Do you agree there’s no such thing as a “gaming guilty pleasure” and that a good game is always a good game no...

Do you agree there’s no such thing as a “gaming guilty pleasure” and that a good game is always a good game no matter if it’s just about blowing space aliens or telling a personal story?

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Who cares

The reason the term "guilty pleasure" exists is because the user is being honest in admitting whatever it is is objectively mediocre to shit, but they still enjoy it. Unfortunately people have a problem with admitting they enjoy something that is not of the highest quality, for some fucking reason.

>a good game is always a good game no matter if it’s just about blowing space aliens or telling a personal story?

That isn't the contention. The contention being made is that you don't need to feel guilty or justify why YOU like something, whereas calling it "guilty pleasure" implies you like it despite feeling like you shouldn't.

That doesn't mean a game is good because someone likes it.

the game is good if you like it, there’s no such thing as an objectively good game

Does this apply to shit they call problematic?

Yeah, nah, go fuck yourself. There is a reason why the words subjective and objective exist, and, yeah, your subjective opinion can be in conflict with objective reality.

You are the reason why modern day critics are shit.

>twitter screencap thread
>of kotaku of all people
You legitimately should be permanently banned.

fuck off retard

I can enjoy something while understanding by objective metrics it's not good. The problem is intersectionalists don't believe objectivity exists

This is the mentality that leads to retards crying and seething when someone calls a game shit.


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While it's stupid as a concept, it's quite hilarious if you analyze its separate parts. Just look at the three, and it's really silly just to see them listed
Any attempt at trying to take the current generation of games seriously can be countered with "thanos dabbed in fortnite." Any cinematic experience, any claim that games are art, any attempt at saying that games are a medium worthy of critical interpretation, that games can be used for self-expression, that games can define gender and politics, that games should be treasured for their emotional impact: thanos dabbed in fortnite
It tumbles their pretentious tower as thanos falls from the sky, smashing their supports, and he dabs as it collapses, running away to collect his chicken dinner and kill some 12 year olds

Attached: thanos_arrives.webm (900x506, 2.87M)

based dmitri

Guitly pleasure can also mean something is "taboo" for you to like. Liking Sailor Moon can be a guilty pleasure because you look like a fag for liking it (to normies).
Guilty pleasure is both about the product and the person who likes it.

Also kotaku: dead or alive is sexist and you should feel ashamed to play it

a guilty pleasure game to me is a predatory game that has no end state - a game that wants you to play (and spend money on it) forever. i consider these games guilty pleasures because they can never be a healthy part of your life and will always feel like burdens at some point, whereas a quality game you can start, finish and put down for good that was enjoyable to play and in some cases develops you further as a person are usually positive influences in your life

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Consider this: objectively bad games exist, but objectively good ones don’t because what defines a good game is a person enjoying it

The fact that the most popular game is Fortnite should say a lot to pretentious journo fucks. No one takes gaming seriously, and that's unironically a good thing.

no, because saying a game is shit is just an opinion, as is saying it’s good. Both persons in that scenario are stupid.

but thats wrong. I can appreciate a well made platformer or racing game, but I sure as fuck won't enjoy them because personally i think those genres are shit

So all this essentially seems to be is an attempt to go 'Games don't have to be good."

You can only appreciate a game if you enjoy it to some extent, I think what you’re saying is that you appreciate the idea that most people are happy with those games, which is different

>Do you agree there’s no such thing as a “gaming guilty pleasure"
Hell yes there is. I play games that are fundamentally broken dogshit simply because they have my niche gamer fetishes.

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like what?

>Escape from Tarkov
>World War 3
>For Honor
And worst of all:
>Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare

Of course not.

Which is one reason why calling games art is fucking stupid.

>game journos trying to lower peoples standards so that they eat up their shit morre

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For Honor is legit good though


>Game controls like shit
>Horrible music
>Horrible art direction

Maybe for retarded yuros but that isnt whst it mean in the states. It means you like mcdonalds or jersey shore

I'll admit it's getting better but these devs balancing shit around console players is cancer and fundamentally gimps how good the game can be.

day of the rope can't come soon enough for these people

I kinda like Tim Rogers though, I've never seen him hamfist gender politics or buzzword of the day into his reviews, but then again his reviews are less reviews and more rambling short stories. Though it really makes me feel like shit watching Kotaku content, but thats what ad block is for

>Game controls like shit
not shit if you like it enough to play the game, at worst they can be unintuitive and flawed to you, in that case
>Horrible music
>Horrible art direction

You can like something without it being a artistic movie so stop calling good games "guilty pleasures"

It's the most Yea Forums thing Kotaku has ever said.

Stop giving kotaku attention

100% this. Guilty pleasure is something you find objectively bad but like it regardless. The movie The Room is a bad movie, but its a guilty pleasure.

Is aqua Barbie girl a guilty pleasure if I like it or is it actually a good song?

>a good game is always a good game
Wrong, you fucking retard.

we got a Yea Forumsirgin infiltrated in Kotaku, of all places

kotaku is good now

>I love the Kingdom Hearts series. Furthermore, I believe I “understand” the Kingdom Hearts series. After careful consideration, I have decided that Kingdom Hearts III might be an “unreviewable” video game. This is precisely why I suggest you don’t read any reviews of Kingdom Hearts III. I present my case in this video.
>This video suffices as a confession: 13 years ago, I wrote a scathingly negative review of Kingdom Hearts II entirely for the attention. I had found myself in possession of a Japanese copy of the game a whole month before its release, and so I blasted through it in a weekend before writing an awful, snippy 600-word review in which I awarded the game zero stars out of four, knowing full well that the internet would hate me for it. I am not entirely sure, though I believe my review was the first one published in English. That review earned me more than 4 million page views and 6,000 irate comments. In this video, I apologize for doing this in what I hope comes across as a sincere tone.
>In this video, I beg long-time fans of any video game series or entertainment franchise to never, ever seek validation from a jerk like the guy I was thirteen years ago. As I often say, “If it doesn’t involve doing something actually illegal, it’s not a ‘guilty pleasure.’”

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Wasn’t kotaku supposed to be dead with gawker?

tim is the only good part

There is guilty pleasure games.
And they only apply to games that objectively suck. This "Artistic Masterpiece" shit has no part in what makes a game a Guilty Pleasure.
I liked playing Mega Nepnep 7. That game is trash.