Why was Donte so hated?

Why was Donte so hated?

Was it the bad PR, the reboot attempt, or do you genuinely dislike this beautiful boy?

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I don't know why he was so hated also. He had a Shakespearean aura to him.

The rebooting. Now that I know that he isn't replacing dante anymore, he's alright with me.

Pre-release, Tameem being a dumbass threw a wrench into it along with it being a reboot of a beloved franchise. I don't think there's a problem with the stupid, cheesy dialogue if you just take it at face value.

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2020....I will be forgotten

>bad PR, the reboot attempt
These and the director throwing a shit fit and insulting gamers after it flopped.

>These and the director throwing a shit fit and insulting gamers after it flopped.
I want to point out he was throwing a shit fit well before that. He blamed Devil May Cry fans for Enslaved flopping. Acted like they were standing in game stores slapping copies out of buyer's hands.

What a little bitch.

>handed off devil may cry to the MEDIOCRE ACTION GAME team
>donte is a self insert for tameems COOL EDGY PUNK 13 year old self
>people have concerns now that donte is more "punk" "fuck the system" and less "time to party"
>tameem calls Dante gay and says "he would get laughed out of a bar"
>literally a gay interview where when asked about the fan backlash tameem as if on script takes a drag from a cigarette, holds it in and let's out "I don't care" like an edgy premadonna
>color coded enemies
>to this day no official turbo mode on pc
>sniper rifle abortion
>donte goes to a club and his name isn't on the list, knocks out the bouncer and instead of writing his name on the list he writes FUCK YOU on the list
There's zero camp, all gay faggot edge

You know what triggers me?
Some j*urnalist actually defended Color coded enemies. Like he said it is more challenging than DMC in the sense you need to use your brains to win.

The fuck? How does that make things more complex? All it does is mess with your flow and limits your options for combos. The enemies in DMC already have to be timed to hit them properly and Color coding just makes the game more frustrating to combo. Not actually harder.

These j*urnalist scum are probably the same ones who gave DMC a lower score for being too hard.

I hate him but I'd fuck him.

Yeah actually he was super quiet after the game came out. It was all on the lead up irrc


Yea Forums trying to rewrite history as usual. Tameem did nothing wrong. There was a concentrated hate campaign against this game since day one. Even the launch of V has provided that DMC fans are the worst bunch of crybabies.

Dante is a Japanese vision of an edgelord, and Donte is an American vision of an edgelord.

Donte gives me a gut negative reaction because I'm more familiar with him. Same energy as a say, a Juggalo.

donte was itsuno's masterplan to get people to like Nero. It worked.

im your prom date you ugly sack of shit

It's not worth arguing into because you're right but journos are wrong and their train of thought makes sense for other games but not for something deep like devil may cry where you're supposed to be flying all over the room at lightspeed style swapping and weapon swapping every nanosecond on Dante must die difficulty. But in dMc where even on nephilim difficulty it's piss easy, yeah the colors add more thought while simultaneously limiting player expression and agency, effectively making DmC more like the nutombraider or nuGod of War games

vidya history illiterate here, did any other reboot have the same fate as DmC had? I think the awful PR management after the initial bad reception was what sparkled all the problems that came later. If they hadn't treated the original fanbase so badly it wouldn't be remembered as badly even with its disappointing gameplay and train wreck of a story.

>Tameem did nothing wrong
thats why the game was such a success with a sequel


He started sucking ass hard in the latter half of the game.
He was somewhat likeable in the first half where he was an obnoxious arrogant punk, though. I genuinely enjoyed the "not in a million years" moment, as well as the whole Succubus conversation.

Dante is a chuunibyo, he does things he thinks make him look cool(they do but that's because his personality carries it). Think about
>Going full Shakespeare against Agnus
>rocking out on a guitar that's also a weapon
>being a massive show off in all his game's openings and weapon get scenes
>Getting funky
>mocking his enemies by fucking with them and insulting them in a light hearted way
He's a fuckin' chuuni. A stylish, cuhrazy one but still a chuuni.
Donte on the other hand is just normal edgy
>Fuck the system
>Look at me I smoke
>His insults are childish and aggressive rather than mocking and light hearted.
It's a very different kind of character.

Bionic commando sold like shit, but it was pretty fucking wonky and bionic commando hadn't had a 3d game ever so there weren't exactly old fans feeling like they were spat on. Pretty fucked up the hoops you had to jump through just to get the classic Spencer outfit too. I wished nuraider suffered a similar fate but normies and basedbois don't give a shit about puzzle exploration platformers so nuraider got three fucking games

Early marketing was awful and did an awful job of presenting what the game actually felt like.

Look at this render, look at the TGS trailer.


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Some of the sonic reboots?

Sacrilege but I would have preferred a true edgy punk donte instead of tameems kool-aid lipped wet dream donte

Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. Dante is chuuni, Donte is an edgelord.

Prince of Persia in a sense.
Devs didn't insult anyone and did put a lot of soul in the game, but it ended up being way too fucking overstretched with the majority of the gameplay being rerunning the same levels over and over again. In the end, the game failed pretty hard and the main series were continued for a single entry before becoming completely forgotten and replaced with Assassin's Creed.

El Donte is kino though

Nolan North and the script for that game were fucking annoying. I'm so tired of Nolan North and his army of wise cracking faggot MCs

Medal of Honor could be a good reboot but the sequel kills it.


why do journolist defend this game so much? is it because this game exposed them all for being out of touch with their fanbase?

I see you are also a Senor Sombrero Salsero.

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British gaming press defended it because British studio, journalists in general defended it from a mix of wanting to keep Capcom good will, journalist ignorance of the genre making the incapable of understanding why the game was mediocre compared to previous entries in the series, and also the increasingly evident contempt and disconnect they had towards hardcore gamers.

3 and 4 were too hard for them...thats literally it, journos are sociopaths though and can't handle people poking a little fun at you being bad at video games


He was hated because his sole reason for existing was Tameem trying to stick it to the fans. No one has an issue with swearing or giving enemies/demons the finger, what people had an issue with was what he represented.

I'd assume they were paid for doing that.
Afterwards, they were just defending their position.
I remember back in Russia one of the games reviewing resources had DMC3 at like 9/10 with DMC4 being 9.5/10. After DmC was released, both games surprisingly fell somewhere to the 8/10 territory, while DmC was rated as 9.5/10

Play the game again. It's a cornucopia of bad decisions that feed into DmC's reputation, Donte is just one piece of the shit puzzle.
The re-release put a bandaid on a few minor issues like adding in lock-on but there's so much wrong with the game and so many little flashes of a great game buried under the bullshit.

The director's needless antagonism towards the series and fans.

>Why was Donte so hated?
>Was it the bad PR, the reboot attempt, or do you genuinely dislike this beautiful boy?

It was 100% Tameem Ninja Theory and Tameem went out to court controversy

Great game whose ending pissed me off, like holy shit how abrupt and dumb.

Part of me kinda wants a DmC that plays more like the reveal trailer. A more bare knuckle fighter over swords since that's also a rarity in the genre. Sure it's a weapon for Dante and Vergil but someone who is explicitly bare knuckle and has more of a rough untrained brawler style of fighting is rare. Those take downs were nice. Also the voice was better in the reveal.

