But, there's one they fear

But, there's one they fear....
In their tongue he is Dovahkiin-

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why did they make Destruction so shit, bros?

they went with conjuration this time around. hopefully destruction will be back in 6.

Man I just want them to go back to the cool things you could do in morrowind with the spell and enchanting and different types of weapons and armor. Whether they keep the old combat or new matters not to me.

You didn't think you were the only one?...
He, was the first...

Not going to lie. When I first saw that trailer, I was hyped as hell.

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What do you think it will be the new gig to lure people onto?
Dwemer return or some shit?

Only if it takes place him Hammerfell

very few things make me more upset than watching the original skyrim trailer. It still gets me so fucking exciting until I remember the completely castrated roleplaying systems, bioware-tier writing, and disgustingly shit combat and AI.
same reason alteration, illusion, and conjuration were shit.

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Giant penises

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>destruction enchantmet decreases cost instead of increasing damage
wow I sure love hitting ennemies with 80 fieballs bfore they die

God please no fucking Dwemer, those ruins were the worst part of Skyrim.

>What do you think it will be the new gig to lure people onto?
Sword Singing since it's going to be HammerFell

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They will rename Gamebryo again and pretend it's a new engine again.


the engine is fine

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Just you wait
Forced race voiced protagonist with an even more pointless "skill tree" in a completely linear cinematic adventure, just like the series was always meant to be

A good combat system in a new engine.
Please god.

Skyrim is a mediocre game. It's 6/10 at best. Stop acting like it's decent. And no, mods aren't a credit to the game.


Dwemer ruins were my favorite kind of dungeon.
Shame they were full of blind albino elf goblins

I see Big Orc titties.


>Big Orc titties.

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>And no, mods aren't a credit to the game.
Advanced modding tools they give away for free are in fact a credit to the game, it wouldn't happen if they didn't promote it.

where the FUCK did the dwemer go

Skyrim is an interesting game.

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They were fed up with pussies playing the game on easy mode.

Someone post the dwemer nigger going too far.

they got sent into non-existence just like the brass god

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because in order to make elemental magic interesting rather than recolored generic magic missiles, Bethesda would have to actually put in some effort.

>Dude who cares? lmao

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Good trailer, got hyped. Average game.

No way they do forced race and they already straight up said no Voiced Protag. But unfortunately I fear you're right about the skill tree. It gets more and more brain dead with each game.

You have to collect parts of Dagoth "The Fagoth" Urs mecha and rebuild it to fight Tibers mecha.

skyrim is good for people that never play a rpg it is simple and effective but not brain dead .Its also easy and accesible making appeling to the mass.But its ultimate downfall was to dumb down other many rpg and was broken on lauch.


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Thy became part of a giant robot

Is there even a single indication that Skyrim 2 won't follow the usual casualization and shallowness curve Bethesda has been doing for decades?
Why are people so delusional and expect bethshit to "redeem themselves" now?

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>Is there even a single indication that Skyrim 2 won't follow the usual casualization and shallowness curve Bethesda has been doing for decades?
I don't think anyone expects otherwise. Unless of course there the deluded fanboy type.

>Why are people so delusional and expect bethshit to "redeem themselves" now?
Who fucking said that?

If Fallout 4 combat was any sign of things to come, TES VI RedFall will probably have better graphics and much more improved combat system. But that's probably about it.

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Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add.
Perfection is achieved when there is nothing left to remove.

You'll take what you were given and fucking like it

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shut up kagrenac

Some people have been saying that after the F76 fiasco Bethest will rethink their lives and try to make a good game for once, but F76 failed because it didn't even appeal to normalfags (or anyone else) and was just this weird experimental thing with no focus or target audience.

We're definitely seeing Numidium/Akulalkhan/some other Dwemer Gundam again in TES VI

>F76 fiasco Bethest will rethink their lives
ever since 76 Pete Hines has been fucking silent

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Around 1.4 million Bethesda fans may be disappointed by Fallout 76.
The howler monkeys that hate Bethesda are irrelevant in the equation.

Even if every last one of the 1.4 mil swear off Bethesda games they will be fine.

I really doubt anyone is deluded to think bethesda games will get more complex and add more rpg elements ever again. They will keep making increasingly cinematic "action" games.

They grew tired of his SJW rants.
Trumps brother in particular.

What makes you say that?

That is what CDProjekt is for.
Let them have that audience.

Good. Long time coming.

Giant Mecha fight.
Rule of cool user.
They already have Liberty Prime as a template.

>That nord from arena

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They're running out of world destroying threats to use.

wh are the forsworn so qt hngggg

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

Build a giant mecha.
Fight various Kaiju from across the known planes
Fight a giant dragon
The grand finale is a Mecha v Mecha battle in space.

Oh hey, I recently did the Skyrim cycle. you know.

>Saw it somewhere
>got the urge to play
>downloaded something like 40 mods - all gameplay stuff no porn
>play through the opening
>get to starter village
Didn't even make it to white run this time

Expect them again in TES VI

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Same except I played till an NPC got trapped out of bounds and then I went out to them, but even after I got to them I still wasn't allowed to complete the quest, and then it crashed an hour later

>not using alternate start and picking randomized start, race, birthstone and skill focuses for a truly emergent experience

skeleton race or riot

>for a truly emergent experience
not a single stat check ingame

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> Added 40 mods
Found the problem.

Illusion and conjuration were both overpowered though.

>Go to Dragons Reach
>Watch a bunch of guards kill a dragon
>Dragon still screams my name like I did anything
>Go into forest
>Watch 2 bears kill a dragon
>Go to the plains
>Watch a giant kill a dragon

...and she just can't wait to be dicked by wolves, trolls, giants and redguard bandits

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>try to pickpocket someone with no perks in pickpocketing
>you fail
>Try to buy things at a store with low speech skill
>Everything is too expensive
>try to use a destruction spell without speccing into the tree or leveling magicka
>it barely lasts half a second before youre dry
yup this game does absolutely nothing to check your stats at all.

How does one get back into this game without devolving to sex mods

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>without devolving to sex mods
why else would you play it?

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Obnoxious waifu spammers sure are annoying, is /tesg/ not giving you enough attention?

Don't worry. Where they REALLY went, once Bethesda gets around to it, will be completely underwhelming and boring compared to the theories out right now.

Normalfags have to ruin every space they touch with "muhh dickkk" shit

What do you think?

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They appeal to the civilized man's sense of fuck and C O L O N I Z E

What other redeeming qualities does Skyrim have in 2019?

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The dragon is screaming at you because you're devouring it.

What's the armour and walk animation mod?

I asked if /tesg/ is not giving you enough attention.

So if I want to get back into Modding Skyrim, should I be looking at the old version or the remastered, now that it's been a while?

I didn't argue that skyrim has any good qualities

Bikini Maiden

Better Female Walk

The Amazing World of Bikini Armor
don't remember the walk animation

They accidentally the whole race.

>mfw ordinator and forgotten magic

aren't beth sort of loosely following the c0da storyline with the towers and shit

that was the very story of Skyrim

I'm sure they could throw in some shit that will fuck a region up. No need to save the world every game.

