I'm a boomer,how do I make friends in vidya?

I'm a boomer,how do I make friends in vidya?

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a cute

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I'll be your friend OP!

You don’t, you die alone and sad like all boomers.

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Start playing a MMO, go to /vg/ for said mmo and join the /vg/ guild.
If you don't want to play games with degenerates or memesters, go to reddit.

god dangit bobby enough of your jokes

>tfw you get called "sir" by young girls for the first time
Fuck, man. Time went by so fast.

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>if you don't want to play games with degenerates or memesters, go to reddit.
What did he mean by this?

I really don't understand this fucking nonsense dance. Yeah, cute girl doing anything is fucking cute. Why does she look like a sperg? If she wasn't a cute girl this would look retarded

stfu bobby not falling for your bait

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>Yea Forums guilds
LOOOL no, they're never good and are full of autists

You may as well give up trying to make friends after 25. Everybody is settled and doing their own shit, they come home and play vidya to get away, not make more.

>If she wasn't a cute girl
No shit, dummy


t. 35 year old sadman

You just answered your own question dick prince

The same way you do in life. You git gud at something and people flock around you in reverence and awe.

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>I'm a boomer
You can start by not being a reddit faggot trying hard to fit in here.

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it looks awful too, rotoscoping was a mistake

Is there anything a woman can do that doesn't trigger you?

>Why does she look like a sperg?
Infantile characters are new trend in weeb media. They surely know how to create convincing teenagers, bordering on young adults, but instead they make these weird moe creatures that virgins find adorable or something.

>Why does she look like a sperg?

because weebs are literally the weakest race on the planet

I just mean why not have her do an actual choreographed dance? Or even just an actual dance like a normal person would do. Why the flailing around?

I don't know why but this feels like a reddit magnet

>I just mean why not have her do an actual choreographed dance? Or even just an actual dance like a normal person would do. Why the flailing around?
To make her look like a dumb child, for infantile points.

he thinks everyone on Yea Forums jerks off to cartoons
hes not wrong

>this feels like a reddit magnet
As if the boomer meme shit already didn't tip you off to being one.

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She is dancing. Have you ever gone outside?

fuck lads. your comment hit me right in the feels. im 21 with no friends and it feels like im short on time i just want a bf i want friends but it feels like its too late for me already

It's a reddit repellant, just look at the anti-weeb retards in this thread acting like they belong.

if youre over 25 and dont have any friends you have failed socially

Isn't she actually the villain or something in the anime? I remember hearing that. Has anyone actually WATCHED this show?

How about you fuck off

you're a weeb man you can only befriend other weebs. so just talk about anime i guess

I fucking love Fujiwara
No, she's not.

>Isn't she actually the villain or something in the anime? I remember hearing that. Has anyone actually WATCHED this show?
I read some of the manga a year ago, she is just a part of secondary romantic pair in the story.

No that's just resetera

Nah that's bullshit. I got uni students trying to drag me out to parties and wanting to hang out with me all the time. Like dude i'm old now, i can't do all the crazy pub crawls anymore.

If you don't mind selling your soul and only playing one game obsessively, finding a small but active guild is the best way to going about it. Don't join a Yea Forums or /vg/ guild. Don't join any guild with more than like 20 members or, in most cases, one that recruits like crazy via shout chat. Ensure that the guild has and actively uses voice chat and be sure to join it yourself.
Do all that and you'll likely make some friends that if you're lucky can last past the MMO. That said, you run the risk of being only able to play one game.

It’s a Japanese idol dance.

I don't know anyone over 30 who has friends. It's either family or co-workers acquaintances.

How the fuck do you make a 1 minute+ webm of that size and quality while staying under 3 MB?
Someone fucking reveal this to me finally because WebM for Retards seems to lack the capability.

finally an actual answer, fuck

She's an idiot whose inability to grasp the conflict between the two MCs constantly adds a layer of unpredictability to their encounters. It gets to the point where the series jokingly treats her as a villain because she always does something unintentionally at just the right time to prevent one of the MCs from beating the other.

>Has anyone actually WATCHED this show?
Its one of the more popular shows this season, so yes.

The clip not having a lot of moving parts makes it doable. Webm not terribly related but a little I guess

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anime pedos like when women act like dumb children, its cute to them

It's always so blatant when it's done too. Can't name a single time I saw something rotoscoped that looked better than traditionally animated within the same series.

She is like 15, but still.

It is a choreographed dance. The whole thing is rotoscoped

>It looks awful
Kill yourself.

You pretty much don't. I've been fairly actively trying to dig up a few more gaming buds on Yea Forums for quite a while now, freely tossing contact info and shit in gaming threads.My grand haul has been 1 Danish dude that's actually pretty good but we're on vastly different schedules so we basically just pass offline messages back and forth but have been (Mostly) talking daily that way for some months. 1 tranny that's a good person and actually decent to talk to, but we've got almost nothing in common gaming-wise but we're also pretty close on schedule and we get along so we typically talk for a few hours a day. 1 roastie that either was autistic beyond the realm of human contact or was trying to manipulate me. And then innumerable memers, usually with anime avatars, almost all of which were dumb as all goddamn hell, trying to convince me they were a trap, and trying to convince me that I should be interested in them because of it.