Donte could have been a fine character if his snotnosed shitheadness was treated with some amount of self-awareness instead of unironically being presented as cool.

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Same. very disappointed about none of the other cutscenes quite living up to the hilarity of the secret ingredient.

This, the american silent hills, command and conquer, dungeon keeper. Prey also generated a lot of asshurt, but it's a solid game if you didn't care about the original.

He didn't have white hair

What was wrong with Prey? It's something I barely know anything about, but I'm always into sci-fi horror.

Forgot image

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I remember laughing out loud when I saw him smoking for the first time. People got HEATED over all those early reveals, good times.
I would never admit this non-anonymously but I would totally play a full and proper sequel to DmC.

Fucking delete this

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His name is Dante you stupid cunts, that meme was never funny or clever

There was a Prey reboot that was in development hell. Some were excited for it, but it got canned.

For whatever reason, Prey (2017) has absolute nothing to do Prey (2006), and wasn't even the same genre of game. It a nice game, but slapping the "Prey" name on it felt like a dirty trick.

Heavenly blade fucking sucked tameem

What exactly was the plan here?

It's like the devs watched a bunch of youtube videos of "TOP 10 ASPECTS OF TOTALLY COOL AND BADASS WESTERN ACTION CHARACTERS" and went nuts. He has some really good moments too but all anybody remembers is 'not in a million years'.

Made to appeal to westeners during the COD Brown n Bloom era.

this and this

>What was wrong with Prey?
I mean, nothing really, just that it was utterly and completely unrelated to the original Prey, which was a Doom 3 clone starring a native american fighting once in a millenia aliens from pueblo/hopi myth with a mixture of sci-fi guns and supernatural powers given to him by the ghost of his grandfather he meets in the spirit world in between levels.

Basically, OG Prey goes like this

>you are Tommy, a down on his luck indian living on a reservation. you ain't got no job, life is kind of shit, and you're an edgelord in a coat. But you have a waifu so theres that
>suddenly fucking aliens
>your granpaps gets killed and you and your GF get sucked up into the alien space ship
>que multiple levels of violence trying to find your GF
>along the way you literally connect to the spirit world and meet your dead grandad who reveals the aliens have come to earth before, and are returning to harvest humanity and earth for it's biological material
>lots of body horror with people twisted and contorted into horrible alien/machine hybrid abominations
>find your GF
>The Ayylmaos have turned her into a tortured robot monstrocity and you have to kill her
>eventually find the leader at the center of the giant alien ship
>it's a human, who assumed control of the ship the last time it was there
>you are given the chance to replace her and become the machine god of the massive alien ship/forge thing and explore the cosmos
>ending changes based on your choice, with one ending leaving on a cliffhanger that implies a much deeper universe of ayylmaos you have only touched the surface of

There was a sequel planned that eventually fell into Dev Hell that was supposed to follow the MC's continued story, then it got rehashed into starring some generic white dude but in a connected universe and you'd MEET the OG MC at some point, then it got canned

Jabs like "not in a million years" probably would not have been taken so badly if the devs and gaming press weren't trying their hardest to antagonize the fans, I think.

Splatterhouse 2010 was IMO underrated but the development was a complete trainwreck

"Fuck you!" is my personal favorite. Timeless.

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this, "not in a million years" would've been a funny gag if they hadn't spent the last 8 months telling DMC fans they were whiny cribabies and og dante was stupid and they were stupid for liking him

not realizing the camp was WHY the series was beloved. this also marked the beginning of the phase where journalists and developers thought they were too cool for school and could dictate to consumers - one we're only now starting to see the other end of with many large scale and embarrassing financial failures like BFV

The fat guy wearing the 5 shirt was unnecessarily mean-spirited but in the end we got our game and Tameem will fade into irrelevancy.

The bad PR definitely. Tameem got full of himself and decided to wave his nuts around

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It's weird, looking back on it, journalist contempt for video games and gamers was becoming increasingly obviously towards the late 2000s onwards. It's like journalists became ashamed of video games after Ebert did his "video games aren't art" tract. Their vitriolic reaction to Duke Nukem Forever, their dismissal of Mass Effect 3 criticism, and their joining in on the Team Ninja devs ragging on the DMC fanbase, all just seems obvious in retrospect. Though, Duke Nukem Forever was a hard thing to defend back in 2010, but journos had a visceral hatred of the humor that outweighed their criticism of the gameplay.

>"Seems to drag on forever, doesn't it?"
>Beat, Kat doesn't get the joke
Actually made me laugh.

There's a few moments of good character for Donte but most of the writing for the game is a fucking mess.

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Ultimately its a lot of contributing factors but the biggest one it can be summed up as is "It's not Devil May Cry".
Also you know your game is shit when the mexican meme version of the game is the best version.

What gets me is that yes that's a gag, it feeds into the narrative of donte becoming a demon hunter and protector of man, but his motivations in this so called edgy reboot are so fucking shallow and gay. Even compared to 3 there's no punch for why donte of all people should be the protector of man, his girlfriend Kat tells him to and he just fucking does it

>this entire thread
Jesus christ, the revisionism is so fucking bad. No, Tameem did not shit on the fans. The truth is there was a concentrated hate campaign against the game the moment it was shown. Also, people freaking out over the cussing is stupid. Do the demons in your mind tip their fedoras and say their sirs and madams as they kill and enslave people too?

>edgy reboot made in a time where edgy reboots which were all fucking terrible were being made
Gee, maybe people just connected the dots?

this is because a lot of videogame journo's are just generic tech/culture commentators from a glutted field of communications majors who couldn't hack it as real journalists. I'm not a /pol/ type but what essentially you have is a bunch of liberal arts majors running smack into reality, grabbing and co-opting whatever niche they could, and dragging their own views into it.

They don't like gamers because they aren't gamers. games are just something they deal with for work. Most of them are "nintendo girls who like zelda" tier at best. they have a surface appreciation for games and pop culture but are still largely 'normal' and 'main stream'-- and before it became a billion dollar industry, games were very niche and idiosyncratic, filled with high level fan autism.

Suddenly, their audience were those people they didn't like/were creeped out by in highschool and college

best I can do

I'm still laughing at the fucking trainwreck this game was, especially given how successful DMC5 is now.

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This is fucking rich. It's like heavy metal fans telling death meta fans their music is shit. Here's a tip: just because you don't understand the japs doesnt mean it's any less of a try-hard attitude.

This scene alone is why he's hated so much just listen to that dialogue and delivery

Doesn't help that the guy behind the game was an arrogant asshole who shat all over the original in PR as if that was gonna win people over

>It's like heavy metal fans telling death meta fans their music is shit
but death metal IS shit

This type of strawmanning and gaslighting is why people turned on the game so hard.

Sounds about right, and I think of those that were gamers, they grew out of it after making a job of it for a decade about it.

They probably thought video games was a just a stepping stone for their "real" career, but years later they're still stuck covering video games, and they'll never be taken seriously as real journalists. On top of that, they see youtubers and twitch streamers have more influence over the gaming market, and make more money than they do. And instead of blaming themselves, they blame their audiences.

