Name an uglier vidya character than Lifeline

Attached: 12931234123.png (798x545, 881K)

you the player

Daddy Nier

Attached: 1552079492261.png (751x422, 160K)

Sweaty nose chick that kissed Ellie

>when the cosplayers are better than the source material

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Attached: yea.jpg (895x1200, 201K)

She's cute, I'd keep her pregnant for as long as humanly possible.

She's 90% photoshop and she's still fuckin ugly

Anyone in Horizon

Attached: 1485870847766.jpg (1030x928, 239K)

I like playing with ugly characters for an imersive experience


Attached: 1531263909199.gif (540x304, 2.67M)

uhh.. Jackie Chan! Oof.. Barnacles!

Attached: 1545622077768.png (945x760, 793K)

Hot take.
Lifeline is pretty cute and the character designs for Apex in general are excellent.

you just know she wants to be colonized

>twitter speak

You have to go back.

I came here to post this. Thanks for doing my work, user.

Her eyes are so slanted you could draw an isometric square and the lines would match the eyes

Sorry sweaty
BLaCk iS bEUtiFuL

Attached: 1548512714886.png (422x390, 196K)

I literally don't have a twitter account. The fact that you even have a conception of this "twitter speak" ironically points to you using twitter more than myself.

Nobody gives a shit if you have an account, you stupid faggot.

Thread didn't specify it had to be on accident.

Attached: Manjimutt_artwork.png (180x169, 39K)

When I first saw him I immediately went back and captured an entire team of him.

I'll take your concession of my superior intellect, thank you.

Blow it out your ass, onionboy.

>cosplaying as an ugly character
bit self-deprecating

Can you elaborate?

Why do salty hambeast white girls always scream "PHOTOSHOP!" whenever some hot non-white cosplayer is posted?


Wait a second...

Attached: Holly.jpg (640x640, 107K)

Looks like a anti-Japanese poster.

I'd give her a banana, if I wasn't so scared of having her feces thrown at me.

Attached: chorney.gif (402x389, 2.09M)

ugly niggerlover

seething niglet

>IV bag on wrong side


Nice try femcels

some of the 'characters' from Rogue Trip are absolutely hideous.

Attached: Rogue_Trip_Vacation_2012_(PSX)_06.png (640x480, 95K)

if only it wasnt at 1 fps

Attached: nosechan.png (746x266, 54K)

i would suck on those cheeks

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Attached: PLAYSTATION--Rogue Trip_Sep24 21_23_47.png (350x240, 77K)

That'll be the only time i've seen a female pubic trail in a game.

She's cute af would wife and make babbies

>being a race traitor

Attached: 1331101936853.gif (240x228, 858K)

>Being a race

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Aren't we all niggas to begin with?

>stretch marks all over her ass
Absolutely fucking disgusting

>being regressive

Attached: re (32).jpg (510x419, 20K)


This game was fucking awesome for the two weeks people played it.

Attached: HominaSimpson.png (847x897, 407K)

Anime loving nigger confirmed.


Attached: 1549577679353.jpg (702x785, 96K)

Some of us have evolved.
Others, not so much.

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I'm already black, the fuck do I care?
It was alright.
The real game I'm sad about being utterly dead is Lead and Gold.
I fucking loved that game.

Cant deny those digits

Attached: 1234.jpg (1080x1080, 369K)

jsut look at that face on the right.
dios mios


Attached: Wifeline.jpg (1214x933, 958K)

Not even the ugliest girl in her game.

Attached: PREVIEW_SCREENSHOT3_174019.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 120K)

She doesn't look as repulsive as lifeline desu

Im a skinny guy and I have stretch marks on my butt yeah its kind big but still what does that mean?

The only girls in Apex are Lifeline and Wraith. Fuck are you talking about?

You're joking right? Bunglehole looks like an actual gorilla.

Attached: 774d72b27611f4efaf40dc5d4a70c0e9ab6978db.png (252x352, 141K)

>there are people who actually fap to honey select models

She cute

Attached: 904F272D-A688-4083-810B-D96D4C97E07A.png (920x919, 999K)

she looks like she fucks white boys


how could you tell

Attached: 38656306_2102114780037300_4726853418985979904_n.jpg? (1080x1350, 144K)

where the FUCK is all the discussion of best girl?

