Picked up UNIST recently since I heard about it getting onto the main stage at EVO.

Any advice on picking a main?

I'm working through Mission mode with all of the characters (up to a certain point, at least) and so far my 'short list' is Nanase, Seth, Linne, Orie, or Chaos.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Any advice on picking a main?
It's probably a foreign concept to you but try playing the characters and see what you like.

Have ya played any fightan games before ?

People who are more experienced with the game/certain characters can offer more insight than I can pick up just playing on my own

I played Street Fighter IV years ago but I only ever learned how to play Dudley. I played a bit of Skullgirls and liked Squigly but I didn't play it very much.

>its player boost is already over and now declining

The only terribad characters are Mika and Enkidu and even they are workable. This game's pretty balanced so just pick who you like.

Oh, that's good to know

Thanks for the input user, that helps a little bit

Seth and Chaos are fucking hard to play, I'd recommend against going with them as a beginner.

I disagree with that. If they really want to play those characters, they should start learning them early instead of wasting time with someone else
Also Chaos is definitely not hard, just a bit of a different way of going about things

Oh, that's also good to know

Are any of the other characters I mentioned (or any other character in general) good for learning the basics?

Can you elaborate? I know Chaos is a 'puppet' character but I haven't really played other anime fighters so I don't really understand how different that might be from a 'normal' way of doing things

Chaos is actually quite alright. Easy execution unless double consecutive DP notations hurt your hands. The hard part about him is changing your mindset on how pressure works

Wagner and Akatsuki are good. They have good tools getting in. The problem is they might teach yoy bad habits because they have amazingly safe normals that let you just abuse your turn and mash like crazy

yeah, and i'm telling you play the game. what, you want us to play the character for you to?

In most fighting games a puppet character means you control two characters at once basically. That's why an people say that an arcade stick is better for characters like Zato-1 in Guilty Gear, because you often need to hold two buttons at once.
Chaos though just uses the puppet for special moves. You just gotta get used to having a disjointed thing that does things for you

SeeExecution wise he's alright, he doesnt use Negative Edge as a control scheme. You just have to restructure your pressure game since you can do Chaos' normals then you can fill the blindspots with the lizard. He also has a sideswitch roll so you can abuse his mixups

This is why asking for input from people that are better than me is helpful

Who's the Rock Howard of UNI?

It's on sale currently on psn.

such a small brain on this one.

Byakuya is best play him merkava is bad fuck him he's ugly

take the Merkava pill

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i admit getting into the EVO hype train, but the game feels so amazing to look at and play that I think it really does deserve long lasting attention, more than just the hype it brought in.

you're stupid dumb

loser merkava haters BTFO

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Take the iai pill

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Why would you save such shitty art
Why the fuck is nobody even playing

Imagine not having a based fake waifu and just being some void loser idiot beta male LOWL

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this art not approved by Merkava gang

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is there a lobby open?

I just picked up UNIST on PS4. Do any beginners play in the Yea Forums threads? They seem comfy.

there is players of every level in the threads. sometimes the newer players even make a secondary lobby to play in.

byakuya is the ultimate incel

PC or PS4? If PCbros are interested I'll put one up

You're not wrong, however I don't want to agree with you

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I want to play FemVergil.
What are some good resources to learn her?

People seem to prefer being unfunny than playing. Typical

the first step is acceptance bro

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>good compared to average player
>can't make a dent on Yea Forums players
rough feel

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imagine complaining about some harmless community banter and then still not making a lobby LOWL

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Eat my webs you dumb void monster. Lost your mind to the void? Gonna cry? Gonna Piss? Gonna shit and cum?

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i play on both. i've triple dipped into st

Her mission mode

i know the feel. my byak is no where near beating Hippie and Atic on a regular basis

The banter isn't even good, much less funny
Feel free to challenge me anytime though if you're on PSN

>tfw no EU unist friends
feels bad

I'm gonna eat then practice the combos/blockstrings on the character primer.

You'll have to be with the mentally ill /afgg/ kiddies for EU stuff

lets go right now

the only person I've seen beat hippie on a regular basis is walkup2a and he barely ever shows up

Make a lobby on PS then

oh yeah and cutscold but it's back and forth between the two like atic and I feel hippie has the advantage

PC lobby is online, kw is vee

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PS4 lobby is now open. Keyword is vee

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I'm a beginner, though I haven't worked up the guts to hop onto the lobbies yet. I feel like I still need to figure some stuff out, like which characters to focus on and some basics for them.