>arcwind point
>mfw watching draugr completely demolish an ancient dragon
those zombies do not fuck around

>'m sure they could throw in some shit that will fuck a region up
the next game will be in HammerFell, and they'll probably give the player the ability to Sword Sing and nuke places

>aren't beth sort of loosely following the c0da storyline with the towers and shit
this is exactly why the High Elf Nazi party is trying to destroy Talos worship - to destroy the towers and unmake mundus

>and unmake mundus
good luck considering some towers come in and out of existence

Yeah, there you go. Bad guy wants to sword sing a place away for evil reasons. Probably to become king of Hammerfel. Game revolves around stopping the BBEG from becoming king. Plot twist is that the BBEG is actually the legitimate king and the king right now is the TRUE BBEG.
Hire me, Beth. I dare you.

part of the reason they want to wipe out talos worship; because he's part of the underpinning holding reality together and if they can make people forget him/remove him as a God, it weakens the foundations of the towers

There's still 2 or 3 left by the time of skyrim iirc?

who cares. the games are still fun. i'm not autistic enough to care about some dumb meaningless class system that made building characters pointless and attributes that increased my health or mana by a fraction of a percent. just give me ordinators 400 perks and i'll build my own character.

>There's still 2 or 3 left by the time of skyrim iirc?
Yes, but Walk-Brass comes in and out of existence, and some towers can be reactivated


lol the witcher games where always a barely step up above far cry's "rpg" systems. at least bethesda games still deal in the rpg archetypes. mage, warrior, thief

>hear all these people meme about ordinator
>decide fuck it and try it out
>can become essentially diablo necro
>and thats only one build as a conjurer
>motherfucking vancian magic
>can become essentially an arrow turret
Jesus i should've listened to you guys earlier. Yeah some builds fall a bit flat, but others are real fun.

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wait until you integrate it with forgotten magic

Thanks, anons.

why was the generic iron armor used in all the marketing for this game? something like dragonbone would be more fitting

So you can get it early and be like the guy in the trailer!

This one would like a khajiit voice.

yeah but you don't even use it for more than 10 mins when you find steel armor

armor should have degradation in Skyrim

They' probably always do some level of dragon shout horse shit from now on. Todd Howard refuses to let a game pass where you're not the super special chosen one.

>use redguard weeaboo magic once
>reduce Hammerfell to a giant crater
I don't see how they can implement it without nerfing it heavily

Less complex than Oblivion but more complex than Skyrim would be the sweet spot honestly.

What the FUCK went wrong in Oblivion

How could they fuck up Skyrim's combat even worse? It's got barely any more depth than fucking gauntlet.

the 360 could barely even process Skyrim

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you've been a hero prophesied by the elder scrolls since the first game

Yeah, but todd lays it on so much thicker. Compare how it feels being the naravarine to being the dragonborn.

One makes you marked for death by the local temple, and no one even acknowledges it until after you off dagoth. Meanwhile everyone is so impressed by the size and endurance of your dragon shouts 40 minutes into skryim.

Steel armor was the best looking/most aesthetic in the game, everything else was pretty garbage

todd was the director of both games

are you kidding me? steel was the most jarringly ugly set in the game aside from the fancy alt boots you could get

He's gotten worse since oblivion, and don't try to tell me he wrote the story and lore for morrowind.

If you're a waifufag or just wanna take ebin screenshots, then stick with the old version.

SE is more stable for less effort and most mods that matter are ported/being ported/you can port yourself with ease.

it was only really egregious in skyrim; you're some fucking nobody running fetch quests in the main story of oblivion and martin's the big special hero

could try a mod that puts you on a new adventure. the gray cowl of nocturnal mod is pretty neat so far. it's an okay distraction from the lewd. kinda.

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instead of just playing straight sex mods, do an actual play through with the sex mods as a side thing


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ive yet to actually complete skyrim

KINO trailer

sucks about the rest of the game though

Brass theme on the teaser + location shown kind of looks like Hammerfell or High Rock. Hammerfell means more Dwemer and High Rock means Ada-Mantia.

How do you think Khajiit will look in ESO 6?

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>more Dwemer
you mean left-handed elves?

Most of them aren't "real" Towers, just Elven imitations. They're still powerful but if you want to unmake Mundus you gotta cut it out but it's roots: Ada-Mantia (and likely Snow-Throat and Dagoth-Ur)

No, the Rourken clan Dwemer from Volenfell.

didm't it deactivate at the start of Skyrim?

>beth will never add more khat variants

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We don't know that. Supposedly the Stone is a "cave" but Bethesda has ignored MK lore before. Red Mountain is still around since the Stone is the Heart (no, it wasn't destroyed in Morrowind), it might even be impossible to deactivate. I don't think we're ever explained what Ada-Mantia's Zero Stone actually is but there is a lot of ESO lore surrounding that and the original ESO main quest would end up featuring that, so Bethesda might reuse it for TES VI.

When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world

When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped

When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles

When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls

>When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding

The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn.

they're in the MMO as mounts at least

God I can't believe how fucking hype that trailer got me.
What a fucking disapointing game, all I really wanted was oblivion without level scaling but they couldn't even do that

Will TES 6 finally be our time to shine, Orc bros?

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Oh right, there's that. Then again it could have been "reactivated" after Skyrim isn't in a state of civil war again, since we don't know exactly how the Tower/Stone works.

Is there anything that hasn't taken place in that prophesy then?

White tower and the Emperor-Septim line fell, Snow Tower (skyrim) is sundered. Alduin hasn't actually 'awoken' yet despite the events of Skyrim, but the protag of Skyrim is the last dragonborn.

What about Brass tower and Red Tower?

They don't need a gimick, the brand alone will be enough
Wonder if you will still be dragonborn in 6

m-maybe next game then...

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Absolutely nobody on Yea Forums is expecting the elder scrolls 6 to be any sort of redemption, threads about it are not hype but curiosity
best case scenario they remove level scaling

God, last week I spent 4 days installing mods and for the first time I added physics mods and body mods and god this is Thebes best thing I’ve done in my life

Level scaling is such a fucking travesty

>Alduin hasn't actually 'awoken' yet despite the events of Skyrim
That's the one thing that still bugs me about Skyrim's storyline. It's never explained but the story is obviously Aka creating a Dragonborn to "fix" Alduin so he can return some other day to properly do his job.

An orc character would be interesting in Hammerfell because they are arguably better warriors than redguards.

I won't lie, I'll buy TES6 like the good boy Todd wants me to be. Because in the end, all TESes have been fun experiences even with their glaring flaws. As long as they understand not to go with voiced protag and nerfing builds even more, everything should be alright.

At least the removal of most skills meant you wouldn't be left behind so much like could happen in oblivion

What do you think bros, is TES6 going to stick to lore or will it get the FO4 treatment?

They'll butcher it completely. They already did that in Oblivion, what's stopping them from doing it again?

>they are arguably better warriors than redguards
look at this dood

Are there any decent mod packs for Skyrim yet?

I don't know if I can sit through another day of installation again. This would be like my 7th time.

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Well, yes, effectively. It's a case of misunderstanding. Everyone assumes Alduin is there to destroy the world - he isn't, he's there to rule it. His desire to rule is overriding his duty to Akatosh to perform his function - which makes sense because he's the Dragoniesty Dragon to ever Dragon and their entire race is Will To Power turned to 11.

So time fuckery gets him sent forward in time, where he tries to subvert his purpose and rule. And by defeating him, you force him to go back in time... and accept his relegated fate of literally eating the world.

In essence, by completing the main story arc, you are dooming the world to it's eventual destruction by ensuring Alduin exists in the proper context to eat it.