Attached: wraith.png (500x559, 62K)

Virgil in DMCV

>Come with me if you want to win

Attached: 1291117914095.gif (303x369, 31K)

>those self harm scars

Saggy ass meth head tits

is she wearing a fake nose? it looks clipped on

are black chicks into meximutts? asking for a friend, i just want a chocolate gf

well she's a cosplayer did you expect anything less than crazy?
it definitely does look strange there

Attached: 44320693_1864350703678136_478542651154296396_n.jpg? (1080x1080, 136K)

I can't

Lead and Gold was great. Loved the hillbilly with dynamite.

Heh, meat wagon's having one hell of a day.

suck my balls

suck a dick bitch

>being oblivious to the generous amounts of gaussian blur and copy stamp used by cosplayers and instathots
absolutely braindamaged

pull it out assbag

Attached: wraith.png (2400x2510, 1.57M)

Attached: Sonic_color.jpg (400x536, 82K)

she has a warm, inviting face. black girls that have that always do :)

>wrist scars

Attached: 1547235361174.png (720x405, 93K)

that guy's hands are huge

hes packing

he looks so happy

they were going for this look but fucked it up

Attached: steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_282936327_preview.jpg (1280x1024, 265K)

Looks like they nailed it here

She cute

Considering how much hate she gets, I'm surprised she has a healslut thing.

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imagine being this homosexual

objectively the strongest legend

Nope that's Lifeline. Lifeline's passive alone makes her better than Wraith. The only thing Wraith has better is her slightly smaller hitbox.

>/pol/cucks trying to derail thread

Attached: 1542696148099.png (720x569, 352K)

and the ability to not get fucked in the ass if someone shoots you from behind

Attached: 163-1638522_415px-krew-jak-and-daxter-fat-guy.jpg (820x544, 117K)

>he doesn't like getting fucked in the ass

Attached: 1550365303050.jpg (689x462, 71K)

anything made by USA
only Japan can produce beautiful art

>defending coalburners

She looks fine in everything except that one very unflattering screnshot people kept spamming around the release.
Funny to see racist shitposters get proven wrong by the game's massive success.

So like, those pipes are connected directly to him if you give it some thought. Are they constantly draining stuff inside him out into a tank in the back, or??? I hope I'm wrong, he just got a lot more gross if that pipe in his side for instance is colostomy related.

Yes it's popular because of the eminently relatable, likeable and not-at-all hamfisted characters such as the gay 50-year-old Maori warrior and the transsexual 30th-century plague doctor, rather than because it's free and the gameplay is good for a BR game.

Do side by side comparison on momokun. That's 90 percent photoshop.

>waaah momokun
another salty hambeast spotted

not saying momokun is not a hambeast, but she's a hambeast in the right way

>but she's a hambeast in the right way

Attached: x4.png (593x643, 124K)

are you sexually attracted to the little anime boy you posted?

Attached: momo1547187483694.gif (600x534, 1.48M)

someone should call the local butcher, a pig has escaped

I used to only like girls, but then I started playing apex and I'm pretty sure I'm trans now and I have this uncontrollable urge to suck dicks

I bet you main Mirage.


Attached: hawt elf.png (1167x900, 940K)

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>look at me
>fuck on me
>look at me
>fuck on me
>look at me
>fuck on me
>look at me
>fuck on me

As far as western game girls go, Lifeline looks fine tbqh.

Attached: dexterdunno.png (571x540, 427K)

givin'em the chimney

are the stupid nose rings part of the cosplay or what

Lifeline is one of the better ones. Her, Wraith and Caustic are all pretty well designed. The rest are varying degrees of meh, or outright garbage. Also, ALL of the voicelines in this game except for Wraith's are absolutely grating. And almost ALL of the alt skins look dumb as fuck.

Have sex

Completely on accident. That legendary skin is supposed to be a cold weather survival skin.

>White men fucking a hot black women is a bad thing.
Lets all be honest for a second, the only white women who go for black men are bottom of the barrel trailer trash to begin with. Meanwhile, the smartest and most attractive of black woman are all trying to get bagged by white men. The whole black men stealing women narrative is pushed by insecure black men and seething incels. The fact of the matter is, white men are winning like we've been for the last four hundred years.

God damn I hate her voice so much. Even more so than her character design. I don't know what it is about that character, but she gets on my nerves.

Behold the ugliest creature in all games

Attached: Maxresdefault_(1)-2.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

your waifu

Attached: 23dd814f6d5efcd207f75679b0c1b045.jpg (1000x2876, 657K)

why are you guys pretending to be racist?

