ITT: We help scrubs git gud at dmc5

ITT: We help scrubs git gud at dmc5.

Post advice for how to defeat

>Death scissors
>Chaos (the teleporting red blade guy)

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Other urls found in this thread:

the answer is always royal guard perfect release

for every character, switch the L1 and square inputs

>tfw 1 hour stuck at prologue urizen on SOS
i always get fucked by the random fireballs or when he uses only 1 laser

When Malphas goes berserk I'm pretty sure all I did was run around it until it left an opening, I didn't struggle at all with this one. Ragtime helped get a few extra blows in too

Death Scissors I spam guns and try to parry those scissors down. Nico's bestiary mentions something about their faces and the concept art shows different expressions so there might be a pattern I haven't found yet

Chaos is Blitz without the bullshit electricity; just be prepared to parry or dodge and strike when you can.


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Not really related but can you kill scissors with one shot like in the first game?

Can you use the guard break Devil Breaker on Death Scissors? And how do you parry (I know)

How do I improve my aerial combat? I am pretty good on the ground but my air attacks are lacking.

That’s unecessary for Dante and Nero because you aren’t simultaneously attacking with both gun and melee. Especially Nero because of the color up skill

How does one uncock V's EX color?

>Death Scissors
Attack their attack, shoot them in the face. One hit kill.
It's called a Riot, and I have no idea since there was only one I ever found. It kicked my ass, but I survived. Learned nothing.
???? I killed her so fast that I don't even remember what attacks she had.

Jump Cancelling

what? if anything, its most useful for nero, he should always be charging a color up when you are attacking or jumping around

I read somewhere that you need to complete at least 25 missions

Do you even charged shot

Beat Devil Hunter

I thought the only hard part was the Vergil fight, but that's OK because he's kind of the final boss

I really want to get better with Royal Guard. I used it to perfect Cavalier and it felt fucking fantastic, but using it again later and especially on Vergil made me want to shoot my own dick off. I assume there's not much to share, just learn patterns and time things well, but if I'm missing something I'd love to know.

teleporting sword guy is kalina ann bait

It's useful for Nero when you beat the game and unlock Charge Shot.

What's that?

Just beaten the Goliath. Why is this game so easy? Was previous dmc this easy?
Playing on devil hunter and didn't die once yet.

The game ramps up a bit in difficulty during the latter half, but it is fairly easy all around. Haven't tried SoS mode yet but I'm assuming that's where the challenge will be.

The cue for parrying death scissors is when you see their weapon glisten. You can parry its other attacks, but the safest method is baiting his basic cut attack.

Enemy Step.

How do I git gud with /v?
I was doing pretty okay on DH mode, but I'm getting my ass kicked on SoS mode.

I like using the Back + Gun AOE move with Griffin but that nigger keeps coming to me to do it when I want him to do it from his current position. He just won't do it though.
Also Shadow being a little slow on the uptake to run to shit I'm locked onto is getting annoying.

Wait... Death Scissors? Are you guys for real? Just keep attacking to make them parry you, and when they parry they'll always go into the same spinning attack so jump. Jump gives you invincibility frames.

Is it better to just strictly dodge everything vergil does during his DT or should I be going for hits, he seems untouchable when he pops it, and I'm worried since theres talk that SoS and above he's in it permanently.

I just started SoS and it’s already throwing those casting goat fuckers everywhere within the first few levels. The bosses don’t feel too much harder thus far, but obviously the early game feels way better with the extra abilities

that move is tricky cause its meant as a close range move, close range to V that is. you need to get V up and personal to get value out of that move.

I'll go buy that. Didn't think it looked useful.

>le git gud xdd meme

What exactly causes the stun mechanic on balrog blow mode? I've triggered it a few times but I can't tell what moves are doing it and going balls in with a crazy number of attacks doesnt reliably get it either. I'm thinking it has something to do with the jabs and the hook

Also how do you ride the bike outside of an attack, I remember seeing that trailer where dante was riding it slowly along side V on panther and Nero on his arm

Hold LT + Y or LT + X when you can. Griffon and Shadow will go into berserk mode at the cost of one Devil Trigger bar which you can regenerate easily by reading the book (hold RT). Summon Nightmare when you can, taunt when you can. That's all there is to V (sadly). Guaranteed SSS doing that strategy.

No. For Death Scissors the answer is to parry and shoot its fucking face.

What the actual fuck are you talking about

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If I'm in the air as Nero, what's a way for me to avoid attacks? So far I'm noticing my biggest problem is that I get airborne and I get hit by an attack, usually with bosses.

But I've seens him do it from his location. I've SEENS him do it, senpai.

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Back+Gun with Griffon is a defensive move, that's not what you want. Charge his neutral attack. At level 3, it shoots waves of lightning out that hit everything, do good damage, and shoot up your style like crazy. You can mostly just mash with Shadow. Against enemies in the air, have Shadow do its air spinning attack. While spamming, read your book, and if there's a lot of enemies or enemies with a lot of health, summon Nightmare and just keep spamming. If an enemy gets close to you just stop locking on and run away while continuing to spam.

V is easy as fuck and totally broken.

Here's something simple from a dmc newfag: how do I train my brain to retain combos and button inputs in general? After 8 hrs of work I forgot everything, and I'm near the end of the fame

When are you guys getting successful ex-acts? I'm curious if it's actually bugged like that one user said in the last thread. I get ex-acts almost in the recovery frames of attacks, well after I've hit the enemy. Max ex-acts feel like dmc4 timing.

Riot appear a fuckload on SoS

The best advice is DO NOT BUY OR PLAY THIS SHIT.

>Cringy dialogue
>Character design is tranny tier of garbage
>Nero is a piece of shit that tries to be edgy as fuck
>Even hard mode is easy in this game
>Dante is so overpowered that with barely any upgrades he can shit on everything

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Do not be afraid of Vergil's DT form. DO find his openings and punish him. Personally I attack him after he does 2x Helm Breaker + Rapid Slash and 2 x Rapid Slash + 3x Judgement Cut

>post yfw you realize there are people in this thread who paid irl money for red and blue skulls

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DTd Vergil has bascially an anti-stagger armor, and in SoS he spams Judgement Cut and Rapid Slash

It resets all of your air skills like trick and hike.


>kill him on first try after bitchin in an anime board
i wll come and bitch again when i get stuck at cavaliere on dmd

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save an air hike for just that, another thing you can do is try to reposition yourself using an aerial move

>>Death scissors
literally just hit them

>asking for a friend
The tell is that you didn't provide any tips yourself. You could have opened the thread with advice.

Air hike. Just make sure you never jump twice so you can air hike to evade.

Nero has the most practical air taunt, he'll ride red queen like a skateboard, gives you a bit of mobility in the air, and the exceed timing is easy as fuck on it so you can give yourself a bit of a boost.

I use it to dodge air attacks all the time, Gerberas normal ability can also help.


Why do they do this?

Stick to what you're used to. Keep doing the combos you know and master them (as in start doing Exceed after every hit). After that incorporate new mechanics into the combo (for Dante new styles or weapons, for Nero new Breakers). You'll create your custom combos yourself and that's the beauty of DMC in general. This game allows you to do much more than in previous ones

I figured, but I've only done the first 4 levels in SoS so far.

he doesnt give much time to capitalize on his openings, you get like one stinger in before he teleports into his next combo, but at least you are doing something during the phase

you can ex-act his air taunt?

I got it beating the game on Human.

>We learned so much from Ninja Theory and DmC. That was a collaboration between Capcom and Ninja Theory. I went to Cambridge once every couple of months to work those guys. So we learned a lot of from them, and you want to talk about stylish… Ninja Theory, those guys are style incarnate, man. What they did with DmC, that art style, those animations, that is real style, y’know? So we took a lot of what we learned from that.