I finally finished all the Arcade modes and story.
I really wanted to main Sion but I feel like I probably suck with her, because holy fuck her Arcade was hard (on Difficulty 4)
Now I don't know if I'll drop the game, since online rarely has any European players, and Mission mode beyond "Intermediate" is way too hard.

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lol the game was bugged for me and said we had 0 frames

After you pick a character, go through missions until you at least get a 3-x mission for them down, then hop in online. Getting beaten is the easiest way to learn what your doing wrong, and how to improve.

You and him have reached the singularity and become one, I recommend burning your router before it's too late.

Also someone did an interview with redblade.

My nigga

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If you're the only challenging me tonight sean, I'll call it after whoever gets to 10 first.

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I forgot to set winner cycles out, I'll remake the lobby after this match

>"whoever gets to 10 first"
hmm i wonder who that'll be

I'd join you guys but I haven't yet set up my console since locals. You'll see me tomorrow though.

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That's what I've been doing so far, I can usually get to the early 4s but I've gotten further with a few, and even 100%'d 2 of the characters I was interested in, though I'm sure they're easier than the others.
I might just hop onto the Yea Forums lobby some time and get my ass kicked and see where to go from there.

PC rooms back up

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For what it's worth, fighting us will at least give us a chance to tell you what to improve on.
Well it looks like it's a regulars night again.

well I hope the PS4 room stays up for a while. I'm going to try some combo challenges on a character and then join up. please be gentle

>Dive kick right into the super

fuck the licht kreis and fuck niggers

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Stick to /vg/ with that

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I hit D so I thought I was shielding. My spastic button presses chose the worse output after that.

>youve been kicked

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It's probably just a connection problem. It gives that message either way.


It really feels like Hyde's 214X shouldn't be as effective as what Hippie's making it out to when it comes to space

Your Gord probably sucks shit

It's secretly as good as a pressure tool than it is a combo tool.

Well I guess im not playing tonight. Not gonna wait 4 matches just to get a disconnect again when its my turn.

Oh yeah, daylights savings time for us tonight. Get ready to lose more sleep

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your mom probably sucks shit, nerd

I'll take that as a yes. Unfunny and shit at the game lmao

you sound like you need to chill out, man.

>Dia with CVO combos

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>Hit by an accidental CVO
End my life

did all of you get fucking dc'd?

You're going to learn today about how degenerate the CVO memes are.

Oh boy, we finally doing CVO frametraps?

How do I find this room?

You should just be able to find it by plugging vee in as the password. If you're talking about the pc lobby, tou might need to change the download region.

Oh thanks I found it. What do the square colors next to player names represent? Does this game have living matchmaking too?

Player rank

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Jesus Christ I’m going to get demolished. Where’s the beginner lobby?

had to clear that web on me. thank god i didn't get hit by it

Looks like no one is around tonight aside from the regulars.

I'll play PC. Just got done getting chimped on by a Mika.

thank god I finally beat dmcv so I could look at the internet again

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I made a room for more beginner players on PS4

Giving it another thought, it might be a good idea to explain. You can CVO off the blockstun of your moves (mainly specials) an stagger off of it. The best part of that you can use your best aerial starter as a followup.
Also, Yuzu can use it off of a dodge. So there's that too.

Yuzu has the big tiddy


You're in luck new guy, dia here is one of the better Linnes online from my experience.

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I can’t tell what the hell is going on but it’s fun watching him play. The guy playing Spider-Man seems really good too.

Unfortunately, I've been drinking since before the lobby, so you won't be getting expert play from me, though I'm doing surprisingly decently.. I'm open to answer general questions though.

One of us is losing our green tonight


Ain't gonna be me.

I feel like these games happen so fast it's really hard to figure out my mistakes and fix them.

Is Yuzu humming or whistling?

i got cucked

I guess that’s where you save the rap,y.

Some characters are really hard to fight against and know what's happening.

yeah i fucking hate yuzu desu this character is bullshit

Feels like I should be able to hit a button after I block Byak's Dash C with SPD but maybe not. Need to learn some whiff punishes soon because I cant just block forever.

Just dash block bro

vatista and yuzu are the worst mus for my character i feel you

Might need to shield it or else he'll cancel into something

I agree. Of course the character I love is like this and this place is filled with yuzu players.

She has large beasts. What do you expect?

Byak's 66c is -9 and his special cancel options after you block it arent exactly good. If I'm close, 236x is the safest followup, but why in the world would I use 66c that close. Web set is safe if and only if you dont have something that can snipe me from range, which a lot of characters do. The command grab is a bad cancel option for this move in general.