"That's okay, I like it rough." was the most cheeseball thing I'd ever seen played completely straight. There's some borderline classic Capcom camp in the game. Such a fucking mess.

Here we go again with the revisionism. The white hair was the entire focal point when there was no gameplay details. Once this emerged and you fuckers had something else to latch onto, the white hair shit was deleted so it'd look like you guys were open minded and gave the game a chance when the smear campaign started before that. This game is the ultimate case of "it's okay when japs do it" and your unbridled hatred for Western games, you fucking weebs.

BC09 was still pretty good.

It's biggest issue was that Capcom went hogwild and tried to make Grin make a game they didn't want to make.

Compared to normal DMC it's edgy as fuck instead of chuuni as fuck. The approach to edge is totally different and gives off a very different vibe and that's what made people consider it edgy.

Is this game series only meant to be enjoyed by edgelords?

>The white hair was the entire focal point
Now THAT'S some revisionism.
Watch this again and tell me that El Donte not having white hair was the only problem people had with the reveal.
Be sure and turn the sound up.

Proof? has done more to argue his point than you have so far.

dmc4 dante was a fucking retard. At least in dmc3 he hasnt even hit 20 years old yet.

Tameem? Is that you?

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>Muh white hair
How is this meme still alive? How can someone so willfully strawman criticism

>dmc4 dante
>that rose dancing

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unlike you, Zoomer, I was alive and a functioning adult during this incident.

When Donte was revealed, there was some muttering about his hair, but the primary theory was that he would slowly come to look more like Dante by the end of the game, ie his hair would turn white because of using his powers.

At the time, the biggest complaint wasn't about his hair, it was about

1. him crying in pain in the trailer (often meme'd about with that screen shot of a bored looking Dante with a sword in his chest)
2. him looking like a crackhead. In fact, that was the most common joke of the time, he looked like some kind of street punk.

At the time, opinions were mixed and Yea Forums meme'd about it like they always did but many thought it had potential. I thought it did, and thought it could've been something. But they objectively mishandled the marketing after this reveal, taking a combative stance with the audience in response to what was frankly some very lightweight bants.

>Hating Dante putting on a spectacle every chance he gets because its what he loves to do since he's a crazy, stylish dork
Pleb taste, user. Pleb taste.


The fact that he's supposed to be Dante, which should have been fine, it's a reboot after all, but Tameem had to insult the previous games and the fanbase subsequently.

>with that screen shot of a bored looking Dante with a sword in his chest
Got you covered, user.
I still have my folder and images from that time. What a fucking wild ride straight into a tree.

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I think apart from El DmC if they made the game as Bong as possible with heavy accents, the insults would've been better too. I mean, if we're going the crude edge route may as well do it in style.

>At least in dmc3 he hasnt even hit 20 years old yet


>but Tameem had to insult the previous games and the fanbase subsequently.
It's okay to refer to things as "gay" in a negative light when they do it. God forbid you evil gamers and your gates ever say the word "faggot" online, though.

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>I still have my folder and images from that time.
Post some more? I wanna relive it.

I still can’t believe that they fucked up their own god damn narrative in the game. When Donte did this, he said “sometimes I hurt myself to see if I’m still human”. And many NT devs in interviews call him human. But he’s angel/demon. In game it’s forgitten too. What the fuck?

>we live in a time where DMC5 existed and completely BTFO DmC
Is this what they call justice?

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you'll note these are the moments when Dante works best, and the few moments when Donte worked - when he's a fucking hammy dork. Because if you were a fucking superpowered half demon who was nigh unkillable, you'd either be an edgy asshole like Virgil or a complete dork like Dante.

The problem with Donte was they were so fixated on proving he was better and cooler, they played the character and the narrative 100% straight. Oh Donte is this edgy fucker because his worlds so dark and he gave up trying to help all the SHEEPLE. He fucks bitches every night and doesn't afraid of anything.

Dante meanwhile is a total dweeb who wears his heart on his sleeve. What makes Dante cool is that he ISN'T cool. He's the exact opposite of cool. But he doesn't care or sweat about it, which doubles shit back to make him cool. Because it's all about confidence and ease. Donte is always straining and edgy and perturbed. Dante never sweats anything, and when he actually does get serious, shits real.

To be fair, political correctness hadn't fully come back just yet.

Reminder that it only flopped accordung to a small vocal minority on Yea Forums. Most people thought it was good

True, that shit exploded around 2014, but the undercurrents were certainly there and on the rise nonetheless. See: Ass Effect 3, Bioware in general, etc.

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I mean, he would get laughed at, but it would mostly be women going "teehee ahaha you look so silly oh god fuck me please" because he's a handsome fucking man with bishonen hair, and hot is hot and looking like a dork just makes you approachable.

>Reminder that it only flopped accordung to a small vocal minority on Yea Forums.
Didn't it only move like, 1.2 million sales lifetime?

When they projected/wanted 6 million (which they adjusted down to 3 a month after launch)

It was pretty objectively a flop

I never fucking understood DmC's plot. Did Donte just think he was human until Vergil told him about Sparda and Eva? Even though he's been hunted by demons for years and has a fucking magical tattoo that makes him sword come from hammerspace?

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is this a reference to something? Like did some dude actually dress up as Dante for some futboll game?


>flopped accordung to a small vocal minority on Yea Forums
Which is why capcom lowered their sales expectations for it, right? Which is why it outsold the HD colle- oh wait

>Most people
[citation needed]
A small cabal of paid off game journos do not represent "most people". Realistically, most people just didn't give a fuck about the game at all and were too busy playing cowwa doody or looking forward to some other MMO that would flop.

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First off, profit is not an automatic indicator of quality. And second most people don't know what they're talking about, and can't explain why something is objectively good or not.

Not only lowered it, they did it 3 times. From 5 million, to 3, to 1 million

from what i've heard prey 2 was actually near completion but Bethesda snuffed it because they wanted to buy human head studios but they wouldn't sell.

That is true. Journos visceral hatred of Duke Nukem Forever's humor in 2010, where they called Duke's humor "outdated", was the first time I noticed "Christ, who let the no fun brigade back in?"

What’s funnier is that the prequel comic gives him amnesia, because Vergil can WIPE MINDS!

bUt It ImPrOvEd On ThE oRiGiNaLs

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>I never fucking understood DmC's plot.
it was never fully baked, which is one of the problems with the whole 'donte' thing - you can't even begin to talk about the other problems the game has. It will always be overshadowed by Donte. Like you can't talk about Mass Effect 3's other flaws (and many bugs) because it always comes back to that fucking ending.

The plot was completely over the place. The fact that the ending was humans tweeting about demons invading the world and dying, while Donte grabs Kats ass, was so stupid. It’s exactly like that one spongebob episode where wormy causes a panic attack. Does anyone have that Donte/Virgil edit if We Did it!! we saved the city”?

it's because no one cared enough to even learn anything past the basics.

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Too bad the hate startd before we got a trailer, back when the only detail we got was concept art of him in jail and all anyone talked about was how the hair was the wrong color. Thanks for proving my point about revisionism.

