Is it worth $35?
Is it worth $35?
lol no
not even remotely
I got about 140 hours out of the game, but also played with friends.
Is it a good solo game? Or does it just become a pointless grindfest at the point.
I couldn't really call it a grindfest, as you can get the best best gear pretty early. It's the whole reason it killed it for my friends and I. As a hammer player I had the best one around 40 hours in. Gear was kinda grindy. I'm not sure how populated it still is, but it has a server/lobby browser and you can join other players based on your available hunter ranks.
No. Even if Capcom paid me I wouldn't play any more of it. Fuck World.
Maybe I'll look for a different game. I'm considering a game in the fallout series, either NV or 4, or the division 2 later on.
You don't need to play Co-op,but you can.
Hunting is incredibly fun and even after you'll be done with main quests, you will have a ton of weapons to try and optional quests to do.
I was sceptical too a month ago and i got around 200h out of it already.
Yes it’s a good game with flaws but most of its flaws aren’t a really aren’t obvious to see unless you literally pick them out one by one
Shit end-game, good journey.
Got 200 hours out of it and ton of fun either soloing or with friends, pubbies, and /vg/ on PC. The super end-game is terrible though, where most of what you learned and had fun doing is thrown out the window, with many of us going cold turkey.
This is speaking as a person who never touched a previous monster hunter game though. So it may be a good or bad thing what my own thoughts are.
I got it for 25, keep waiting. I say this as a person with 550 hours into it; no game is worth more then 30 dollars no matter how much time you get out of it.
It’s a great game. Ignore the shitposting generation and XX retards. Plus, Iceborne is coming out soon. It’s a good 100+ hours depending on how well you like it
>The super end-game is terrible though, where most of what you learned and had fun doing is thrown out the window,
What exactly do you mean by this? What do you define as "super end-game", and why do you seem to think that the things you learned about the monsters and how to use your weapon and stay alive up to that point become irrelevant? Genuinely curious.
it's the worst mh game I've ever played
I'd rather play Tri over this trash
Hunter Rank 50+/Tempered Elder Dragons and a few other mechanics. Many hunting tactics that work on all other monsters will not work on them or suffer from heavy diminishing returns. There's nothing else to fight to encounter (other wandering monsters, etc.) while fighting them. Just ends up being a fight of attrition which seems neat at first but gets very old, very fast.
There's also various end game only monsters and events which full on ignore everything else you learned or become very tedious. Lunstra and Behemoth (much more) are major examples where even your skills gained can no longer matter. Kulve Taroth has a very unique fight and i would say is one of the few end-game things that can be pretty neat, but is ruined by the game's multiplayer limitations and takes RNG loot to the extreme.
As I said though, my first MH and had tons of fun up to that point and got it on discount. Take that as you because you're obviously seeing others who have a different point of view due to playing the other MHs (also some with console war bias).
>Just ends up being a fight of attrition which seems neat at first but gets very old, very fast.
I mean, the irony of this is that it's exactly the opposite. The higher rank you go, the more good decorations you have, the faster fights go. Even Kulve Taroth can be done in like 3 minutes. Arch-Tempered isn't a super amazing system, but it does add new moves to the monster roster and it hits much harder meaning that you have less leeway to absorb damage and need to focus on moving/countering/dodging, but the real strat is just to kill faster.
>Lunstra and Behemoth (much more) are major examples where even your skills gained can no longer matter.
You're not elaborating here. What skill do you feel doesn't matter in Lunastra or Behemoth? Dodging? Mounting? I'm pretty sure Luna has exactly the same weaknesses and counters that any monster does, and Beho is just a gimmick fight where sometimes you have to hide behind a rock.
Kulve's loot system is shit, but every Monster Hunter game is based on farming randomized item drops. The game series is famous for people raging over grinding various forms of Rathalos over and over and never getting a ruby or tail plate or something. So that's nothing new.
I'm more interested in people who seem to say that like, monster fights aren't fair or nothing you learned is applicable, because that just sounds like you tried a fight once, got creamed, and then didn't do anything to fix that. How's your gear set? Are you dodging? Are you letting yourself get hit? Are you using buff items? Usually the answer is no.
it's fun if ur really fucking low iq and have no prospects in life. if you have a job or any kind of responsibilities, then the 1 hour long quests on a timer with no pause function or save function will get old very fast
Thanks for the accusation and go fuck yourself.
So I was right, I assume.
I love it. Bought it a year ago and i still play it
>then the 1 hour long quests
That's gonna be a yikes and a git gud from me.
I just don't get how people can play it after fighting behemoth EX. I genuinely hated that boss.
Yes it's so good I bought 4 copies full price
Unless they had some major overhauls the game is objectively easier to play solo than it is with a group unless you're doing super organized min-maxed kill a monster in 10 seconds kind of shit. It's still fun though.
It was for me, 900 hours and still playing, the end game gets a little boring after getting everything you need tho but playing it on PC means you can get some modded quests to spice things up if you ever get bored. That being said it sucks that most of the big boy quests are gated by timed events.
No, it remains easier. Monsters have triple the health with 2 or more people in the group, so playing solo is the easiest mode unless you have a competent group.
It's probably the most boring way to play though.
Not him, obviously, but you really don't make any sense and aren't elaborating properly to even attempt clarification.
How the fuck is this game still over 40 bucks constantly
Capcom. About as bad as activision is with sales.
i just have thins on my backlog but never played it , is the dlc near release so i just wait for that and bwgib playing the game there or the dlc is late 2019?
It's worth $60
Assmad Nintendie detected.
>Dipshit who cant count
Its been cheaper and is about to break in price you fucking mouth breather