>Another thing is, we have a lot of friends who love DmC. For me, DmC is one of my favorite DMC games, if not my favorite. And we wanted to make the game in a way that people who enjoyed that game will enjoy the way it controls just as much as they enjoyed DmC.

yup, use it all the time, not sure if you max-act tho, havent unlocked that yet.

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you can get an entire combo after he does the combo from DMC4, the one that ends with a huge slash
you can even max act his air taunt

>whaling on Vergil, getting my timing down
>accidentally switch to Cavielere and get massacred in seconds

Yeah, just like how that asshole Itsuno learned to design dodge and gun-centric combat in DMC3! What the fuck, how are we letting him get away with this?

what does that mean??

Just gotta keep going with it. You'll eventually get a rhythm for most attacks down pat and have no trouble afterwards.

If you keep your distance and abuse Blue Rose Charge the fight is a cake walk.

wow you're coping hard

what does this have to do with getting good/improving on DMC 5?

How the fuck do I remember to exceed after attacking?

Can someone explain the concept behind Malphas? Seems like the most random, nonsensical enemy design of all time.

How do I git gud at Royal Guard timing? Cant even parry twin machete's purple rage charge attack

He's dead weight.

This game is a bit crazier than the others vhf since you're switching backnanfld forth between 3 characters and as Dante you have access to everything at the same time.

Jump into the void as the character you like and mess around. For dante focus on one or two melee weapons at a time until you can handle swapping styles and using it at the same time

It’s just a shitposter spamming threads. He’ll start replying to himself if you ignore him, but try to do it anyway

To parry you've gotta land a strike at the time as an enemy, it makes a pretty dramatic sound and both characters recoil. Practise on the Nelos.

I've read on Yea Forums that helter skelter wrecks death scissors but I haven't tried it yet

Nero's grabs give him a bit more air, some Gunslinger stuff does as well for Dante. Nero also has that helicopter spin that gives bullshit air if you can get that EX-Act.

For keeping enemies up, Nero's grabs again. The Devil Breaker that let's you blast forward is great for juggling and pick-ups from the ground (so is Dante's bike). Use taunts to bring enemies in to you, the lift one or two and pick up the next one. Swordsman is useful for extending combos and I think Trickster is useful but I barely use that style.

For some metagame bullshit, enemies won't start attack animations if they're offscreen (except bosses and maybe Chaos), so use Nero, cram yourself into a corner, lift enemies and wail, grab another one with with lock on, and turn the camera back to the wall that's how I clear level 99 of Bloody Palace in DMC4 every time. It's not fun but if you want to practise staying airborne it can be useful, or if you're shit at one enemy type (like the fucking lizards in DMC4)

This advice is pretty mild on Devil Breaker stuff because I'm still figuring them out, I've probably missed or forgotten some stuff

>Attack their attack, shoot them in the face. One hit kill.
Fuck, I've done that a few times and never figured out what I did. Nice.

You can hold the style button and it gives you a wide window for a mediocre block (less goes into the gauge but you don't take damage). I think it might also reset the timer when an attack is blocked, because I managed to just hold B and block a full combo from Vergil (the basic one with I think 4 attacks)

Anyone got that list of all the things that happened before DMC5?

>y-you're just coping
Yeah, coping with the fact we let this asshole make a sequel to Devil May Cry 2!

It's easy. Just get close and do damage while avoiding getting hit.

How do you Max Act reliably? I just mash exceed after every attack and hope for a rev

How do you interrupt cerberus's charge

Explain the "cope" meme to me. Which level of irony is it on?

It can't do shit to you if you stick to the hags' faces

So, what are you guys control schemes? I'm midway through SoS and just realized I want to change the controls really badly. Am taking any tips.
All I did so far was standardize DTs.

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Is there some kind of hidden ability for Dante? I got all the available skills within the "Ablities" section for Dante but it shows up as 85%. I used cheat engine to give myself a ton of blood orbs (this was after I beat the game, of course), so that may or may not be the cause of this.

charge shot works differently than it does in 4

Sometimes you shoot a gun, sometimes you swing a sword. Keep doing those two things and you can defeat any enemy. In the whole series.

Can you eventually use any character for any level?

Beat the game once

How do you git gud at the original DMC, it's kind of a slog through shit controls, shit camera angles and shit battle arenas.

Air Hike, Gerbera, Wire snatch to reset Air Hike.

Just get familiar with the attack timings.

And pay attention to your attacks so it's not just button mashing, but knowing which combos you're using.

Its S rank the final mission, as far as I know.

Practice it instead of mashing.

I'm halfway through SoS and stil getting easy S ranks, also have charge shot 2

You basically do exactly that but pay attention and over time you'll get a feel for the attack timings of each combo. It's almost like a rhythm game at times.


For V and Dante I just switched DT and gun/Griffon. For Nero I have: DT on L2, gun on L1, Devil Bringer on square, rev on R2, and break away on the dpad. It works pretty well.

I'm considering moving Dante's DT to L2 also though so I can actually use SDT.

Let me ask you guys

Is DMD easier than in the other games?

I'm at mission 10 and had no trouble, whereas in other games, I stuggled even in the early missions

Then you would know it's the same system in 4 on top of the 3 shots system. If you continue to hold the button it continues charging

No. I wish though. They really oversold the COOP thing.
It's really cool but they barely use it.

The toppest level. It's the new shill buzzword.

Changed my lock-on to RT, DT to LT. I can't stand using it as RB.

Get good at normal exceed. Then feel the earliest you can do it

As someone who beat the game. It's actually really good, kind of wish RG on Dante was less leant. Hyper armor moves are a neat addition, but feel kinda lackluster in a game about dodging , and parrying. V could have had a bit more substance. Dantes Sin DT is crazy broken. Gunslinger feels useful and I find myself using it more, as well as trickster.

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kb+m chads where are you at?

finished the game my first time on dh but didnt get the 'a new job' cutscene is this higher difficulty only or something?

But 'shill' is also a buzzword.
Find a new word to describe it.

listen, ttry this out in void mode, get an enemy into the air, then hit 2 times, then quickly press jump and hit 2 times again, do this very fast and look at the result, you can keep attacking them in the air indefinetly

t. shill

No it isn't you faggot.

>Left hand
-Gun (blue rose charging)
-DB buster
>Right hand
-Lock on
-melee attacks
-Devil Breaker/Breakage

It's another way of saying "umad" for the post-ironic crowd who hate being called out as wrong or retarded. It's ironic, people who use "cope" are using it as a coping mechanism.

i am using the same buttons that i used for nero in DMC4
>gun in R2
>buster in Circle
>breaker in Square
>DT on L1
>change breaker on D-pad
i don't even use the breakers too much

Mission 10 of DMD? I haven't tried DMD but imo the game difficulty picked up after mission 13.

No one knows about Balrog's stun mechanic?

how do you reload the gun without missing one shot? every time i reload the gun and let go of "X" i always shoot one round.

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>hold down left stick and select button to do SUPER TAUNT
Is Capcom fucking kidding me with this shit? I do not have 8 fingers on my left hand


you've got to beat the enemies in the credits in time

That's just how it works I think.

probably need to do better in the enemy killing parts during the credits, like how it usually works in these games.

The breakers drastically lose value in NG+ in my opinion. The Devil Bringer needs a cool down or something to stop spam

If you let go during a cutscene you don't fire the first shot.

>Super Dante Costume has infinite DT but not Sin DT
WHY? I know I can recharge it all the time, but then why not just put infinite Sin DT too?

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>I'm at mission 10 and had no trouble, whereas in other games, I stuggled even in the early the missions
The most difficult DMC is the one you play for the very first time.

you release the button during an uncancelable animation, thats it.

Attack and let go.

Yes, in DMD, just died once to Qliphoth roots after some dumb shit, but had no trouble in other missions.

I'm thinking that the enemies aren't that agressive as in the other games

>not having 20 fingers
What a gay...

release gun button at the same time an attack animation happens or air taunt

Well, Bringer spam alone won't net you much stylish points which is why Breakers are still pretty important.

