games of all time, having pioneered a number of conventions that we now take for granted.
>Looking back on one of the most influential games in PC history and the true arrival of 3D.
>Needless to say, Quake's shift to fully-3D graphics changed the course of the industry — but that was only the beginning.
>It is impossible to understate Quake's influence on modern multiplayer gaming.
>At last year's QuakeCon, I interviewed Tim Willits, creative director at id Software, and he drew a pretty big line in the sand. According to him, “Quake was actually more influential than Doom was.”
>Meleefag also thinks OoT isn't underrated
>Throws in SoulCal, a game nobody thinks is overrated, in there just to pad out the list
Doubtful since the internet is full of dicksucking shut-ins with horrible taste in everything. Legend of Zelda, Portal, and basically every single indie game deserve to be on that list, but you'll never see it.
I'm 36 little user, I really couldn't care less about whether you believe me or not. :)
Of course Quake was more influential than Doom, Doom simply led to Quake and Quake led to everything else. There was zero significant innovation by any competitor in the intermediary.
Nobody is ever ballsy enough to make that statement, psyched to see that the best level designer stands with me.
>invented modding
>invented internet play
what is with people here crediting quake with inventing shit that already existed before
doom had both of those and you could mod wolf3d too
Descent was first, but Quake was the game that inserted the concept into the mainstream and caused pretty much every other developer in the world to freak out and copy it as fast as possible, though.
RE4 controls aged like milk, and set the stage for the shitshows of RE5 and 6. Plus, the story is horrible, the constant escort shit is obnoxious, Napoleon is a bad villain, and it helped normalize quicktime events.
>>It is impossible to understate Quake's influence on modern multiplayer gaming.
uh, shouldn't it be overstate
they would if they were good games but they're just not
Yes, I sure enjoyed the social commentary, modern conspiracies, stealth gameplay, scifi stuff and globetrotting adventure in Arx Fatalis. They're two very different games that do very different things.
SoulCalibur gets shit all of the time for having a 98 Metascore
Doom did not have TCP/IP internet play. Quake was the very first game with internet play. I'm sure you are vaguely aware that you could play Doom with people in remote locations, that was not internet play. You can educate yourself on it.
You could not "mod" Doom or Wolf3d, you could replace assets in Doom. Quake was the very first game that distributed the game's functional logic code in a package that could be modified by players, along with the tools to compile it and etc.
This was one of the most significant things that ever happened in video-gaming.
Like half of that list needs to be Bethesda games.
That's neither here nor there. Just acknowledge when you were wrong, the backpedaling and attempting to make some kind of concession looks bad. This is honest advice. Don't do that in real life.
Descent was popular too FYI.
There's more to being overrated than a Metascore. That game's metascore is never going down because it's old as fuck and those reviews are saved in history forever. Nobody's really mad about it and most agree that it's a great fighting game, but nobody rates it that high in the current day. Not like the rest of your list.
most japanese video games are completely incoherent and people only like them because they're not western games
Only morrowind and to an extent daggerfall are overrated. Everything else has a pretty mixed reputation even though normalfags used to lap the shit up it seems like they've just forgotten them.
Not that popular since most Quakeniggers don't even remember it
I assure you we do.
You don't know shit about people my age desu.
Undertale is just a Super Paper Mario ripoff. It's not even worth bringing up.
>but nobody rates it that high in the current day
why the fuck would it matter what somebody rated it in the current day?
ratings are particular to their time period and should be considered in the context of that period. Why would it make sense to do anything else?
Soul Calibur on dreamcast pretty much was a 98, dat weapon master mode
>oh i never played it
i know you didnt
I assure you they don't.
And I know more than I care to about you underage retards.
file is literally called bait
>Majora's Mask
Literally no other game created has pulled off a time-based system as well as MM has. Literally almost two decades of games being pumped out and nothing has come close. That alone deserves to throw it out of any top 10 overrated spots.
This, sure It appears on every list but you never see it in the top 30 anymore like it used too. Whereas those others are circlejerked as the greatest game ever constantly
It was a pretty nice send off for that franchise, Uncharted peaked at 2, it was never going to hit those heights again, so having a game about Drake retiring was nice.
That said the best parts of the game are the very beginning and the very end. All the adventure and shooting shit is pretty mediocre. It's certainly overrated but I also "get it" from a fan's perspective.
Also yeah it's basically just a movie.
I'll acknowledge that I worded my post poorly and probably should've acknowledged Descent. I still maintain that it's Quake that introduced the system to the majority of people and that it was the game the most developers emulated and benchmarked themselves against when making their own subsequent games, though. Descent also wasn't an FPS in the traditional sense, more of a hybrid between an FPS and a space sim, at least as I recall it.
>>"It's wrong for an adult male to lust after 16/17 year old girls!"
>majority of the game's fanbase are 25-30 year olds who lust after the 16-17 year old cast
you're actually right on the technicality of what "internet play" means but
>You could not "mod" Doom or Wolf3d, you could replace assets in Doom.
this is still modding, what the fuck
bro you literally didn't even know what Descent was an hour ago I had to tell you. Trying to reverse the age game on me is not going to work. Lol.