Incidentally 'eating the world' isn't a metaphor, that's literally what he's going to do and the Alduin you fight is much smaller than he actually is

>What about Brass tower
That's the Numidium, and it walks in and out of reality

>red tower

>However, with the fulfillment of the Nerevarine Prophecies in 3E 427, Kagrenac's bindings upon the Heart were destroyed: the Heart of the World was set free. All who had stolen power from it lost their divine spark, and the threat Dagoth Ur posed to Tamriel was quickly eliminated.[17] Unfortunately, this meant that the Red Tower no longer had its Stone. The Red Tower had fallen, and some worried that this cost would be too great to bear, for the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion was rendered weaker than ever before,[UOL 2] and great enemies who had long coveted the mortal plane decided to act upon their avarice.


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It's shit for many reasons. Namely you can't get powerful weapons early no matter what because you need to be level 30 to get fully powered quest rewards and top level shit doesn't spawn anywhere until that level either. At least in skyrim you don't get punished for leveling up badly but in oblivion you get gimped if you level up incorrectly and doing it the right way takes forever.

Something similar happened and after a year I installed Enderal mod. It just made me realize that Skyrim special edition was such a cash grab and waste of disk space.

if it's HammerFell, then Orsinium might included since it is located between HammerFell, High Rock, and The Reach

>arguably better warriors than redguards.
Redguards are canonically the strongest warriors in Nirn

So literally everything has happened in this list except Alduin awakening

i hope kill cameras will be in tes6

Normal Skyrim or SE for modding both gameplay and sex mods?

Destruction is pretty OP once you get the perk that makes dual casted destruction spells stagger.
It's just that it's boring to stun lock an enemy and shoot them with 100 fire bolts.
I installed a mod that cuts the stagger to a 50% chance but scales destruction damage with your destruction level and it's a lot better.

I read the entire thing every time its posted

The vast majority of the high quality mods stayed with normal skyrim, as SE was reguarded as not sufficient of an upgrade and many modders were hyper fucking salty over paid mods/not getting paid mods and the whole debacle surrounding it, and Bethesda';s attempts to co-opt and control the modding scene.

Maybe, just maybe Alduin's awakening isn't what we see in the main quest. Rather, what we are doing in the main quest is ensuring Alduin's awakening at a later point in Time. The Wheel turns to the Dragonborn because he's the only one that can ensure the continuation of the kalpic cycle by making sure Alduin is absorbed back into Aka.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this "dragons have an inner desire to rule" thing introduced in Skyrim? It makes no fucking sense, they're shards of Time, not conventional fantasy dragons. Ok, sure, we know that dragons can have their own personal desires but Alduin is the literal manifestation of the metaphysical concept of the END OF THE WORLD. Worst thing is that Bethesda understands that since it is Skyrim's entire plotline. What the hell was Todd even thinking?

Degradation in past TES games was just tedious and annoying. Had to carry around repair kits that ate up your carry capacity.

Yes, because I haven't had enough of watching my arrows fly in slow motion for 5 minutes before missing the target while my helpless ass is being eaten by a wolf every time I go to shoot something.

I wish they brought back more unique race traits, I liked the idea of Orcs not being very magical as in not having an easy time with it but also being resistant to it.
Oh well, unique races is something Bethesda hates because it means it's a choice with ups AND downs, can't have that, every one must be able to do anything, at any time, with any race regardless of choices.

Just another thing removed in the name of "quality of life"

>Rather, what we are doing in the main quest is ensuring Alduin's awakening at a later point in Time

SE is more stable and a some of the more popular mods have been ported to SE, but OG Skyrim pretty much has a “complete” mod list.
I guess make a list and look around for mods you want and check if it’s on SE. if there’s a mod that you can’t live without and it’s not on SE, just use Oldrim

brass tower is numidium and red tower is red mountain

Kill cameras are only interesting for melee builds. Otherwise you're just watching projectiles in slow motion. And half the time the projectile misses and you have to watch it in slow motion again.
They should be an option you can toggle on or off in the settings.

>I don't know if I can sit through another day of installation again. This would be like my 7th time.
literally the reason I haven't played in about a year. played it to death on console when released so need an array of mods to enjoy now but can't be fucked with the rigmaroo

They talked about looking into the other lesser known Khajiit in a dev video about Elsweyr.

And the heart of numidium was lost after the events of Morrowind and Red Mountain erupted.

Is there any more to this prophecy? Otherwise they may very nearly be at the end of the world.

all of those were dragonborns dude

It's more like they replaced that feature with armor crafting.
Repairing armor used to be under an Armorer skill. That went away and they invented the Smithing skill that didn't exist in previous games.

Not just Khajiit, but for me I would like them to make all the races more interesting. I get balancing one game for multiple play styles might be a lot of effort but I would love if there were more options.

Also I want one handed swords to be separated into categories again with long swords, short swords, etc

Heart of Lorkhan is still around. Numidium doesn't use that as a power source anymore. Also there are like 1 trillion Numidiums across 1 trillion different timelines so good luck taking that guy out lmao

Why did they make the shouts sound so fucking terrible in-game instead of how it sounded in the trailer?

That is a good addition

Same place Candlejack takes his victims, they went t

[b]POOTIS-POW[/b]! Эх, нapoooд, кoфeйкyyyy, oн HAЛЬEEET!

Cyкa, блять.

so the end of the skyrim main story is the end of the prophecy? pretty anti-climactic desu

I think he meant steel plate

Probably ends with everyone in Tamriel fucking dying

>Heart of Lorkhan
what now

yeah I meant this, steel plate

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c'mon man. lorkhan is one of the highest gods of chaos (iirc)

didnt it get blown up

only because they were all infested with falmer

I have a soft spot for Skyrim’s take on Dwarven armor.
I like really ornate heavy armor sometimes.

loincloth ruins it


the macguffin from Morrowind, Oblivionbab
the heart was destroyed by the Nerevaine with Sunder and Keening at the end of Morrowind

>ywn spend your life in a quiet Little riverside town a half-days walk from the capital

'What now' in reference to him claiming the heart wasn't destroyed

The Nerevarine only destroyed the Heart's enchantment, which was powering ALMSIVI and Dagoth Ur. The actual Stone is still there, but it can't be used to, say, power up a Numidium 3.0.
Actually destroying the Heart is probably impossible
>But when Trinimac and Auriel tried to destroy the Heart of Lorkhan it laughed at them. It said, "This Heart is the heart of the world, for one was made to satisfy the other."
And even if it was somehow destroyed it would probably destroy all of Nirn alongside it

just realised this, i should really read reply chains. apologies

helmet is retarded

ThiCC oiled thots. It shames me to say I don't need gameplay at that point. Just good enough models and lighting i can ogle in real-time

>after playing skyrim for hundreds of hours
>a fucking mod still manages to make it feel fresh
How did the krauts do it?

they didn't succeed because they both suck

heart was laughing at them when they tried

heart ain't laughing now

Did they fix the combat for Enderal or is it the same garbage

is it set in elder scrolls

It's mostly the same with much better perk trees.and spells


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same reason enemies are sponges on master
the only enjoyable way to play this is stealth. it saves you from combat.