>can't play as any character in a mission for NG+
Well, there goes about 80% of this game's replay value. Fuck.

Let go during long animations like a buster grab, an air taunt, or streak

Did you do shit at the credits fights?

That only applies to first playthroughs, I played 4 on DMD first but 3 and 1's DMDs were waaaay harder imo.

>thought I'd get sick of devil trigger
>still enjoy it

It never gets old. Thought I'm upset like halfway through the game, some generic metal seems to replace it the character themes during some sections and even overrides the jukebox choices.

whats the point of reloading if i miss a round?

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devil bringer on circle, Devil breaker on Square, Break-away to Dpad, DT on left bumper. Dante is the sam. Changed Griffon to left bumper, moved Nightmare to Square as a result. Thats P much it

Bloody Palace is the true replay value desu.

i was checking the tomboy breaker in the void and noticed that you can press the buster button during every attack to trigger a DT punch or whatever you want to call it (you pretty much press attack, buster, attack, buster and so on) pretty cool but hard to not fuck up and use the buster, can you do that without the tomboy breaker?

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>get to the end of Mission 8
>don't do any damage at all
>done die


Switch your bindings so you can always have a finger on the gun button as you fight.

you were just told how not to miss a round

is rocket surfing viable?

ah that was my second guess
I got to the guy that teleports around on nero but didnt use dt or omega dt with dante so i didnt kill that much in his portion
any idea how much i have to kill?

Why are taunts so fucking terrible in this game? They take forever to activate, barely give you any style, and then stay stale for like 45 seconds.

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The Bringer punch can cancel enemy momentum too. It's easier when used with directional moves and also cancel their knockback

You can do it without tomboy.

Yeah I really hope they add a new difficulty in the Bloody Palace update or when they add the DLC, game is just too easy and mission ranks are way too forgiving.

WTF I don't have enough shoulder buttons/triggers for this shit.

What are your layouts? I want to put Bringer/Breaker/Lock-on/Exceed/Gun on my shoulder buttons since all of them either need to be held down for some input or spammed, but I can only do four.

How do I not get my shit fucked up by Fury?

That's true, but when you also have DT, a gun, a sword and two technique arms something is definitely going to lose value if not balanced properly. Bringer should be stronger but have a cooldown, Breakers should stay as they are. It would encourage me to use both abilities more, though I am trying to do that myself too

Sharing some datamine info. Playable Vergil is already known, but what's interesting is how Bloody Palace is in DMC5. What makes it unique is that its setup as if its Mercenaries mode for RE, but in a DMC game, so basically multiple characters that isn't playable in missions but playable in Bloody Palace

This completely explains why there's a 1 month delay on the mode. Nothing about co-op BP so far but that's probably happening cause who the fuck introduces this system and waste it on a few missions

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You're doing damage. Look at the blue circle on the target lock. That's the shield's health. All you have to do is break the shield. Also keep in mind you can check any enemy's health with that target lock.


So can we all agree to call the Vergil fights in this game Vergil 4 and Vergil 5? Saying 3's Vergil 2 or 5's Vergil 2 is going to get confusing.

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to cheese fury you can just spam gerbera or spinning cerberus and he'll get hit by them when he tries to jump you then you can combo him

Resetera same people behind the RE2R datamining

Imagine learning gamepad clawing or other bizzare shit just to play the game on constant S rank
kb+mouse is the best thing about 5

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Which character? You can literally hit him pretty consistently by spamming cavaliere air combos.

Sauce that shit nigga

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Even DMD?

>hyped for mission 13
>finally get to it
>ends so quickly I couldn't even enjoy it

Ah. That makes sense.

I feel retarded.

source or Arkham visits your dreams tonight

Actually considering giving KB+M a try later.

but how do we classify the DMC1 fights

Technically Vergil 7 and 8, all things considered

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I dearly wish to believe this, even though it would mean Trish and Lady probably aren't properly fleshed out.

Liars ITT

>basically multiple characters that isn't playable in missions but playable in Bloody Palace
You mean like Vergil, Lady and Trish can be played in BP? Or like 2 of the existing 3 characters at once?

This isn't true for this series at all when it comes to DMD

rebellion does not i repeat DOES NOT GET DRIVE WTFF CRAPCOM

Does Twosome Time require you to press both the style and the gun button at the same time, or is it just the style button like it used to be? I could never use it 100% properly in any of the games, but I want to become a gunslinger master in this one.

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can you ride cavalier for a longer time? tips for balrog? i cant switch styles (hands or legs) on the fly

Are you actually serious right now?

>spinning cerberus
>mfw you can use that to reflect all the spirit swords that vergil throws at you after that one DT combo

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Post YFW

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>Mfw just got ass handed to me to me twice by virgil with dante

Mother fucker one shoted me from like 9 bars to 0 when he flew around the arena and then we i got him close to the end after his doppleganger i went devil trigger to finish him off only to get staggered by his clone from behind.

I swear its like once you get to the second vergil boss fight the game difficulty kicks up a notch.

Dont even get me started on how much a pain king cerberus was.
I basically said fuck him and used Sin DT to finish his ass up casue he fights till the last fucking breath unlike DMC3 Cerberus who got weaker ass the fight went on.

Cant get rid of his heads and his health is fucking riciulous

Press one after the other, X>B>X>B>X....
I just use Honeycomb Fire most of the time

Like he said, just like merc mode in RE games.

I'm fine with this. I barely fucking did Vergil's missions in DMC4 but did 1000s of hours on BP as him

He means the first one. He's guessing that your second meaning is also true but that isn't backed up by datamining yet.

>cant unequip dante's legendary sword
i just wanna use two guns and devil arms, i wanna go cerberus and balrog cause thats how i rolled in 3. having more than 2 weapons makes swapping weapons mega hard for me

remember to rebind dante's styles to 1 2 3 4 like in dmc4, default bindings are just awful

how could they make the ultimate DMC game but FORGET ABOUT KICK-13? no amount of capo shit can save that

-2, -1, and 0.

Parry their attack. Do it and the next bullet instakills.

You can. finish SoS

That's really hard to use properly. Damn.
Honeycomb is cool, though.

Can you git gud with KB+M?

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How come there are no trophies for the extra characters then? Did they decide to add them after the initial plan?

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does the balrog's boxing stance's sway thing (hold y) have I-frames?

You ever play any other DMC game?

You can stop him from teleporting long enough to hit him with cavaliere? On a similar note, how do I read his cues? I never know what he's going to do.

There wasn't trophies for Ghost Survivor in RE2R until the update

Kick 13 is kinda in but it's not 100% the same. There's something similar to it for Kick Mode Balrog's forward B while you're ignited. It's like a built-in combo with kicks, like Dance Macabre or Kick 13, but a little longer.

Shoot one, quickly shoot the other then keep hitting the 2nd button. The first gun always fires forward so if you want you can have your power gun shooting forward and your burst gun picking targets or vice versa.

>Have to control 3 characters at the same time with V and each have their movesets.

It's a miracle it isn't as messy as it sounds but I bet I'm doing a lot of stuff wrong.

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>Never played a single secret mission because I accidentally mashed through the tutorial prompt and thought I was just really unlucky with how I couldn't find any of them
On a scale of 1-10, how much of a retard am I?

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Yes. This game has the best taunts. There's so many of them and they have a lot of different utility, especially with Nero.



How do I combo as V?
Seems like this combat is really simplistic?

We keep hearing this type of shit with no confirmation.
There's no way they'd add full-blown characters and not let them be playable in missions to some capacity. I can believe Vergil is coming, since he already has his own color swaps and fights alongside Dante in the ending, but I highly doubt he'd be locked exclusively to BP, or any character, for that matter.