This is 4channel where you either pretend to be racist, a girl or black.

this is not a war you want to start

goddammit I almost forgot about that abomination, thanks for refreshing the memory asshole



Attached: 1550368185223.jpg (482x514, 57K)

Wait, that's a girl?

Isn't this dude that guy from one punch man?


All characters in Apex are extremely fucking ugly. It's like they were all designed by someone who wanted to do his own Overwatch but had absolutely not a single clue about what makes OW characters appealing to people. Too bad, because the game itself is pretty fine.

Yet the game already has cosplay and fandom appeal. It's almost like the only reason you hate the characters is because they're black.

>Yet the game already has cosplay and fandom appeal.
Because it has more Twitch presence than Fortnite at this point. It's a popular new thing, of course cosplayers will latch on to it. There were people cosplaying Battleborn characters, that doesn't make Battleborn characters any less ugly.
And I don't have a problem with dark-skinned characters, I'm not an American. I just want them to look good.

Attached: Pharah_portrait.png (725x670, 495K)

Wow, Nicky Minaj finally got herself a game.

But they do. Literally the only people who think these characters are ugly are you guys.

There's a difference between dark skinned characters and black characters. Lifeline looks like an average black girl.

hamfisted meaning you don't like it
there's literally nothing hamfisted about any of the characters, they have gimmicks instead of actual personalities

ok, you win

It took me exactly 30 seconds to google what people think about these characters outside of Yea Forums. It's not that hard to see that no one is particularly excited about these designs. Even people on ResetERA think these characters are kind of ugly.
She doesn't look black to me, she looks half-Asian and half-black. Black people don't have eyes like her.

Attached: ss+(2019-03-10+at+01.16.44).png (962x920, 50K)

>almost all the complaints are that they look boring
>still pretending they say they look ugly
Ok retard.
>She doesn't look black to me
She literally looks like the black bitch from Pirates of the Caribbean.

>these arm scars
yeah, she's an attention whore

Attached: 1472199640471.jpg (653x434, 36K)

>almost all the complaints are that they look boring
Your reading comprehension is astounding. Also, even if "all the complaints" were that the characters are boring, it still would've defeated your argument because the designs are fucking bad.
>She literally looks like the black bitch from Pirates of the Caribbean.
How in the name of fuck do they look remotely similar? The eyes and cheekbones are completely different.

Attached: 220px-NaomieHarris10TIFF.jpg (220x324, 25K)

Not him, but they look similar to me.

You may have autism.

>still haven't got the quarantine skin

sad times

If Lifeline looked like her, it would've been way better. As it stands, she looks like a weird grotesque caricature or something.
Her concept art looks decent, but the 3D artists definitely fucked it up.

Attached: 3509237-alguides_lifeline_20190228_site.jpg (1214x933, 667K)

>Also, even if "all the complaints" were that the characters are boring, it still would've defeated your argument because the designs are fucking bad.
The argument was that the characters aren't ugly not are the character designs boring. Stop backpedaling.

We all autism now.

i cant

Attached: 1549744049341.png (562x628, 51K)

Well, turns out they're both ugly and boring. Nice job, apexshill.

>I'm a shill because I find a character attractive
You're retarded. If the argument was about Bangalore I would concede but Lifeline is cute. Fuck off.

t. virgin


the cartoon on the left is clearly jewish

She looks fine though, your perception is just coloured by that one piece of awful promotional art.

>Have to see this face every time you enter a warp portal

You can keep the health and ammo.

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who are these retards


Ben Franklin really let himself go.

Easy mode

Attached: Sera-romance.png (968x968, 1.2M)

well that explains everything

Woah, don't throw this back on based bro. You DO type like a faggot and you have shit taste. Just do better to not type your shit opinion next time.

the best asses most of the time have those you fucking virgin

When you overrate shit character this much, you make him sad.

Attached: pathfinder.jpg (1600x900, 166K)

>that big ass hitbox
>that useless passive
Ok bud.

>useless passive
holy fuck, how much of a shitter are you?
I'm guessing you used to play with peacekeeper and wingman everygame

Attached: 1548543771968.png (118x142, 34K)

...I like that.

