After spending years away from (new) PC gaming I got a decent computer and I want to play the best of what I missed

After spending years away from (new) PC gaming I got a decent computer and I want to play the best of what I missed.

RPGs have always been my favorite and I'm about to go through the Witcher series. Are there mods for Witcher 1 and 2 that are considered necessary or heavily recommended? The PC RPGs I am used to (Baldur's Gate, Arcanum, Morrowind etc.) all have mods that don't interfere with how the original game plays but improve graphics, fix bugs and add content that was on the disc but didn't get completed. Is there anything like that for The Witcher?

Attached: Last Wish.jpg (255x413, 31K)

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for Witcher 1 you don't really need anything, after the first playthrough you might want to check out some of the combat overhauls since that's real hit or miss for some people

That said, I'm sure there's graphic overhauls and bug fixes, but W1 didn't really need 'em

Kind of some what related to OP. I loved Witcher 1 but couldn't grt into witcher 2. The new inventory and fighting was very odd for me and the story felt different, not bad but just different.
I also played TW1 without mods and there were spme bugs but it was enjoyable. Combat is basic but I liked it for what it was.

Play TW2 without mods. TW1 has some mods but idk you can play it without them. Font increase mod if you're playing above 1080p and the mod that lets you run faster is good. The rest is optional. copypasta below but I'd just ignore it honestly.

Old pasta I made. It is outdated but just make sure you get FCR, the rest doesn't matter so much. FCR is great even if you're playing on easy mode, people tend to say it's only for making the game hard but that's just not true.

Install them in this order (If you can you might want to shrink these textures, 20mb is pretty retarded) (I don't use this but maybe you will want to.)
Some of them have performance hits so avoid graphics if you're on a toaster.

The start of TW1 is -hard- to get through so keep that in mind. It gets great later on though.

The Witcher 1 really benefits from mods. TW2 doesn't need any.

You don't need to play Witcher 1 and 2. They aren't even that great. Witcher 1 is better than 2, but the story of 1 has zero affect on anything in 3. Witcher 2 is hard to enjoy because the gameplay is fucking shit, but unfortunately has some story carryover to 3. Even with all that being said, you're still not going to understand a lot of what happens in 3, because a lot of it references past relationships that may be part of the first two games, but also may be part of the books.

I unironically liked the rhythm based combat and style settings
shame they stripped it out instead of improving on it

Why are you even talking about 3? You're a faggot zoomer.

>You don't need to play Witcher 1 and 2. They aren't even that great.

Probably because it’s easily the best game in the series you contrarian dumbfuck

1 > 3 > 2
nothing is as comfy as the first act in the witcher 1

OP isn't talking about it.

He said Witcher series, implying that he is going to play 3 at some point, but there's no reason to get mods for it, obviously, if you're going to force yourself through the first two shitty games which is easily 150+ hours.

I've got a pretty solid rig that should blow through older games like this even with mods. I also won't be playing on easy because that is always boring as fuck. Thanks for the recommendations.
I don't need this Zoomer shit telling me not to play a game because its story doesn't carry on to some other game. What matter is if the first game is good.

>What matter is if the first game is good.
It's not. And 2 is worse. Have fun being a faggot.

the whole barghest hunt was great, I loved how investigative the first game was


>the irony of being an RPG fan and not caring about the story
OP is retarded, it's now a fact.

shittiest post of the week

Niggerest nigger on Yea Forums.

I'm hesitant to use a mod that says it changes the combat so much before I've gotten deep into a game to see how the default combat is.. Why is the combat so much better with the mod?

>I've got a pretty solid rig that should blow through older games like this even with mods
No, TW1 will still drop your FPS. It's like Oblivion in that regard.

Also don't use any texture mods except -maybe- one that fixes Geralt's face. They're all bad, don't do it.

This is what I missed the most about 1 that wasn't present in any of the other games. Geralt actually feels like a detective in 1.

Like I said, don't bother with mods. That list is annoyingly outdated but I'm too lazy to make a new one.