There is no fixing Skyrim's combat. I have never seen a set of game mechanics so thoroughly fucked at their foundation that hundreds of thousands of hours of modding can't even fix it. I've tried every combination of every well known combat mod and none of them can make Skyrim's melee combat fun, engaging, or rewarding. Combat is simply something you have to get out of the way while you're exploring, and modding it can at least bring it up to the level of "not completely nauseating". Bethesda should go fuck themselves for rolling out the same exact engine for Skyrim VI. It should have been retired after Oblivion at the latest.

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Who cares what it says? Orcs hit harder.

>Skyrim VI

Should be TES VI, but there isn't much difference I suppose.

At least stealth archery was fun. Broken, repetitive and retarded on retrospect. But kinda fun.

Yeah, because you one-shot enemies and get to skip the terrible combat.

I don't know my elder scrolls lore, are there different types of khajit?
What really pisses me off is there was a series of books in skyrim that described a bunch of differnt types of vampires but then in the game there was only one type, I distinctly remember one of the types was able to phase through ice which was cool as shit and I am mad we never got them coming up from the ground to attack you.

>I don't know my elder scrolls lore, are there different types of khajit?

I'm pretty sure there are over a dozen. The games only show you one type of them though.

I'm pretty sure Suthay-raht is what we see in most games. Arena and Daggerfall had Ohmes and Ohmes-raht. ESO has had a Mane and I think some Seche too, Elsweyr DLC will add Alfiqs.

>are there different types of khajit?
yes based off of which lunar phase they're born under iirc. ranging from literal cats to human looking to in game khajit

there are 16 khajit sub-breeds (with a rumored/super rare 17th)

Nirn has 2 moons. A khajits species is dependent on the phase of the moons when they are born.

Attached: khjajit.png (1152x905, 85K)

The Thu'um was nerfed heavily in Skyrim from a Lore/background perspective. It'll just be a conjure weapon perk tree with things like greater armour penetration and elemental damage

>(with a rumored/super rare 17th)
Mane's aren't rumored. They are integral to Khajiit politics and culture and we even get to see one in ESO.

Imagine if they actually made a game with all of these
But sadly bethesda is way too lazy

When does a Khajiit have to be born for this breed?

Attached: Neko.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

actually there are humanoid kajiit, they are also loli sized. yup.

it would make sense for elweyr not skyrim,oblivion or morrowind
I wonder if zenimax does it, they got senche breed in it

Ohmes-raht are catgirls.

>enemies are sponges on master

>playing on master
>didn't invest in smithing, alchemy or enchanting

That's your problem.

This. Every Nordic empire in the history of Tamriel was founded off of their ability to use the Thu'um. It's pretty much their ace ability as a race. It has world warping implications when used by a master, and is every bit as powerful as swordsinging is famed to be.

The real answer is because level scaling and magic school enchants are biased towards NPCs and not the player. Wonky level and attribute scaling is why you get melted in a few hits without any resistances, when they tank fireballs for days.


See, check any of these types of mages and see how their attributes scale. Players only get an extra ten points in any stat of their choice by default, so 12 levels in you get 120 points distributed anywhere you like. A mage NPC by contrast has dick for stamina themselves, but their actual stat gains are much more massive. Added onto this is that spells only ever get cheaper with proficiency and enchantments, only potions boost damage. There is no way for the player to catch up outside of Impact spam cheese.

NPCs simply have too much health for you to burn through with even fire Destruction magic, and too much magicka for shock magic to burn through. For regular melee NPCs, they often have stamina scale up instead of magicka and thus have a massive pool of stamina you will never drain with ice spells. So the secondary benefits of non-fire spells end up being rather shitty and useless as well.

Of all mods, I think only >SkyRe directly addressed this with a plugin that puts NPC attribute gains on a scale similar with the player's own so they don't get bloated and thus indirectly make element magic more useful. Too bad the overhaul is likely too invasive on compatibility these days along with better equivalent mods being out there.

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hate crafting, but yeah, should've done that the right way, I didn't touch the game since the first time I played it in 2011 for 90h and only my love for TES kept me going

I enjoy it a bit with some mods

it's fixed in requiem for skyrim, it's purely number game, make it faster combat and it feels fine
sadly requiem can't fix writing and quests

Yep, makes up for the fact that elves tend to be the most proficient mages. Superhumanly skilled and strong warriors exist, but none of them are like TYPE Moon warriors in relation to top tier spell casters.

>500 Magicka
>575 Health
Well that's just not fair at all

Why would you play on anything other than normal? TES's """"difficulty"""" sliders do literally nothing else other than give the enemies more health and damage while making the player do less damage. It's not difficult, it's fucking retarded and lazy.

>But, there's one they fear....

>max out forgotten magic's conflagrate and phoenix charge/strike or whatever
>full fire tree + double spellstrike dual power attack
>mfw melting a fire-resistant dragon with ~5k HP in 2 seconds
when in doubt just blast it more and harder

Have modders finally moved on to the Special Edition of the game, yet?

All of the important mods have been ported, but the niche/waifu/husbando stuff is still far more abundant in Oldrim. New mods typically release of version for both games in my experience.

Most of the essential stuff is on SSE now that SKSE and all the tools have been ported.

>Trailer D'kin: FUS-ROH-DAH
>In game D'kin: Fus....-rodah

Why did fuck this up Yea Forumsros?

Sailing with a crew you personally build and lead, if it takes place in both High Rock and Hammerfell.
None if it’s just one of those provinces.

It's getting there and apparently there's some SE-only mods starting to appear, but I'm not sure if they're incentive enough. Endereal is still on LE for the time being, and it's probably going to be that way for anything Sexlab for a good while.

collectively zero-summed

I’m saving this lmao

>TES 6
>stamina and mana is now merged
>skills are combined into 3 big trees combat, magic and stealth
>picking quest automatically teleports you to quest mark
>you obatain daedric artifact that scales with you after the tutorial
>modding capacities are limited because console availability
>gamebryo engine

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You're going to be playing the HoonDing, trailer will open with some kind of Arabic traditional music, exposition dump, then reveal of the HoonDing title or however they choose to phrase it, as a character goes mental with spirit-swords.

A lot of Sexlab mods are on SE


Alduin is supposed to win and end this kalpa, this is mentioned at the end of the story if you're friendly with Arngeir.

Alduin will return at some point and win.

It’s always the waifushitters that derail and ruin TES threads.

Where are the waifushitters in this thread? Maybe you're thinking of /tesg/.

You’re capable of scrolling, right?
And I know that /tesg/ is a shithole.

Do you remember the name of those vampires? Go play Dawnguard. You have my condolences

Volkihars were such a disappointment. They just became your generic Translavanian vampires living in a castle, not vampires that live beneath frozen lakes and are capable of phasing through ice.

>tfw every TES game from here to eternity will be shit because of consoles

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I genuinely wish I could enjoy Skyrim. I tried really hard at release to like it, but to no avail.
The roleplaying is shit, the voice acting is shit, the dialogue is shit, and the story is shit. All of that leads up to a game where it is practically impossible to feel immersed, which is a necessity for a game like it. You're certainly not in it for the gameplay.
No amount of mods ever fixed these issues for me, because they are intrinsic to it.
It is my opinion that the only people who like Skyrim are people who grew up playing it. It's certainly not out of the question for me that someone who was 8 or 6 when it came out could now be posting here, having nostalgia for Skyrim. And again, these would be the same people losing their minds over FO76, because they've finally realized that all Bethesda ever does is put out shit.