This is an awful list by somebody who doesn't know what overrated means
Oblivion was dogshit my lil bro probably the most dishonest rpg ever made after Skyrim
God Hand
Kirby Air Ride and Super Star
Paper Mario TTYD
Dwarf Fortress
Deus Ex
Planescape Torment
Fallout 1/2/NV
Silent Hill 2
Viewtiful Joe
Sengoku Rance
TimeSplitters 2/Future Perfect
Thief Gold/2
Super Metroid
Metroid Prime
Mother 2/3
Jet Set Radio/Future
System Shock 2
Ace Attorney
Gradius V
Secret of Monkey Island
Shenmue 1/2
Cave Story
GTA Vice City/San Andreas
Mount & Blade
MGS 1/2/3
FF Tactics
Ace Combat 4/5/Zero
Unreal Tournament
Demon's Souls
Rollercoaster Tycoon 1/2
Ghost Trick
Pikmin 1/2
Eternal Darkness
Zelda games
DMC 1/3/4
Grim Fandango
Kerbal Space Program
F-Zero GX
Contra Hard Corps
C&C Red Alert
Chrono Trigger
Monster Hunter
Animal Crossing
Metal Slug X/3
R-Type III/Delta
Harvest Moon FoMT/64
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Master of Orion II
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Rythm Heaven
Mechwarrior 2
Team Fortress 2
Ninja Gaiden Black
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Yakuza 0
Trails in the Sky
Resident Evil 4
Shovel Knight
Megaman X
Wild Arms 2
Tales of Vesperia
Katamari Damacy
Shin Megami Tensei
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
The Chronicles of Riddick
Pillars of Eternity 1/Deadfire
Divinity Original Sin 1/2
Anything made by Obsidian
All of these games are overrated garbage, people playing them for the first time today know they're shit. Yea Forums's sort of hive mentality is why they think these games are any good.
>fucking shitsona 3 among all these masterpieces
Someone shoot whoever made this picture
>Witcher III and Skyrim aren't on the list
Lmao @ whatculturegaming, bunch of fucking cowards
I'm not the fag you were arguing with earlier and your retarded post only further proves my point. Your pathetic age game didn't work in the first place, thats why its was so easy to counter.
High effort deserves a reply
what games do you like, user?
Agreed. This is a pretty encompassing list.
I wouldn't go that far, but some are definitely not up to the quality standards of others.
You're missing the point, you fucking numbnuts. Soul Calibur is great and it was rated extremely high, but its popularity (Like most fighting games, desu) has waned drastically throughout the years. Meanwhile, the rest of the list has games that are still heralded as the best games ever made.
Fucking this, brainlets on Yea Forums never understand this simple philosophy for how most rate games.
> If it was a masterpiece when it came out & is still a solid 8/10 at worst today, then it's objectively one of the best games ever regardless of where you personally rank it
Same is true for reviews
> If it was rated as one of the best game ever when it came out & is still remembered fondly today then it still has stood the test of time in terms of how people percieve it, and is still considered a masterpiece
>I'm gonna list as many games as I can and call them bad with no basis.
I'm not giving you a (you), since 3 other retards already fell for your bait.
>vtmb so overrated you put it on the list twice
>just “shin megoomi tensay” without clarifying which one (missed a good opportunity to piss off nocturnebabbies, SJfags or personabrainlets)
One job user
Persona 5
Replacing assets is not modding. It's replacing assets.
"mod" means you change the way something *functions*
You could also do this pretty significantly with Doom using a third party program called DeHackEd. I invented jumping and flashlights in FPS games with this program. However, that's a third party program that literally rewrites the executable, not what Quake shipped.
I'm going to trigger a lot of Yea Forums and say Morrowind.
That doesn't mean I think it's a bad game, I love it and think it's one of the greatest of all time. I also, however, think people give it credit for things it doesn't deserve. I often, for example, see people comparing Skyrim's dungeons and guild questlines to it and saying Morrowind's were so much better, when in fact Morrowind had tiny generic boring dungeons and repetitive faction questlines that consisted of doing nearly identical bounty or fetch quests over and over again until you suddenly became the guild master or whatever. It's a prime example of how a game can be great and overrated at the same time.
It's more like sad adults that wants to go back to the glory days of high school.
I like that game too
>are still heralded as the best games ever made.
by whom? really couldnt care less about your opinions or those of anyone here or any magazine. or anyone. they don't matter. opinions and ratings on games are meaningless outside people you personally know and trust.
heres a big hint though
the popularity waned drastically because its a fighting game and like rap albums the community simply moves to the next one instead of discussing how great an old one used to be
People don't compare the dungeons at all. People compare how you got to the dungeons. I don't think you understand what people like about Morrowind vs. Skyrim.
Did he explain his point of view?