So the summary is after a hell of a lot of Yea Forums videogame buds I found 2 people worth talking to and neither of them are well suited for any gaming. Danish dude overlaps on some shit I like but schedule screw it up, and tranny's a great pal but we like different stuff. I hope you have better luck though user.

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Women are dumb children

>few years ago
>buying something for someone at the gas station
>girl behind the counter calls me sir
>think "Sir? We're the same age... oh. Oh no, we aren't... this chick is probably twelve years younger than me and fresh out of high school

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You need to get up to 88 miles per hour to travel back to the late 90s to about 2007 where the internet was still largely nerds and so were gamers.

Could just be my perception but back then random asshats were rare not the norm. Playing with people seemed to be desired over loot box farming and viewing other players and interchangeable means to an end.

I think the easier economy at the time also gave people a lot more free time to relax and play some games that take some investment and get to know the people in them so that helped too.

>Do 88 regularly
>Don't travel back in time

> Infantile characters are new trend in weeb media
> New
> Anything Japanese is 'weeb'

Didn't use to be so bad.

To everyone in this thread feeling like they should give up, you can do it. It definitely isn't easy, and some days are worse than others, but it eventually pays off. You guys got this.

>I'm a boomer
Sure you are

>Why does she look like a sperg?
Because its rotoscoped. Which means you're watching a cute girl being retarded, traced frame by frame. Which means they didn't do any tweening. So no depraved nip laboring over inbetweens and impossibly perfect choreography. Soul vs soulless.

All it takes is a a bottle of vodka and enough bravery to finish pulling the trigger.
I believe in you guys, I know you can give up if you really want to.

Another one

Man its kind of crazy how anime has degraded so much that Jojo is the best anime this season? Why are the all obessed with this retarded cute girl trash? Is it just because they're using it to get around having to actually develop characters because retards will like girls/children automatically without having to develop them at all?

>Why the flailing around?
That is literally what all dancing is.

>Why does she look like a sperg?
The dance moves are references to the manga.

Early Zoomers took over the gaming community and are now posting nostalgia for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012). It's all over.

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Romantic comedies are a staple of entertainment. People will want to see them long after we are all dead.

thank you, not sure why everyone thought I was talking about the rotoscoping

>why not have her do an actual choreographed dance?
The dance is choreographed, you retard. The moves are references to the manga.

This shit is just embarrassing

I'm 29 without a degree or any meaningful accomplishment in life

>this answer corroborates my bias therefore it's the correct one

Make like a tree and kill yourself.

Learn shit. Get a job. It's easy.

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Can I be your friend?

learn what exactly
and I have a job I just hate it
it's only easy for you because you're not worthless
I fucking hate bullshit non-answer "bee urself" """advice"""


Never give up no matter what

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Premium bait

Fuck a job and fuck learning, get gud at something that makes you happy. Try art, or music, or harassing teenagers. Just something man.

Join us brother

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Can you make money harassing teenagers?

i make friends by micspamming music in multiplayer fps games

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>yfw you realize a lot of Yea Forums are boomers
More like how to make friends with boomers?

That boy aint right.

If you bring a gun I'm sure you can.

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Rotoscoped animation is the opposite of soul

It's fans of a shit show desperately shilling it because they sure as shit can't shill it with anything good.

I legitimately can't remember the last time I was happy
I remember thinking about the last time I was happy at various points over the years but the actual memory is too old. I've forgotten most of that day.

Stop being a fucking weeb

A villain who steals peoples hearts.

Fuck off, if you are going to an hero use a rope or something, don't become another fucking statistic for gun grabbers.

But pic related is the best anime this season.

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She's chaos given form.


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That's not Dororo.

do this except don't go to /vg/ and don't join a /vg/ guild
also don't go to reddit
make friends on the game without joining a fucking internet community ingame

I remember exactly the last time I was happy, it was just before that piece of shit deputy principal assumed that just because I was a little autistic I was too dumb to take any real classes in the last few years in high school, nevermind my consistint fucking As in science over the last 5 years.

Is this reliable?

it was 15 years ago. Dunno how it still holds up nowadays
also what MMO? aren't they all dead or dieing?

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its all good until your guild open a discord

i want to adopt a cripple daughterfu

Speak for yourself. 26 and started a new office job. Thought I'd have to put up with normies but I made one friend with a Touhou weeb and another with someone who feels very strongly about classic survival horror and modern PC games being shit console ports. Sometimes there's more people around that are just like you than you think.

Ooooh wat dis

Im 25 and about to graduate.
Every time I feel like I've found a girl that suits me she distances herself when I feel most vulnerable.