Ok, the author of that post is really weird. She is not "incomprehensibly ugly". She just have a face of a dude. That's all. I guess it is weird to see a man's face on a woman's body. The source of this "ugly valley" effect is the fact that biodrones played ME so much that blue skin and head-tentacles have become as much a woman attribute as boobs and heaps.

not him but are you seriously defending his dumb passive?
>completely useless in the first 10minutes
>there are only 12 beacons on the map
>they spawns randomly so there aren't always a beacon around when you need them
And camping in one place is fucking cancer and will just lead to people flanking and bombing the shit out of you if you do.
All other legends' passives are all combat related, exchanging any combat advantage for occasionally knowing where the next circle is is just stupid

Its the wrist scars that really trouble me

>caming in one place
>with pathfinder
what the LITERAL fuck, not him but he has the best mobility in the entire game, you can take enemies by surprise like no other legend can.

Attached: why did you leave me daddy.png (181x210, 85K)

Then get destroyed because your hitbox is the size of a barn.

why does she look like a pitbull?

>the ring even being an issue in this game
What benefit is it? So you can get there early, camp and possibly win the game with 1 kill 95 damage?

I use peacekeeper and scout


Ask for a brojob.

as long as he doesn't use his hands it's not gay

>m-muh hitbox
not only is camping going to make hitbox issues worse on you, who fucking cares about the size of his hitbox when you can do a bobby shmurda at the speed of sound or swing around/over a building and nothin' personnel a whole squad.

>swing around/over a building and nothin' personnel a whole squad.
I wish my lobbies were still full of mongoloids who could be juked like this too

She's black and lives in one the most racist countries (america) so i dont blame her for cutting.
Blacks have it worse here than women do in saudi Arabia

Kay Bear is the best looking black chick on the internet. She looks like this other black girl I had a crush on but I fucked with her friend so it never happened. Black girls like her are rare anons...they are why I don't race mix.

They look bad but lifeline the better of the 3 females. Wraith's only good skin is the one that covers her fucked face

>get shot out of the air because you're 12 stories tall

nice try my boy

Attached: 1522182535554.jpg (345x366, 38K)

So I can use my friends mouth? Fucking sweet bro.

Hey its me

Go back.

ez pz

Attached: sonya mk11.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Everyone I know shit on most the characters for being ugly fucks. But since the game is first person they dont care

I literally said camping in one place is fucking cancer, what the LITERAL fuck made you reply to me like that???

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hears me out on this
what if they made the first 8 characters ugly and extreme minority pandering so they could make every new characters stand out more by being beautiful and having good design so they don't get pointed at for being sexist and having too many sexualisation

> is respawn potentially /ourcompany/ and based?

>the only attractive girl is white
fucking based devs

Attached: 1551810295290.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Meanwhile the two best characters are black women. Bangalore and lifeline

/cgl/ was a mistake

Well the game did get rushed out so maybe the characters could have looked better but you know they'll just come out with more pandering garbage

*gagging sounds*

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I've seen all the loads
They all lead to the same face.

I think she looks alright now but holy fuck she looked awful in that one trailer.

are you POSITIVE that's not a guy

Sera looks like in any other game she'd jump out of the bushes and try to kill me on the side of a road, like some sort of goblin monster.


It makes me so sad that my main is this fucking ugly.

idk why you guys are praising this. She's not even got trousers on. Its lazy

Who the...are you gay?


Attached: oogabooga.jpg (782x669, 45K)

would get sucked by /20

what the fuck?

please tell me this bitch was supposed to be ugly

all left wing character designs are intentionally made to be ugly.

Attached: 1541136017737.jpg (1869x1869, 1.75M)

Your future gook wife.

>Genderbent racebent DmC Dante

Everyone in this game.

People actually think this is good too.

Attached: Raz_Stare.png (625x729, 854K)

>make a game where you can design your own weapons
>only two or three builds are viable
>if you try to make anything crazy, it just ends up being a shitty peashooter

Attached: 1546672570020.jpg (1200x505, 324K)

Fucking hell. Its gonna be hard to top this

>he ordered a fucking shake for his drink
fucking decadent cunt

>remotely best
Come on man. She plays like a generic fps protag that spouts generic edgy action man lines

Name a photo with more talent, you can't.

>being white and wasting your white genes on a black woman
Retarded decision desu, have fun with your low iq mutt babies that are gonna get exterminated in the upcoming war.