If not there is basrely anithing to say
Life is Strange
Fallout 76
Pokémon Let's GO
Battlefield V
Just Cause 4
Kingdom Hearts III
Timed Exclusives
Superman 64
Ultima IX
Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet
Devil May Cry 2
Sony at E3 2006
Capcom Closing Down Clover Studios
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Pre-Order Bonuses
Store-Exclusive Pre-Order Bonuses
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Nintendo at E3 2008
Final Fantasy XIII
Metroid: Other M
Subscription Fees on Xbox Live and PSN
God of War III
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Duke Nukem Forever
Online Passes
The Current State of Mega Man
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Dragon Age II
Mass Effect 3
Day One DLC
Bioshock: Infinite
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Resident Evil 6
SimCity (2013)
Diablo III
DmC: Devil May Cry
Payday 2
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Sonic BOOM
Broken Age
Dungeon Keeper
Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)
The Order: 1886
Fallout 4
Present Day World of Warcraft
Metroid: Federation Force
Star Fox: Zero
No Man's Sky
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Dead Rising 4
For Honor
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite
Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)
Street Fighter V
Metal Gear Survive
Sea of Thieves
Dark Souls Remastered
Paid Mods on Steam
Star Wars: Battlefront 2
The Order: 1886
Metal Gear Solid Survive
Fallout 4
Present Day World of Warcraft
Metroid: Federation Force
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
No Man's Sky
Dead Rising 4
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Life is Stange
Gone Home
I'm always really glad when a AAA game gets shit on by this board, since that usually means it's actually good and worth my time. Yea Forums is an excellent litmus test for big name studio games since everything Yea Forums hates always ends up doing well and being good
The thread is about overrated games, you stupid faggot. Someone made a post listing games that "are given too much hate because they're popular", implying that the games aren't overrated. They placed SoulCal in that list alongside 5 other games that ARE genuinely overrated due to constant circlejerking and flagrant fanboyism. Those aren't my opinions, you god damn retard. I was making a remark that they lumped SC1 in with the rest of them just because of Metacritic scores and not anything else.
Learn to fucking read, you subhuman.
Meant for
you're splitting hairs here, being able to easily replace the art and make entirely new levels is still modding that was made easy because of the WAD format
what you should have said was "invented the concept of shipping official mod tools"
we don't want or care about your huge autism list, you are fucking up ongoing conversations in the thread. fuck off.
>Oblivion and not Skyrim
Nigger everyone that didn't play oblivion first hates oblivion, way to ruin a decent list.
>Alien Isolation
>Oblivion instead of FOOS DOH RAH XDDDD
I hope you made that list up, because no way in hell am I giving them a click to find out.
GTA 4 has aged like dog shit. I played through the entire campaign recently and it feels incredibly dated. The last mission is such a slog I nearly didn't finish.
I'll take the other list to be honest
>I'm gonna list as many genuinely good and well received games as I can and call them overrated with no basis for free (You)s
Basically sums up this thread.
You want to come over and play it
I'm not splitting hairs whatsoever. It's a distinction that you don't make now that we did back then. That is your problem.
mod refers to game logic mod. Quake 1 was the first game. Stop arguing about pedantic shit in regards to how you view it and simply acknowledge the point that it was one of the most significant choices in game history to design and ship the game that way.
The other list is overrated
More overrated games just for you
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Dark Souls 3
Modern Warfare 2
Tekken 5
Tekken 7
Unreal Tournament
Age of Empires 3
The World Ends with You
Just Cause 2
Resident Evil 4
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto V
Hitman: Blood Money
Uncharted 4
Fallout 3
Pokemon Platinum
Persona 5
Prof Layton 1
Hotline Miami
Crash Bandicoot 3
>#10 FF XV
>One of the weirdest things about FF XV is just how close it gets to satisfying, yet at every turn there's a crucial missing component.
>Combat, whilst flashy, is a truly bizarre attempt at real-time third-person action where you hold buttons to pull off attacks, FF XII-style, forgoing any tactile feedback. Seriously, why the hell can't any Final Fantasy game post FF X get combat right?!
>You can't control other characters so issuing item and target-based orders becomes the norm, and aside from seeing Noctis get rocked by a powerful blow - which puts him in a slow, lumbering state incapable of doing anything - you've got no sense of any real sense of a fight's progression. Either you dominate in seconds or you're knocked for six and forced to suck up endless amounts of potions.
>Missions and story are far worse, with literal "Go get this and bring it back" fetch quests comprising 99% of the side content, and the main story beats themselves making zero sense. Until months later when it was patched out, we had a borderline broken, PS2-era 'seen or not seen' stealth section that saw Noct trawl through 45 minutes of corridors and nothing else. It came right at the close of the story when things were supposed to be wrapping up, and completely destroyed what little pace was present.
>How this has a cumulative 81 score is beyond me.
that's a good list
Barry's going to freak!!!
Not him but people do compare Morrowind and even Oblivion's dungeons vs Skyrim. He's also talking out of his ass about dungeon and guild quest, almost as if he's confusing Morrowind for Skyrim.
>#9 Batman Arkham City
>Metacritic: 95
>The decision to 'go open-world' has worked wonders for a majority of non-GTA franchises (2003's Jak 2: Renegade says hello), yet when the appeal of your game is being mostly linear, atmospheric and focused on revealing varied levels in quick succession, Arkham City upended all of that appeal and replaced it with... not much else.
>Rather than have a version of Gotham whose layout and open-ended nature factored into gameplay, Rocksteady simply took the components of what would've been 'another Arkham Asylum' i.e. hand-crafted levels with personality and character, and spaced them out across the city. This meant there was little to do other in between the chunks of the game that received the most attention than batter groups of thugs and indulge in FAR too many Riddler Trophy puzzles.