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Bloom became a thing. It was a "make your game look pretty for free" button because graphics cards were doing the heavy lifting, all programmers had to do was enable and design around it.

Thank god we moved on since then

I started with Morrowind and find Skyrim to be acceptable.

It's a downgrade, yes, but not as jarring as the Morrowind to Oblivion transition.

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So what are the odds that bethesda actually try to make TES VI good because of the trauma from the failure of fallout 76 ?

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It will have no bearing on their plans with TES because they are clueless as to why it failed in the first place.

Watch Starfield.

If it's really good then maybe they'll get lazy again for VI. If it's shit then maybe they've stopped trying completely, or that'll be the point they take this seriously and try to make a good game.

It’s a mid-cycle game. Its quality has nothing to do with TES VI.
Bethesda are obviously focusing most of their manpower on Starfield, an entirely new IP, and are willing to release it for the next generation. If they’re this confident about a new title that has no fanbase yet, then you needn’t worry about TES VI.

Why would they suddenly get lazy on a game that would be released a year or two later?

I'm playing it in VR right now and it's perfect: been long enough that I don't remember anything so everything either feels nostalgic or new.

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Because this is Bethesda...

They get praise and then think they're immune from fucking-up. It's why literally every game that comes out is worse than the last one, witn 76 being the end of the line.

Morrowind was made for Xbox retard

Skyrim looks better than F4 and F76. Good art design is king.

I would argue Skyrim is better than Fallout 3, but other than that you're pretty much correct.

How is Fallout 4 worse than 3? Or how is Skyrim worse than Oblivion? Or even how is Oblivion worse than Morrowind?
Are you also gonna suggest that Morrowind is worse than Daggerfall like all the Daggerfall fanboys did?

Don’t be stupid. They can’t get lazy on a game that has been developed alongside Starfield and is only a year or two away from release.

it was ported to xbox, it was made for PC, those menus aren't for xbox, are you kidding?

The dwemer shouldn't return

Dumbass. Bethesda said they developed Morrowind with the Xbox in mind.
TES has always been a console-prioritized franchise since Morrowind, and besides ESO, that’ll never change

Not even worth the time for the obvious Bethdrone.

>regurgitating “bethesda bad” ad nauseam in circlejerks
>not what drones do

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Pre-Morrowind Bethesda was a completely different company entirely.

this, it added to lore, it got competent enough art design, that's all I need from TES
I'm sad about level scaling, and more importantly not enough hand placed items, every home got same item list for lvl 1 character it never changes, it's always same clutter, incompetent quests and abysmal writing that is not directly lore parts

of course, they were making mediocre 16-bit sport games back then.
things change for the better, don’t they?

problem with fo76, msot people focused on bugs and other irrelevant crap ignoring how it failed at design, it's empty map akin to the forest surv. games, and even those got better story

>They can’t get lazy on a game that has been developed alongside Starfield
When did they say this? Todd at the last E3 said that they would work on ES6 after Starfield wraps up.

I used to think that way until I realized that a little bit of inconvenience here and there is actually fun.

You haven’t played the game then.
Try breaking into the homes of significant people, then think about how dumb your post is.

>they were making old-looking games in 1996
>new good, old bad

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Oblivion is worse without DLC, if not for shivering isles I would still hate it's art design.

They have released teasers for both games in the same E3. Starfield is closer to completion than TES VI, but it’s obvious they’re being developed alongside one another.

It's probably about a 90/10 split, at most, if at all, but, uhhh yeah.

>it took one month to port morrowind
Oblivion kids, everyone

I did, clutter is same clutter. You won't find OP glass short sword in a nearby house like you did in morrowind, you won't find unique enchanted armor outside the leveled chest in any dungeon, game got zero surprises from exploration, that's my biggest problem with it, it plays like MMO, everything is predictable.
It just breaks my heart that they do it to a single player game, especially when you can't find any expensive books outside of leveled chest, there is like 3 of them placed by hand around the world.
Still better than Oblivion, at least it got some hand placed items instead of zero.

>Nerevar is immortal and doing shit in Akavir
>CoC is now Sheogorath
>Dragonborn is a follower of Mora....

Weird. Are the theories of the Last Dragonborn being an aspect of Talos or Shor/Lorkhan true, and they're going to mantle them and fucking destroy the Thalmor or something?

What an accurate split, user.

Oh, you’re complaining because you’re only interested in OP weapons, not the backstories.
Now I understand why your posts reek of a manchild.

If the Dragonborn stays on Tamriel, the Thalmor are toast. Dude is a true blue Gary Stu.

and Oblivion had handplaced items, ignorant idiot.

dragonborns weren't rare in grand scheme of things, keep that in mind
nerevar touched powers that created nirn,
CoC ate daedra
powerlevel is correct


really? name the ones outside quests. remember a single one?

are you seriously defending leveled chests? are you that stupid you can't see the item lists when you finish the dungeon at certain levels? it's always the same shit dropping, it's always the same shit lists that get put in dungeons rich/poor houses outside of chests

I never heard of Tiber Septim killing any dragons.

Tiber worked with a dragon.


Man, Ordinator is so fucking good. You don't even really need a combat mod with it.

that's why he needed gundam to conquer tamriel

There’s one glass helmet enchanted with waterbreathing in the waters of Anvil, but that’s the only one I remember.

No, I’m not defending leveled chests, I’m saying you’re an immature manchild who only wants OP weapons in level 1 and not handplaced items that give the NPCs and the place they live in more character and a subtle implications.

By developed maybe if you mean artwork, story, characters and such, Bethesda themselves is not that big actually, there's no way they can handle multiple large projects at once, they couldn't even handle Fallout 76 and it was mostly reused assets, you really think they are actually working on two games at once?
No, when Todd says they'll work on ES6 after Starfield there is no reason to assume otherwise, specially after bungling 76 I can't imagine they would give their next game less than full attention.
You also have to understand that a teaser is nothing, they knew they had to tease it even though it was years away because of the popularity of the brand gave them positive reception even though their e3 showing was absolutely terrible people forgot because they confirmed what everybody already knew, that ES6 is coming out eventually, big whoop.

Vivec gave him that gundam though, AND bent the knee to him while he did it so Tiber wouldn't BTFO Morrowind. He was fucking scary even without it.

you are fucking stupid, IT IS SINGLEPLAYER GAME, it's trivial and easy by nature
skills make your character not the ITEMS, interesting strong items enhance exploration, I stopped doing dungeons outside quests when I realized it's same items over and over again

>IT IS SINGLEPLAYER GAME, it's trivial and easy by nature

I can't remember the route he took but was Morrowind the last before he went after Valenwood and Summerset?

It's basically bargain, or be at war with every non-elf province on Tamriel, and those other elves aren't coming to help you.

still needed gundam to fight altmer and hiss, pretty sure cats and swordsingers weren't that easy either
pretty sure tiber threatened tribunal in some way using t
he heart, couldn't he thum it out of existence? because when nords tried to fuck with chimer they fought back well enough

summerset was the last, psijic timeout numibidum out of existence, theory is they are still fighting it in some of the planes

You mean magic in general?
>best destruction strat is impact cheese with the cheapest spells
>best restoration is the basic healing spell
>illusion doesn't work on half the enemies in the game until level 100
>alteration is eclipsed by literally just wearing armour
>conjuration is actually good, shame the AI is straight garbage sometimes

Shut the fuck up, you manchild. You have to be pathetic to whine about not having easy early access to strong items instead of playing normally.

game treats player as imbecile by implementing laziest loot system in existence and you applaud it, same way Fo4 does it
It's same issue since oblivion, how you can't see it I have no clue

That would be true if there were still Swordsingers.

