Any new video game releases that are comfy and distract me from a crushing emptiness I'm feeling? Preferably something on the switch or that I can stream from PC.
Any new video game releases that are comfy and distract me from a crushing emptiness I'm feeling...
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When I was a NEET while I did had a horrible sleeping schedule I was usually up by 10 or 11 AM though I sleep only like 4 or 5 hours a day since I would sleep around 4/5 AM.
that's literally my routine, except i shower once a week
this was me last summer. recently graduated, couldnt find a job and had no friends. worst fucking shit ever, thank god i found work just to keep me sane.
I feel you dude. I’d probably kill myself if I didn’t have something to get up in the morning for, even a shitty part-time job.
Shoulda found a security job and do night shift. Its easy as fuck.
>perpetual college grad NEET
>trying to get into IT because it's easy and don't have to grind hours like coding to git gud
>got an email for a phone interview this week
>replied with good times to call me
>never got a reply
I fucking hate job searching so much. I deserve to be handed a job if I'm not going to be handed money to live on. I shouldn't have to go through this stupid process while everyone else just gets their jobs from straight nepotism
I was a NEET once for about 8 months and it was the most fulfilling my life has ever been, but I spent most of my time drawing, programming, and doing generally constructive, creative things. I yearn for it.
I wish I could do productive things but I can only focus when high, otherwise I fall asleep if it's something like coding or reading, or I get distracted by something like dust on my desk and end up on a cleaning spree for hours. I think it's ADHD
yeah until you get shot
>work to keep sane
Good goy
Look on the bright side, all problems would be over
Today marks my 10th month of being NEET
>jobless KHV NEET for six years after graduating HS
>only talk to food delivery and medical professionals
>haven't held a conversation or left the house in five years
Based r9k thread. life is less depressing and more just surreal these days.
Get involved in political volunteering/campaign work. If you're a lefty, DSA or Bernie's outfit Our Revolution, and put some effort into being an asset, particularly if they have a labor or electoral working group. Mention you're looking for work, are willing to salt for a union. That means the union tries to get you a job at someplace they want to unionize, typically a place they already have a few people inside who can tailor your resume and vouch for you to hiring staff. They'll expect you to help them figure out where the different workers stand and vote for unionization when the time comes. Odds are someone will help you find a job no matter what; I was able to escape restaurant wagecuckery and later NEETdom by the union connections via DSA getting me an office job at a private university we later unionized. If you're religious some churches can help.
If you're right wing, there will probably be opportunities to get work via people you meet political volunteering too, but I don't know what orgs you'd want to check out.
>got a job straight out of college
>mom fell ill so I stopped working to care for her
>she died and I had no idea what to do, completely numb
>been a NEET for a year and some change
>gotta find a job but just don't want to be around people anymore
>dad getting old
>terrified I'll wake up and he won't answer the door when I call
>think about suicide every day
fake neet. Literally no point in showering every day if you never leave your room/house
>stuck in bed all day recovering from surgery
>still better qol than pathetic neet
thanks for improving my day
fucking stop it Yea Forums i was trying to find a game to make it better not make me feel worse. holy fuck
What's your surgery for?
Get into a really longterm time sink kind of game. Monster Hunter would probably do wonders.
BBC too big
reattaching large and small intestines after another surgery around six months ago cut pieces out and they were left to heal
>master in computer science
>had 5 job offers before I even graduated
Maybe you all need to get a degree in a better field?
no thanks
It's 11pm and I've only been awake for 8 hours. How do I go to sleep so I can be rested and wake up at 8 to 10am? If I go to sleep now I'll leave up at 1-2am guaranteed and continue being shitty.
Buy some melatonin at a 24 hour pharmacy and take it, maybe with a little weed edibles if you have access. Dont use anything with a screen.
Don't sleep tonight
>Graduate with CS degree, 3.75 GPA
>Spend 8 months searching for a job. Hundreds if applications, no call backs
>Eventually just get a job at Gamestop
>Cant afford to move out from home
>Years pass
>I am now 27, only work experience is years at Gamestop so degree is basically useless now
>Just sit at home playing vidya all day
>250lbs kissless virgin
Is there any hope for me?
>Job offers
Lol no. STEM has some of the worst employment outlooks currently. Business administration is best degree for job.
do you keep up your programing?