>Arkham Knight would go further in this direction by implementing the roundly despised Batmobile and tank battles, but the very notion of taking Batman away from a more focused story and set of gameplay loops came in Arkham City.
I already posted by list in the thread, it had Skyrim, BOTW, Witcher & TLOU on it
I have, on numerous occasions, seen people post pictures comparing maps of some random Morrowind dungeon to some random Skyrim dungeon, and saying that Morrowind's were so much better.
Except no one does due to bloomy potato grafix and epic gaymers as well as normal fucking shits treating Skyrim like a baptism.
It's overrated
I agree that's why I said it's a good list
>Metacritic: 94
>There's a reason the whole world freaked the F out over Skyrim - Oblivion just wasn't that good.
>Yes, it was the biggest world we'd ever seen on consoles to date, and yes there was an incredibly worthwhile feel to exploration and drinking in its various hills and valleys. However, the supremely unsatisfying combat, copy n' paste village layouts and 'seen one, seen 'em all' feel to the Oblivion gates themselves quickly made many of us question just what was worth championing.
>Retrospectively it's testament to just how impressive that opening landscape shot was that Oblivion is held in such high regard, as scratch away at the surface and its gameplay has never truly held up.
Go to bed old man
Lust isn't the same as sexual abuse.
They were specifically asked for what games user liked so thats not true.
It's funny to see al these people have a hateboner for p5 when the game is actually good. If you want to talk overrated games bring in shit like botw or kingdom hearts
The list itself is overrated. The other larger one was better.
>#7 LA Noire
>Metacritic: 89
>The game that should've been phenomenal. A Rockstar-codeveloped detective thriller where you solved crimes using genuinely jaw-dropping facial tech to see when people were lying? How could it fail?
>Well... by having said facial tech bolted onto a three-way accusation system; one that meant protagonist Cole Phelps ping pong'd between, "Yes, please tell me more" and "YOU DID IT DIDN'T YOU, YOU LYING SONOV-" and so on. As you can tell, this quintessential ingredient always tasted very sour indeed, and then you got onto things like the completely pointless open world, a runaway Crash Bandicoot-esque "escape the vehicle" segment (that the game let you skip, almost acknowledging its terribleness), and a conclusion that killed Phelps for no reason.
>Though its aspirations were routed in a Vietnam-inspired "Platoon of soldiers come home and get embroiled in various crimes/revenge tales" setup, actually playing L.A. Noire just felt broken.
oblivion has better combat than skyrim though
It's funny to see al these people have a hateboner for botw or kingdom hearts when the games are actually good. If you want to talk overrated games bring in shit like Dark Souls or Fallout NV
>#6 God of War
>Metacritic: 92
>Talk about games that ruined franchises - GoW III took Kratos from "Revenge-filled antihero" to "Just kind of an a**hole".
>Across the game you're treated to such delights as Kratos slaughtering the otherwise-helpful Cronos, throwing random prisoners into cogs to solve puzzles and worst of all, sleeping with Hephaestus' wife Aphrodite - only for the former to find out, which results in him also being killed.
>All these story elements were made even more unbearable thanks to yet more 'square, square, triangle' combos, and seeing the developers resort to "And then Kratos got angry and killed them" as the end to every scene.
>It goes without saying that God of War: Ascension was mired by the overblown repetition present here, forcing Sony to go back to the drawing board and redesign what God of War even 'is' for his 2018 reboot.
God of War 3*
>>Yes, it was the biggest world I'd ever seen on consoles since Morrowind on the Xbox, and yes there was an incredibly worthwhile feel to exploration and drinking in its various crispy textures. However, the supremely unsatisfying combat, copy n' paste village layouts and 'seen one, seen 'em all' feel to the Draugr tombs themselves quickly made many of us question just what was worth championing. Oh right the marketing and Todd's charm.
They genuinely were, unlike skyrim where your average random dungeon layout is indistinguishable from one another.
>Stop arguing about pedantic shit
absolute gold dude, right back at you
keep up with your age-old definitions of shit that don't even apply anymore
botw isn't good though, its an empty world with nothing in it. People only say its good because switch owners are desperate for their system to have good games have the WiiU
I mean Skyrims dungeons are overwhelmingly the best in the series by a million miles so how could anyone really even argue about that
I do miss the aesthetic of the ayylmao ruins in oblivion though
>#5 Alien: Isolation
>Metacritic: 80
>Nobody expected a horror game from RTS masters Creative Assembly to be up to snuff, but remarkably, it remains the best Alien game ever made.
>Though... not a perfect one.
>Perhaps down to the studios' infancy in the horror genre, annoyingly they decided to really space out checkpoint placement for the sake of ratcheting up the tension. This would've been fine (ish) if we stood more of a chance against the Xenomorph, but again, in pursuit of establishing it as a fearsome foe, should the creature get anywhere close to you, an instant-kill animation kicked you back to the last save point.
>Apply this model to a game with lots of keycard fetch-quests, slow patrol-watching so you can slink on by (only to get stabbed in the back) and a pretty poor idea of where the alien is outside of using a motion detector, and you have a game that looked stunning, but was a total dog to play.
