I've just uninstalled WoW after 15 years of playing

I've just uninstalled WoW after 15 years of playing.
Pic related made me do it. So far I'm enjoying it a lot. It's comfy. Only thing I'm missing from WoW is its atmosphere. Every zone, every town, even every dungeon and raid has a very prominent atmosphere. The rest is hot garbage tho.
Anyway, I'm going to be a summoner in FFXIV. Good or bad choice?
Also, leveling areas seem to be straight up dead. Kudos to GW2 for making every zone feel like an actual MMORPG.

Attached: ff-xiv.png (560x350, 273K)

XIV is basically a single player Final Fantasy game with the world as a lobby
If you're into MMO for actual good endgame content and real rotations and classes, it's the best modern MMO but if you're looking for an actual social world to do stuff in it's the worst one on the market

Has WoW really been out for 15 years? Christ. But anyways, I did the same thing years ago and found is the same shit, just weeb flavored and stopped playing MMOs altogether. I think it's better this way.


I never found the end game compelling enough for me to care in XIV, the raiding in WoW is something quite special but the leveling aspect is left to be desired. XIV on the other end is quite the opposite. Good Luck in your adventures OP

14 years officially I believe. But I'm playing since closed beta.
Actually I'd kinda enjoy a Diablo style MMO. I think project TL is aiming to achieve that.
I'm down for good endgame.
Out of curiosity, what's your "social" MMO of choice?

>Out of curiosity, what's your "social" MMO of choice?
There are none anymore
Look into WoW vanilla/BC servers or Everquest P99


What about runescape? Jk won't touch that piece of shit.
I'm done with vanilla.

Summoner is a solid choice, you'll get Scholar (one of 3 healers) for free as it shares levels with Summoner and vice versa.

Nice. I actually enjoy healing from time to time.

Yeah, Summoner is good for when you have to do open world questing, while Scholar gives you healer queues for dungeons once you're 30. Just make sure to do your class and job quests (they get marked on your Main Scenario tracker too) so you can pick up the skills they give you, for both Jobs.

Will do, thanks. How long are dps queues in comparison to healers?

summoner starts as arcanist
you should probably put your pet on obey and treat their abilities as your own oGCDs (one of the first things your carbuncle has is a knock-back ability and mostly that’s just useful for annoying the tank/melee in dungeons)

Solo DPS queues are the longest in the game. Healer queues are not usually much longer than Tanks, who are generally the faste

I personally haven't had terrible queue times, you might wait 20 minutes once in a blue moon but it's not awful.
I'm only speaking from the Aether Data Center though, depends on which you're on.

>I'm going to be a summoner in FFXIV
The class will be boring as fuck until level 58. Luckily you can break up the monotomy by playing Scholar from time to time. It just requires you to keep a gearset for both jobs.

SMN is one of the classes who's leveling experience got hit hard by the ability crunch for the 4.0 expansion since their leveling experience was already bad to begin with. At level 50 the job does passive damage with DoTs and pet auto attacks, the polar opposite of Black Mage with its big dick high potency attacks. Heavensward gave them a bit more umph at level 60 and Stormblood finally turned them into an actual Summoner by letting you summon franchise favorite Bahamut for huge spike of damage.

It's just a pain to get there.

what class would you suggest to start with?

wow is in a bad spot but ff14 is still shittier desu.

Just play whatever man, you can switch at any time.

How long does leveling take? I'm lvl 10 after a few hours

I got to level 35 on the trial as a marauder before realizing I couldnt become a warrior because my main story quests were at lvl 15. So i had to go back and do low level content and then the dungeons at lvl 15 put me back to lvl 15 so i can't even use my higher level skills. The whole game seems to be like this so I quit

Not saying to skip out on leveling SMN, just giving you a warning of what to expect from the job since it changes quite dramatically in the later levels. The main story will take care of leveling for you anyway, and I'd say SMN is a good candidate for that.

If you want classes that have more things to do at early level however, archer and pugilist are probably the most active DPS early on. Marauder is a lot more active than Gladiator if you want to tank.

As long as it takes you to get through the main story quest. It will get your main class to level cap just following it. Other classes will depend on how much you can stomach doing your daily dungeon roulette and palace of the dead.

i'm a different guy than SMN

So all the junk quests I've been doing in the wild are useless?

More or less. Main Story quests have gotten buffed a few times but sidequests haven't. They not an efficient method for leveling, your time is better spent queueing for dungeons or doing Palace.

Be sure to pick up the blue quests with a + sign though, those unlock new instances or other features.

100% of your progress is gates by the main story.
you cant just walk into a zone and progress freely like in other mmos.

Good to know! What about the red quests in the first big city? I think they are for other jobs?

Correct, red means you can't start it with your current job.

MSQs and quests with a blue marker are the only ones really worth touching.

Blue marker quests unlock stuff, but they aren't mandatory either.