What the fuck was her problem

what the fuck was her problem

Attached: Mirror's_Edge_-_Celeste_close-up_concept_art.png (518x640, 284K)

she knew they couldn't win so if you can't beat em join em

Sequel when?


Attached: 1550886841933.jpg (700x526, 72K)

never fucking ever after that stillborn catalyst

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Combat.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

we got that fucking bullshit because shit ton of fags where like "muh complicated story" how fucking hard is to follow a story about a fucking girl trying to save her sister also yeah the combat in the first game may have been shit but at least it was more riskier

She was hotter than Faith in-game but the concept art was bad.

She didn't know how to kode.

>combat in the first game may have been shit but at least it was more riskier
The only bad part about combat were the 2 handed guns that killed your momentum, other than that it was incredibly satisfying once you found your flow, it was basically a 3D Hotline Miami

Attached: Mirrors Edge Kate fight.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

Rather than risk getting capped by a trigger happy private police force, she sold out so she could have an easy life. The story is pretty bare bones, maybe she was caught and cut a deal? Was she the one training the corp runners?

>Health bars
>You're wrecking the floor with them
>Trailer has a short cut scene where the first enemy has a unit title

See, this is stupid. A part of what made the First Mirror's edge good is no HUD and other gamey elements aside from runner vision(which you barely ever notice shit changing color anyways.)

I forgot this was even released. Is it true it's some aimless open world shit fest?

I'm still mad. Although Catalyst has it's moments, it's just not the same.

>Is it true it's some aimless open world shit fest?
Yes, in fact it's almost a parody of modern open world games
>bright floating orbs you have to collect
>hundreds of meaningless collectibles that do nothing but give you XP
>XP is completely useless since half your skill tree is already completed by default
>literally locking basic moves from the first game behind skill tree unlocks to pad out the game
>destroy the towers to reveal more parts of the map bullshit
>nothing else to do other than the story missions (which are all the same) and time trials (also all the same)
Also the AI does not have any pathfinding, literally

Attached: ME vs MEC AI.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

>implying faith would kill innocent police officers

she canonically kicked a civilian out of a helicopter and caused 9/11 by proxy, and incinerated a squad of police officers on a cargo ship

nah, they're fine

Jesus christ...Why would they think any of this would make a good Mirror's Edge game? Well, I guess Mirror's Edge will always remain a gem, and not become a series. I'm mostly fine with that, I guess.

>caused 9/11 by proxy
Wait, does the story continue beyond the game? Like some sort of internet comic or book or something?


She wanted to fuck faith

>he didn't turn the runner vision off
That's like a prerequisite to making the game enjoyable.

Without runner vision the city is basically devoid of red color.

What are you talking about, the doors and cranes are still red.

It's not true open world, it has hubs and those hubs are connected by few points.