They're all good in their own respects, you microcosm contrarian shit.
>#4 Burnout Paradise
>Metacritic: 88
>When you have a franchise predicated on arcade racing, quickfire track/car selection and a set of mechanics like slamming other racers into the tarmac, DO NOT make it open-world.
>Doing so widened the amount of potential course layouts, but introduced a somewhat 'improvisational' feel to going from A-to-B that was anathema to learning courses inside out. Where before you dropped into races to perfect specific turns and stunt ramps, now it was a case of triggering random checkpoint-chases, trying to discover a 'line' and mastering that instead.
>The quintessentially accessible tenet of Burnout was gone, replaced with the 2000s-influenced 'need' to make everything fit an open world ideology. Needless to say, that killed the intensity associated with the franchise to this point, forced you into doing a TON of collectible-mining busywork, and ended up being the last proper Burnout Criterion would ever develop.
Reminder the rules of this board
> If it's a popular japanese game that Yea Forums constantly cries about it being overrated, then it's genuinely good 95 % of the time
> If it's a niche game that Yea Forums circlejerks as a masterpiece then it's almost always complete shit
> If it's a niche PC game that gets circlejerked solely because of how "influencial" it was despite not actually defending the game design itself then it objectively aged like shit & isn't worth playing
> If Yea Forums cries about normies or Resetera when attacking a game, that means they haven't played it & are simply hating on it to be contrarion
> If Yea Forums believes a Smash leak to be true that isn't blantantly obvious like Kencineror then it's always fake & ends up being debunked every time
>#3 Persona 5
>Metacritic: 93
>There comes a time in every Persona fan's life, when they have to admit Persona 5 just isn't that good.
>Whether it's the languid pacing that means even 40 hours in, you haven't been given sufficient motivation to continue, forgettable characters that receive only a handful of personality traits seemingly plucked from a hat, the pointless dialogue options that don't change anything or the horrifically awkward way the game leers at its female characters, the heart present across Persona 1-4 just isn't here.
>Honestly, it takes upwards of 55 hours for anything resembling a conflict or interesting story point to emerge, as before then you've got repetitive dungeon designs, over-tutorialisation of basic elements and overblown enemy characters who appear evil for evil's sake.
>Its turn-based battling feels snappy and engaging in the moment, but when after 10, 20, 30 hours, almost nothing has changed, that's a real problem.
This doesn't touch on the true issue with the game, an unsolvable one based on where we are in technology
It just doesn't make sense. There are times when you can clearly tell that the person did it and the evidence is there, yet you can't accuse them without jumping through hoops.
I guess I hit a sensitive point botw-fag
>#2 Fallout 4
>Metacritic: 86
>On track to be the most overrated video game of all time, to this day it's impossible to fathom what hold Bethesda has over both critics and fans alike. Yes, there's since been a somewhat noticeable pushback against Fallout 4's incredibly positive standing, but "Game of the Year 2015", "one of the best open-world games ever" and being "incredibly innovative"?
>Back in 2015 you couldn't move for GOTY nods and pure critical adoration - sentiments that were backed up by Fallout's legion of parrot-like fans squawking in tow.
>In reality, Fallout 4's reuse of its predecessor's tech was abundant from minute one. Outside of the litany of bad animation and character/environment clipping, thematically it just didn't add up. We had a character who didn't react to a world where life as he knew it was eradicated and replaced by nuclear Super Mutants, and story-wise the setup of retrieving your infant son was completely replaced by arbitrary fetch-quests and the Minutemen faction deciding you should be their new leader... after five minutes of conversation.
>Awkward and misplaced settlement-building systems, character progression that mirrored everything we'd done before, forgettable locations and a bad Pip-Boy interface all compounded to make this one of the weirdest triple-A games in history:
>All the money invested and reaped thereafter, but none of the quality execution.
You're one of those retards who thinks most of the bait and shitposting here is genuine sentiment.
how could anyone actually dislike this game, it blows my mind
that downer description obviously written by someone who doesn't value playing games to have fun primarily
>#1 Uncharted 4
>Metacritic: 93
>Sorry, Uncharted fans, but if you were to assemble a list of reasons why the franchise is worthwhile, 'gameplay' would very much be at the bottom.
>Indeed, we play through these games because of their exemplary characters, cutscene direction and loveable interpersonal dynamics. Nate and Sully are a pair that outdo the majority of Hollywood action duos from the last two decades, and yet when we get to gameplay, it's a bizarrely awkward-feeling blend of dynamic cover systems and run n' gun set-pieces.
>However, despite Uncharted setting Drake up as a bullet-dodging rogue who just scrapes through every fight, attempt to role-play that by taking on entire legions of foes and you'll be cut to ribbons. General aiming feels soft and unreliable as your POV pings in response to getting tagged, and though A Thief's End does give you an optional lock-on, it doesn't change the fact that the entire back half of Uncharted 4 in particular turns into one hell of a slog.
>Following the revelation of Sam's betrayal you'll only be gunning your way through platoons of hapless goons as a means to see the next portion of the story. Repetitive crate puzzles and barely implemented stealth sections add 'variety' to all the head-blasting, but even if you enjoy this stuff, getting one-shot-killed by a distant grenade launcher is nothing but infuriating.
