Just bought this. Watched this guy's 3 videos of it so far () and found it fucking hilarious

Just bought this. Watched this guy's 3 videos of it so far (youtu.be/F_2-Re4exA8) and found it fucking hilarious.

What am I in store for?

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You need to be creative and imaginative for the game to be fun. Also save-scumming pretty much makes the game boring and shit, don't do that.

I also seen that SsethTzeench video.

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I think the game could potentially be hilarious desu.

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Pls bump

Stop advertising your shit channel here faggot.

This dude has 111k subs, I doubt he would shill his channel on this backwater board.

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It's like the Sims on Fallout drugs.

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been playing for 2 days now and so far i've learned
>Save scumming ruins a lot of the fun
>Op builds are fun for exploring
>Holy sword start is super fun
>Traveling at night is safer than the day in some areas, especially if no dangerous animals
> Click on doors to make sure a house isnt private property. they will beat the shit out of you, and in early game this can be a death sentence
> You will never win a solo fight with the weakest of enemies at start
> Cannibal start can be op if you sacrifice one of the characters
> Game is like Dayz or rust, most of it is boring. But when it gets crazy its amazing.
> One bandit can easily kill a team member right off the rip of a fight by severing a limb or getting lucky
> get ready for punishment


someone tell me a city I can live in to get off the ground and start producing shit.

will raiders attack crops? I was wondering if I could grow cacti somewhere with just a well so I can get cacti for rum then sell the rum. is this doable?

Need to be autistic to enjoy

stack or squin

stack IS a holy town but they have:
>several bars
>almost every single type of specific trader
>a copper resource INSIDE the town
>whites only
>free meat/leather from random bonedog attacks constantly
>roving bands of starving bandits to beat on

it's usually my go to town, but that's also because most of my games are wandering nobody starts

Squin is good, close to the hub and has a free follower. Also a relatively safe copper deposite north of the town. i used my char and the free girl in the bar to mine to 20,000 and bought a house. Now my guy and his Shek wife just chill and mine shit for gear and practice combat while exploring

Raiders will attack and steal everything that is not the dirt. Need to plan defenses if you want a settlement

well damn, im trying to make money from selling booze and making my own booze would be nice without having to defend a farm

My personal experience is that bandits, ninjas, holy nation etc. will take food and nothing else.
played a few hundred hours, few save files. they will break every locked door and look in every chest but will only take food. maybe high end goods
they dont take meds, crops, trade goods like iron and copper.
they wont break your stuff. they ignore everything but your gate and doors

Settle close to a town like Squin(preferably) or the hub where your only problem is starving bandits to start and both towns are easy to get to and trade with. Simple fences can keep them out pretty easily and you can sort of hide it too so they will rarely ever see it. But if it was easy as that the game wouldn't be fun

hmm well maybe I will give it a try with one crop of cacti. I havent farmed yet but the idea is that they will go there with no one to kill and nothing to loot since it will just be cacti and i can go grab crops when needed then bring them back to town to turn into product, then send product out on fastest bull.

what alcohol is best to sell and who pays the most for it?

in addendum, raids wont leave. "XXXX approaches your outpost" kinda thing
they just hang out for days and patrol your base. sometimes you can lure them away.

The "official" wiki kinda sucks. best bet is google with specific search terms, use reddit threads for info.

never tried bootlegging but my money would say bars would be your best customers

love this game so far and im still trash. im alive at least which is nice

But sisyphus' punishment wasn't being forced to roll the boulder up the hill, he could have stopped at any time. His own hubris was his punishment, he thought he could best the gods once again.

>Hey howsit goin bois
>like or something
>Yo we are hungry as fuck look at this bois fucking ribcage is showing YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO look at his arm YO this is embarrasing we can't have that
It's another Yea Forums recommends me a reddit memespeaking faggot zoomer eceleb episode.

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Few random tips off the top of my head. i recently got back into this since about 4 months ago. this time i used a bunch of mods to just kinda add more variety and tune down numbers to make it "harder" and more "real".

-It requires 2x the weight of a weapon in Strength to wield it properly. this is the largest boost to your attack speed.
-wear wooden sandals, feel the need for speed.
-want more STR? fill your inventory until 75% encumbrance, thats +25% xp(max xp boost for weight). then carry someone, that doubles your encumbrance exp for a maximum of 50%.
-trade good values are randomized at world-gen. per area and per town. find a good spot for an item and sell it there forever.

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Any other tips? I want to give this shit another go since I really enjoy the concept of it.

- #1 tip i realize as i write these. look up one of the main stat training guides. some combat stats can be trained without fighting. exp values scale weird and... its just good to know the tips and tricks.

-mine copper for fast cash early on. Hub has 8 spots, squin has 7, stack has 5. plenty of spots to make thousands a day early on.

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-These tips are awful. shut up. make me mom!

-you just HAVE to get beaten up. if you choose wanderer start you and your gang of hired misfits need to get slapped around. you can train melee attack to 10,20,30 on dummies, STR, etc. but for defense and toughness and the best exp values you need to fight and inevitably lose. (keep a medic hidden away during fights)

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i'm the guy from the vid thx for the views niggers hahahha peace :)

-Stay in a town, mining copper, buy a house. research, train combat before making a settlement. each area has different weak/medium/strong clans. some ask for cash, some just attack. as soon as you have a few buildings the bandits will come

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What's the best place to sell hashish and bloodrum without losing 50%?

what's wrong with holy towns?

-EZ mode is stealth. easy to train people to 100 stealth by AFKing and then you can knock people out from behind instantly. entire caravans picked off in broad daylight 1 by 1

Shinobi thieves buy it. better mark-up by selling it to shinobi thieves in UC territory is best.
Tech Hunter Barkeep in Mourn buys it too.
Bloodrum im not so sure of

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make more dumb nigger

-more than 2:1 ratio of men-women? uh oh
-any races other than Greenlander? owo
-Skeleton? your gonna have a bad time.
-Taxation of your outpost when its big enough.
-Keep copy of the holy flame book on you and do prayer day once per week. or else
-tech is illegal in general. and drugs.

What's the best way to train new men as a nomad?

get at least 9 guys that can fight so you dont have to worry about losing a fight in the game.

A training Dummy probably isnt viable. encumbrance, carrying teammates will get STR up fast.
running with no weight gets athletics (run speed) up fast

sadly, without a dummy or live targets your weapon skills, dexterity, melee defense and dodge cant go up.

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The holy land is a great "noob" zone. building in the river basin lets you grow wheat and greenfruit at 100% (foodcubes) and the Paladin patrols will slap bandits and raptors left and right.

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dont grind your stats in cheesy ways. just play the game.
its rewarding as fuck when you find out you can solo the group of bandits thats been kicking your shit in for days.
its boring if you ran from every fight lvled up in a safe grindy way then go fight bandits. all you get is a oh that was easy instead of satisfying revenge.