Not the major engineering fields (mechanical, electrical civil etc). For every 4 retiring only 1 is graduating. It's actually the perfect time to get into it.
How the fuck do you not get a job with a CS degree?
No. There is 0% chance I could pass a programming interview at the moment. Also, I have forgotten almost all math. We have an employee in college taking linear algebra now. I remember when I took the course I was the top student. Looking at his homework now it is basically Greek to me. I don't remember what the fuck a positive semi-definite matrix is or how to tell if a matrix is invertible or any of that shit.
Idk. Never got a single phone interview. Even tried every temp agency I could find.
your balls stink nigga
This is why you should support Yang's universal basic income. Literally $1,000/mo sent to you every month for free no questions asked.
>Business administration
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (though it was just a minor)
If i don't start paying the loans back very soon they'll start attacking my credit score...
A lot of jobs check your credit score, so as soon as it starts to dip, you become unemployable and get trapped in a cycle until suicide.
the american dream, glad I dont have crippling debt
Daemon x Machina feels nice, it sadly won't be releasing until Summer, although the demo is out
>Got a college degree, a thing most of us perpetually depressed Yea Forumsirgins failed to do
Look on the bright side. Start working out 3-5 times a week, eat moderately healthy and spend some time with your dad
I am very bored, and fatigued everyday. Who is 27 and haven't experienced life much beyond working a job.
>26, disabled
>never worked a full time job currently full NEET mode
>everyone around me is sympathetic and doesn't judge me
>have money for hobbies from disability and part time work when I can manage
>fucking hate it and wish for death
It isn't even that I don't work really, it's that it feels awful to be limited, I can't even play vidya all day on a bad day because I have to spend so much of the time resting
If you graduate with a CS degree but no internship you're DOA after school
maybe in America, internships arent a thing in Europe. Who the fuck would work for free/little money?
You can't work for no money, if you get an unpaid internship it's illegal for them to let you do any work. It would at least be minimum wage and it would be worth it in the long run because, again, if you don't have an internship to put on your resume/CV you get ignored for job applications. You have to have experience to get experience, basically
sucks bro. hang in there.
Man corporations got you guys by the balls.
The last couple of executive branches of our government have literally been hand-picked by major corporation groups. There are several people at the heads of other government agencies like the FCC who are paid for by corporations with an interest in controlling legislation that could affect their profit margins. They don't have us by the balls, they little run the country and it's an open secret
Damn that's brutal, i'm not a NEET, i'm a part time wageslave that still lives with his parents at 19 so i kinda understand your feelings.
>tfw neet and sleep from 8pm-4am
it's the superior sleeping pattern, normalfags are at work and I can have a nice time, working out at the gym while nobody is there is a bonus too
I know your pain, I have an untreated mental disability (anxiety and panic attacks) + probably IBS. I mean probably because I need to have a colonoscopy to confirm but so far the blood and stool tests were negative for parasites and fungi overgrowth.
>still lives with his parents at 19
Literally nobody is living in their own home off their own income at 19. Even if they could, most wouldn't want to. There's no need for the "still" there, seriously...
>internships aren't a thing in Europe
Go to the UK some time, they're practically mandatory here if you want paid jobs that aren't just McJobs to take you seriously
wow get over it buddy, job searching is the fucking same for everyone. college grads are a dime a dozen and the only thing that really differentiates you from the other thousands of grads is your personality at the interview.
>not being awake to watch anime at 2am for peak escapism
I know that feeling, I got the mental/physical combo too, if you can afford it I'd suggest seeking treatment for the panic attacks. If you end up actually unable to work it also helps to have the mental shit on record, NEETbux are a last resort because they actually suck but it's good to be able to get them if you actually need them
I like to watch anime during late morning, it's the most enjoyable. Especially when your body is sore, nothing better than laying in bed, a nice breakfast and anime.
Geez, great argument you got there buddy. If you don't get any interviews, just be better at interviewing and you'll get the job. Hey, unrelated question: you get dropped on your head as a kid?
Honestly they're barely even EU at this point and never even had cheap education like most of EU.
You may not like it, but this is what the peak neet sleeping schedule looks like.
08:00 - 18:00
12:00 - 22:00
16:00 - 02:00
20:00 - 06:00
24:00 - 10:00
04:00 - 14:00
Prove me wrong.
yeah maybe get off your lazy ass and try getting some interviews. if you're not dropping at minimum 30 applications a week you should stop shitposting on Yea Forums
>minimum 30 applications a week
You are actually retarded. I have put in 50 applications since last Sunday and another 50 the week before that.
