If you could turn a game into a movie/series/anime and a movie/series/anime into a AAA game, what would it be?

If you could turn a game into a movie/series/anime and a movie/series/anime into a AAA game, what would it be?

>Avatar: The Last Airbender is now an open-world RPG
>League of Legends is now an Anime

Have in mind that your choices are now their only versions of the title, forever erasing their old ones forever.

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>original makai toushi saga/final fantasy legend gets an anime based on the dumb little story the manual had in it as a log
>made in abyss gets a wide and deep class-based RPG which eventually lets you ascend to white whistle level after enough descents and shit

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toph is shit

>BLAME! is now a high-action shoot-em-up

>Metal Arms is now a television show

What if my favorite is already my favorite anime

how is it possible to have taste this bad?

Fullmetal Alchemist is now a semi-open world action game done by Team Yakuza

TF2 turns into a full-time comedy cartoon series with the same caliber of writing as the shorts and comics.

>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon gets a full anime
>Made in Abyss gets a video game

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Pretty much a Eyes of Heaven game, but with chavo characters, just to see where it goes
>We get combos and items to interact while fighting in La Vecindad
>Dual supers for some characters
>you recover some Hp by either eating a Torta de Jamon or by entering Don Ramon's house for a brief moment

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>Jade Empire is now a GoT production quality HBO show with choreography by the dude who did Netflix Daredevil's action scenes

>Star Wars gets a Souls style action game where you play a Jedi traversing the galaxy and can turn Sith if you give into temptation (Darth Souls?)

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>Monteiro Lobato's works are now chapter-based JRPGs
>Fire Emblem gets an actual anime

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this desu

Picture if you will a slow paced Bloodborne anime that draws out the revelation that it's not Van Helsing but in fact HP Lovecraft over the span of 5 seasons.

Now picture a character action game where you can play each of the main Avengers and they each get their own story mode a la early Dynasty Warriors games.

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You take that back

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Geneforge or Avernum series get a series or movies

Kino's Journey gets a game

k-kings is now an arpg, where you play as a king and get to customize your character and sanctum powers and recruit followers to decide how the slates are used, ending in an smt style choice between chaos and law.

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>Avatar gets a 2d fighting game with characters from last airbender and Korra.
>Yakuza gets turned into a J-drama where most episodes include fightscenes and shorter comedic bits.

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Yikes. No taste, I presume?

>Avatar gets a 2d fighting game with characters from last airbender and Korra.
This is fucking radical actually
>Robbing the Vidya industry of Yakuza
This isn't.

You serious?

Imagine fucking a blind girl with a tight ass and has a fetish for anal only while riding your cock. Not to mention she doesn't know how ugly and fat you are.

Shits the best

One piece but it’s actually a giant open world windwaker

Good taste.

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Eh, it may happen when the manga actually ends someday.

Made in Abyss into an exploration game based on relic finding and resource/space management, thinking about how much to spend on equipment at the start of an expedition ala darkest dungeon and how much this encumbers you, also you have to keep track of where you are forva most effective relic hunting and what enemies lie around, the game will encourage you to make a phisical map and keep notes.

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Xenoblade Chronicles anime

>parasyte should be a hack and slash game kinda protototype but good
>metal slug should be a 90s anime movies series

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>Skies of Arcadia as a 90's anime that'd give me a feeling like Slayers did.
>Yu Yu Hakusho game that plays sort of like DMC or something that covers the whole anime/manga and movies. Would hope for engaging enough combat for tournament fights to be viable or mode change to a fighter around then sort of like Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure

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>draws out the revelation that it's not Van Helsing but in fact HP Lovecraft over the span of 5 seasons

How would that even work? Have him kill "vampires" the whole time but SURPRISE it's not really vampires?

no, she knows how fat you are. she can feel it when the ground screams in pain with every step you take. she can also tell youre an insecure virgin by the way you walk

>no Avatar MMO
>no earthbender choosing between metalbending and lavabending
>no firebender choosing between lightningbending and thrusterbending
>no waterbender choosing between icebending and healing
>no airbender choosing between ....


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You really know how to ruin fantasies don't you.

well my fantasy is that she laughs in your face when you ask her out and insults you just like I did and then she feels me walking up and immediately gets wet from my chad stride and then we go somewhere else and fuck

did you even watch the show? that's like one of the first skills they showcase he has and she constantly does it. and then in korra inb4 >korra, she says she can see everyone all the way in republic city.

turn the steven universe video game into a tv show and steven universe into a video game.

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No faggots allowed.

Death Stranding becomes a movie (it already is, ha ha ha.)

Made in Abyss as a RPG, steal these two ideas
How would a Kino game work?

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>Metal Arms is a TV show
fucking brilliant, it already has the voice cast of a cartoon
make it CGI like Reboot but higher quality and that's a hit show

Probably Elona. Nothing to do with the shitty story. Entirely about the world. I'd even be fine with them making it full isekai

Which Nick era was better?

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>Made in Abyss as a RPG
>Drakengard 3 as an animated movie

Why do people like Doug?
Shit was boring.

What the fuck is up with all of these Made in Abyss posts?

Also, a Youjo Senki game that follows the premisses of the Valkyria Chronicles would be pretty cool.

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I think it's because the Abyss is a really intresting place that bases itself on the exploration mechanics like this gyu says