Stuff like this is how anyone informed should know that video game journalists have no idea about what they're talking about the moment they try to handle something that isn't about story or writing. And even then, I would not trust them to be able to tackle those properly.

This picture is taken way out of context.

Post proof.

It really isn't.

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>Thanks for proving my point about revisionism.
the 'hate' started with the trailer and frankly wasn't anything more than salty weebs being salty about a new developer and Yea Forums being Yea Forums - until Tameem opened his big fat fucking mouth

I still maintain the game could've been more of a success if they hadn't mishandled their approach so entirely.

I'm legit a bit depressed that the game turned out so poorly, I think it could've been good - a british punk rock interpretation of devil may cry instead of DMC's metal/club rock version. Instead they went for surface level pandering on just about everything, from the villains to the characters.

Not really, just a joke on Dante's primary colours (red and white) being the colours of Poland.

>out of context
>when the whole presentation has things like "Dante is not\Dante is"
Flock off

>dante is
>posts a picture of that movies villain who is unhinged because he's a whiny little shit and he fucking kills/tries to kill his best friends because IMMUH APEX PREDATOR

they didn't think this through

Oh my God, yes!!!! How the fucks are you fuckers going to talk sht when you don't even know the basic premsie. Yes, Donte did not know his true nature. He was alone and cynical because he was the only person different. He tried so hard and impress Vorgil and Kat because they gave him a sense of clarity for he first time. He ultimately rejected his demon heritage because it was his upbringing as a human that allowed him to be sympathtic to their plight. God, you fuckers are such retards.

its kinda funny to laugh at all this shit with the knowledge that it failed

ironically this picture is pretty accurate, Dante is a campy superhero (probably closer to Spiderman), Donte is a little shit and a villain. I mean, yeah that kid got abused bad, but then he turns around and goes full fucking Carrie.

Ninja Theory's idea of what a "badass" is doesn't really line up with reality.

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>development was a complete trainwreck

>He ultimately rejected his demon heritage because it was his upbringing as a human
He’s not a human in DmC. Way to out yourself

Reminder Inafune is a hack

how much are they paying you

user I understand the basic premise. I just don't understand how the fuck Donte could think he's human when he clearly has magic powers and is constantly being hunted by demons.
Him thinking he's human in the backstory makes no fucking sense.

Weird how one man managed to set Capcom back for almost a decade, to the point they were only able to survive because of Street Fighter and Monster Hunter.


>rips his entire skin off to show his beating heart
>in the beginning he stated he didn’t know he was a demon
Try again

That slide was a dig at a conversation they had with Capcom. Capcom really wanted Donte to be western. Specifically, like a.cowboy from the movies. Brokeback mountain was still fresh in people's mind, so they asked again, like the movie cowboys, and Capcom said yes. So they hung up the phone and Tameem said "did he just ask us to make Dante gay." And they had a slight chuckle over it. The slide was used to she the initial miscommunication between what Capcom wanted an what NT envisioned.

appealing to white men

Which is hilarious since in the beginning origins of his character, they literally copied Kratos/Deimos from Ghost of Sparta origin wise

I never said he was human. He grew up thinking all that shit that happened to him was just something that was wrong with him. He literally did not understand the concept of limbo before the game started. Him ripping off his skin, kind of edgy, yes, but it's him absolutely horrified at what he is. He doesn't understand why these things are attacking him and why no one else sees them.

That's actually pretty funny if true.

DmC still sucks more dick than a coked out Thai ladyboy, though.

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There's a pretty in depth article about it on Polygon

Unfortunately I can't access pastebin on this computer (pastebin is blocked here but not Yea Forums go figure) or find an archive on it.

So I will link polygon but strongly recommend you don't go there, to satisfy autists who flip out when you link one of *those* websites

how long you guys think ninja theory has until bankruptcy, one maybe two years?

What makes Dante cool isn't his clothes or hair. It's that in any given situation, he seems to be in control enough to be having fun. Donte never is. Even when he's on top of the world he's a miserable cunt.

DmCbros, make sure you pick Dante's alt costume, and make sure you turn on online tracking for Capcom. Eventually Capcom will know that people wanted to play as black hair Dante and give us DmC2 that we deserve!

Please share with your friends and families so Capcom will listen to the fans

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Also wrong. Tameem said at the beginning they wanted Monkey to be slightly evil with Trip having to reign him in, much like the mythos.

>The original ’80s Splatterhouse used a simple arcade hook, with Rick punching slimy ghouls and smashing monsters in the vein of a gory Altered Beast. Wooden boards and cleavers were the weapons of choice. Splatterhouse, though, wasn’t a series known for depth.

>For the new game, Namco Bandai stuck to that idea. A design document set out development goals for traditional brawler combat and a visual style reminiscent of the old games, along with other nods to the originals.

>That wasn’t the plan BottleRocket followed, beginning a rift between the developer and publisher.

>“There was a big pull between what Namco wanted and what Jay Beard wanted,” says Scott Holty, who joined BottleRocket seven months into development as a senior designer. “Those two things never really coincided. They were never in lockstep with what each side wanted with the game.”

>Many involved in the project say BottleRocket’s approach resembled its past work a little too closely.

>“They were really trying to shoehorn [in] that blue/red Mark of Kri targeting system, and that’s not what Namco wanted at all,” says former BottleRocket concept artist Dave Wilkins.

>Along with that, the character designs moved away from Splatterhouse’s typical selection of monsters. In their place came designs that some on the art team found strange.

>“There was a guy with a TV set on his head, and it was plugged into his crotch. It wasn’t very Splatterhouse-like,” says Alvin Chung, brought on as an environment artist at BottleRocket. “The new designs were just kind of oddball. I don’t even know how to describe it. [...] From a video game perspective, they didn’t really read well. You couldn’t tell what it was.”

>These ideas strayed from Namco Bandai’s desired path.

>. He literally did not understand the concept of limbo before the game started.

Yes he did. The orgin story quite literally states he did. He just grew into it and didn’t care anymore. Which is why the story is a mess. Because he then developed semi amnesia. Pic related

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> satisfy autists who flip out when you link one of *those* websites
Not the original user, I'm one of those autists, but I believe that decent journalism should be rewarded when it appears, regardless of the source.

>“They were basically supposed to work on Splatterhouse along with a design document of which we mutually agreed,” says Iwai. “That part only showed when our staff visited with them. Right after Bandai Namco staff left their premises, they started doing a different thing, which was ordered by Jay.”

>“Every single time they’d deliver a milestone, [Namco Bandai] had complaints and issues with it. They kept reiterating they did not want Mark of Kri,” says Holty.

>In addition to the design not meeting Namco’s specifications, a variety of behind-the-scenes problems at BottleRocket created a development bottleneck. Progress slowed.

>“The big decision they made, which was a bad decision, was to use the Gamebryo game engine,” says Michael Seare, who began the project at BottleRocket as a physics programmer and later became lead engineer. “From a technical standpoint, it is a horrible engine in that it’s not fast. [...] When it comes down to pushing bits around, it was terrible.”

>In the art department, Chung came onto the project, joining a team composed mostly of recent graduates.

>“I don’t think they [had] produced anything for the PlayStation 3 before,” says Chung. “I remember coming in and working on one level, and they never understood how a normal map could make something look good. It was mind-blowing.”

