You can only choose one, starting from Vanilla all the way to modern day BfA. Which do you choose and why?

You can only choose one, starting from Vanilla all the way to modern day BfA. Which do you choose and why?

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Alliance because Dwarf and Night Elf lore and aesthetics are great.

Alliance. Because Horde cities look like garbage and I pretty much hate every Horde race that isn't Tauren

Alliance because I'm not a furry.

Alliance because they're not led by evil morons

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have you ever talked to a worgen player?

*sniffs and nuzzles you* what do you mean?

Horde because skellies are cool

is it true that horde is getting those tiny fox npcs as a playable race?

A gun.

hoard cause I like dinosaur

>love trolls
>love tauren
>orcs are okay
>everything else is shit

being horde is suffering but I can't abandon my love for the natives

Alliance. Horde always been shit.

I would say Dwarf, but Alliance didn't have Shaman in Vanilla

you have good taste in races my nig.
if I play classic I plan on maining a Troll Mage and a Tauren Warrior

my dark skinned brethren
troll priest was my first main

pre WoW Night elves also get a pass because they're savage as fuck

Horde but only because I want Forsaken to secede and kill absolutely everything because no NPC has redeemable qualities. RIP Garithos.

>Horde and alliance rivalry went from people doing what they had to survive/secure their place in the world to horde doing whatever bullshit sylvanas says without any question

Why is she good but our guy garrosh is considered super hitler even before blizzards stupid ass pull to make people hate him.

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Because she is a woman and wow is played by thirsty virgins and fat sluts

shes not good, they're just not done with the shitty faction war story yet.
Garrosh barely had anyone oppose him until 5.3

Human Paladin.


Alliance. What kind of retarded question is this? We're not 15 anymore and there is nothing "epic" or "COOOOOOL" about ugly orcs gobbos and trolls anymore. Remember, this is an 18+ board so choosing horde is a target for jannies to cut you.

My favourite race is Undead by far but every other Horde race is literal shit, so Alliance.

Alliance I guess, because vanilla Horde didn't have Paladins.

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holy shit I can smell you from here

>Goblins won't be playable in Classic
Yeah... That's a yikes from me, dawg. Finna roll Alliance.

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Scarlet Crusade

Wipe out both shitty factions and kill the furfag pandas and yifftastic puppy worgen. Seriously, the groups behind the worgen lore and in game models need to be suicided because they look exactly like furry art.

Alliance is boring, Warcraft humans are boring, if I wanted to play humans I'd play a better setting. Night elves are alright in WC3 but lame in WoW. Gnomes are a dumb joke race. Dwarves are cool but can't singlehandedly make Alliance cool when humans dominate the story.

I'd play Horde when the Horde story is good, and just not play when the Horde story is bad (BFA)

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Scarlet Crusade also has the cutest leader.

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I really like Human Paladins, but literally every numale in existence mains a human pally so idk. I guess I'll do it anyways but I won't like it.

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get back to writing that story and post in /mmog/ or /hmofa/

Alliace because Genn is my husband.

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Horde because all of the alliance models look like absolute shit. Night elves may be the gayest race MMOs have ever seen and human forearms and their animations in general are ridiculous. Don't even get me started on gnomes and dwarves because who the fuck wants to play a manlet.

fuckin lmao