I’m still miffed they removed unlock spells.

The Argonians joined before, they basically just didn't care if the Imperials controlled the coats; the interior of the Marsh was never truly conquered, can't remember the Khajiit, Redguards joined because they were in a civil war and Tiber used Nafaalilargus to decimate their fleet.

I'm pretty sure the trade was entirely Vivec's idea, to prevent a costly war. The Altmer WOULD have fallen, but they wouldn't have done so easily.

Similar to WW2 Japan and America; rather than kill a bunch of Empire soldiers, Tiber opted for his "Fat Man" in Numidium.

you got to be brain damaged if you can't see all the item lists by simply playing the game and not get bored of it


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>because when nords tried to fuck with chimer they fought back well enough

The Chimer and Dwemer combined forces to push back the Nords at Red Mountain, and it was said the Thu'um had weakened due to the Nord's arrogance, which is why the Greybeards were founded. These weren't nords lead by the Man himself though as the battle happened in the 1st Era not the 2nd. Tiber was a true dragonborn so his Voice probably can't be compared to the scrubs at the Battle of Red Mountain.

so it comes down to, half tamriel didn't care if they were under empire since they got most of their privileges set in stone either way, except altmer? yeah, sounds like USA, which makes sense I guess

Altmer would never capitulate because submitting to a Man was pretty much the most insulting concept in their culture.

So, Tiber presented them with a choice, join, or get crushed by the Numidium.


how good is oblivion? I bought a double pack with it and bioshock like 10 years ago and uninstalled oblivion like in 2 hours because all the faces looked like blobs (also why is this, were they generated with a rng or was it an artistic choice), but how good are the quests?


The Main Quest is underwhelming, Oblivion Gates are fucking awful, but the Dark Brotherhood is superb, Thieves Guild is pretty good, Mages Guild is good, much better than College of Winterhold, and the Fighter's Guild is good, better than Companions, unless you really like the Werewolf thing.

Side quests are acceptable, a few of very high-quality. If you have GotY, both Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles are very good.

I've been trying out Ordinator lately and I'm not seeing the fuss. Does it just do less popular skills more justice?

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>alteration is eclipsed by literally just wearing armour
Both alteration and armor take you to the armor cap, but alteration can also take you to the magic resistance cap and magic immunity.

he is right also you can try and mod potatofaces out if you want.

which brings me to a thought, that tes6 will be set in hammerfell
Bethesda really likes their gimmicks(gates,vats,thum,settlements), don't know who would you realize swordsinging though
I hope they make modable ships in starfield, I really want modable starships.

This man is accurate in his assessment.
I will add a couple of things, though.

The level scaling is terrible, worse than in Skyrim. Enemies become damage sponges, especially the Daedra. There are probably mods that fix this, though.

Speaking of mods, I recommend getting the Unique Landscape mods; they fit really well into the world and make the outdoor areas they change a thousand times better.

here is a choice, you either play Oblivion with landscapes OR with superb OOO mod, which pretty much turns oblivion into hardcore morrowind+gothic.

Personally I felt like it let you specialize into a certain role much more deeply. Especially for stealth stuff. Those fucking tripwires are hilarious.
The amount of new abilities it adds really helps the progression feel worthwhile instead of just getting 20% more damage with one-handed weapons or what-have-you.

find me a mod that change the way leveling scaling and weapon damage works and ill play oblivion right now. something like requiem but for oblivion.

I really like the idea of mixing it up with conjuration.
Buff yourself and summon your weapons and armor while walking in plain clothes otherwise, that weak then instantly going OP gap is fun.

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

An always online multiplayer experience where every person you meet is another player.

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The College of Winterhold questline makes me legitimately angry. If you use the shield you get from Peryite's quest, you can become the leader of the College without even knowing a single spell other than the ones you know at the start of the game, and you don't need to cast a single bit of magic. What a fucking joke.

Why are the nords all female while every other race is all males.

do they need to? they can make super hardcore intricate game for elitists and it would still sell 30m because skyrim.

Oblivion used proprietary facegen software. Which if memory serves right isn't actually that bad but the implementation fucking sucks. Plenty of quests stand out for being memorable or entertaining especially in comparison to Skyrim, but apart from the music the rest of the game is pretty ass itself, there's a reason why there's a good deal of mods for Oblivion that are a lot more extreme (gameplay overhauls, landscapes, etc) than what you see for Skyrim. Play it once unmodded (outside of stability improvements) and then go nuts afterwards if you're interested.

Fair enough, I'm more used to a SPERG background, which is mostly consisting of duller and fewer although powerful perks (ie dual casting perk applies for all schools), but it did what it set out to do fine. Ordinator for 2H + Destruction so far is still doing alright 27 levels in though.

Battle Royale game where you play as Dwemer/ Dwemer ghosts
the circle is a magic circle trying to suck you into Numidium

Instead of just jumping into the game with the vague goal of "do stuff", make up a character with a specific backstory, and give them 1 specific important goal.

FO76 was Bethesda Austin, not Todd's team. They only had Todd present it at E3 because he's the face of the company.

aight, I will play it then, hope it also has porn mods for when I get bored of it

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What I meant to say is; How the fuck is singleplayer games inherently trivial and easy

So they can be positioned next to the male red guard for the image creator's BLACKED fetish.


>Bethesda said they developed Morrowind with the Xbox in mind.
This is completely false, they didn't have it in mind at all for most of the game's development. Morrowind was already in full production for about three years before Microsoft contacted them about making an Xbox version. The game was designed from the ground up for the PC first, long before the Xbox had even been announced. Todd even said in 2003 that he had expected it to be most successful by far on PC and was surprised that the sales were nearly equal in the first year.
It would be more accurate to say that it was Morrowind's console success that convinced them to focus on consoles for their future games.

Some articles and interviews for anyone interested in that bit of history:
>Original announcement
>Making the Xbox version
>2003 interview
>2015 retrospective

Attached: team_toddplayingxbox_center02.jpg (585x415, 54K)

An argument with sources on Yea Forums?

hi todd

because real life exists which is not trivial and hard for most people, entertainment where you do no compete with other people is trivial and easy so it has to focus on immersion value of it not MMOstyle balance choices that harm the immersion.
Hard dungeon must have unique or at least powerful item in the end, not random generated leveled list.

>because real life exists which is not trivial and hard for most people
So by comparison, because live lives, then singleplayer games are easy. What the fuck are you smoking
>entertainment where you do no compete with other people is trivial
Absolutely appalling sentiment, buddy. The fact that you don't compete doesn't correlate with the actual difficulty of whatever given problem the game presents
>Hard dungeon must have unique or at least powerful item in the end, not random generated leveled list.
Yes, agreed, but that doesn't change that your opinion regarding difficulty seems a bit strange and shallow

What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?

maybe I worded it wrong, my point is games are designed to be completed, that's just how it is
I do not understand difficult when it concern videogames, you have billion learning opportunities and repeats.
Only the changing environment is difficult, something you can't predict but only react to.
There is whole theory about it in psychology, point is to have balance between need for learning and repetition to do so.
Fun game is not a "difficult" one, it's the one where balance between learning and moving on is not broken.

how about procedurally generated loot that is scaled to the level of the enemies in the dungeon rather than your character?

it would need to have not scaled dungeons then or at least tighter scaling limits, which would eliminate whole issue altogether
let's take darksouls as an example, you see a knight in armor there and think "oh okay this guy can be a little tricky", or even Gothic 2, Orc scouts aren't scary Orc elites you run from
you see level 40 draugr in skyrim and simply bash him without a thought because you are always his level and not in any danger

Look up the higher perks. They all let you specialize way better. Ice spells actually freeze, you get an eye for pickpocketing, you can larp as the heavy armor boss that people flee from.
It is amazing.
Add one or two speel mods and your wizard powers know no bound.