>bought by Microsoft

they will keep going until they are a walking corpse.

No, he lost his memory after the attack on the mansion and grew up thinking he was human.

>“Splatterhouse from the BottleRocket side started off showing some really nice progress, and then it started to feel like [BottleRocket] producers were showing us, ‘Look, we reworked the art on this character — again,’” says Schiffer. “That started sending up red flags about ‘gosh, why aren’t you showing us more gameplay progress?’ [...] We would see gameplay along the way, of course, but after so many of those, and it was several of them — other people, not me; the people on the business side — began to get nervous. When they looked into it deeper, they determined progress was not at the rate we wanted it to be.”

>Wilkins saw all of this as a management issue. “You had lead designers and designers who were doing really solid, awesome work, and then the shot-callers at the top would be like, ‘No, I want to see this,’” he says. “We’d say, ‘Yeah, but it’s Namco’s game. They’re paying to keep the lights on.’”

>”It’s always difficult in that position because you want to push for your creative voice, but at the same time, you’re trying to represent the company you’re working for,” says Holty. “Then you also realize that Namco is the one that’s paying the company.”

>BottleRocket’s team, with Jay Beard continuing with more or less the same vision, progressed on Splatterhouse for 18 to 24 months. The Flash continued as well, keeping BottleRocket working at capacity. Then, in November 2008, Brash Entertainment shuttered, which meant that BottleRocket’s development on The Flash no longer had funding. That left BottleRocket with Splatterhouse and a second team without work.

Ignoring all the bad PR moves Tamee and NT made, in the game himself Donte has barely any personality beyond some mild edginess and a vague morality chain with the one girl. He has no real character arc since he's just pulled into the main plot by Vorgil and just does what he tells him, Donte himself has barely any ambition or drive. Couple that with a lack of any real dynamic with the girl and Vorgil beyond some wisecracks and you have a static character whose only growth is being shocked that his brother who was kind of an asshole the whole game turned out to be a dictatorial asshole.

Donte started off as an edgy teenager who was lazy as shit, that's fine if it built up to something but they skipped the build up part and any real thing to get you invested in the character. DMC3 Dante had a decently strong arc if you want to directly compare the two since the plot is essentially a mix of 1 and 3: Dante starts off the game as a lazy, uncaring dude (albeit presented much better) and gets drawn into the conflict to stop the hell from breaking over and has a personal conflict with his brother that's present throughout the game and ends on a satisfying note. Donte's own conflict with DmC's Mundus doesn't feel nearly as personal with how little they interact and how pitiable Mundus is in comparison since his wife and foetal son are shot and killed and the society he was ruling goes to shit as soon as he dies. DmC's plot should've just ripped off 3 more directly and had more conflict with Vergil or make Mundus more of a direct threat because that lack of a strong personal dynamic neutered Donte's character which I don't think was unsalvageable by any means.

>Those we spoke to for this story gave conflicting answers on the fate of the Flash developers. Some said those team members stayed on and helped with Splatterhouse. Others said BottleRocket kept working on The Flash, with hopes of securing another publisher. Another person said they were let go soon after Brash folded. Multiple sources reported feeling surprised, though, that the company kept spending at this time, noting as an example that BottleRocket built an in-house theater room despite having only one project in development.

>Namco Bandai higher-ups were still displeased with BottleRocket’s lack of progress. “When I saw it, it was a collection of features and pieces but with no real metagame behind it, and the tools were so poorly implemented that no design was coming,” says David Robinson, Namco Bandai’s executive producer on Splatterhouse.

“>I went down there and started meeting with the guys, trying to get my own feel for it,” says Roger Hector, then the senior vice president of product development at Namco Bandai. “To make a long story short, everyone shook hands and said, ‘Yeah, we’re on it. It’s all good.’ When the deliveries were due and the stuff they were supposed to be doing wasn’t happening, I had to make a recommendation into Namco and say, ‘Hey, this doesn’t look like it’s going to look very well.’”

>(BottleRocket founder Jay Beard didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment for this story.)

>With quality issues continuing, Namco Bandai made the decision to pull Splatterhouse from BottleRocket in February 2009.

Boy are you going to regret saying that since pic related was released with the game

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>When the news broke to the gaming press, an unnamed Namco Bandai representative told Kotaku, “At this time, we are not ready to discuss specific development details about the game and wish BottleRocket the best of luck in their future endeavors.”

>That same day, Namco Bandai brought a U-Haul truck to BottleRocket’s offices to collect development kits. Some on the team had no advance notice.

>“It was just a normal workday,” says Holty. “Everyone goes to work and there’s a bunch of moving trucks in front of the company. Everyone’s like, ‘What’s going on?’”

>Former Namco Bandai associate producer Dan Tovar, who had been with the project from its earliest point, recalls that day: “What followed was one of the most unpleasant experiences I have had to date in my professional career.” Tovar continues, “There were grown men crying. [...] ‘Hellish’ doesn’t quite summarize it.”

>“They pulled us all inside and said, ‘That paycheck you got today? This is your last check, because we don’t have any money in the bank,’” says Dave Wilkins.

>Not all was lost for some members of the BottleRocket team, though. During the dev kit retrieval, Namco Bandai management handed out some business cards. Splatterhouse wasn’t canceled — development was to continue, but now under the banner of Namco Bandai.

>“We think it was Jay who misled the studio,” adds Iwai. “Some of the artists were really good. Some of the game designers, too.”

>“The management spent the money; the kids didn’t,” says Robinson. “We didn’t cancel the game. We fired the management.”

He lost his memories due to Vergil actually.

Thanks for making me laugh, user.

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Donte's entire arc is driven by a need to belong. He is at once, envious and in awe at Vorgil. It's not that hard. I don't know how you fuckers don't get it. I guess anything beyond CUHRAZEY is too subtle for you retards.


I know you're probably shitposting but that is not shown well at all in the actual game. At most Donte agrees to help Vorgil after he tells him the truth about what Mundus did to his parents and just goes along with that, he is hardly 'in awe' of him especially since the few times they interact in missions they're doing some mild banter at best. If they focused more on that idea that would actually be great but the problem is Donte's arc is just a far worse version of DMC3 Donte's without the build up of the confrontation against Vorgil.

>game series about a guy who doesn't swear, doesn't smoke, literally sits around eating pizza all day like a Ninja Turtle and how he fucks around and says shit like "This party's getting crazy- let's rock!"
DMC1-5 aren't edgy. You could make the argument for 2, but nobody remembers 2.
DmC is edgy

The sad thing is that this trailer still looks better than the actual DmC. At the very least in the fighting bits it looked like he didn't have a stick up his ass and he wasn't shouting "FUCK YOU" at everything he killed.
Like shit, this would've been its own kind of ridiculous, decking monsters in the face to punk rock while using a grappling whip, it would've been different without being flat out contemptuous.

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all of that unfortunately gets lost in the noise of Donte being Donte, Tameems public meltdowns, and the games general poor performance - and I mean it's actual performance as a game, not sales. It just wasn't very good. It wasn't bad. It was deafeningly mediocre and simplistic.