So really, the question is are you sharp enough to see me set a web after 66c and commit to a punish on reaction? Cause if you arent, youre guessing between that and me blocking or yolo 236c. Unless youre gord, then you just grim reaper and it punishes the move.

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How do those spiderwebs work? Are they only active when they’re visible?

Ive fucked up so many inputs today, feels like im regressing again. Maybe I should stop trying to SPD after blocking since Im just getting hit every time I try.

I keep fucking up my dashes on stick today, it's frustrating.

They take a couple seconds to actually activate once they're visible. They only go away if a physical hit that's a medium or heavy hits them or if Byak gets hit.
So no projectiles or light buttons

to add on to this they take away a block of GRD from you if you destroy them (im pretty sure at least)

I just didn't think it would be this frustrating, having to deal with so many zoners against your favor. It just sometimes makes me wonder if it's worth trying to continue the game when half of the match ups are just stress inducing instead of enjoyable and why I play these games.

It's also worth mentioning that they take a little bit to activate after you run into them, so you can bloc them just fine.

Wow, that seems pretty powerful. I guess the best option is to back off when they’re out?

It gets a bit better once you get them scared enough of you that they start running up assaulting/grabbing you. Then you have to deal with those while still approaching.

Isn't it that you lose GRD if you get hit/block them? Destroying them shouldn't add or lose GRD IIRC

You have to respect them if the Byak gets them out fast enough. If he mistimes it, smack him

Meant to reply to this.

when they hit the opponent they take one and a half
if the opponent destroys the web its only one

Who are you playing again? You on PC?

depends on if you have a life lead. a byak might be using set webs to buy time or force you to move if he has the lead. if you have a lead it doesnt matter, just be patient. if you really wanna approach him anyway you just have to be careful. he has an easier time setting webs in matchups where the opponent cant easily snipe him for doing this, because characters like vat and yuzu can almost remove neutral web sets from his gameplan.

tl;dr if you dont have good fullscreen options its annoying, sorry

destroying them makes byaks opponent lose grd, getting hit by one steals it

That's some bullshit

Hmmmm. I keep getting a jump instead of a SPD. Maybe i'm hitting the button too late, or maybe im not finishing the motion? Someone look at my imputs because for the life of me Im not sure what the fuck is going on.

I wouldn't say it's fear that leads me to run up throw so much. Part of it is that after people start getting comfortable with dash blocks, they're more susceptible to Yuzu's limited ways of opening up the opponent.

The other part is that I really suck ass at zoning.

I'm gonna disband the secondary room after the match following the current match, someone else can take up as host then.

I tried showing you what I usually do for some command grabs, I either raw assault into command grab as I land or throw out a whiff j6C and do a command grab immediately as a land.
Try practicing these when you get the chance.

GGs guys

ggs Arc
Remade the second room if anyone is interested

How many players are there that are open for a second room?

>Pick up the game, spend a day or two getting Wagner combos down
>Get fucking destroyed online, abysmal win rate
>Run through Enkidu missions
>40 games in he has a 75% win rate
Is this what a character crisis feels like
I just wanted to sword and board step on people but it seems like the game wants me to punch people into F tier. Fuuuuck

Ive seen whiff j.6C a lot when watching other Walds for reference. Something i've wanted to try but never seem to be in a good situation to do it. (I often get put on the defensive and stuck blocking)


Yeah, you have to establish dominance first. You gotta know your ranges and the match-up knowledge to know if you can get away with claps or j[C]s

ggs amigos, ill see you all again next time

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Didnt enkidu win animevo last year?

Will join right after I get railed in main room, thanks m8

Glad I could fight you again, sha

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I'm thinking I'll get a few matches in before bed myself.

Watched some dude name Hiari play Linne really good on Twitch randomly this morning so I want to try some things he was doing.

3rd place, but apparently match-up unfamiliarity went a long way in beating a Phonon and Yuzuriha. The former of which I see as doable but the latter was a straight miracle.
Hiari is basically the best Linne that isn't Japanese

How many people are in the main PS4 lobby right now?


Looks like Lamp could use company. I'll join that lobby.

PC lobby is dead, I'm so fucking tired holy shit
ggs all around lads, one day I'll git gud

Hairy old man pounds petite girl.


No, an enkidu made it to top 8 (I want to say top 3?)

Enkidu isnt the trash can tier character some make him out to be, in that he can definitely win. He has very strong damage and a good character trait in havoc, and his buttons arent even all that bad. But his poor ability to deal with range, no projectiles barring his IW, and the fact that his mixup is very basic all make him an uphill battle a lot of the time. Also his counters...arent very good.

