What enemies are casual filters in dmc5?

What enemies are casual filters in dmc5?

I was gonna say king cerebus but I realize he's near the end of the game unlike Ice doggo.

So I go with death scissors. The amount of scrubs who keep attacking it and get hit by its counter swing is insane. You can easily tell who's a scrub by how they attack it.

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Can you beat Urizen in Mission 8 with Nero, after he stands up? I havent seen anyone do it.

I don't understand how I'm supposed to fight death scissors at all.

You attack it from different angles until it turns red. Then you shoot it.

Or alternatively you just brute force it with DT moves.

You don't keep spamming the attack button while it's in front of you which is what every casual is doing.

attack it until the scissor break, then they'll wind up for an attack, so dodge

Then after both scissors are broken then buster the bitch's face and tear it apart

Really? That's what I was doing but it seemed stupid and incorrect. Is there not another way?

Mission 19, i wish gold orbs didnt exist or else most people would get stumped here

if you parry them their mask will split apart into red goo. then you can shoot them for a 1 hit kill.

I don't even remember what mission 19 is.

Little chickee is kicking my ass, what the hell do i do

the vergil fight with dante

literally how, just stay extremely close to it, hit the chicks on top, air hike away when its about to do its body slam, ez

I still have no idea how to fight the edgy TELEPORTS BEHIND YOU lizards with the red arm blades. I just shoot them and stinger after dodging them but it takes forever and there has to be a better way

Don't listen to these faggots: Listen to this faggot:

they give you helter skelter right before, which just eats through scissors

use your arm to grab+climb up on top of the chick and beat the shit out of the lady

When you cant do that then just beat the fuckin chick and use gerber to dodge out when it winds up

I personally would keep a buster arm because you can buster the boss when you stun it

i just break age punchline. has a neat little animation for it too

I've found it's really easy to parry them if you spam cerberus's aerial, or just use royal guard

Does that instant-kill the idiots that harden when you knock them down? I thought I saw that happen in some video but can't play myself yet

I've been doing exactly that and never getting hit, then again I'm dancing around it so I'm behind it or to the side of it and just keep going disrupting it. The one's fucking with me are the big twin blade wielders since they don't always stagger or they hit me from behind since I focused on a different enemy. They've never killed me but I've taken a couple hits. Scissors are easy though.

for some reason Vergil goes from normal to DMD in the middle of the fucking fight, the damage is insane sometimes

They only resist stagger for a single attack immediately after being knocked down.

Well the devs planned it to be hard. There is even an achievement for not using continues in Missions 19 & 20. Also, if you get to the Game Over screen you get a special zoom-out of the Qlipoth tree, which is a nice touch. They planned it to be very hard, and in a game in 2019 that's actually a miracle in my opinion.