>Like shit, this would've been its own kind of ridiculous, decking monsters in the face to punk rock while using a grappling whip, it would've been different without being flat out contemptuous.
It really should have been it's own thing. I'd take that as a modern reboot of Castlevania.
I remember 2
I remember seeing 2 and thinking oh boy! DMC was great! A sequel! so I bought it and it was infuriatingly bad

>That first response
Glad to see the game flopped.
At least he learned and went on making Hellblade and we got DMC5 so it's a win-win for everyone.

>I'd take that as a modern reboot of Castlevania.
Please end yourself.

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Anything is better than what they did with lords of Shadow 2

Shit I forget he said "Dante isn't cool any more" in 2010, when DMC4 was only 3 years old.

What happened is LoS 2? I remember playing the first back in 2012, and then it just disappeared off my personal radar.

And they could just do something that isn't an action game. There have been 3D Castlevania games before Lords of Shadow, and don't fall for James Rolfe's "review" of CV 64.

dante was never cool, he's silly. that's what edgemaster didn't understand

if DmC wasnt 'Devil May Cry' and was its own standalone title with a changed around story
itd be considered a 'decent' action game wouldnt it, gameplay-wise

The development of that game is a travesty. People walked out mid development. Anyone has that article about it?

Do you have the drawing where some demon says it would an honor to fight "the son of sparda" while Dante goes all smug saying "just don't cry when you lose", then the next panel is Donte and the same demon jist going "fuck you!".

It was a decent action game. The story sucked on the basis of it being edgy obnoxious crap. I bought it on sale for like 12 bucks and played it once. It was fine.

Someone post the laughable voice acting in this game. That “ahhh” never gets old

Look man all I know is I got it on sale, started playing it, said, "oh this is a bit underwhelming, what about..:"

"What is a man?"
"a miserable pile of secrets"
delivered with the oomph of a man describing a grey wall

I had to take a short break

It would definitely need a story change on top of that, most of the hate is (justifiably) from all the shit stirred up towards the current DMC fanbase during its production up to release and without that the game would definitely be looked upon more favorably. If the story were the same though people would still laugh at it though, Vorgil shooting a pregnant woman in the stomach is still nuts to me and it's insane more people didn't complain about that at the games release.

>Not a archive link

>Brokeback Mountain
>DMC 4
Tameem is lying.

also blocked on my terminal. i'm at work looking for PROMOTIONS

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>Vorgil shooting a pregnant woman in the stomach is still nuts to me and it's insane more people didn't complain about that at the games release.
That was such crass fucking bullshit. That game was so fucking tasteless and nasty. Then you have the fact that kat was such a worthless vacillating crybaby whose entire function was to have the boys fight over her. No feminist backlash though, nope feminists can't be on the same side as GAMER backlash.

how to fix DmC:
>instead of a reboot, make it a sidestory title taking place in the same universe
>instead of donte and virgil, give them new names
>make adjustments to the story so they aren't just retreading DMC3's story
>replace "not in a million years" scene with an actual dante appearance
>all gameplay adjustments and extra content from definitive edition is included in the game in the first place

there you go. fixed your game, taneem

Don’t forget the mundus lilith sex scene followed by the line “the world is your bitch, as am I” line.

>Vorgil shooting a pregnant woman in the stomach is still nuts to me

Best part of the game unironically. If I was a demon hunter and I wanted to make sure the spawn of Satan didn't exist, I'd probably abort the kid myself.

I liked Donte and DmC, just not as much as Dante and DMC. What I didn't like is the game/character being considered a reboot. Should have ran with it just being a spinoff.

Because his game is so forgettable.
I can remember playing the first level of DMC3 at my cousin's house. DmC on the other hand, I was looking at my PSN trophies and found out that I played and beaten it.
Did I rented it? Was it a PS+ freebie? Fuck if I know.

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Yeah I normally have a strong immunity to these things but tasteless is a good word to describe it. I do like how the main girl is such an obvious love prop that they had Donte grab her butt in the end of the definitive edition, and we got no one complaining about that.
If it was played for anything beyond shock value I'd agree but it's only done for that, even Donte just brushes it off after when that should be the point in the story he's really starting to question Vorgil. And again the game actually lends credence to Mundus' rule being better since the world is a fucking ruin after he's killed and the barrier between humans and demons are broken.

The story was shit but that's par for the course for the series and the entire genre really.

>Vergil kills millions (2 times)
>loved by everyone
>Vorgil saves humanity
>hated by everyone

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this would actually be cool if he wrote his name

People react as strongly as they do to Donte because of how the director treated fans of the previous DMC prior to release. People react to DmC in general as strongly as they do because not only is it a medicore as fuck action game, it's gameplay comes off the heels of the DMC4 Dante
I can think of way more reboots from the same era of DmC that flopped than I can successful video game reboots period.
A lot of them are from Capcom, funny that. Fuck Inafune.

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I find the press shitting on the fanbase so hard fascinating. Especially in light of the new google shit that they've started to pull now with their "authortiative sources" topic.

Vorgil lacks motivation

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DMC3s story is good though, it's not award-worthy or anything but it has a decent foundation and works with it well which is why Dante and Vergil are so memorable and beloved even now.

There's no way a 'netflix for games' works. Gamefly is as close as you're going to get with the was US digital infrastructure is. Streaming games just doesn't have the tech to back it, the cloud isn't strong enough and the up/down isn't fast enough. And the last time google tried to push new fiber networks on the US the cable companies banded together to protect their shitty monopoly

DmC is a fascinating case of how easily it is to spot how fickle the game journalists are. Look up any other the names of the reviewers now. I gjarabteee all of them are preaching about empowerment

It's probably the best story in the series but I wouldn't call it good. And Vergil is a faggot and in danger of becoming the Wesker of the series.

How did DMC5 steal a lot of the shit from DmC everyone hated and managed to make it cool as fuck?
How come DmC made cool shit like Mundas being a cool god statue filled with gross goo hands and eyeballs a boring as fuck?
Part of the reason why DMC3's story telling is so cool is the way it weaves gameplay and story. Vergil 2 and 3 using Beowulf/Force Edge is a really good example of it, 2 being a better example since you actually get to use Beowulf though

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Shows you how fucking lifeless the writing in DmC was.
Vorgil would be an edgy anti-hero in any other work but they somehow managed to fuck it up.

>How did DMC5 steal a lot of the shit from DmC everyone hated and managed to make it cool as fuck?
Because it's okay when Japan does it.

>Vergil is a faggot and in danger of becoming the Wesker of the series
Nigga, he already is. Both have sons who have had angst until they confronted their killers, both are bsck from the dead in the modern timeline. Both banged a literal who during their adventures

>Nigga, he already is. Both have sons who have had angst until they confronted their killers, both are bsck from the dead in the modern timeline. Both banged a literal who during their adventures
Honestly it reminds me more of Dio than Wesker, but your comparison is probably more fitting considering DMC was originally gonna be a RE game

At the very least it's decent and does everything a game in a genre like that should do with its story; invest you in the main character and their conflict which makes you necessarily interested and excited when it gets to the main beats.
>How did DMC5 steal a lot of the shit from DmC everyone hated and managed to make it cool as fuck?
That's one of the things I like about 5, I think Itsuno actually liked some ideas from DmC and wanted to implement them better here which shows a good level of maturity and thoughtfulness.

this shit is comedy gold

>How did DMC5 steal a lot of the shit from DmC everyone hated and managed to make it cool as fuck?
>How come DmC made cool shit like Mundas being a cool god statue filled with gross goo hands and eyeballs a boring as fuck?

