What if Doomguy is Dante in the far future?
What if Doomguy is Dante in the far future?
Doom x Devil May Cry when?
Assuming they did fight (Which they wouldn't) who would win?
doomguy ez
>dmcucks ruining yet another game
some metrosexual japanese faggot who flails around like a drugged twink having an aneurysm
being a marine that uses shotguns and chainsaws to kill demon/aliens
I mean I can sort of see it, but no, they're not similar enough
Dante is screwing at least two extremely hot chicks every night unlike you nu male.
but that isnt what metrosexual means
also he isnt real
>Doomguy being a filthy half breed instead of 100% pure blood human
Would DoomGuy join Devil May Cry?
He doesn’t even dress gay really.
Doom guy impales and shoots Dante with everything he has, Dante survives but doesn't want to fight more because it fucking hurts how hard that guy kicks.
They become buds and run a train on hell.
>Inplying Doomguy wont gonna attack Dante on sight
>Inplying Doomguy wont murder the Hell out If Trish on First sight,triggering Dante to attack Doomguy
You DMC fags obviously dont know shit about Doom soo dont even try
Fuck off fake doom "fan". Doomguy is a reasoble guy and would quickly realize dante and him are on the same team.
No you fuck off nigger...the only fucking trait everyone can recognize from Doomguy is his hatred from demons.Making Doomguy even tolerante demons is like making Dante hate parties,is totally against what makes the characters likeable in First place
"Le Doomguy is an angry retard who has zero braincells." I can tell you only just got into Doom, you zoomer faggot. Doomguy has a strong moral compass and just going by Doom 2016 the "wretch" that made the Praetor suit is implied to be a demon. Quit trying to make Doom fans and DMC senpaitachi fight eachother, you retarded fake fan cunt.
Dante turned down Patty's birthday, so he can hate parties
what if OP is not a fag in the far future?
>he only played Doom 2016
Depends on the route.
>he isn't real
Defends on the versions of Dante, assuming it's current Dante
> Attack Power
Dante (Tier 6C: Contintent Level) > Doomguy (8A: City Block Level)
> Speed
Dante (Massively Hypersonic) > Doomguy (Hypersonic)
> Lifting Strength
Dante (10^12 kg) > Doomguy (10^6 kg)
> Durability
Dante (Multi Continent Level) > Doomguy (Multi City Block Level)
> Stamina
Doomguy (Superhuman) > Dante (Very High)
> Range
Dante (Thousands of KM) > Doomguy (Hundreds of KM)
> Intelligence
Dante (Gifted) = Doomguy (Gifted)
> Doomguy Weaknesses
Most of his weapons are far below his own physical tier, even with Quad Damage active. Powerups only last for a limited time
> Dante Weaknesses
As stamina decreases, his regeneration becomes less efficient. As of Devil May Cry 2 he has had to place a limit on his power as he was getting too powerful.) (Refuses to kill normal humans
> Overall
Dante wins, but Doomguy puts up a solid fight due to Dante being a cocky bastard & underestimating him
>"Le Doomguy is an angry retard who has zero braincells."
Never said that autismo...But you gonna deny that what makes ihin cool is his absolute hatred for the demonkind?
>Doomguy has a strong moral compass
wich makes hin totally against shit like Vergil fucking up innocent lives and the DMC gang just giving hin a slap in the wrist.
> Doom 2016 the "wretch" that made the Praetor suit is implied to be a demon.
We dont know the full circunstances yet....heck we dont even know if Doomslayer is indeed Doomguy(i love the fan theory,but we cant deny the whole Leader of sentinel race /order being Doomslayer)
>Quit trying to make Doom fans and DMC senpaitachi fight eachother
Dont Try to force change a character to fit in your fanboy bullshit in the first place
>You DMC fags obviously dont know shit about Doom soo dont even try
Doomguy was on the UAC only because he punched a general who ordered his men to shoot some protestant.
He's a reasonable dude and that's why the le angry doomslayer isn't the real doomguy.
Lady/Nico would be The only ones that could put Down Doomguy total distrust for the gang and you know it...and putTrish far alway from hin because even if she pull some bullshit like Gloria he would rip and tear the whole situation.Also pray to Vergil not be the bad guy in the situation because Doomguy would totally wreck Vergil making Dante Trigged for sure
How can one thread be so entirely wrong?
Clearly Doomguy is the future version of pic related.
Fucking get with it you retards
>heck we dont even know if Doomslayer is indeed Doomguy
Even Doomslayer isn't a mindless killing machine, he backs up Vega without even being told to do so.
Doomguy, Dante, and Simon Belmont.
The holy trinity of demon killers in vidya.
bayonetta does not count
What the fuck is that bullshit gibberish you're talking about?