>datamines a game
>doesn't provide screencaps/images

ive played this series for years and only found 3 on my playthrough.
1, 5, 10 I think

I think Vergil will have its own missions, but not playable in the current missions.

Good luck Getting SSS ranks in those last five missions Yea Forums cause i honestly feel that on DMD mode that shit will be some Ninja Gaiden Master Ninja levels of hard.

I started the game on Son of Sparda mode and i died a total of 6 times and all to bosses.

Died once to laser bitch
Died once to Urizen after Dante gets Sin mode
Died to melphas charge attack that didnt stop even though i was hitter her ass while she charged it
Died to King Cerberus
Died twice to Vergil as Dante

Good luck with those all S ranks Yea Forums casue yall talking shit about how easy this game is when the only thing that makes it easy is that they toned down how easy it is to get style points, but still good luck with those bosses on harder mode cause fuck...........
I say this as someone who beat master ninja Ninja gaiden 2 on the 360 too

if vergil is playable in the future i hope that mission 19 is against dante

There are already trophies for completing BP with Dante, Nero, and V though.

So do you guys replay missions until you get S ranks on all difficulties or only on DMD?

>BP is releasing in a month
what the fuck am I supposed to do? at best I'll be done with everything on DMC5 in 1-2 weeks tops.

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how do i have fun with V

i have a question. when i get special orbs they dont show up on the screen. how do i fix this?

like, i find a purple orb right? i reach it, the screen goes black, it shows that i found an item but it does not SHOW the item, just an empty screen with the title. gpu glitch?

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Not as bad as me. Literally pulled a DSP by turning off the tutorials and began thinking my game was bugged because I couldn't access the secret missions.

Royal Guard shouldn't exist as a style, it should just be a dedicated button

Currently doing a low-intensity playthrough on Human to collect all orbs and secret missions via guide and to play around with weapon setups/grinding orbs.

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>S rank Hell and Hell
no fucking way I'll be doing that one. I'll still do all difficulties, but I ain't S ranking everything

Funny thing is, Human difficulty is the worst to S rank due to the braindead AI and non-existent health

>YFW Dante says that bitch slap nearly killed me

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you dont. hes brainless spray and pray on rng.

I need the locations to all secret levels because im retarded
i also need advice on beating the secret mission where i can only use 1 shot to kill that scissor bitch

Yeah I don't really care about ranks on non-dmd, Im having fun with replaying mission13 and styling on randoms

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Parry until the mask turns red and shoot it.

no thanks

shit game

ive parried a lot but i have no idea how to actually do it

His summoned swords are faster and numerous. Also way too tenacious to the point there's no resting times. He can also parry you while you whale on him instead of just being knocked back

Well he does crazy damage, but all of his attacks are relatively easy to avoid. Kind of disappointing that he doesn't have new bag of bullshit tricks, unlike in DMC3 (you first see spiral swords in DMD)

How do I royal guard like a pro

Give up

Practice, attack, do not just stand waiting for enemy to attack

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Can you recall your summons as V? I've heard him say shit like "Get back!" sometimes and I assumed I accidentally used the recall action but never figured out exactly what I did.

>found only 1 outside of the one the game shows you
>couldn't trigger it even though I lined it up
I feel like maybe I'm missing a ton of environment destruction. I've found two cases of it in SoS already that I didn't know of before, and I'm only in mission 5

Goodnight sweet prince you'll be missed...

I kinda hate the looks of DSD, it looks like Monster Hunter crossover promo. Might as well give Dante a charge blade

Double jump for Griffon, Roll for Shadow.

How do you avoid getting hit by Judgment Cut End without leaving the hitbox?

>getting fucking mad at Malphas
>thats it
>no more fucking games
>shoot the fuck out of her with charged shots
>jump on her back and blast the shit out of her with EX-moves
>chickie enters rage mode
>blast the shit out of her and knock her out of it instantly
>beat her without taking a single hit
Autism rage is real

Forgot pic, I'm talking of course of Rebellion

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Ah, well now I feel stupid for not realizing this earlier. Thanks.

Full DT and just hold royal guard works for me. It will do damage to your DT, but it won't break your guard

I can't still figure out the timing for just guard.

It's like 2 bucks
I mean, I'm not defending it but it's the cheapest microtransactions I've ever seen

Is the max hp in this game 2 full rows? I think I'm missing one last blue orb but i dont know where the last four fragments are. I've already done all the secret missions.

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>can't beat prologue Urizen on SoS yet

Goddamnit I'm so close but he has so much health

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Anybody know how I can restart mission 20 with Nero having the refilling DT guage?

I finally found the gif I was looking for.

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desperate times call for desperate measures

I feel like the "unbeatable" urizen fights are all scaled for one difficulty higher.

No, but you get to cheat by having Devil Breaker. Vergil is free if you have gerbera

Im just doing a quick Human run before doing SoS. Mowing people down is like pic related

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I disliked strong chin virgil the first 2 cutscenes, now I like him

was...was i the only one that abused the DR faust glitch to max everything?

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I feel like I have to be missing something basic. I try to combo the gun and hand as much as I can but it feels like this whole game is just mashing Y until everything is dead
People say this is supposed to be skilled and technical but I'm not seeing any way to do any damage without just mashing Y

use your fuckin brain

Jump cancel a Y button attack -> do aerials -> land and resume ground combo + repeat.

As you unlock more special moves and combos you can start to do some really interesting strings using just jumping and landing cancels.

I dislike V, he is no fun

I turned off tutorials and didn't realize until mission like 12 that you had to angle the camera toward the symbol. The first time it shows you one as Nero I just didn't find the glowing spot on the ground and ignored it.

maybe, explain

Use your moves dumbass. Multiple command moves and delay combos and you're still spamming Y. Pathetic.

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Is it just the four purple orb shards? Or is there another 4 I totally missed.

Everybody did, but I sure as shit aint doing it for the 3 mil taunts. I'll get those on my way

I'm playing with keyboard and mouse. How much am I missing out?

As a playstyle or as a character?

Is there no cut scene after you play with Dante in the underworld with virgil?!

After nero ending it shows the tree fall down but nothing after the vergil/dante tag team

So, mashing Y
Got it

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The fucking point where they want you to fight two of them. Thank god for SDT making things trivial.



No, I don't mean "how do you fight it," I mean "why the fuck is it three bitches melted together and a bunch of glowing purple rocks sticking out of the back of a teleporting zombie chicken?" What a hodgepodge of random, aimless ideas for a character design.

Clashing their scissors and killing them with one bullet is literally one of the game's Secret Missions.

Is that the mission where you can't touch the ground? Just use promotion. EZ.

Im an achievement whore, and the difficulty achievements don't stack. So getting platinum requires a Human run. Sue me.

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I bought every Dante ability but it still says 85%. Even bought EX Provocation, anyone know if this is a glitch or something? I didn't get the achievement for buying all Dante's abilities.

Mission 8 Urizen is taking forever. Bullets barely do damage and hitting the crystal with a sword basically guarantees huge loss of health for Nero.

where do you unlock this

Beat sos

Doing human after DH works pretty well since you can S rank most of the missions easy first try, and you'll get enough orbs to be pretty much fully upgraded for SoS.

She fused herself together with the chicken becuase she's weak as shit. The chicken is also apparently an infant or at the very least an adolescent since the file says that if it was full grown it would tear ass even harder.

Rate my control setup for Nero.

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thanks, been farming orbs with faust and I'm going crazy

wear dr faust in chapter 13 when you read the statue and you get to spam r1 and b on gunslinger for max red orbs fast.

By beating Urizen in the prologue.

The avian body is a baby borb of the griffin boss from DMC1. Bot the baby and the adult were originally meant for RE4, by the way. And since her title is an amalgam, makes sense she is a hodge podge, like a chimera type deal.

I noticed that about half way through mission 7, i wasn't really paying much attention to my overall rank.

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Any advice how to beat vergil with 1 try without continues as Dante?