>that don't even apply anymore
I buy a DLC weapon skin for my game. I have now installed a mod for the game.
yee good luck with that
>Charge-attack every enemy to win: the game
>Only hard because enemies are constantly zipping in and attacking you from off-screen of the terrible camera
This one can't be topped. It's considered sacrilege to insult the holy NGB on Yea Forums, even though most people who mindlessly agree with all the praise it gets here are just pretending like they played it for cool points, considering it's only on OG Xbox / Xbox One and Yea Forums has almost no xbots left
>>Talk about games that ruined franchises - GoW III took Kratos from "Revenge-filled antihero" to "Just kind of an a**hole".
>and guild quest, almost as if he's confusing Morrowind for Skyrim
I just replayed Morrowind last year. I didn't do everything, but I worked my way to the top with the Mages' Guild, Fighters' Guild, and House Redoran, and got pretty high in the temple. All three were mostly composed of missions that came down to running across the map for 15 minutes to spend five minutes massacring random bandits/creatures/daedra/whatever so that I could either kill one particular person who was only distinguished by having a name and being a bit stronger than usual, or pick up some random item somebody wanted. The only storytelling or uniqueness involved was in quest giver dialog. There were some exceptions - stealing a book from another guild member or planting evidence on somebody or beating up some shit talking dude in Balmora - but for the most part 90% of quests were completely generic and suddenly being in contention for guild leadership was a complete surprise. I'd say that Oblivion had the best guild quests, followed by Skyrim and then Morrowind.
He's right, GoW 3 sucked
Hell no NGB is still king but I see your logic, it could be viewed as overrated but it's still fantastic.
These faggots must hate video games
from gta 3, vice city, san andreas, gta 4
pick one.
that is in the top 3 most influential games of all time. just behind mario 64 and OOT
Yea Forums is Snoygaf & actively hates anything related to Nintendo, it's been like this since /vg/ & /vp/ were created
Thanks for the dump user.
>I live in another reality : the post
this game honestl yshould actually be #2 or so within the last 10 years
game was just showered with praise by absolutely everyone for having a big map you could drive around
Game is a legit 6/10...this is why reviews are meaningless and even sites like Yea Forums are meaningless, because people on Yea Forums get influenced by reviews and you don't know their history, so most of the time they're just parroting.
#1 jap games arent good anymore dude. youre setting yourself up for failure, do you know video games or do you just play jrpg shit? theres a huge faction of people on this board who think they have good taste in video games and are playing Yakuza right now, it's overwhelmingly bizarre to me
>to this day it's impossible to fathom what hold Bethesda has over both critics and fans alike
Im almost 40 and this is actually one of the dumbest sentences I have ever seen written regarding video games.
It's okay to be autistic, and to not have empathy. It's okay to be stupid or ignorant, and *not understand* that you don't have empathy. It's not okay to be both autistic and stupid and/or ignorant, and work at a job writing your opinions.
Bethesda games allow people to turn on a video game and emerge into another world. They are comprehensive and wide-ranging in scope in ways that basically zero other games are. If you play on PC, they offer some of the best modding experiences in gaming history. That writer really can't understand? I bet they're a tranny too.
Wanted to add context, even if the dude's views are still kinda garbo.
Influential =/= Not Overrated
I guess I hit a sensitive point p5-fags
>> 5. Alien Isolation
it sold well, but I still see more people talking about Amnesia than A:I
>> 4. Burnout Paradise
you mean the game that whenever it's brought up in discussion people point out it's not as good as 3
>I mean Skyrims dungeons are overwhelmingly the best in the series by a million miles
>If you don't like bethesda you're a tranny
Jeez maybe boomers are the ones who need to be killed
Again it's like you're confusing Morrowind with Skyrim. I mean your description of guild quests almost describe Skyrim's to a tee, just replace daedra with dragur and you've literally described Skyrim's quest design.
>I mean Skyrims dungeons are overwhelmingly the best in the series by a million miles so how could anyone really even argue about that
Yeah but the dungeons in TES titles have never been good, so it wasn't really hard to outdo them.
>I'm gonna copy your post again
This one can't be topped. It's considered sacrilege to insult the holy Fallout NV on Yea Forums, even though most people who mindlessly agree with all the praise it gets here are just pretending like they played it for cool points
TES dungeons have always been a joke, in fairness.
The fact that people here constantly shit talk one of the only companies today that allows you to mod their games pretty comprehensively is fucking stupid.
It discredits this forum as an atmosphere of generally sound opinion.
>hurr todd come out wit da same game buncha tymes hee hee
fucking 1 million posts of this shit in the last year. who cares???? fuck..its making money like what do people not understand
I guess I hit a sensitive point p5-fag
Look at this guy pretending the morrowind dungeons were good, i bet he never played it :P
morrowind dungeons are like fuckin hallways with staircases in them and shit. I also read the word "random" somewhere earlier ni this thread
Skyrims dungeons are not randomized, all 300+ were built by hand room by room.
ill go one step further and say that japs have no idea how to tell a story. its either overly explained convoluted bullshit or a minimal convoluted bullshit one that retards think is deep cause muh lore
>no zelda ocarina of time
shit list
Whether it makes money has no bearing on if I like it
It's amazing how hard mods save this game. If you don't include mods this game is pretty fucking dogshit. Nearly unplayable. Shit crashed all the time for me.