I probably shouldn't but I kinda wanna keep playing and trying on PC.

Am I wrong or is this guy good for a white square player

The enkidu v yuzu match must have been what I was thinking of

Could be someone who moved platforms or a smurf?

That or they labbed really hard before starting their player vs player experience.

Seems new to this game, but not fighters in general. Makes him look good compared to ther fully new people.

Can't tell, he was assaulting way too often

Nah, I had no fucking idea what to do against Wald.
Gonna head over to lamp's room, ggs to the two I played.

Accurate, labbed a bit before this.
Fun game.

Buttons are good
It's just the frame data on some of them is pretty severe.

>keep screwing up my 214s by moving the stick up to 7
I need to get an octagonal gate or something.

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Gonna fight Dia and phrumpf one last time before I head out myself, gonna go finish blue orb hunting in DMC5 before I pass out.

Oh and congrats on Red

Would buffing his mobility and frame data put him up with everyone else or is he the kind of character that would be broken by stuff like that?

Jesus fuck I didn't deserve any of those wins. How in the sam hell am I getting jump into 214 instead of SPD!? Tried to throw Dia about 3-4 times since he was just charging.

So frustrating.

For what it's worth fenix, some of the newer people seem to be have switched over to lamp's lobby.

Just look at Exe:Late Akatsuki vs [st] Akatsuki

If I can help it I would rather play against the really good people so I can get my bad habits beaten out of me. If hippie closes his lobby ill go over there.

Akatsuki does not have amazingly safe normals. His pressure while above average still suffers the same things a shoto would, not to mention he gets pushed out a lot more. He's rewarded for good use of vorpal management and how you handle your neutral.

Buff his counter and framedata just a little and hes a threat. Interestingly, clearlamp said he felt one of enkidus most notable flaws is his throw. He didnt provide a reason, but I think its because the throw blows them away and he has to work to get in again. If his throw dropped them to ground in front of him, that could be a pretty crucial buff for him too.

also what this user said
frame data and hitbox buffs, along with turning 2a from mid to low made akatsuki go from garbage to really solid. Honestly making a characters 2a hit low if it didnt before is an enormous buff.

Don't fall out of world in DMC like I somehow did.

I only got it from fraudulent oranges so it should be gone soon. A shame that theres was so much jitter but gg none the less.

Make his dash start-up not take 7 frames and not make 2/5C be like -15/-17 than maybe he'll just be okay and not a bit gimped. He'll still struggle with long-range characters but hey, not everybody needs to be completely well-rounded.
Akatsuki got an entirely redone hitbox/hurtbox among many other things, Enkidu doesn't need THAT much

Yeah, his throw definitely sends them back flying way too hard. It's one of the reasons people opt to end his combos with 236AA/BB instead of doing the full rekka chain because they want the oki afterwards.
His 2B becoming a low would help a bit too. Makes no goddamn sense for his 2B not being a low when Akatsuki's is.

I see what the other user meant by being pretty good for a grey square. He sure knows how to apply pressure with Nanase.

Also nice to see another person playing Linne.

Akatsuki's makes sense, his 2a being a low despite having the anims of being a mid is fucking whack.
t. akatsuki player

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It's a hell of a struggle to play a Wald against said good players, I feel like you would benefit getting some of your basic blockstrings and hit confirms a bit more naturally but you do what you feel is best.
Also, it was sean who made the lobby, I just dropped in because I dislike seeing threads go without lobbies.

>tfw not good enough for Fenix

>Make sense
Oh please, your fucking kicks have like a couple extra centimeters to them, you fucking boot-knifing cunt

Attached: Akatsuki Hitboxes.jpg (1097x464, 32K)

Imagine complaining about the stubby character in fucking Unist of all games.

I fight good enough Akats to abhor the character.

That 2 bars is a lie

I was wondering if that was what a 2 bar was supposed to feel like.

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I saw Linne before I got the game and decided I wanted to play her because she cute

I hate using excuses but I really think lag might be playing a huge part of my wierd execution errors. I get a standard 2B>5B>241B starter, then when I go for j.C afterwards I keep getting 5C. Need to lab with 5 frames of lag for awhile so I can get the timing down since im probably hitting buttons too fast.

That's not what I meant and you know it.

oh theres another nana player? I need to check this out.

Darn that was some immaculate playing there Lamp. Almost landed the double P haha.

Tell me what to do and who to watch pls.
Pls spoonfeed me.

I want to learn the hilda, yuzu and vatista mu.

