I just finally finished my first run of Dark Souls 1 last night. It was really good. I wanna talk about Dark Souls now

I just finally finished my first run of Dark Souls 1 last night. It was really good. I wanna talk about Dark Souls now.
also rip Sunbro and Onionbro, you guys were cool.

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Post your build.

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Too lazy to post any pictures so I'll just say
>Mostly Havel's Armor with +5 Catarina Helmet
>+5 Black Knight Sword
>High Endurance and Strength, okay Vitality and Dexterity, poor everything else
>Ring of Favor and Protection + Havel's Ring

Oh and Grass Crest shield, forgot to mention that too. I mainly just focused on hitting hard and carrying heavy shit.

Pretty typical for a first run through. Next time give it a shot with no armor/shield.

Attached: Black Knight.jpg (2554x2000, 1.12M)

I was actually rocking the Zweihander two handed in the beginning without the proper stats so I got used to not using a shield. I wouldn't mind doing some challenge runs like this in the future, this is definitely a game I'll be replaying in the future.

I actually fired it up the other day for some 120 PvP, but even at 600 players the usual hotspots are dead.

Glad you liked it user, if you have access to a ps4 or ps3 I would suggest trying Demon's and Blood before you do dark 2 and 3, since those 3 are all stand alone and more self contained.

Also I highly suggest trying out Str/Faith at some point.

I'm replaying it now, played it before years ago but just kind of rushed through it and didn't really try to explore it.

just beat lautrec, hold fuck that fight was really short but so tense

forgot to ask, should i use the ring of favour and protection, i'm using the cloranthy ring and ring of steel protection

Nice. Any plans to replay it, or are you gonna continue with other souls games?

Always use it once you get it.

Only if you plan to go full tank mode.

Nah given how poise functions it's definitely case by case. A ninja faggot would want the Dark Wood Grain Ring and Hornet Ring.

>no armor
what's the point of playing if you don't fashion it up

you could have saved onionbro if you were gud

It's honestly better that he dies before you complete his quest.

>no armor
>no rings
>no items
>broken sword without upgrades
>no roling

I'd love to play it again someday trying different builds, and I plan to play all of them eventually. For now I'm gonna take a break so I don't get burnt out (and because I have a huge list of games I need to finish, DS was at the top of the list) but yeah, it was really good. For sure I'll do more with these games in the future.

>darksouls with guns
>using magic

I saw his questline through to the end which is why. As for Sunbro I actually did his sidequest where you saved him .Gwyn killed him using his explosive grab right before I landed the final blow. It was a bittersweet victory and thematically fitting.

Tranquil Walk of Peace and Wrath of the Gods say hello.

I'd love to check out Demon Souls, it'd be neat seeing the roots of the series. I actually started Bloodborne a few years back but didn't like it, didn't get very far either, but I wonder if I'll like it now that I'm more familiar with Soulsborne.

And for sure my next build (after NG+) is gonna be a magic build.

>summoning for the final boss
>on your first playthrough

I like Solaire. I wanted one last fight with my Sunbro. Sue me.

Magic is complete and utter trash in every Souls game except DSII.

You sound like a zoomer.

Whatever old man

gwyn is free as fuck though

Since you cleared it as melee already, Magic is 1/4 of the game you have missed out on, you should try a run of it.

what ending

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I'll try it. If it sucks that much I'll call it a challenge run or something.

Linked the fire. Was going to anyways but thought it was just another bonfire then whoops ending

>playing 2 and 3
gonna be a yikes from me

2 is based and 3 is fun at times

Nice, try out BB and DeS when you're ready.

Attached: mirco-cabbia-sciamano240-gwynevere-finale-1-4.jpg (1400x788, 268K)

>Suggesting someone should be missing out on dual manslayers, Burnt Ivory King, Champion Gundyr, Gotthard's Twinblades, and other highlights.


There is no reason to go back to Demon's Souls.

Play Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne next. You will have wrung basically everything out of "souls" in 2 games.

The reason is to see the original souls game before they tried to rehash what was good about it

I mean honestly speaking dark souls and up are just way way way way better than demons souls due to lack of annoying/stupid shit

DaS2 is worse. It's shit. But 1 and 3 are way better than demon's souls

Demon's Souls does have some of the best designs of the entire series though, and some of the most futile/saddest character bios. Astraea is a high point of the entire souls genre.