>download warez of this game
>start it up
>dudes head is rotating around in a circle, what the fuck?
>go outside
>it's just exactly fallout 3 over again?
>uninstall the warez
there was absolutely nothing compelling about it, never got to experience it. fallout 3 and new vegas have excrutiatingly ugly worlds. I don't play video games to look at ugliness.
I played like 80 hours, still haven't finished it. It's pretty good though, not 10/10 best game ever, but it's very enjoyable and does things similar titles don't quite get.
Would give it an 8/10 as an experience but an 11/10 if compared to most other action WRPGs out there. Those are usually garbage.
Fuck off, weeaboo. You're not Japanese, and never will be.
>look mommy I did it again
I just don't get how you can say that at all. Skyrim had numerous quests with actual storytelling within them, and lots of dungeons within quests that had unique rooms, set pieces, scripted events, etc. There's virtually nothing like that in Morrowind, especially outside of the main quest.
If were are talking most influential games on Modern gaming, then that's objectively these
> 1. Super Mario 64
> 2. Ocarina of Time
> 3. Street Fighter II
> 4. Resident Evil
> 5. Legend of Zelda
> 6. GoldenEye 007
> 7. Resident Evil 4
> 8. Doom (1993)
> 9. Super Metroid
> 10. Half-Life 1/2
> 11. Grand Theft Auto III
> 12. EarthBound
> 13. Ico (2001)
> 14. SoulCalibur
> 15. Final Fantasy VI-VII
> 16. StarCraft
> 17. Super Mario Kart
> 18. Dance Dance Revolution
> 19. Metal Gear Solid
> 20. Halo: Combat Evolved
> 21. Pokemon Red/Blue
> 22. COD4: Modern Warfare
> 23. Silent Hill
> 24. Assassin's Creed
> 25. The Sims
not him, but skyrim dungeons use templates with slight variations. They are about as hand designed as Chalice Dungeons from fucking bloodborne, they just only rolled the randomizer once so it's static from playthrough to playthrough, all are constructed from the same few assets stuck together in different orders.
Opinion discarded, you meme loving fuck
Nobody considers it overrated outside this board & Reddit
Skyrim's dungeons are borderline copypasted with slight variations in between each, which is arguably even worse than randomized dungeons. Though I'm going to assume you're just 'pretending' to be retarded since you apparently didn't even read half the replies in this chain and type shit like ':P'
i remember buying this the day it came out and was quite hyped for it as i really loved Fallout 3 (didn't play the original fallouts so i didn't know how badly it was of a departure though i later checked them out)
found the experience to be identical to fallout 3 but with an even less interesting setting, and i was one of those idiots that fell for the developer claiming you get something for playing the game on hardcore mode other than a more tedious experience where you eat and drink your consumables just because of meters while it never was an actual issue.
Because they don't actually play video games.
Daggerfall is the only game with good dungeons
> 4. Resident Evil
> 6. GoldenEye 007
> 8. Doom (1993)
> 12. EarthBound
> 13. Ico (2001)
> 20. Halo: Combat Evolved
> 23. Silent Hill
You wanna know how i know your list is trash?
dang that's so bad
Now I'm 100% sure you're just trolling because your description of Skyrim applies more to Morrowind and vice versa. Like the assertion that Morrowind's quests lack storytelling and dungeons didn't have unique rooms is just outright false.
>I'm gonna copy your post again
>Skyrim's dungeons are borderline copypasted with slight variations in between each
Nope, your exposure to this environment is distorting your memory of the game, if you have it. Not remotely true. You honestly probably haven't played Skyrim or haven't played it much though. I don't really bother engaging with people like you on stuff like this. Let me argue the objective truth against a flat earther too, good use of my time
>found the experience to be identical to fallout 3
thats pretty much exactly what I just said. I don't agree with doing this at all- repackaging a game and selling it as a different game. Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, Far Cry New Dawn some notable offenders.
> Doom, Halo, Earthbound (a game ever indie game copies), GoldenEye & Resident Evil aren't influential
Actually fucking die
Not him but those games are objectively influential.
That describes nearly every game running on Bethesda's version of Gamebryo
I feel like Gears of War should be somewhere up there. Wasn't it the first game to use the "hide behind shoulder-high wall and pop up to shoot enemies" gameplay mechanic? There are still games today copying that formula, although it's generally been frowned upon the last few years.
Also where the fuck is Team Fortress 2? Literally the beginning of the loot box craze.
I also think either League of Legends or Dota 2 should be up there. You can note either of those two games as being the one that brought esports into true limelight. Sure Starcraft and Quake started it, but it didn't really explode until Dota 2 and League.
i was agreeing and was sharing my experience with it, not all replies need to be an argument.
why would you say that to me when you dont even understand my post? the issues are mostly with placements/ordering on the list. goldeneye before doom? ROFL
Indie games do not copy Earthbound, it should not be on the list. The indie aesthetic you are thinking of is a result of zero art budget, not intent.