>try getting some interviews
Wow, the logic just keeps getting better. Don't get any interviews? Just be better at the interview! Still not getting any interviews? Just get some interviews! Amazing! You're actually a fucking idiot.
But the best time to watch anime is in winter in the dead of night when everyone is asleep and the snow mutes all the sound outside and you're huddled under your blanket in your dark room illuminated only by the computer screen and you can pretend for just a moment that you're living within the anime having fulfilling experiences with your friends and a beautiful love interest and not trapped in a flesh cage mired by existential despair.
I got rejected from a job at a gas station. And I haven't worked a job in 6 months. And I fucking hate college
damn if even the gas station doesn't want you... how do you present yourself?
Thanks man, actually my plan is that, first try to get a colonoscopy and then go to a psychiatrist. My gas build up is huge to the point of leaking, it's killing the almost unexistent social life I had.
Been a NEET since 2012 or 2013. I can't even remember anymore. Life sucks no matter what you do.
>still lives with his parents at 19
Listen man no 19 year old in this day and age lives in his own house. And no I don't count living with roommates as truly moving out of the house
Fuck off you boomer piece of shit, college grads are a dime a dozen because you shitheads made so many shitty requirements for the remaining jobs that actually pay well. I'm a pilot in training and college so far hasn't done jack fucking shit for my flying skills except for the fact that my 1,500+ hours of flying are worth a shit now to American, Delta, United because of a motherfucking 4 year degree and that now I am in debt. Fuck off with that shit. Degrees are fucking worthless and only exist so that Colleges can make money off selling peoples futures and mouthbreathing HR departments can more cuntish to people.
>tfw it's 2AM and you really get sucked into the atmosphere of a 1990s Cyberpunk anime because there's no light in the room
>Wearing a collared shirt, tie, dress pants, dress shoes
>2 years experience with grocery markets.
>telling them that I have an actual work ethic
Well shit next time I should dress like a nigger and put on blackface, they'll hire me thanks to affirmative action
same except 31 years
Being a NEET is one of the most privileged existences on earth. You have to be extremely lucky to be able to play vidya and watch anime all day without having to work to survive. I'm a wage cuck and I wish I could be a NEET. Just enjoy the gift you've been given instead of moping.
I don't get autism bucks so I can't do much of anything. I've had the same PC since 2010 and it's rare I can get a new game. My PC is starting to be unable to play a lot of new games.
>Being a rich NEET is one of the most privileged existences on earth.
Fixed that for you man, I dread the idea of being a poor neet worrying about when the next check arrives or how much money I have left before I starve to death
Also forgot to mention that I have my parents (mostly my dad) breathing down my neck every day about getting a job but I can't imagine working because I want to die so much.
God bless my father for being understanding
I envy you. My dad thinks I'm faking my depression and that if I get out and get a job I'll magically be happy and get a relationship and everything will fall into place.
I worked for like, seven years prior to becoming a NEET, and I wanted to kill myself all throughout that time as well. Never managed to get a relationship. All the money I made went into trying to temporarily buy away my depression. Just attempting to fill the void with materialistic shit.
My dad is literally a boomer. Not like, the "that 30 year old boomer" meme shit, but the most stereotypical type of boomer who complains about millennials and says we're all lazy and that's why everything is going to shit and so on.
I think the only reason I'm even able to still live here is because my mom fights him, but that's awkward too.
so how is the programming job market
can one break into it with just personal shit one has made
i'm going insane doing nothing
Not when you basically leech off your parent/guardian/person you care about. The fucking guilt eats me alive and I’ve only been home for 10 months
Don't security jobs require certifications and to not be either morbidly obese or a skeleton?
>I'm a wage cuck
This is ALWAYS a part of posts praising neetdom. You will never ever hear a neet say these things because neet-life is the truest of sufferings. Free time isn't worth shit when it's all you have.
>make 15.50 at my current job but only get 30 hours a week
I mean I like it and it's something, but fuck me I feel like I won't be able to get out of it to do something more and raise a family. Are there fields where you can research the field in your own time to break into?
