What upcoming games are you most excited about?

What upcoming games are you most excited about?

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Sekiro, my nigger.

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Dying Light 2

Doom Eternal, Ion Maiden and that new 3D Realms fps.


Cyberpunk 2077, s.t.a.l.k.e.r 2, doom eternal

DOOM, Yoshi, MK...thats probably it until E3.

Astral Chain
Pokemon Sword and Shield
Super Mario Maker 2
Animal Crossing: Switch
Death Stranding
Bayonetta 3
Metroid Prime 4

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I swer

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Pretty solid list.

rune factory 5

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>Sonic Adventure (It's the remake though)
>Mega Man X9
>Team Sonic Racing
>Super Mario Maker 2

Pokemon SwSh
Doom Eternal
Link's Awakening remake
Death Stranding (cautiously optimistic)
Animal crossing

Knuckle Sandwich
King Of Cards
Bug Fables
Animal Crossing
Omori if it ever fucking comes out
Hopefully the new pokemon if the rest of the pokemon aren't as shit as the starters

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Megaman legends 3

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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Seriously, where the fuck is it? I ignored 4 all this time waiting for an HD game, but finally caved in a few days ago


Azur Lane Cross Wave
Astral Chain
KonoSuba Blobber: Tard Wrangler edition
Pokemon Sword and Shield
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master
Team Sonic Racing(if it looks better closer to release)
Umihara Kawashe Fresh

Keyboards: How do they work?

Fire Emblem
Marie oh maker
WarCraft 3 remaster

game I was really waiting for this year came out.
that being Ace Combat 7

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pls don't be a bad game
...pleeease god

Honestly, as someone currently playing through Black 2 for the first time, comparing it to the blunders that were gen 6 and 7, I have no hope for gen 8 and sincerely doubt GF will ever live back up to their potential. I fully expect gen 8 to be another bland, safe, overly casualized entry with retarded gimmicks introduced to fake an attempt at innovation but ultimately have zero staying power, there'll also be zero post game.

That fucking misaligned bow tip
Who OK'd this art with that glaring mistake

Why? 4 is pretty kino.
So you didnt keep up with the ds smts?

>darkest dungeon 2
Really gets me moist

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The grapgic looks so unpolished.
Im not having high expectations.

The axe cut through it
I dunno man, normally the artists are more cautious with this stuff. Maybe its low budget

>bare skin on leather
For what purpose

He wants to be the leather man

>Doom Eternal
>Outer Worlds
I'm not really that hyped for Outer Worlds, I'm just hoping that'll it'll be worth playing. Doom on the other hand, I would love to play right now.

Normies ruined this meme already.