FCR was good though, it's like a massive overhaul that fixes some things. Problem with the game is that when you first start it you will hate the combat, but if you get to like it you'll want it to be more challenging, that's where the mod comes in.

Style switching was really cool in the first game too. TW2 wasn't as good but it was fun too, but TW3 just annoyed me.

>, but if you get to like it you'll want it to be more challenging, that's where the mod comes in.
No mod related, but difficulty related. The hard description basically says potions will be needed instead of useful. I like the idea but does that mean on hard I need to spend hours grinding for ingredients?

>being a storyfag
>being a storyfag and not recognizing that 1 had the better story
3 was hacked together from the terrible main books and turned into full "ebin save da wurld"
the only witcher book worth reading is the collection of short stories

FCR has easy modes too. I've never played it on super hard I mainly just use it for the various other fixes. I don't like alchemy after all.

I just beat TW1 with the combat rebalance mod in question a few days ago. You 100% need potions, but grinding for them never occurred. You get enough reagents by simply killing shit and picking herbs sometimes. Specter oil is 100% necessary to do damage to ifrits and ghosts, though. That was the only issue.

>changing the white death or whatever it was called from simply climate change/global cooling to some interdimensional magic bullshit
3 was terrible

I didn't even say I don't care about the story.
I said game 1's story not carrying over to a future game released near a decade later doesn't tell me shit about whether the first game is worth playing.

Are the books bad?

they're standard shlock fantasy, nothing amazing
though the combination of reading books and playing W2 will make you realized Radovid did nothing wrong and mages need to burn
short stories are great though

OP here. I read them and enjoyed them. The world hopping at the end is the only thing I don't like.

What I loved about that game is how you had to read the books or question locals to be able to gather the right ingredients and alchemy wasn't actually useless. Not to mention there were no random encounters. I took roleplaying to the max and researched and prepared the right elixirs for each fight. You really feel like the witcher in the first game compared to the others.

In English? Yes.
In Polish? They're great.

Witcher series is great RPG with 2 major flaws.

1. combat is atrocious in 1 and pretty bad in 2-3.

2. This is a big problem for me, but some people may be able to cope: Geralt is a premade character. I just can't feel the same attachment to him as I do to a character I make myself; same shit goes for Dragon Age 2. I hate existing in this uncanny valley of "premade character but you get to make some of their decisions."

Deus Ex is another game that comes to mind with this issue. If they made a Witcher game where you make your own character I would be all over that.

Attached: 1549603988333.png (399x382, 81K)

You have to do that to a similar extent in 2, but all the potion cooldowns are super fucking short and they managed to make actually drinking potions super tedious.

Lmao imagine being this fucking retarded.

Attached: 1549518094423.gif (285x255, 1.78M)

For me as long as the character's story is good then I'm fine. Fuck I prefer it if its a really great story which I dont think I could make a more interesting character.


I would strongly advise against FCR for the first playthrough. Most other mods are cosmetic in nature.


>they're standard shlock fantasy, nothing amazing
English translation is bog down generic and dry, though. Read them in any other language if you can.

the worst thing about 3 is that you can't get witcher 1's hairstyle. literally what the fuck were they thinking, geralt doesnt even look remotely the same

you can still play on easy mode with it

Cavaliere Angelo is the best fight in the game desu

No for both as far as I remember. Actually iit's Witcher 3 that has one really great UI mod that I forgot the name of

Everyone in this thread is a retard the sequence should obviously be 2 > 1 > 3

The real issue with the combat in all 3 games actually lies with the poor balance of the leveling system. At the beginning of the game, you are ridiculously weak, even downers are suffering. However, all the talents give you exponential increases in powers while the rest of the game world grow linearly. By endgame, you're a fucking god capable of 1shotting entire armies.

I'm not sure if FCR mods fix this, but in the vanilla versions, you can always endure the starting slump till you get stronger

I didn't use a UI mod for tw3 but I did use a script that binds the signs to 1~5. Otherwise you need to use the weapon wheel and press Q.