Did you play any fun games today Yea Forums?

Did you play any fun games today Yea Forums?

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Yes. Disney's Herbie: Fully Loaded, only for the Game Boy Advance, in case you're wondering.

Me on the right.

i woke up and played some more RDR2. I'm at the point where arthur gets diagnosed with tuberculosis and that made me pretty sad.

then i went fishing (irl) and cut the trip short because nothing was biting and came back and played some madden. After a couple of games i cooked dinner and then I played persona 3 portable while my gf played the sims and watched fraiser

honestly nothing feels fun today. rdr2 was just a bunch of walking, madden is shit, and persona really isn't fun unless you're a teenage weeaboo.

I played OOT, NiGHTS into dreams and Daytona USA.

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Played Meda of Honor: Airborne. Pretty fun.

god i wish that were me.

No I tried to draw a bit, and wound up photoshoping mario and luigi from marios hotel.

Yes Kenshi

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This game is fantastic a great castlevania game

What are some games about dolls?

I played some fallout 4 on ps4 for shots and giggles. Hadn't touched it for a year but got uber lucky and had no crashes or save corruptions for like 6 hours. Been 100% yoshi's island on SNES though too and that's been hella frustrating. I much prefer the gba version. I feel like its easier

The new Vermintide 2 event.

You have to drink around 50 beers on the way to the exit. Blurs your vision, skews your movement and if you drink too fast you pass out and need to be helped back up.
Hilarious and still hard even on the easiest difficulty.

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did you get your dink sunked?

Nope. Waiting for Division 2

Joshi's woolly world

That's a cute pic. Mind if I uhhh save it?

xenoblade x

Went to Chinktown and played some arcade games. I thought my friends d was exaggerating but it was great.
I was amazed at the good condition of Hydro Thunder and Outrun 2.

Course you got to get your gutter oil food and a "massage" while you are in the neighborhood.

I will return.

where to buy the dolls that size that are functional onaholes?
asking for a friend

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My patreon.

Yeah, but I didn't really have fun with them. It's kind of hard for me to feel enjoyment anymore.

go to /jp/ and ask in the onahole general

I played samurai shodown for the first time with a friend, played some random gameboy games and body harvest for the n64. I have been practising ukyo in samsho to stomp my friend next time.

DMC5. I enjoy it but it's overhyped as fuck here. I can't blame Yea Forums though, If I had paid $60 for a licence tied Steam of a subpar game I would try to convince myself that I didn't get ripped off too.


unironically this. I like the game but come on, shills here have been insufferable

the Master of spirits games were great. never got around to playing the legacy of spirits games though.

You should play the bizarre PS2 srpg/fighting game