It's all in the delivery. DmC was the definition of trying too hard. Soul vs Soulless is kind of a meaningless meme, but it applies here. It's the difference between trying super hard to be edgy and cool and just being offputting as a result, and not trying and succeeding in being engaging.

this post just made me think of a really fucking stupid scenario, where Vorgil tries to become king of the world to protect against Vergil's big tree fuck up from DMC5.

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>That's one of the things I like about 5, I think Itsuno actually liked some ideas from DmC and wanted to implement them better here which shows a good level of maturity and thoughtfulness.
Itsuno has actually come out and defended DmC. He's never had a bad thing to say about it or Ninja Theory, he's the definition of class.

His lack of vocabulary and unimaginative insults. I mean, okay, this guy clearly didn't graduate elementary school, so I'm not gonna fault him too much on the fact that a quarter of his vocabulary seems to be taken up by some combination of "fuck" and "you", but I wish his banter was a bit more entertaining. I mean, when you get right down to it, is Donte even SUPPOSED to be like? He's this antisocial, low-IQ trailer trash who clearly doesn't give a shit about his own life much less anyone else's. It really does seem like he's written to be as unlikable as possible intentionally. He's not very charismatic and he's just really goddamn dumb all around.

Also, does anyone else feel like his sweeping and flamboyant fighting style, particularly with Rebellion, doesn't seem to suit his character at all? A lot of his moves were taken straight from the real Dante, who clearly loves showboating and flare, but Donte feels more like the type to just smash things with force. The axe weapon in general suits him way better than Rebellion or the scythe.

I can imagine he had a good working relationship with the Ninja Theory staff as a whole beyond Tameem, especially those he worked with during his time supervising the DmC: DE and the Vorgil DLC and didn't want to shit on them. It is a highly respectable attitude.

> this also marked the beginning of the phase where journalists and developers thought they were too cool for school and could dictate to consumers
Nah, that was a year earlier. Mass Effect 3.

All of them. Bad PR that pissed off the fans. Unnecessary reboot since DMC4 was the most profitable game in the franchise. DMC4 also had the same budget as DMC3 but made more. Character felt like a mismash of bad versions of Nero, Dante and Bayonetta.

I think the street brawler style of fighting shown in the reveal fits him best.

red queen combo b feels like something donte would do, honestly

you might be on to something

I feel upset that you said that because I love Red Queen Combo B, but I can't actually disagree with you. It's funny because Nero would probably hate Donte the most.

I like Nero but his attitide reminds me of Dante more now. He felt more of a loudmouth in 5 than before. His swearing still isn't charming.

god this is so edgy, why is he so meth headed?

Honestly, that axe is just perfect for him. Zero subtlety, zero grace.

yeah nero and donte are both 'punks' sorta, but nero's fundamentally different in that he cared about things before the camera settles on him.
donte 'grows' into it, but it's a bit too quick and a bit too forced to be interesting

DMC3 Vergil would probably lose his temper with Donte almost instantly.

Remember the strawman they created for us? That we hated Donte because his hair wasn't white?

I treated DmC as an intentionally retarded parody like the movie knockoffs of the 2000s to early 2010s and enjoyed every second of it.
I thought it was way too easy compared to the original series though.

Fuck, reading the last part makes me think of all the wasted potential.
I'd rather have a DmC with Donte acting like a thug in all of his fights instead of having his moves lifted directly from Dante. Like having him put out a cigarette on an opponent for a combat taunt, and using the grappling-hook thing to swing enemies into each other.
Quick, brutal, unsubtle, and trying to make the enemy feel as bad as possible.

Play the definitive edition. It has a ton of balance changes, so the gameplay is at least decent now

being confident and goofy works wonders

exactly, when women say "I want a man who makes me laugh" they mean "i want a man who feels at ease and also is a hot fucking chad"

I did. It was pure dumb fun

DmC was fundamentally a mistake. While people shit on Ninja Theory for it, Capcom is really at fault for approving a reboot in the first place. DMC did not need a fucking reboot. DMC4 sold well and its biggest issue was that it was unfinished content-wise, it just needed a more fleshed-out complete-feeling sequel (which is what DMC5 is).

Even in the best case scenario the whole thing would not have turned out well. Giving it to the developer that made Heavenly Sword and Enslaved (known for their pretty backdrops and outsourced writing) was just the cherry on top.

>Capcom is really at fault for approving a reboot in the first place

The gameplay was worse, less complex, and far too easy. Capcom (having listened to Inafune) handed it off to some fuckheads who never made a game as complex as DMC before almost made an entirely complete pile of shit to the point that when Itsuno came in to check on things all the enemies had same-y designs and Donte couldn't even do grounded High Time. Itsuno had to stay over at Ninja Theory in order to try and salvage things while the actual person in charge, Tameem Antoinades, just ran around and acted like a huge faggot. I don't exactly know what the game journalists were trying to do with the little PR campaign they tried to force on us, but it only served to inflate Tameem's ego and make it seem like his decisions were correct so he just kept doing his bit while Itsuno was frantically doing the job that Tameem was supposed to do in the few months he had to work on the game that was at 80% complete before he arrived and getting no love for it, the NT devs thought he was the one being an asshole and not Tameem.

Itsuno doesn't let anything go to waste, user. Back in the day, he took a good look at DMC2, figured out the bits that worked, or could work if expanded upon, and kept them/fixed them as needed. Then we got DMC3 out of it. It's a good development philosophy.

Yeah and that stupid fuck is gone now, thank god.

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Instead of Donte, he should be named Statius

Front Mission: Evolved, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, Lost Planet 3, and Dead Rising 4 immediately come to mind.

whoa there's a dead rising 4?
didn't hear anything about the series after 3

That's how shit it was. Capcom has since shut down their Vancouver studio (the guys that make Dead Rising)

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Dead Rising 4 was pretty recent, Dead Rising 3 is probably a better approximation of that 'era'

Except Dead Rising 3 was good, it's problems were PHONE SHIT tho

>they have a surface appreciation for games and pop culture, filled with high level fan autism.
This is what gets me the most I think. For all of these journalists that "care about the medium" and "want it to grow as an art form", there's very little care in a lot of what they say when they talk about it.
It comes across more as "I want videogames to be something I approve of" rather than "I'm curious what videogames will become and want to be a part of that".
Like, people give visual novels and walking simulators shit, but there's a lot to be said about normalising the prospect of a game "which you cannot affect the outcome", and the nature of "interactive media" allowing people to experience things at their own pace, rather than being dictated to them via movie/TV series/book. It's all "entitled players" this and "evil publishers" that, it's never somebody who takes it a step forward and talks about "Porn as a possible genre of videogame" or something.