>>downloaded something like 40 mods
You're like a little baby

Legacy of the Dragonborn for everyone who keeps every item they come across.

I can't wait for Skyrim 2

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>40 mods

Trigger alert!, where's my strong woman character! This is outrageous this is 2019 you know

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Illusion and Conjuration are THE power level skills though.

This is your barmaid for tonight, say something nice about her.

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Do Argonian breasts store hist sap?

All the magic schools are fucking shit and I don't know how Bethesda did it. They couldn't have couldn't have done it if they tried so how?

Yes. Thus, when signalling that you want to wrap your lips are her teat, you must yell "MOMMY GIVE SAPPIES."

Literally everything besides stealth and archery is shit.

>>Dragonborn is a follower of Mora....
Please during all the quests the dragonborn sold their soul to half the deadric princes.
I wouldn't be surprised if he founded a new emperor line.

Get Ordinator

Paid mods

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Will /ourdeadra/ be back?

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I hope so, he was one of the best additions to the lore. A Daedric Prince so autistic that everybody else pranked him for life.

If you go to the College of Winterhold early, you can technically savescum for a free Summon Flame Atronach spell if the Altmer at the gate asks you to cast it. Also a Bound Bow tome hidden in a bucket within a fort of hostile mages, west of Riften, technically gives you an OP as fuck weapon early on.

I want to have this on canvas, in a stylised frame, right above my table. Radiates so much warmth and brings back all the memories, makes me feel warm and fuzzy and nostalgic.

Don't forget to nab the Alteration spell that turns iron to gold in the mine north of Whiterun. This allows you to power level both smithing and speechcraft by crafting golden jewellery and selling it.

>Watch a Dragon partake in the Giant Space Program

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>Bethesda goes out of their way to nerf Iron Dagger and Leather Bracer minmax grinding by changing the level up means to item value
>Just west of Whiterun, a place nobody would ever ignore in any playthrough, lies an iron mine with a spell tome to help turn it all into gold
>Make jewelry for days and mine out more ore during travels

Granted it's annoying in vanilla if you want Silver Ore instead without a modded script to process all silver > gold transmutation last, but I always thought this was funny. Also the Treva's Watch quest granting free Detect Life and thus Alteration leveling ridiculously fast in towns.

Yeah it's pretty dumb, and hilarious because it makes iron mines more valuable than every other mine besides ebony deposits.

>OpenMW can now open BSA from Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas
Holy shit dudes, I know it will be ready like 6 years from now but I am hyped as fuck! Imagine playing an actually stable Oblivion that won't corrupt your save. Or a Skyrim where the opening scene isn't the horse doing backflips! Or even having a direct import of New Vegas' hard mode to the other games!

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I think that's what makes Oblivion though.
The SPESHUL parts are always the worst in these games
>Would rather explore the world and understand the culture of Morrowind than deal with Dagoth "Daddy" Ur
>Would rather get at all the guilds and explore Ayy-leid ruins instead of doing yet another Oblivion gate
>would rather explore dungeons and do the odd rare side-quest in the dungeons than actually do anything main quest related
Kind of sad that the Civil War will likely never get fleshed out, but hey, the last thing I care about in any of these games is being the "protagonist" of the story.

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How many mods do I need to get this

Every time I see an inspiring character on Yea Forums I want to install Skyrim again but then I realize I'll have to spend 3 days modding and dealing with crashes just to make a half-decent looking character and then quit

It truly is always best when you're a figurative nobody in RPGs, because then it feels like you earned your titles. Being the chosen one is such shit.

why does the horse freak out?

FPS above 60 freaks out Bethesda games. It was only just fixed in Fallout 76, so future titles hopefully shouldn't suffer from it.

Is there any hope that TESVI will actually do a single thing better than modded Skyrim?

I sure as hell don't put any stock in them adding anything new to the series, and the roleplaying has been getting progressively worse since fucking Daggerfall.

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that's it? i thought it was some rare bug or mod conflict jesus christ

Nope, as soon as you put the FPS above 60, the game's physics go to fucking shit.

All I know is this: there had better be fucking spears in the game.

that would require them to make animations other than a simple swing that can be copypasted onto every weapon type

Do you know who else they feared?

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>Is there any hope that TESVI will actually do a single thing better than modded Skyrim?
No. It's Bethesda.

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I really enjoyed the Necromancy in Skyrim hope they keep that going from now on.


>Todd admitted the talking protag in FO4 wanst the best choice

I'm a small bit hopefully, but even then I'll pick up the LEGENDARY GOTY ALL DLC edition on sale

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Anyone here tried SkyrimVR? How's the mod compatibility?

I hope they bring back the dialogue system from Daggerfall, but I won't hold my breath.

Is there anyway to fix the bugs that happen in this game when you play above 60 fps?
I find it annoying that Oblivion and FNV work fine at 150 fps but Skyrim shits itself.

No, it's impossible to fix.

Install a heavy enb to plummet your fps.

i like the idea of a voiced protaganist, fallout 4 just didn't do it right. but to be fair, in order to do it the right way you would have to have multiple actors record the 40,000 word script and in an Elder Scrolls game you would need an option for each of the races plus additional options for the main race of the featured province PLUS female versions of each which puts us at a minimum of 30 actors. I'm not sure if any developer has the money to do this right now.

Because you are not playing the game with Ordinator, SERG or Path of Sorcery.

Spells mods like Apocalypse, Forgotten Magic, Elemental Destruction Magic all have Ordinator patches. Meanwhile Colorful Magic does not have an Ordinator Patch, but the spells are so overpowered anyway.

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Good show

But I do it in every TES and display it in every bit of my house, in Morrowind it was easier to fill shelves with items. Crazy havoc engine makes it difficult without mods.

Does it allow you to showcase your stuff on the basic furniture without them exploding every time you return to the cell?

if fo4 and fo76 anything to go by, map and cities will be fine
Bethesda lead concept artist is so much wasted on this piece of shit company.

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yeah, their focus to make you use staffs if you want to be a mage is fucking stupid. that's why spells are so nerfed, they wanted player to grind staffs at some point and then forgot.

>Trying Alternate start for the first time
>Pick Necromancer start
>Have Colorful magic installed

Oh Fug

What mods to make elves look better that are still compatible with other mods?

it's in core of engine. No way to fix it.


>to make elves look better
play ESO, it's weird how they got characters look better in MMO than whole of bethesda games put together.


>literally just removes wrinkles to make them look like weirdo barbie doll bimbos
Why are all face and body mods always irredeemable garbage?

You can add wrinkles back on with sliders. Making them mandatory is stupid.