My dad is one too (born 1964) but I aggressively point out that this isn't 1984 and times are rough. Also my dad is probably significantly younger than yours so the boomer brainwashing isn't as strong on him thank God
I can't blame you on buying shit to fill the void, I'm that way with vidya, anime, airplane models, and booze.
Stay strong user, you got any leads to build up your life?
I literally did everything in this picture bar the shower and crying in bed. I feel pretty good desu.
Getting a factory job this week that pays well. Going to save up and finally move out for good. I will not let my parents sacrifice the last years of their competent lives taking care of their fuck-up son. (Parents born 1959-1964)
How do I experience this "Crushing emptiness"?
It seems really popular but no matter what I try I can't get crushing emptiness.
I've tried going 1 week with no human contact, no video games, no books, nothing, and it wasn't all that harsh.
Isn't this a good thing though
>I've tried going 1 week with no human contact, no video games, no books, nothing, and it wasn't all that harsh.
Try a year pussy
Because you knew you could stop whenever you wanted. Genuine depression is accompanied by a feeling of utter hopelessness, that you've reached a place that you know can never recover from.
>are willing to salt for a union.
Rather cut my own balls off than shill for you commie faggots. Unions are like mafia bosses but without any of the class.
Have ambition and fail miserably. Think about all the potential you had and how you wasted it. Lose something you’re genuinely attached to and care about. Socially screw up and have people judge you based on that and not who you know you are etc. It’s easy to dwell and beat yourself up instead of actually changing and acknowledging your past as a mistake but still have the will to move past those experiences and expectations
My life in the past three years summed up in one post, thanks user, I'll drink to that
>tfw getting laid off but have almost 100k saved up so i'm gonna embrace sweet NEETdom & hopefully enjoy hobbies and just get proper sleep once again and try to stretch it out for as many years as possible
My ass
>Have ambition and fail miserably.
Shit, now I have to get ambition. ... How do I do that?
>Think about all the potential you had and how you wasted it.
Ah please. If it wasn't me wasting my own potential it'd be some asshole in the government wasting it on my behalf.
>Lose something you’re genuinely attached to and care about.
Aight. I just have to genuinely attach to and care about something first.
>Socially screw up and have people judge you
That's more their problem for getting offended too easily than anything on my end, to be honest.
>It’s easy to dwell and beat yourself up instead of actually changing
I don't change! But I don't beat myself up either. I like me. And no matter how much I fucking try I can't NOT like me.
Seriously I'm fucking trying and I just can't get sad no matter what.
Just play fun games, not ones on the tranny side of the spectrum
How do I get a comfy office job bros
>smash on the good side
>all the good games are 15+ years old. (minus Bayo)
All this tells me is that gaming is dead.
>Genuine depression is accompanied by a feeling of utter hopelessness, that you've reached a place that you know can never recover from.
Huh. Is there a version of this, but for society instead of just for yourself? Like, feeling as though society as a whole has reached a place where it's too stable to die but too bloated and corrupt and profiting from mediocrity to improve?
There is no such thing as a comfy office job. It's a job like any other.
(you) belong on the tranny side of the spectrum i guess
Don't you fucking do it user, that money runs out faster than you think, especially if you're a big spender like me or you live in a expensive area. You're gonna want a source of income.
no game is tranny, except for Overcock and Apex Legends
>comfy office job
only if you are high in the corporate ladder, there's a reason why office jobs are the stereotypical "stressful" job
Are you implying Smash is a good game or that if your side hasn't produced a good game in 10+ years that your hobby isn't dead?
>have a prestigious, high paying and challenging job
>just want to go back to being a NEET because I’m too tired after work to play anything good (lifestyle bullshit like Warframe and Apex and that schlock is all I have energy to play) and I’m too busy on weekends to play anything for very long
I haven’t beaten KH3, have barely started AC7 and I haven’t touched the DMC collection at all despite getting it three weeks ago to prepare for DMCV
I just want to be able to enjoy my fucking hobby again, people need to stop asking to spend time with me
You might be a sociopath coupled with antisocial tendencies, and acute narcissism then. That or your existence is very boring. I mean if you’re capable and basically doing nothing but trying to get sad due to morbid curiosity there’s a screw loose somewhere.
My limited experience in office work is that office work is hell because your co-workers are shit eating retards with low self esteem AND an inflated ego, who are too dense to notice the mistakes they keep making and too proud to even fucking try to improve.
... Basically it's like a PuG in any team game.
