Hey there, everybody. This is Demitri. From Darks

Hey there, everybody. This is Demitri. From Darks.
Did you know? My favorite things are:
- Dashing into Demon Cradle.
- Rule 63 porn.
- Type AB blood.
- The Netflix Castlevania series.
- Aaand hairspray.
See you in Darkstalkers 4, everybody!

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Whats wrong with your face

I like this thread.


Is that Impotent Rage from GTA:V? Very epic

The original video of this cracks me up more than it probably should

It's one of those things that just comes together perfectly.

I want Demitri and Morrigan to start a family!

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Do you anons think they'll ever make a new darkstalkers?


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They put a lot of stake in that one rerelease a few years ago that didn't sell well, so it's probably unlikely. However, Capcom does seem to have gotten back on the ball in the past couple years and has expressed that they are thinking about reviving more dormant franchises. The fighting game scene has also been staying strong lately. So I wouldn't say it's a 100% no.

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When they kill street fighter maybe. Or they could try to replace marvel vs capcom series with a SF vs DS game since the former is a trash IP now.
Darkstalkers is going to be a "pay attention to us again" type of game.

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darkstalkers has some cool ass aesthetics but I can’t play it well at all. Every other opd capcom game i’m solid at(except red earth but that doesn’t count) yet I can barely beat the computer.

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>The Chad Vampire
>The Virgin Succubus

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Post it


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