Poke girls

What do you guys think about the girls from the video game, Pokemon? Why are they considered more attractive than your average anime looking girls??

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Shouldn't this thread be on along with others?

No because GAMEFREAK recently announced new pokemon games, making Yea Forums related.

Why is she wearing a thong?

They're nice and pretty much the only saving grace of Pokemon

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Gamefreak makes so many that there's bound to be a few that appeal specifically to you and the porn adds the assets GF won't.


They're just good. One of the few things they get right these days. Hilda and Serena are the best.

>Why are they considered more attractive than your average anime looking girls??
Because they're in a massively popular franchise. That's literally the only reason.

something about attractive women in a children's game
there's a thick layer of degeneracy to be had with people who lewd pokemon characters myself included

Best girl each gen:

>Iris, followed very closely by Shauntal and Caitlyn

was it really 5 years ago?

Legendary pic, one of my first faps almost 18 years ago.

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> been into Pokemon since Gen 1
> never once was into Misty
Hated her personality and there were plenty of better Gen 1 girls than her. Erika, Sabrina, Lorelei, Cassidy, Giselle, Jessibelle, and Duplica were all way better faps for me.

Considering all the new games are practically carbon-copies each other, it would make sense to give each protagonist a distinct appearance.

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Also a gen 1 boomer, never got into misty.
That changed once I saw her hg/ss design

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I was sure you were going to say "Considering all the new games are practically carbon-copies each other, it would make sense to give each protagonist practically carbon-copies of each other." considering that's the truth.


The moment we start getting shitty Pokegirls then the series will have nothing left and die

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Jesus christ we already have enough Pokegirl threads on /vp/, why do we have to have them here too? Why are the mods on this website so fucking shit?

But the protagonists are unique, aren't they?

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They're all just some variant on generic anime girl.

eat shit faggot
pokegirls are vidya related

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I'm sure they'll delete the thread at 250 images like they always fucking do every time.

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Is that really a bad thing?

stay mad cuckestein

I prefer the Pokemon

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You're welcome to go back.

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I want to poke them with my mon(ster) hahaha

While I agree, I also never understood the appeal of Gardevoir. Looks like a bedsheet on top of a broomstick.

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Gardevoir has obvious feminine features to her that kind of resemble a human female

Maybe but compared to say Lopunny or even Braxien I just don't get the appeal

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>furfag can't understand the appeal of an anime girl
Typical. That is the appeal, by the way. It vaguely resembles a human girl, with big eyes behind green hair and a long white dress.

Helps that shiny Megavoir is really pretty.

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You're not supposed to take her skirt off, for starters

it looks like its made out of plastic
what a shitty artist

Is this one better?

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You're telling me that this looks completely normal and unexceptional and the only thing that stands out about it is the franchise it's in?

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I wouldn't call myself a furfag, despite what my other post shows, since I'm just attracted to curvy feminine features. Gardevoir reminds me too much of those gray big headed aliens and the original sprite didn't really convey any attractive features. It looks like a leek with an eye.

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Oops, wrong image.

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she looks like a shitty idol or some shit

I wish more people could appreciate the perfection that is Misty's HGSS design. I collect as much art as I can but it's nothing compared to her shitty anime design, it's a real shame.

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This, God.

And this. Suffering.

Gardevoir is normalshit.

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Good to see more patricians browse here.

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Let's see some Poke-Women in here

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I wish people liked Drasna

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god damn, need those milkers

Some people do

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Hard to find stuff when overall the Gen 6 cast was very forgettable.

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Post your favorite Pokemon to make up for the actually valid Pokemon thread that got deleted instead.

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Misty and Sabrina are amazing in that almost all of their redesigns are good

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Who is the girl in red?


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Korrina was pretty cute at least.

It's weird too as with Gen V it really seemed like they wanted to head toward deeper characterization for the gym leaders and such. It's nothing amazing but the fact you were always introduced to them before going to their gym was a nice detail.
Sabrina is great too, I lean toward her gen 1 design though. The gen 2 design is hot of course but it doesn't fit her I feel.

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>Gen 1: Zapdos
>Gen 2: Forretress
>Gen 3: Dusclops
>Gen 4: Staraptor
>Gen 5: Scrafty
>Gen 6: Mega Venusaur
>Gen 7: Toxapex

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That's really cute.

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/vp/ is the pokemon containment board
it doesnt matter if it has new games coming

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It's pretty impressive for a franchise to stay afloat on that alone.
I wish megaman had the same treatment from the public.