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In the trailer it sounded like "Noosh Cor Tah" instead of "Fus Roh Dah"

It is literally a giant museum with tons of artifacts added from oblivion and morrowind, tons of more content like a guild with expeditions and more.

That's not fun. Decorating your own bought house was very enjoyable in the earlier two games. Luckily Skyrim was pretty shit in general, so there wasn't as much of a drive to do so anyway.

bah, buying houses, In morrowind you simply insulted the owner until they attack you and claim house for yourself. It was a bit weird until they added dispose of corpse button.

>colorful magic
that mod is so fucking fun, I just wish the spells weren't broken as hell

>babys first "rpg" hits 400+ replies consistently
underage cancer


Extremely fun. I also wish it wasnt Engrish

>Liking dirty, barbarian mutts that are forsworn
Literal mutts of mutts, half-nord half-breton who themselves are mutts, why would you want one?


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How the fuck do i get the model in pic related?
The Mod Author deleted the model and i havent been able to find it

Pfffft, you failed to defend one of the most defensible cities in whole of Skyrim, shitting in the cave and raiding villages ain't gonna help you, now go back to the mines you filth

You forgot the worst part: they worship daedra while the Nine are the only true gods of Tamriel.

Bros what magic school should be my main one in my new game?I kinda want to avoid alteration and destruction because i used them too much in morrowind/oblivion.

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He probably deleted it because it's ugly as sin.

Destruction and Restoration for a Spell Sword build

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Take the paladinpill

conjuration and mysticism then, wait, is mysticism still a thing in skyrim?

What do you miss in Skyrim? Making a mod to make it more RPG like and taking suggestions

Reminds me of Xana from Dark Messiah.

Alright Im going crusader route this time.

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what mod are these armors from

it's already been made, called requiem for skyrim+morrowind loot, it doesn't fix quests and writing.

Nah they took it out and put most of it in alteration.

>the whole Skyrim Main Quest is a god avatar stopping itself from destroying himself
What the fuck bethesda

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Bullshit, wasnt the brass god used by the Empire to conquer the summerset isles?

thank user

Yes, and then it became a Tower and left reality

Welcome to TES, at least Bethesda didn't fuck up that part.

Playing as a High Elf doesn't have a fucking difference while playing in Skyrim. Like holy fuck nigga how lazy can you get?

it was forcibly made to leave.

yes, but no co-op. Just an area where you can go and do battles with up to 100 other players

Being the dragonborn makes you an honorary Nord.

>instead of doing oblivion gate
I did all of the non-mq ones. Getting sigil stones and enchanting some nifty gear was always nice. And blood grass was a hell of an ingredient for chameleon potions. Not to mention the loot you got from them - some of the best enchanted jewelery.
Ill agree that OGs were a chore - with the way damage scaled in default game, combat was tedious as hell. Not so with a simple mod that scales weapon damage from strength and makes power attacks deadly. Kinda made combat Dark Souls-like in terms of lethality.
My gripe with OGs is that appart from some caves and towers, there is not much else.

>Playing as a High Elf
literal cock sleeves

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Todd pls

>Gods of chaos
He is the father of humanity you filthy mer

Steel plate sure, regular steel armor was meh.

I think jrpg thread is couple turns to the left, we are talking about TES here.

Imagine being a sexy Altmer mage and a big strong Nord warrior wraps his arms around you. How wild would that be haha?

Because I just want to play a good game. Please... Please just give me a good game, I need it.

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illusion + conjuration main, alteration sub


bound dagger
bound sword
bound bow

detect life
detect dead

inside dungeons go sneaky dagger route, always rebuffing oakflesh/muffle/bound dagger, casting fury when there's a group of enemies, calm against a single mob

open field go sneaky bow route

against dragons/tough bosses go dual bound sword, drink a soup and spam power attacks

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Best hold, shittiest Jarl.

The combat is SHIT and mods can't save it
But can we improve the lore and exploration with mods?

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>But can we improve the lore and exploration with mods?

Not where, but when.

Adam Adamowicz, the artist that did the lion's share of Fallout 3's and Skyrim's concept art, is dead.

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I love the more exaggerated proportions, realism is a dead end.

It looks good in Fallout 4

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Is that why the Staff of Magnus doesn't work or is it just Bugthesda?

Because Magnus is a false god and not part of the Nine Divines.

>Staff of Magnus doesn't work
I thought it was just link to the Eye, and once the Eye left the staff was useless

bitch magnus is the god that other gods worship

According to the TES game where they will return, they just went into another dimension (Oblivion with cogs) and will invade mundus

Yeah, I'm sure the aedra "worship" the guy that built the prison they are residing in.

Magnus is the big fucking daddy wizbiz of all the primordial spirits
fuck off, cunt

>is dead.
oh fuck, Ray Lederer is okay I guess, not as good

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>not as good

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If that was the case they wouldn't let you keep it. It's SUPPOSED to drain magicka and once that's depleted drain health, but I guess that's impossible considering the AI's ridiculous magicka stat.

ouch, don't make me sad with what ifs user

Mix sex mods with gameplay mods. Make lewd shit part of the experience, not the focus.

This. Plowing my follower after a long dungeon was one of the peaks of my Skyrim experience.

Thaumaturgy and Mysticism

If Argonians are immune to disease, that mean unlimited and safe raw sex?

>battlespire argonian

Argonians aren't degenerates like the Dunmer.

>Argonians aren't degenerates

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From what I could gather by pic related, they pursued their gods of knowledge until they achieved CHIM. They simply don't exist anymore.

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It is. Bethesda just needs to modify it and update it again. Gamebryo and Unreal are almost the same age.

Because it is balanced around adept. I doubt they even play tested on higher difficulties.

The game really could have used more big, outdoor 'dungeons' like that. Immersive Creatures tries to make dragon lairs a bit harder by adding skeletal dragon men, but the environment often isn't suited for it.

t. has no idea how engines are modified.

Age is irrelevant, the Creation Kit hasn't changed much from NetImmerse beyond its name. There are coding hangovers and spaghetti fixes dating back to Morrowind even in their latest games like Fallout 76. This causes the myriad of fucking bugs and engine problems seen with every title, because the engine's foundation consists of green diarrhoea that hasn't been cleaned up in nearly two decades.

Epic's Unreal Engine with every new version gets a consistent toilet brush shoved up the ass to clean up old coding, making it more efficient, as well as better integrating features that were tacked on at future dates for specific game features. The whole thing becomes seamless, optimised, improving the experience and making it easier to handle problems if they do arise.

>no bodyslide files

Are we back in 2011?

Ultimate Skyrim. It's a mod compilation with in-depth guides to walk you through the entire installation process to achieve the namesake of the project.

based and kekpilled

Yes, which means gamebryo engine needs same toiletbrush treatment as Unreal.
>no ladders
Divinity 2 had climable ladders. Gamebryo is alright, needs a thorough cleaning, which Beth doesnt want to do or most likely doesnt know how to do.

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Unreal ain't seamless either, but they do put significant effort into actually squashing bugs and making sure they don't pop up again as opposed to Bethesda who seem to only care about patching bugs on a case by case basis.

2012 ... Home ...

It's too late, they've let shit mount up to the point where it's a stinking landfill. It'd unironically take a solid year of optimisation and big fixing to get the Creation Engine into a state that would be considered truly stable.

>a year or two for solid stable engine
I would fucking do it. Its worth it. But they dont have brains/determination to do it.