It's making me loathe women. Im considering finding a hooker and just playing Smash.

Magical girl spec ops asuka

what are some animes where i can see roasties get stomped?

>Find a new niche but not autistic game on release
>join /vg/ discord when it's fresh
>add 2-3 non-autistic people
>leave the server 2 months later when it dies/gets filled with trannies and autists

Only because you weren’t there and are only seeing the gems from the past
It’s been this bad since the late 80s.
The only thing now is how the eyes are drawn less angled and more round now. That’s literally the biggest difference



Weird, around here cashiers just call you sir or ma'am regardless of how old you are. I would've thought nothing of it.


>Im considering finding a hooker and just playing Smash.
Why hire a hooker just to play Smash?

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I guess it's a southern thing. We only call elders and parents sir, everything else is laid back but sorta respectful.

Im going to play Smash literally and figuratively.
Fuck women.
Im so fucking lonely and have given up on love.

I think he means, hire a hooker for sex and then use all that time he used to spend on women maintenance on Smash.

Based paladinposter.

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I can't lie and say that I've had any luck with women, my only advice is to not let it seep into your day to day. Good luck user.

It already has. I'm fucking weak.
But thank you. Have a blessed week anonymous.

>tfw did exactly this and now im friends with a bunch of bros
some of these people are the biggest normies too, its ironic

Reminder that boomers:
>Had it better than any generation in history
>Were raised on home-cooked meals
>Mom stayed home and gave them attention
>College was cheap. A fraction of what we pay
>A degree (in anything) would land you a good job
>Corporations kept you for decades
>Stock portfolios and homes increased 4x in value
>Retirement was considered a human right

And in return they..
>presided over the outsourcing of jobs and mass immigration…
>…leading to the underclass’s opiate-drenched collapse
>fed us frozen pizza and fruit juice, no cooking
>hyper-industrialized prison, healthcare, education, housing
>bought plastic junk and used toxic cleaning supplies
>triloscan soap, olestra chips, phthalate shampoo
>prescribed antibiotics liberally, nuking our gut flora
>gave children Ritalin, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Klonopin…
>got divorces and bought sports cars
>called us lazy for pointing out that we don't have the opportunities they did

I've been getting called "sir" by cashiers since I was 16. I don't think it had anything to do with how old I look. I don't know what the subtle modifier for saying "sir" to someone is because I've never found it as strange as other people seem to, and I've never reserved calling only older or grown people "sir". I always saw it as a formal version of "dude".

Never think that people will not welcome you, espcially new people you meet.
Always be open to criticism and know how to handle it, be grateful.
Stop talking in memes you fucking 13 years old.
Push to talk only, no open mics.
It's not OK to have a life that's only about videogames, as a person you have to be comprised of many things, and I don't mean Yea Forums AND videogames, find something that sparks intrigue in you outside the house and explore it.
Learn how to to talk subjects you like and how to make questions.
Don't fake interest.
""""""""""She""""""""""""'s not gonna fuck you.
Find a goal or activity in common and play together, learn to hype up people.
Just b urself ;)

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> Fed us frozen pizza and fruit juice, no cooking

My Boomer mom has some bomb-ass cooking. She's legitimately won awards for her Gumbo and she's super fuckin' white. My dad also makes a killer rib-rub, too. Shit's so good you don't even need sauce. You just had shitty parents, had nothing to do with the generation.

I've been called sir by people older than me, I've been getting it since being 18.
It's kinda nice sometimes

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Confidence works pretty well; though not necessarily with every case. You have to fake it if you don't feel like you have it. Also, keep the vulnerability stuff to yourself, in my experience that automatically turns them off--presumably there are some women that can handle it, but I haven't found them, and if they exist they either will have problems down the line or you've been with them a long time to secure a bond, if it's bad enough they'll probably jump ship in the long term case too. I'd keep the vulnerability stuff to myself though, nobody ever told me about that.
Other user's advice was good too--if you make them more than they are it'll work against your confidence (fake or real).
Probably better that you're graduating first though, hopefully get a good career and get financially stable first, which will again help make you confident and get rid of vulnerabilities. Lastly, get rid of the vulnerabilities whenever and wherever you can--this is for the rest of your life advice, kill any little voices in your guy that stop you from doing something, fear and guilt, root them out, they're basically a disease.
Take care bro, and good luck in life.

Actual boomers, yes. But Yea Forums calls anyone past their early 20s boomers. OP's probably not even 30.

this goes really well with

You too user, I hope things turn around for you.

You can also ask God and receive. Ask three times a day in secret and let God take care of the rest. Don't try to force it, trusting in God accelerates it, as does asking.
It actually works, but you have to trust that it does. Asking/praying for it is what builds that trust, through expectation, and then finally receiving.

I feel like boomers have a lot of other sins you could have listed without having to resort to food and cleaning products

>Just b u r self ;)
Nah, be who you'd wanna be if you could be the best you that you'd want.