There's a lot to do to talk about a medium of entertainment that's in its infancy the way videogames is. The industry faces a sense of "monopoly" where even amateur videogames have to recieve "approval" in some way, versus movies/music/books where (in theory), anybody (with money for the equipment) could grab a camera/mic/typewriter, put some shit on it, copy it a heap and then sell or just give it out for free.
The nature of the internet causes any distribution platform without curation to become oversaturated though. How is this affecting "the industry" and the concept of "videogames"? We can see a trend towards games that are less prone to gating content behind player skill, and a far more "money" and "randomness" involved game design with microtransactions and lootboxes.
I can't spend an afternoon putting together a shitty PS4 game, even if nobody else would ever see it. Unless Sony approves I just can't. Nobody really talks about what that means for the concept of videogames.

That's why I didn't put DR3, because it's actually pretty decent. Still worse than 1, 2, and Off the Record, but not a bad game whatsoever.


I've found that 'I want to see it to grow as an art form' tends to be synonymous with 'I want to see it become like another art form'.

All of those are reboots, though. Some reboots get disguised as numbered sequels.

I'm talking about the shit where they change their search criteria at certain times to "authortiative sources only", so only the journalist fucks get heard. They describe it as "anti trolling".

>Scene was suppoused to be Donte checking if he even has a heart to see if he is human
>Finding one confirms to him that he is
>But Donte is literally 0 percent human

You know, I thought for like 3/4 years that this was a photoshop

Now just to reiterate I'm in the small, minor camp that thinks that even if everything else was bad, if the gameplay itself was good then it wouldn't be so bad. It turns out the gameplay itself wasn't just bad but it was a two story drop down from the past two games.
For one, color-coded enemies. Never has the series ever punished you for using a certain weapon at a given moment or choosing to play in a certain style, the most it's ever done is punish you for standing in one spot mindlessly mashing the button at the same pace. Now DmC comes in and flips it around, now you get punished for choosing the wrong weapon at the given moment and can be rewarded for standing in one spot mashing the buttons.
Another, the Style ranking system. As I said in the previous point you can straight up get SSS by standing in one spot and hash out the same exact combo over and over again. Remember in DMC3 you had the combat adjudicators and you really had to work your money to get many of them, and for the SSS ones you couldn't even fully trust in maxed out swordmaster and having all the weapon moves to save your ass because getting SSS in DMC3 demands absolute skill separate from your upgrades? Getting an B in DMC3 is the equivalent of getting SSS in DmC. This is because the meter only cares about the amount of damage you do at once, nearly the same fucking system that DMC2 used.

Read and be educated

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>Now just to reiterate I'm in the small, minor camp that thinks that even if everything else was bad, if the gameplay itself was good then it wouldn't be so bad.
i'm in the same camp as you and I concur. I gave the game a chance, bought it on sale and was just tremendously unimpressed with how it played. Very braindead and boring

I wish they had at least released this song anywhere.

Speaking of DMC2, the weapons. You start with the standards, and then have a few weapons being fast but weak, and a few weapons being strong but slow, with very little actually separating them in use. Originally the game was only going to have three melee weapons, Rebellion, Osiris, and Arbiter, but Itsuno was able to grit out the obligatory fists weapon and another one based on that throwing blade disk thing from that one movie. This doesn't sound so bad how I'm describing it, but because of the color-coding system in DmC you were ultimately hampered in your available selections, which could be an issue if there were weapons you didn't like using. Imagine if you were forced to use Nevan in DMC3, a weapon that requires a serious amount of planning and forethought to use with a moveset that most people feel is severely limiting.
That's how it is in DmC all the time (minus having a weapon as unique as Nevan), the game constantly forces you to play in a way that you may not feel comfortable in a vain attempt to make it seem like you're being 'smart' because you can play Simon Says. This meant that every time you fought an enemy that required a demonic/angelic weapon you had to drop everything you're doing up until that point, change to the required weapon, and then wail on the color-coded enemy until it's over. It's very lame and unfit for the series as a whole, to the point that when the Definitive Edition came out, and Itsuno had a greater degree of freedom to do whatever fixes he wanted to the game, it was one of the biggest changes made to the game Itsuno also completely removed Vorgil's retarded ass fedora from the game, he never liked it.

>What makes Dante cool is that he ISN'T cool. He's the exact opposite of cool. But he doesn't care or sweat about it, which doubles shit back to make him cool
Fucking this, don't forget 3 went out of its way to show that Dante is actually a fucking dweebus and is more accurately defined as a pizza-scarfing degenerate than a cool papa. The only reason he can get away with acting cool and shit is because of his powers, think back to all the times he chooses to show off you'll understand what I mean.

>The big decision they made, which was a bad decision, was to use the Gamebryo game engine

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>>sniper rifle abortion
>character just served Mundus to get fucked in the ass and give birth to his children
>Dante even makes fun of it
>Journalists completely silent about it and even cheer on the game to spite old fans

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>GEEZ how come you guys hate this unlikable douchébag that's ruining the already well established franchise and spits on the fans of the lore and original characters??

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Remember when Dante used his razor fists and kung fu to fight off that demon horde while Ennis and Jack made it out of the farm safely? That was a pretty dope movie.

hw about you kill yourself?

>I think Itsuno actually liked some ideas from DmC and wanted to implement them better here
Many of the things DmC did semi-right were implemented by Itsuno in the sparse amount of time he got to actually work on the game after seeing what a piss poor job they did up to that point. The red mask enemy in DmC was the enemy Itsuno himself designed as an example for Ninja Theory to follow, which they never fucking actually did properly. If you'll remember, they had an interview where initially they wanted to give literally every single enemy some weird ass floppy shoulder/elbow blade that didn't do anything but Ninja Theory was forcing it to go through until Itsuno saw the designs and told them to get rid of that shit.

Mostly PR since Tameem was being massive twat to fanbase and that alone made people not wanting to support the game.

>a british punk rock interpretation of devil may cry

i would unironically love this

You forgot that the original version of DmC didn't even have lock-on which made both precise targeting and properly swinging the camera around to face the enemy obtuse, and that the color-coded bullshit extended to the non-combat obstacles which is extra annoying.

>Why was it hated.

>Tameem was a asshole who insulted fans.
>Games plot centered around DUN DUN DUN CAPITALISM BAD!
>Big bad even has pictures of him standing next to prominent white men hated by communists.
>Right out the gate mocking cutscene mocking fans.
>Piss poor combat.
>Piss poor pacing.
>Piss poor level designs "oh boy, another platforming section with pretty backgrounds."
>Piss poor music.
>Voice acting is horrific. "Remember Dante watching Virgil get sucked up and the animation is a rage induced reaction but the VA just did a whimper "ahhh"
>Visuals are horrific, especially the face.
>Lots of edgy shit for no reason.
>Dante made highly unlikable.

Then the icing on the shit cake.
>Journalist come out swinging and insulting fans.
>Dev comes out insulting fans harder.
>Even go as far as to hold a press event at Pax where they mock gay people and journalists laugh and praise it while being screaming the fans are homophobic.

Game was shit, devs where shit, and Ninja Theroy cant make a game worth a shit and everybody knows it.

Glad I made money off making fun of them and that shitty game, because I spent it on V, thanks youtube, you stupid assholes.