>having to practice a game before it can be fun
Having to practice a game before it can be fun
This is the problem im having with fighterz. I've very rarely played fighting games growing up, usually with my older brother and just mindless button mashing with him. Have been primarily PC since like 2000, so my first serious attempt at playing a fighting game ive done terrible at it.
Amazing game, but I have this autistic aversion to having to spend a considerable amount of time in training mode learning combos and blockstrings. I played the game for nearly 150 hours before i even touched training mode just spamming auto combos, and even now I only know like 3 BNB combos by memory and 2 corner combos
This is why I mostly dislike/don't play fighting and stategy game but beating Halo 2 legendary is a walk in the park for me. If I have to look up combo strings and build orders just to "LE GIT GUD" I'm not playing your game.
Git gud
Are you retarded, disabled, or both? Practicing a game is like half the fun. When I started playing Mother Russia Bleeds, I hated it, and its difficulty. Then I played it again. And again. And I saw the fun in the game. Same goes for Fighting games. Pinch off that brainlet of yours.
Your experiences are not universal
Fuck bayonetta.
Sounds like cope for someone who can't get get better, or won't bother to get better.
bayonetta sux but not for this reason neophyte
Do you not do anything besides vidya user? Useful hobbies generally require practice before they're fun too so by your logic I can deduct that you're probably a usless nigger
lol what are you retarded? fighterz is baby shit you should be fucking great at that game for how developed it is. shallow shit you just mash your best frame traps until they invuln shoryu and you get to play "omizeme tag" for 200 seconds
games trash play tekken
fuck you egoraptor
read the fucking tutorials
A well designed game will lead a newbie in, let them learn the basics while slowly increasing the difficulty. A well designed game will slowly introduce mechanics, techniques, and abilities so that the player can better slip into the character's build. A well designed game doesn't punish a player because they don't know that they needed to go to the tutorial -- which may not even be the SECOND OPTION in the menu.
Fighting games have an issue with this -- you either enjoy the grind of training and mastering the characters and combos, and lets face it, it IS a grind, or you can't get into it because the game punishes the more cautious and timid players who haven't even played a fighting game in their life. If this isn't bad game design, then I don't know what is.
As far as I am concerned, fighting games have not advanced an inch from the time they were first put into the arcades. As soon as anyone tries anything new, add something so that new players can get into, people jump on it screaming "HERESY!"
Because anytime anything "new" is added, its just a dumbing down of the mechanics instead of adding a way for new players to get on board and learn how to play. They don't even need to teach complex combos or blockstrings. Just the mechanics like poking in footsies and how counterpoking works and general strategy and then tell the player how they can get better by watching replays and practicing combos, reactions, hit confirms, etc.
I wouldn't call fighting games badly designed either. Fighting games design has almost universally improved until the last generation of dumbing down mechanics. Having a quality inbuilt tutorial/trainer is not a make it or break it trait of good game design, especially for fighting games where the focus is on high level play and self learning.
>Play Fighting game for 2000 hours
>Will be shit from start to finish
>Play Monster Hunter for 2000 hours
>Will be far better than I was at the start, exceedingly so. NO I DON'T MEAN WORLDSHIT
I can't git gud at PvP affairs. Give me a PvE experience that isn't total dogshit or skinnerbox SUP WARFRAME AND PATH OF EXILE and I'll easily improve over time.
I wanna like it, but no
Just cheat. It's way more fun and very few people get banned for it.
If the practice isn't fun it generally isn't going to be worth your time.
This is why Smash will always be superior to traditional fighting games.
How can you have depth if it doesn't require practice?
>wanting to play a game so simple that no skills are necessary
>game offers several locations to visit
>after you select one it send you on a 15min long tutorial of what you can do there and you must complete before leaving