I think you misread user's post
>Final Fantasy XV
Everyone shits on XV so I don't get why it's on here, if anything it should be VII or X.
>Batman: Arkham City
>The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Oblivion's probably the least appreciated post-DOS Elder Scrolls game, it should be Skyrim if anything considering everyone loves to suck it's dick even though it's the weakest entry.
>L.A. Noire
Nobody even talks about it anymore other than memes.
>God Of War III
Considering this article was written before 4 came out I'll agree with him, though GoW is overrated in general.
>Alien Isolation
Deserves all the praise it got.
>Burnout Paradise
People still argue over whether 3 or Paradise is better so calling it overrated is a stretch.
>Persona 5
>Fallout 4
Lots of people give it shit, and it's the worst Fallout game other than 76 and BoS. It should be 3 and/or NV.
>Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Don't know shit about Uncharted so no comment.
does that post look like an argument to you?
people responding to you on Yea Forums does not mean they are arguign with you despite what this board would make you believe
skyrim (normies, not Yea Forums)
fallout new vegas
any zelda game
any sony game
The irony of this post is hilarious. Almost nothing you've said on Skyrim or Morrowind is even remotely true. Trying to argue with Skyrim fanboys is just like arguing with flat earthers. Your exposure to Yea Forums has distorted your basic cognitive ability.
Are we living in parallel universes or some shit? Note that I'm specifically talking about faction quest-related dungeons and quests, in case that wasn't clear. Skyrim's faction quests had tons of scripted events, NPC dialog, fights within cities/guild hubs, encounters with bosses, and so on. Morrowind's had very little at all except cookie cutter dungeons and enemies with no in-mission plot progression. Again, talking about faction stuff, not main quest, where I agree that Morrowind was much more interesting.
They weren't good, the dungeons suffer from Skyrim/Borderlands syndrome, no-one has bothered making alternatives so people readily assume what is in there is good.
Here's a few of their issues
>most are extremely simple
>dungeons are visually a mess poorly telegraphing the locations
>rooms are extremely samey sometimes it's hard to tell what room you are in without looking at the map
>one and done design
>don't even rember if there were puzzles at all
May as well
Skyrim dungeons aren't good either, if you want to see good dungeons for the kind of game Skyrim is, then too bad, no-one has made them, closest thing is to play Metroid Prime and imagine that you are a strong nord, the dungeon designs are literally the closest to what they should be in TES style games
>lore strewn across the world
>can return to locations to find new things
>interactive features in environments
>makes great use of lighting/space to draw the players eye around the dungeon
>dungeons don't mysteriously exist entirely underground and have open ceilings
>excellent visual design as a whole
>great puzzle design
Literally the standard which TES style games should aim for in dungeon design, obviously taken down a few notches but the core concept exists here.
>look mommy I did it again
You got "essentially dead" out of that ending? Odd.
Either that or you're just trolling since Morrowind and even Oblivion's faction quest is 100x more interesting and in depth than Skyrims both plot and design wise. It's not even a contest.
>Lots of people give it shit,
It was hugely successful and got pretty good user and reviewer reception, the overwhelming majority still loves the shit out of it.
Console games have always been the most popular gaming platform, 95 % of gamers & all normies play on Consoles. GoldenEye is the most influential console FPS, therfore it's more influential then Doom
Not a bad list
Oblivion had the best faction quests of any of the "big 3" TES games. Morrowind's sucked by comparison. When was the last time you played through any of the games?
>People are arguing about different fucking objective realities of the dungeons in Morrowind vs Skyrim
some of you are reeeeeeeeeeally letting your imagination fill in the blanks of how the dungeons were in Morrowind, including the capability for the environment to provide complex scripted events
It's like we need a crowbcat video...But its bizarre as fuck people have spent so long making fun of skyrim that they have somehow convinced themselves that the 8 years earlier game made by the same company was superior in ways that it just objectively was not
Did TF2 really start loot boxes? Also either way it doesn't exist without Half-Life, so that's another credit towards that game
Not likely, they would't want to upset their reddit fanbase/patreons
I see people interchange "popular for it's time" with "influential", they don't even explain what other developers learned from it or how you see its influence in games then and today beyond really vague or easily explainable things.
Where'd you get this picture of me and my girlfriend?
>Did TF2 really start loot boxes?
No. Heavily popularized them, though.
Oblivion's faction quests had better fights and events but worse structure and dungeon design compared to Morrowind. It's been 5 years total since I've played through all 3, Morrowind last year and Skyrim more times than I care to count. Though calling Morrowind dungeons and enemies cookie cutter while praising Skyrim is pretty ironic.
To be influential you have to be popular so people will want to copy your success
>using the term objectively to assert your own shitty opinions as fact
Skyrim drones everybody
Lootboxes originated from old chink MMOs. The first AAA company to include them in a paid retail game was EA, except they weren't called lootboxes they were card packs for UEFA Champions League and FIFA Ultimate Team. TF2 helped "popularize" them, they might have been the first big western dev to shape them like boxes but paying real money for RNG packs of virtual items was already common in EA's sports games and chink MMOs before that.
Cause if we've known anything about Crowbcat's videos its that they show how newer games in a series are usually superior than the old ones from years before. That's why
became a meme associated with Crowbcat's videos