Looks like a bathing hippo

your mom lol


Attached: 1551337967434.jpg (1082x818, 83K)

>he wears trousers inside his house

this is a 7/10 according to /pol/

Attached: 1528837867853.jpg (500x294, 23K)

Wraith is cute CUTE!
But only in fanart

Attached: wraith a cute.png (753x1084, 312K)

this is like a racist caricature.

Shame she has such a saggy face in-game.


Is this supposed to be funny? Just post the old troll face for God's sake.


Well, by the looks of it, they are at Steak and Shake

wtf...why the fuck do all those white hags have something to say about that exotic QT4.13 Sybrian volleyballer?
I know the point you're trying to make, but goddamn

honestly? i don't think you could if you didnt cheat with mutated/severelydisfigured like trans, birth defects, elephantits. also disregarding normal defects like obesity.

Attached: 1546732837070.gif (450x258, 1.84M)

wew, thank god we'll never have to worry about the act of passing on our genes, right alt-boys?!

Clearly an attempt at extra attention. Suicide whoring is a thing user's, don't be deceived by pathetic attempts to appeal to your emotions.

the projection in this image lol

it's the ton of makeup she has on.

fuck off

Sheeeeeeit. Why was this deleted?

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t. weebfag

Cot damn why didn't they make her look like this in the game

Cute couple

Did they actually intentionally try and make her ugly?
How is that depiction of a Japanese person not racist?

Attached: Propaganda.jpg (593x800, 261K)

Wtf is this bros?

Attached: 1552005710717.png (830x710, 718K)

Shes the best but her voice lines make me cringe in a painful way
painful because its meant to be serious and people will take it as such, every line of her is edgy in a way that a 13 year old would think its badass

>la creatura
Her in-game model is literally Sarah Ryder from ME:A, the only white woman in the game and she has fucking autism. omegakek

Attached: excusemewhat.jpg (420x420, 35K)

Idk man, I see the resemblance.

Her whole personality is really fucking dumb and they clearly slapped together a jamaican with a second weeb to fall in line with what the hero shooter audience wants, but her in-game model is absolutely atrocious with her face looking like a fucking ayyy lmao and her gear just looking way too busy. Wraith's model also looks terribly with her palce face and blue/white eyes making her look like a blob.

>attempt to be socially inclusive
>blacks are all stereotypes and ugly

Attached: 1467487057968.jpg (1024x1024, 403K)

Futuristic Dark Souls confirmed.

This is the most wholesome post in this entire thread.

qt 3.14 black girls are hard to come by, smiles like those are as hard to reach as the stars themselves.

>inb4 some faggot comes derailing the wholesome post


Oh my god, she looks like a lighter version of my sister.

Attached: 1363047098527.jpg (572x572, 214K)

That's realistic though

>Create a game wich caricaturizes mental problems with a unique artstile
>Characters don't even try to be realistic and have exaggerated freatures
Fuck off retard that's like saying that Grim Fandango is bad because everyone is a skeleton

Can I take your sister out on a date?

>please user I beg of you

I hate women.

Is horizon an okay game? I bought the GoTY edition at a pawn shop for a 20 and it's been sitting on my shelf since.

Good luck with that, she's a kiddie diddler with intense yellow fever.

Jennifer is right though, they could have picked much hotter asians

Any of the female party members from pillars of eternity 2 cuckfire.

Tu quoque. Racemixing is the method with which the ruling elite wish to create a low IQ, smart enough to work but not smart enough to change anything, permanent mixed goy slave race. You are a zog shill and should get a bullet in the brain. I'm not saying every black person is stupid as shit nor am I tooting my own horn. You can go burn some coal if you want and create a mutt -expect to be shunned.

t. homo

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Attached: 1549480200571.png (1058x843, 1.31M)

Its alright, story is dogshit but finding data about what happened is what actually kept me going, gameplay is smooth and killing big machines is fun, go for it if you can tolerate the absolute mary sue that aloy is

good one

Fucking kek

Attached: 1505585563174.jpg (235x284, 10K)

Actually based boomer

Any recent Bioware character

Attached: bioware.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

underrated kek

The fuck is up with her eyelashes? Either I can count the amount of hairs she has on the bottom eyelash with my hands or these retard devs positioned them wrong and they're clipping through her face.

Attached: 1381018905673.jpg (551x550, 26K)

lifeline's kinda cute actually

Hard mode: no bioware

nice potato you have there snownigger

The most..............EXTREME