If that's what works for you to play her, go for it broski. Best of luck in bringing out your best skills with her!

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Looks like the lobby emptied right as I was about to stop. ggs everyone.

Weanie hut jr time

Yuzu and Hilda are pretty easy. Vat is not.

o fuc


I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up playing a different character. I haven’t tried anyone besides the guy you play in the tutorial and her in training for a few minutes before joining. Perhaps someone else will click.

Nanase has a pretty aggressive throw animation.

Try showing up on regular thread times, we got a guy who plays bot hilda and yuzu.
The vat match-up is when either Sei or lolimaiko show up

Well that's fine too I suppose. If you're just starting out, don't feel pressured to stick to 1 character right off the bat.

Yesterday I was playing characters I don't normally play (Wagner and Orie) and having a blast learning how all of their tricks come out and how to chain them together with other things.

Is this fan art? Or an actual game?

Fanart of course.

Is Eltnum's quarter circle back just a gap closer if she catches someone with one of her C attacks from range or is there another use for it?

It's real, I just beat Hilda but now she's joined the party to fight Kuon.

Those Wagner colors are way too similar

You use it for hard knockdown and approach further to continue your annoying oki game.
214C however is basically a stray hit into full damage conversion starter that makes her even more annoying.

So is that overhead kick chain to her FF there Phrumpf? Looks like a neat way to get a combo extender there.

I'm trying to main Linne. Any tips?

Use her fireball to throw in pressure. Learn a basic bread n' butter combo for when you get in. Try to get your opponent to the wall where you then can do all sorts of things to apply pressure.

Don't forget about her roll (dash forward+AB).

kuuga on round start

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Learn to dashblock

Also forgot, 5C/2C are your friend for long reach towards your opponents to get an easy confirmation to combo starter 214BC/214AA and the like.

Play more and iron out your kinks.
No real meaningful advice can really be given with just general tips unless we know your playstyle

How is Carmine? I mean, what is his playstyle like?

I started doing combos in Mission mode and he seems interesting

Set-play and screen control.
You get someone in the corner and make them block until they fuck up and die.

Attached: Fucking Notes.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)

You set up traps with his blood puddles that let you get some fun cross-ups. He's got moves that take his HP away so you kinda have to play him carefully but he can be very rewarding.

Hishigata Zawa Neon and Icekin are the nana's you want to look out for. I will say if your fundimentals are strong your nana will be strong too. From what I see you go into FF cancels assault pretty often. Not only are you eating up GRD but you are also making it really easy for someone to dp / anti air / blue shield you. When you throw out fireballs you can 6b to catch people jumping over them.

Yea your good starter BNB is usually

1-3 hits starting with a b starter into 6c [FF] 66b 214[b] 66c 236a delay a 2c j2c buff

How do you safely get out of something like this?

but not getting there in the first place

Unplug your stick and ex dp your opponent irl

Neat. I'll have to practice that in training. Thanks for the advice.

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Block well enough to win GRD and not get GRD broken to either find a gap to reversal out or guard thrust.


Still new to fighting games in general and UNIST specifically but Carmine seems interesting

Any general matchup tips vs Byakuya? I feel like I have a near 100% loss rate with any character against non-CPUs

Who are you playing.
For your own sake, please be specific

Whew, that was some crazy stuff to be sure.

Pretty much this, and learn to tick throw. Most starters including some optimal ones go into 214B~C into the same aerial moves, so learn that as a bnb.

Still trying a bunch of characters, mainly Enkidu, Linne, Wagner, and Gord. For some reason I feel like I go full retard fighting him, dunno why.

Thanks! Gonna go check both of them out.
I didn't realize 5/6B interacted with the fireball, I'll keep the FF assaults in mind.

I mean, don't get hit by webs, and watch your toes I guess. He's got a bunch of long-reaching lows.

I think thats a good sign to stop.
GGs all. Another day, another step forward.

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2000000000 iq

Dang haha, didn't expect that would connect and provide you with invincibility. Fun match.

GGs! Surprised everyone just disappeared all of a sudden.

It's 4AM here thanks to daylight savings

Ah thanks for the reminder. Makes sense.

GGs guys

GGs all. Thanks for the matches! Til next we meet and thanks for hosting Lamp!

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ggs everyone

That double VO was something else

GGs all

Good luck. You seem to have a much stronger hold on fighting game basic than I so you should pass me with nanase pretty quickly. It'll be nice having a friend around for some good mirrors too.

Oh that was sai wasn't it. Well good luck to you as well.

Don't worry m8. I appreciate the support!