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for me, it's misty

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They are adults but at the same time something about them also seems vaguly child like, it gives them broad appeal.


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Sorry user, but typholsion is just one I can't ever forgive. I fell in love with cyndaquil the second I saw it, seeing its evolutions was heart breaking.

Overall favorite is this idiot, I love this guy.

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What? Typhlosion is adorable.

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>anime design
Into the trash.

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There are people who dont like Typhlosion?

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Get with the times gramp

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It's crazy.

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Do you fags have a discord so you can organize raids in Pokémon threads you don't like or what?

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Cyndaquil is fucking adorable though.
>hunched over posture
>closed, sleepy looking eyes
All gone with its evolutions.

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Do you have a Discord for when you get tired of Pokegirls on /vp/?

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I don't disagree, but I don't see why that ha to mean that Typhlosion is bad.

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Bit of a waste that my favorite artist doesn't even get to draw the good girls for his job.

Where is this from?

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Pokemon duel

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Don't you mean poké girls?

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Cute Golduck.

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cute teeth

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Reminder that bug is the cutest type, ghost is close though.

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That's not Steel.

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Lanturn always pissed me off, Chinchou was so cool looking with it's weird eyes and they removed the coolest aspect of it with the evolution.

post cute fanfics

Bug is actually one of the worst.

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It's kind of a forgettable Pokemon anyway. Not Tropius levels of forgettable, but still bad.

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>forgetting a flying banana dinosaur
Nah, tropius is pretty cool.

I cant post Pokegirls in /vp/ because I like Sabrina and all the Sabrinafags on /vp/ are fatfags that only post obese Sabrina.

I'd bet anything you forgot Tropius until I mentioned it.

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Tropius was a prime HM slave in R/S/E, who could forget it?

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I was 14 when RSE came out. I wasn't old enough to care about optimizing moves and having HM whores.

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Go pick a fight with one of the dozens of non-game threads, rulefag.

A Twig compared to this.

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For me it’s May

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That's fascinating, but who is your favorite Pokemon?

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Yeah, Eevee is underrated too, right?

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>god tier
Dawn, Serena
>good tier
Lyra, May
>meh tier
Crystal, Chicken-chan, Ultra Chicken-chan, BW girl
>shit tier
Green, BW2 girl, S&S girl

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Eevee got its own game, so...no.

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I like the pokegirls but I feel bad that the pokeboys doesn't get enough love I think there design are good too

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Dey arr rook same.

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>same face different hair color

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Congratulations, you just described every artist.

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I described the characters designs.

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She's the perfect female. Both designs.

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Stop spamming faggot.

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He's fine, I like Grookey.

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Because she's pretty and probably the one who got many people into pokeporn. she's like peach, sort of.

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It's not fine that you're spamming.

Also she can have a penis so bonus gift

Grookey can be female, you know.

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Epic meme bro. It has the chances to be male or female, the ratio is fucked but it's true. most people prefer Gard female either way

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I like Gardenia

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The ratio is not really fuck up 50/50 chance being either male or female but alot always picture them female is not the ratio fault

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Thought it had a slightly higher chance of being a male. Neat

I like that Turtwig.

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-a lot of the girls wear short shorts or short skirts, emphasizing the legs
-lots of midriffs, too
-sleveless shirts, exposing arm skin
-many girls wear tight fitting shorts, like May and Hilda, which emphasize the ass

basically, the girls show as much "safe" skin as possible

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That's gross.

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Yeah but I don't really care if my Gardevoir is male female.
I just don't like about adding breast to Gardevoir in fanarts it feels so unnatural

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Damn this thread went to shit

Fucking stop.

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I think its better.

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>this thread has been up for this long
Jesus christ, lazy day for the mods?

Shouldn't last too much longer now hopefully.

I can see why but I don't mind em

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But I wanna post Pok-wait, are we on autosage?

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>thread is on autosage
Oh good, nevermind then. Good riddance to these pokemorons.

I was running out anyway.

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>complains about cute girls in one thread on Yea Forums
>constant gay/furry/trap porn threads hit bump limit on Yea Forums
>never says a word about it
Fuck off Anonstein.

>>constant gay/furry/trap porn threads hit bump limit on Yea Forums

Post examples.
And also so that you don't look like you're full of shit.


Thought so.
ib some "Do your own research" bullshit.