Fortunately for me my employer "acknowledges my strengths" (aka realises that I am an antisocial autistic fuck who can't get along with others even if I try) and keeps me focused on maintaining the machines rather than maintaining interpersonal esteem
im 28 so relax
>Fortunately for me my employer "acknowledges my strengths" (aka realises that I am an antisocial autistic fuck who can't get along with others even if I try) and keeps me focused on maintaining the machines rather than maintaining interpersonal esteem
I can't believe that I am saying this but your company is fucking based. I wish more companies can realize that I want to be productive and get the fucking work done, not gossip around like a retarded high school/college slut
Don't do it. The longer you are unemployed the harder it is to rejoin the workforce. It's not just that you'll grow accustomed to being a lazy slob, nobody wants to hire someone who just spent the last five years doing nothing but sitting around at home playing video games.
>You might be a sociopath
Do you know how frustrating it is to see people who are wrecking themselves by making bad decisions, and being unable to stop them?
If I could just not care about people getting hurt, that'd solve that problem.
I have every trait of narcissism EXCEPT for the need for approval and attention from others. The need for others to stop making objectively bad decisions because "muh personal preference", yes, but I don't give a shit if they're angry or dismissive as long as they stop being bad.
>That or your existence is very boring.
I doubt it. I seem to get involved in more shenanigans than people I know. Or at least I admit to it more.
Video games are not supposed to be a distraction from your shity life they're supposed to be fun and engaging. Neets need to die. You are why games are bloated time wise to complete.
Life sucks cock unless you're a nigger on welfare or a richfag
its impossible to get a petrol station job here because the indian owners just hire indians that work below the table for fuck all
The managers interviewing me were white, what now? And this was for Wawa, not 7/11
mouse utopia
nah m8, wasnt talking shit was just commenting on when I was trying to get a job at a petrol station. Nobody wants to hire me either
tech internships are generally paid. at the big name companies they're paid at a rate close to full time engineers, and sometimes provide housing and food, so you pretty much get to pocket the money. even at shitty companies it's like $15/hour.
>sleep 10 hours
>still drink coffee
What a fag
At this point I wish that I could get my degree faster so that at least I wont have to worry about making time for classes. The only other thing to worry about is flight training but that shit is still easier to manage than fucking classes
>He doesn't enjoy the soothing taste of that first cup of joe in the day
imagine if everyone was like you though...that would be a nightmare workplace. at least maintain bare minimum rapport with everyone.
Is it even possible to get NEETbux in burgerland if all you have is mental health issues? In my case major depressive, anxiety, and panic disorders. I don't know anything about how it works, but I want to know if I even have a snowball's chance in hell of getting some form of support from the gubberment.
It wasn't easy. The company thinks I'm special needs. I literally have a handler. My handler doesn't do anything besides facepalm during meetings, but I do have one.
>At this point I wish that I could get my degree faster
I feel that niggy, I spent a few years after highschool working shitty jobs so now im actually doing uni for a stem degree and im seriously considering just no life-ing and doing it in 2 years with 24/7 study so I can graduate at 23/24
I don't mind office banter or asking Jim on his family or how is weekend is, what bothers me is when no one fucking works and just fucks around in their phone while I'm doing the fucking work or people chastise me for doing my job because I didn't want a 20 minute long conversation when there are 5 people in line or my manager is breathing down my neck
>hurr durr get a degree you'll get a good job
>get degree, no job
>duurrrr do internships bro! you'll get better jobs
>expecting me to work for fucking free and somehow magically pay my bills
im tired of living and killing myself seems like too much of a hassle, i wish i would just die in my sleep
Don't do unpaid internships. Accepting one of those is worse than just doing no internship at all. It makes you seem desperate.
thats all there is here
Autistic antisocial fuckwads have an uncanny ability to organise the instant something they mutually dislike shows up.
Source: A furry tripfag and a BR with 130 ping.
Any good hobbies for someone who's already developing dementia?
Did you network in college? Did you firm handshake and joke your way into the good graces of employers?
just dropping in to say these r9k-tier threads are fucking pathetic and I hope Janny deletes it
not at all. in fact, most security guards are overweight or skellies unless in a high profile building
Kill yourself
I hope life gets bad for you
The thing is, Mouse Utopia went extinct.
While that's not the ideal solution, it'd be better than the current plague of mediocrity and low standards in society today.