Why is it so easy to beat Vergil with Nero and so hard to do with Dante?!
Why did dante say he killed his own mother during the cutscene where hes talking to Urizen before the he eats the fruit?

I have questions and i NEED AWNSERS Yea Forums

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b-b-but the microtransactions

Attack it when its weapon glistens.

Use royalguard.

Can we win the two credit sequences? Nero got praised by Nico and Dante won but I don't think I unlocked anything.

how well does that work against his devil trigger?

Since the enemies are all so squishy, whenever I plahy as nero i always unequip every new breaker i find scattered, that way i have a nice stock read for the harder difficulty

>The DMC anime is completely free in PSN.

Is it actually worth watching?

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>Niko drives like a maniac bat out of hell
>shit is always in place

We all know that van should be a mess all day every day right?

You can't see shit in this fucking phase, what on earth were they thinking.

Reminder that /ourzoomer/, Nero, is stronger than virgin Xehanort.
>Battle starts with Xehanort using Stopza, but Nero counters it by using Ragtime's charged attack
>Everytime Xehanort tries to clash swords with Nero, Nero would UNGA and overpower Xehanort by using Tomboy with his Devil Bringer's Phantom Fists
>Whenever Xehanort tries to teleport towards Nero, Nero can just catch him with the Devil Bringer like he did against Vergil
>whenever Xehanort tries to steal Nero's light, Nero would auto DT and stomp that old man
>When Xehanort uses his Desperation Move, Nero can use Gerbera, Table Hopper, and his new triple jump to dodge it with iframes that last forever
>When Xehanort shoot that giant beam, Nero can counter it with Gerbera's charged shot.

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This man is a treasure.

Attached: Itsuno-pulls-his-devil-trigger.webm (1066x600, 2.82M)

Free DT, Buster also deals a lot of damage

It's nothing special.

>It's okay when Itsuno does it


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>I really want to get better with Royal Guard.

I don'tblame you, It's got the most satisfying parry/release effect in the series, but it's got such a ginormous cap on storing max power I find it hard to believe you can't just kill everything before then.

You're late to the party.

>Why did dante say he killed his own mother during the cutscene where hes talking to Urizen before the he eats the fruit?

I actually just beat the game and im missing 2 weapons for Dante. Any idea what they are?

>Managed to turn a image that normally would be used to shitpost into a fun meme

Best timeline

Kalina ann 1 and Dual-Weild-Kalina-Anns

>trish and bayonetta share a VA
no one told me

>This completely explains why there's a 1 month delay on the mode. Nothing about co-op BP so far but that's probably happening cause who the fuck introduces this system and waste it on a few missions
Worse of all, the system proves it works perfectly on mission 7 and specially 13.
It would be a real waste not putting co-op BP with somebody and also create combos between friends.

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It like he just wishes his arm away and slaps them on or turns his arm into a spirit arm or some shit.
Maybe his New arm is just an extension of his devil trigger like those wing arms he has,but he still technially only has one arm

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You know what? It is. Now what DmC shill? Baby gonna cry? Baby gonna shoot up a school? Baby gonna suck a dick?

It's magic, I aint gotta explain shit.

Oh. Were do I get Kalina ann 1?

the "dlc" is total trash its almost comical considering how much care went into the game i almost believe it was done on purpose.

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If they do add it, it better allow co-op comboing. That shit would spawn legit crazy shit

In the ending it appears nico hands him a gauntlet version of devil breakers. However, he can apparently just materialize and dematerialize the arm at will.

Nico turned it into a gauntlet, next time pay attention.

>Says it once during a moment of genuine anger and frustration towards the man who caused him so much pain
>compared to
>Says it whenever, several times per conversation, and gets into heated FUCKYOU-offs with enemies
Gee, yeah it sounds like Itsuno did it better.

is there a difference between Bringer snatch (R2) and Wire snatch

Same as 4SE really

Who Rebellion here?

Dont really wanna use DSD anymore.

Anyone think the way the faust hat was introduced was wasted potential? Nico just gives it to you and Dante just does a dance for no reason
>Meet doctor faust in those qlipoth chambers with all the dynamic lights and shadows that look like disco ballrooms
>He's the capo of the faust demons with an eccentric obsession over style
>Challenges dante to a 'dance-off' in a cutscene reminiscent of Agnus Redux
>Boss fight is a trickster-focused, timing-based battle with an emphasis on dodging or 'dancing' his moves
>Beating faust has him acknowledge Dante's style like cerberus and he becomes the faust hat
>Dante does a showy cutscene where he forces some empusa to be background dancers while he dabs on them

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why not just put melee on X.
you will use jump and melee the most so having them close together makes most sense.
I do that with all characters. melee on X and jump on A.

>It's called a Riot
No it's not, retard.

Is that the hand of Vergil,also known as "the Alpha and the Omega," because he's a better final boss than Xehanort? He woupd royal flush Xehanort, but you shouldn't post such a powerful hand so casually.

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It looks like Nico's new breakers straight-up warp Nero's arm away with a little portal or whatever. Not even joking.

>I'm halfway through SoS and stil getting easy S ranks, also have charge shot 2
You probably are getting some S ranks on encounters,but i know you arent finsihing the missions with SSS rankings.

Dont come on here braggin about an S rank on SOS mode casue that ain't shit.

Dude post proof or fuck off
Good luck getting max SSS rank on the last 5 boss fights starting with Urizen fight 2 as dante

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So what makes the after credits scene happen? is it just kill enough? because I got them to happen but my friend says he didn't get anything

I agree with you user, and that does sound awesome and very much like something Dante would do. But consider this counterpoint; cute stuttering Nico.

it works exceptionally well the problem here or the meme, is that its really hard.

Kills more than Vergil

>>Is DMD easier than in the other games?

Hard to be easier than DMC4, but we'll never see a challenge as hard as DMC3 in general ever again.

You obviously need to pay more attention casue if that were true his arm would not have dissapeared as he puts the arm on.

If it was a gauntlet then there be no reason to dematerialize his arm into its spirit form like how it looked right before he went DT

Nero's doesn't matter?

So when are these two going to have a confrontation? Urouboros is already in DMC2

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first urizen fight with dante, sticking out of the ground on the left side

Mission 11 inside the buildings. Crush the roots but climb back up to the top and you should find a hole to the left that leads to it.

Save your Sin DT to finish him off.

Only DT when he DT's

Avoid his attacks and wait for an opening.

When he is DT use hit and run tactics dont try to combo.

Royal Guard the swords he shoots at you

When he puts summoned swords around you use your triangle, pause, triangle move to destroy them

Same as mine, nice

My buddy literally just beat it 10 minutes ago without passing the Nero or Dante credits sequence and got the after credits scenes.

Then how would you turn it off?

Reposting from cuhrayzee general:

I beat Urizen in the prologue before even getting to mission 4. I pretty much just made sure I maxed out Blue Rose's charged shots, and I bought like two blue orbs (and found enough fragments for another one or two). All you gotta do in the fight is just deplete the crystal by keeping your distance and shooting charged shots. Then, when the shield is broken, rush in and use a combination of melee attacks and charged shots. Sure, it's kinda cheap to beat him that way, but whatever. Keeping your distance makes it far easier to dodge the time slow ball and the red balls that take off like half of your health.

This is on devil hunter difficulty. I also bought air hike to make it easier to jump over the beams. Also, something I noticed, if you get caught in the time slow ball, the roll dodge i-frames will also last longer.

I think you need to succeed at least one of the two parts. I fail Nero but manage to one up Vergil and get the bonus cutscene

Is it normal to d-rank Vergil first time around? I think I just might be bad.

Use Trickster, his attacks are pretty easy to dodge. Even rolling helps

Can you send Capcom your resume?

Just beat it. Game is dope, though I feel the ending was missing something.

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>turned off tutorials
>find 2 in my first playthrough
>didn't realize you had to angle the camera to see the sigil
>wtf why isn't this working
>after beating it see lots of people here talking about how the pc version being jank
>"musta been a glitch"

>Beat game on hard difficulty
>Don't get the achievements/trophies for normal difficulty
Why the fuck do games do this? Now in order to sate my autism I'm going to have to play the game on Human mode.

Why were Dante and Vergil fighting again in end credit scene? Killing times waiting for demons respawn?

>finishing the missions with SSS rankings.

>Mission 03 DMD
>Artemis DMD
She's not that tough but man what a fucking damage sponge, I think I spent over 10 minutes hacking away at her after she DT'd. Goliath was laughably easy in comparison.

I'll probably make them overbudget as the ideas guy

I want to live my life like Dante.

Stop compensating, dead weight

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I got S on Dante side with a Royal Release finish but it took it around 4 hours because that was the most time I put into using Royal guard in the whole game at that point. Only got A with Nero but I only spent around an hour on it.

In a mountain of debt but still get to eat lots of pizzas?


>Never played Dmc before
>Try human difficulty because the information prompt says I should
>Already at mission 11,facerolling everything getting As and S
I should have selected the other difficulty, I'm not learning how to dodge and combo properly

Mission 11, in the buildings.

Free to live how I please.

show me your controls scheme

Attached: controls.png (1404x2148, 3.97M)

>tfw fucking hate V

Who the fuck signed off on "hold button to X" when you need to be pressing all the buttons to control your summons? Should I just be taking things more slowly or is there a controller layout that's superior I'm missing?

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Are you spamming Stinger? If no, you're leagues better than any Streamer I've watched.

How did he got this vergil costume? after beating SoS or DMD?

So does this game pretty much confirm dante and vergil completely surpassed sparda in strength?

>Dante used the rebellion to merge with Devil Sword sparda and got his sin devil trigger + a new devil sword modeled after himself.
>Vergil ate the fruit which is supposed to give the eater the power to be king of the underworld.

Im pretty sure the sin devil trigger is just re branded majiin dt as well. At this point is there anything that could remotely pose a threat to them?

Not that anything ever did.

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i don't even care that this isn't a Suffer remix this is a fucking jam

Sekiro comes out in 2 weeks

I have nothing to add to the conversation, I just wanted to post this.

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Swap Square with L1, I got used to holding square, but damn is it awkward trying to do combos with V/Nero, mashing Triangle while holding Square.

I didn't get anything below a B rank and I only got a B on 2 missions. Getting S ranks in the game is FAR easier than any other game. I got an S rank on over half the levels and I played through DMC3 recently, didn't get a single one.

Pretty much. And I also was hoping nico makes dante more guns too.

Yeah, the taunt in this one except air taunt kinda weird they dont stop the style meter like they used to for some reason, and you only gain about half meter which you already lost taunting.

>not posting the superior version
You are not worthy as my opponent

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Calibur, aerial rave and gerbera are all you really need as long as you can ex/max act, just dodge with gerbera whenever Urizen throws out a fire or time ball.

how the fuck do I deal the with *teleport infront of you* fuckers as Nero? with Dante of course I just RG and knock their asses down and have a laugh, but Nero I have no idea.

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DH is normal, Human is easy, I get your point though.

Probably a fully powered Mundus, since the one in DMC1 was shit, the one who killed Vergil was also shit, we've never ever seen him in his prime.
Also how long till Nero reforges Red Queen using metal from hell to impale himself and gain V8 exhaust on his devil trigger.

Shoulda started with 1 or 3 to learn the basics.
SoS and DMD should teach you to play, tho.

I haven't had the chance to play DMCV yet, just answer me this one question. Does Crewcut ever cheer up?

who here /vergil-2/

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Human is easy. Devil Hunter is normal. Son of Sparda is hard. Dante Must Die is very hard (enemies can randomly go into devil trigger). Heaven or Hell is one hit kills anything (you or the enemy). Hell & Hell is one hit kills you, but the enemies are otherwise on hard. Legendary Dark Knight is hard, but with a shitload more enemies spawning.

They're still only half demons. Sparda would technically have unlimited Devil Trigger

He says city's gone to hell and back.
He's depressed all of his friends died.

Does 5 have LDK?? And does anyone know how hell and hell works in this, is it the same 3 free revives?

We dont know spardas true limit, as we never saw him fighting, but by 5 even vergil (the weakest of the three descents of sparda) is already stronger than mundus

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What's the point when you can just dodge, RG was OP as fuck in 3 and that's why it was worth using, because a Lv3 Just Release at the same as a DT explosion was more damage than any combo, in an instant.

Gotta' say, DMC5 feels an assload less technical than 3.

I'm kinda surprised Mundus didn't make any sorta of appearance or real meaningful mention, I wonder if they also forgot that Mundus was still alive at the end of 1, I honestly thought he was going to be Urizen after the whole "he is your reason for fighting" and Urizen's eye placement

Charged shot and buster. They only shows up for Nero from SoS and up for a reason

For Nero I did the following:

>Swapped Breakage and Devil Trigger (L1 and D-pad)
>Swapped Devil Bringer and Devil Breaker (R2 and O)

No longer will I accidentally break all of my devil breakers trying to DT.

Dante is just me trying to use Balrog and failing to connect shit

you can unlock vergil outfit?

Writer wanted to have his cake and eat it too. It makes no sense and you can be assured that the Breakers won't be back in the next game Nero's in.

At first I thought the new arm was going to be a glove of some sort, which I think would be pretty fucking cool. But no, his arm just dissolves and he goes back to only having one hand. It's completely retarded, the entire ending of DMC5 is like they were finishing up the script and then someone randomly remembered "oh shit Nero was supposed to be in this game"

I read somewhere last thread that one guy cheat engined the game and made his own turbo mode, guess what, it didn't fuck up his gameplay. it was a twitter link if someone can post it that'd be awesome

Same, it just feels right, although now I need to remember to use Devil Breakers more rather than just playing dmc4 style

Did you not watch the ending cutscene? It clearly shows that they're gloves now.

How did you feel about the story, lads?

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>Sam Lake
I should probably know this, but who is that for gunslinger?

beat Heaven or Hell

>8 exceed gauges during DT

>Kyrie's appearance was cut from the game and relegated to just her voice because the model used for her face scan didn't want to be associated with "kiddie games" after her agency said they didn't believe DMC5 would be successful

He got promoted to narrator in dmc story cinematic

>Death scissors
keep spaming air rave and jump cancelling on them til their defence breaks.
if you see them wind up and attack jump over them. with Dante you can trickster right back and begin your attack again.
with nero helter skelter will break their defence. just mash B.
and with V you just spam all your shit and annihilate everything same as every enemy in the game.

Dante's fust bump as he gets out of having to go to Patty's birthday party is fucking fantastic.

There is no SSS ranking, tryhard.

>After you beat the game,Dante and Virgil are sitting in the van togethor
>Dante looking normal minding his own damn buisness and reading a mag
>Virgil LITERALLY sits there fidgeting and staring at dante like a fucking weirdo

ITs like he cant decide wheater to hug him or stab him with Yamamato
He really is the the lame fuck that V was at his core.
Its like all he thinks about is power and fighting Dante
Borderline homo obssession over his brother
You figure Dante would have the kid since he clearly the normal brother of the two.

>has raised giant constructs from the demon world not once,but twice and killed millions

Genocidal,Autistic,overly obssesed Son of Sparda is a more fitting title for Vergil

Attached: really bro.gif (245x245, 775K)

>Turbo mode

>He doesn't exceed Red Queen
>He exceeds his entire body

Human is baby mode. Game lied to you

>That thumbnail

Feel bad about that one, its Itsuno

I know there's an opening on Sin Scissors where you can hurt them while their scissors are still up but I'm too lazy to look for it.

Also disappointed there actually aren't death scissors in this game

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So how do I beat Riot red lizard stylishly with Nero? With Dante at least you can farm some style with Royal Guard. I kept getting B and A's on the mission ranking, solely due to Riot's faggotry. When he showed up in the room with red door (which the only room that matters for your endgame rank) then he just ruins my day

Yes I can tell, everything dies too fast

when do i get to play as dante
im on mission 5

Just did this a few minutes ago myself.
Royalguard is a godsend here and it's not that hard to learn the timing on 90% of his attacks. I'm not sure what it's called but when he sends a shockwave of sword slashes at you you'll want to air hike out of it unless you're feeling confident.
Once he's staggered launch and follow him into the air.
If you used your DT to heal early his last phase will be a doozy.

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Cerberus can parry Fury's attacks pretty easily with Revolver

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Chaining combos with multiple styles and 4-6 weapons at once is EXTREMELY more technical than any combo possible in dmc3, unless you mod it

I feel like some of dante's devil arms lose their potency on hard and above. it's hard for me to see much use for balrog and cerberus because they kind of lock you into place




>Attack their attack, shoot them in the face
Oh fucking hell, that's what it is? Has it always been like that? Cause in DMC1 I always just wrecked them with the grenade launcher

How the hell do I get good with V? I'm about to start DMD, but playing as this fucker is legitmately the only knock against the game that I've got. Controlling Griffon is awkward as fuck and Phantom feels like he never wants to stay near the enemies so there is always this awful disconnect whenever actually try to do anything besides just mashing.

>Can go an entire level without being hit once with Trickster
>Try Royal guard, parry once, get my demon ass filled with motivation every single time
I suck at it, the animations are too fast for me

See No its not

How with Nero though? Rawhide spam? Timestop?


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DMC3 and 4 have a turbo mode, that speeds up everything by 20%.
The way the photo was angled, I couldn't tell. I thought it was him, though.

I think 10 or around there. btw, search mission 11 VEEERY carefully.

>at once is EXTREMELY more technical than any combo possible in dmc3, unless you mod it

This was true in DMC4 and people still preferred DMC3 Dante, even though he was literally the best action game character ever to exist in the genre, even more than Bayonetta.

I think DT works pretty well

Judgement cut is his vacuum sphere slash move. If you get the parry down you can parry all 3 in a row.

I'm glad they went back to the DMC3 version of it because the version that's just a bunch of slashes in space is boring. Someone even made a mod to put it back in DMC4

DS Sparda or Dante?

>and you can be assured that the Breakers won't be back in the next game Nero's in.
Are you stupid? Its like if someone said that style switching was a gimmick for dante in dmc4 and wouldn't be back in dmc 5.
Neros arms are very clearly nero's "style switching" version, so he can do more than buster.

>Next game he makes a tower fall from heaven

Releasing at like half power still does massive damage. And a lot of bosses have some big multi-hit attacks where if you can Just Guard the whole thing you pretty much get an instant full bar.

>the entire ending of DMC5 is like they were finishing up the script and then someone randomly remembered "oh shit Nero was supposed to be in this game"
What are you talking about? The whole game hinged on the premise of Nero fighting Vergil and him getting his arm/DT back.

Just put Shadow in DT and let him go to down so you can focus on Griffon. His regular charge attack is usually the best option.

Not really, you still struggle to hit him properly when he's teleport spamming.

So what is Virgil going to do now that he's quit the demon tower raising business? Just be a career devil hunter like Dante? Where's he going to live? Are they going to have Odd Couple style bro shenanigans from now on?

link my man

>Post advice
Nero only does table hopper sideways.

>be this /fa/
>also completely broke
The wonders.

I like Sparda better personally because you lose Dance Macabre when using the DS Dante. I've seen Style beasts do some crazy shit with the Dante laser swords, but that shit ain't for me

Also fuck having helm breaker on back+triangle so that too...

>5 more goddamn missions before dante

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>I'm trying father!

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It's literally a gauntlet. You can see inside of it. They likely stylized him putting it on the way they did so it wouldn't actually change the size of the arm model.

He's going to nag Nero to have a kid Chris Redfield style

They should just remove her character altogether and give my man Nero some real pussy

Just stand still, dumbass. When they start their attack, they scissor shines. Hit the scissor and they will go stunned with the red face.
Then anything that hits the face (a single E&i bullet, a griffon shot or a blue rose shot) instakill it

Dante still has Dance Macabre.

So is Buster arm useless after you finished the game?

Thats 100% bullshit, one because they got back Stephanie Sheh to voice her and two Kyrie isn't an asian woman so they wouldn't do face scans

>Dante still has Dance Macabre.
you mean DSDante?

>There must be more to life than this

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Yes, even the history of dmc video says Dante was superior to demons comparable to Mundus when talking about Argosax

It's not. He can fuse his arm with the old devil breakers. how the fuck would he use something like Raw Hide otherwise?

Does it? Shit, I must have missed that. I mainly used Balrog so I'll have to check that out. What is the input?

wow bullshit

Does more damage and has superarmor when using its special that breaks it

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Yeah, back to forward + style button

It was alright, but the ending felt a bit rushed and lacked closure.

>"Nero have I ever told you about Might?"
>"Look Dad I don't want to have this discussion again"

Feels like buster arm does more damage than Devil Bringer busters, but I could be wrong.


>S rank every mission easily
>Except 10
What the fuck, why is this the hardest mission to S rank I don't get it
I've tried like 5 times now and just get A despite hitting SSS in every fight

Back->Forward command for Dance Macabre

It's pretty crappy. Nothing is ever gonna come close to the kino of DMC3.

Who cares you gigantic fucking autist, jesus. It's clearly a gauntlet in the cutscene. The arm is literally angled toward the camera in such a way that you can see into it. Nico also references it as a new prototype.

My guess is Bloody Palace might have co-op options like Bayo 2's angel card thing did

>Nero unlocks his perfect DT through the power of self-discovery and staying true to himself
better than getting stabbed with a magic sword at least

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you still got the dance. prop shredder, dance, and round trip gets moved around or replaced with alternatives

i find it easier to just hold down square with my left part of the thumb and with the right part hit triangle

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>Nero's DT wings get fucking jet engines on them
>They all hit the afterburners when you perform a MAX-Act and melt everything nearby

You're lying, or taking fucking forever to finish the level.

Doesn't matter because he FUSES. HIS. ARM.

it's a fucking ghost arm.

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how the fuck you gonna have problems with death scissors just fucking hit them when they're about to hit you and shoot them in the fucking head

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Where the fuck are his safety glasses?

Devil Bringer model replacement when?

How was the co-op for bayo 2?

He has some options.
>Force dante to stab him with rebellion so he can make his own devil sword vergil
>Revive Mundus just for a rematch
>Become king of demon world
>obtain more power.

I asked the same question earlier and the answer was to just Royal Block early until you get good at the timings. I noticed myself improving over the course of today just following this advice

he can just turn off his human hand for some reason. you see it fading away right before he puts on the devil breaker. its weird cause that doesnt explain how he materializes a human hand over his weird metal stump

Don't forget Vergil has all of V's power from gathering all that demon blood

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He can apparently phase his arm away if he wants, the new devil breakers just let him put that energy into them

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In DMC so the blue orbs automatically increase my life when I collect four?

its begun

goddamn I gotta start using gunslinger Faust hattrick more because that shit is tons of style and hardly stales

I'm mad that V won't be back for the next game, summoner-type characters are fucking amazing and he had the best theme.

How do I git gud at doing combos? I feel like when I have something going the meter falls and I panick into button mashing

You dont lose dance macabre, but its hard to input. Its "r1+back to foward+tap circle", and i cant consistently hit those back to forward inputs for the life of me. Nero's shuffle, shadows face spike, griffon V shapped laser, etc

V has powers?

Im glad im not the only one having this problem, i have no idea whats messing up here.

IMO it was a hell of a lot of fun, fun enough that I want it for DMC5. Can'tb eat the ORAORAORAORAORA Wicked Weaves on an enemy from both sides. It's nice that, as good as DMC5 is, Bayonetta will never be obsolete.

Fun to fuck around in, basically you could play select fights from across the whole game with extra enemies piled in. You and whoever you were playing with got to take turns picking.

yes if you collect four blue orb fragments you can purchase some in the shop

>Nero becomes a cyberdemon part 2: electric boogaloo
>Nico builds an iron-man like suit and is playable as extra

I think people just prefered DMC3 as a game, don't know many who think DMC3 Dante is more technical than DMC4 Dante... hence why they made mods to make him more like DMC4 Dante.

I always attributed Dante's Awakening™ to Vergil weakening the barrier to hell rather than the sword. It sucks that it didn't even play a part at all.

Yes. keep a lookout for special missions and Blue/Purple orbs scattered around the levels.

>Kyrie get back inside now!

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>tfw still can't properly rev
>Can't switch around styles without having to standstill first
>V is my saving grace due how slow his playstyle is
Should I even continue with this game or just give up? I hate being a brainlet sometimes. I also can't multitask that well IRL too.

Is this good?

4 blue orbs pieces get you health up, compelte blue orbs you can buy from the shop for instant health up

How do I time Max-Act properly?

>Faust summons meteors
fucking WHAT

Already looks better than 4 now that guard flying is gone.

>don't know many who think DMC3 Dante is more technical than DMC4 Dante

I thought it was amazing how people preferred Dante to Nero in DMC4 and 99% of them couldn't use him to a fraction of a fraction of his potential.

Is it worth buying in the shop?
Oh cool. Didn't know that one was a full one. I'm using an Xbox controller. Dodging can be hard because the camera angle. I'm on mission 3.

Thanks. I will. No idea what they look like

His livestreams were awful.
>Used gold orb against cavalier angelo
>Used 2 against kingdoggo
I guess even someone as good as him need practices.

>When he puts summoned swords around you use your triangle, pause, triangle move to destroy them
gunslinger mode + Ebony & Ivory + jump is a instant wipe swords

what a stupid fucking question
why give up on the game home dog no one starts out in the game a god just have fun

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Why do you think only V can finish off demons?
>Vergil's human side gathers demon blood
>Vergil's demon side gathers human blood

yeah its gunslinger lb+forward+Circle

costs a fuckload of orbs to use though

You didn't know? That was shown off months ago when they revealed the Faust hat.

i tend not to bother buying the orbs in shop until i have the upgrades i want

>Had a prototype that already worked with this
Nico's fucking crazy.

I've been getting all my S ranks on son of sparda and found the last Vergil Dante fight to be amazing practice for the Royal Guard.
I've always been shit at that thing and after a few tries managed to be SSS against him for 80% of the fight through RG. It's really helped me nail down the timing in other fights.

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DMC6 starts with Vergil fresh out of hell going out for some Sushi, he trips and the Yamato slides into a wall... somehow this wall was secretly a key to a demonic tower and it rises and destroys the city.

You get more orbs on higher difficulties right? Does this wor on SoS or DMD?

rb, whoops

Literally impossible with Nero. Mission 8 in SoS he showed up and ruin my day. You need to burn ragtime breaker to get an acceptable rank in the room. I can forsee that he sucks in Bloody Palace, good luck trying to hit him with V.

With Dante is easy, you just farm royal guard and royal nut.

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What does breaker Tomboy does? turn blue rose into a railgun?

It's awful. Every action scene is the worst directed garbage I've ever seen in my life

Thanks. That's what I was thinking

That's not why V has to finish demons. He has to do it because the summons aren't wholly real entities, they're born from Vergil's memories, so they can't truly kill demons.

Don't try to specifically time for Max Act, just get good at doing EX-Act and feel good when Max-Act procs occasionally

Someone needs to draw this up with Vergil being a high executive demanding more towers from demons

I wish I was lying, and I'm sure speed has nothing to do with it in DMC5, levels where I dicked around forever S rank easily
10 is just really finicky for some reason

parry him, nigga.

>Action scene
Did the DMC anime have action scenes? I remember watching it in high school and being extremely frustrated because all the "action" happens off-screen or it's hidden behind curtains and lighting, it's the cheapest animation possible.

the only good things to come from that anime are reaction images.

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Tomboy is the worst breaker imo.

that would be helter skelter my friend

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bruh the deluxe edition ones are garbage besides gp01

really? I think it's worth it to toggle just for the aerials

What bosses did you guys lose against?
I lost against:
>shitty chicken boss
>vergil like 4 times

It also turbocharges Red Queen

Whats the deal with mission 8? Even on DH when I style the fuck out of it I get an A every time. Got S effortlessly on all other chapters including 19.. what gives?

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I went in totally blind, worth it too. I've basically stayed away from faust cus it look like it eats red orbs like crazy and I'm still unlocking shit.

At least that has a cool charge move.

Make for a good aerial combo finisher.

gotta disagree the fork one when using breaker on it is kino

If you need orbs just play as dante and throw faust on shit before you go to beat it up. You get way more orbs this way, downside is if you're hit with anyone hat'd, you lose orbs.

This. Super disappointed with HS cuz I'm a major Getter and TTGL fag.

Oh I forgot about those.

Overcharges your weapons at the cost of lock-on, Red Queen gets new moves and does more damage plus the Blue Rose stuff you already know


It's okay, nothing great but nothing bad ether, At least watch episode 4 where Lady and Trish first meet, that one's real fun.

Faust eats red orbs fast, but also causes enemies to drop red orbs in huge amounts. It balances itself out if you use it right.

This is the easiest DMC game ever. If you actually have a hard time with this game you need to go back, now. There's seriously hardly any consequence to doing poorly in this game. Losing health used to be a huge problem in older games because you'd be lucky to find the tiniest green orb that'll give you one bar of health. They were much more punishing games that were certainly frustrating, but really forced you to learn and get better. In DMC5 pretty much every fight you finish will have green orb rocks that will at least restore 75% of your health.

It makes you go fucking nuts with red queen and the aerials are absolutely insane.
The worst or more useless for me is helter skelter

>Yeah whatever man I don't care

Vergil the autist.

>At least watch episode 4 where Lady and Trish first meet, that one's real fun.

>That dumbass who jumps Dante, Lady and Trish at the same time.

The anime brought back Detective Dante at least, and it has some okay Dante moment.

Blue rose is always a railgun with tomboy.
The breakage gives you some ~15 sec of permanent tomboy effects, even if you are hit

>Losing health used to be a huge problem in older games because you'd be lucky to find the tiniest green orb that'll give you one bar of health.
Yeah, what about those green orbs that filled at least half a bar right before Cerberus and A&R? Man, so punishing.

Man I felt fucking naked without Air Trick at first

If you don't time it properly, as in you don't get a Just Royal Block, and you get the garbage block against Vergil, does it still work well?

It was Vergil's compromise to Nero stopping the rivalry, "Yeah fine if you win I won't kill Dante, but beating you means I beat Dante and am the best Son of Sparda"

As some random company that took its name from The Bible

With fucking what? Rawhide spam?

with your sword dipshit swing it at him when he's about to hit you

You remember correctly

Dude the game is not easy and i know even you had to use a gold orb eventually

i haven't used any gold orbs because why the fuck would i

I used 7 on sos vergil as dante

>using gold orb
>not retry mission

gerbera and buster

dunno why but ok

>Donguri says using gold and red orbs is good
>some shitter on Yea Forums thinks it's not

I think I know who to believe

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>donguri is the end all be all of dmc because he makes combo videos

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>actually learning the fight
>spamming an item to win
do whatever you want

Fatty detected


the ps4 controller isn't that big my dude

Does anyone else feel like everything they learned playing Dante in DMC4 did not carry over to this game