Just post your Smash Ultimate main

Just post your Smash Ultimate main.

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The only other character that requires a higher iq than ken is probably pacman.

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Rate me

For me its the doc.

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Duck Hunt Doggo tho.

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You just posted him

You already did user.

>not maining Lucas
Why even play?

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I'm a simon boy

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don't have the game but pic related

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All 7 of them.

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I gay lol

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kill yourself


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Yoshi and villager

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I would have to disagree

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here's something I think you'll enjoy

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Best Bot comin' through

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Why the fuck do I never see anyone else playing this god

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this but i'm not a fag like you

that's my main if I'm not on the random button
side-B is my secondary
he's tough to learn though, and I've been playing him since 4

I only bought smash and a switch last week but I was planning to play ryu/ken. What makes him harder to play?

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Giving people the stanky leg is just great

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>Posting on Yea Forums
>Claiming to not be a fag

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G&W life.

You better believe Im throwing out that judge at the end of every throw/juggle combo

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Damn right fucking USA

I can hear this image
Reverbs through my skull

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I don't play anymore

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I hope we get at least another fighting character into the roster. Knowing that we're probably getting more popular characters like Joker, DQXI MC or Zora.

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>getting brainwashed into faggotry by this cancerous website you're addicted to
>being attracted to biological males dressed up as girls

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I shall combine both frames to create the ultimate waifu.

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Here’s another one. How about that new spirit design btw?

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Ken is arguably harder to play than Ryu because he has a harder time killing despite being faster. True shoryuken isnt as reliable as Ryu's, and to get the most out of him you have to integrate his unique inputs into your gameplan like his half-circle kick that can kill and simultaneously do a fuckton of shield damage. In general, he's more technical than Ryu and less rewarding.


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Dark Pit or Mewtwo. Or like ten other characters.

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Based Space Pirate gang

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I went to my first local and went 2-1 loss, then 2-0 against a Ness in losers. I'm trying to get back into the game, but my internet sucks and my only friend I play Smash with can't hang out as much. Still love my boy though.

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And Robin.

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DK has been my main ever since the days of 64.

Started to pick up Bowser nowadays, he's fun to play too.

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>True shoryuken isnt as reliable as Ryu's
Really? I swear the easiest and cheesiest way to KO with Ken is spamming the Shoryuken

Yeah I'm pretty sure this guy is full of it, Ken's shoryuken is a lot better. Honestly Ken in general is just better.

>can now reliably do a 0-40% combo with Ken after practicing his quarter circle down-kick
it's a hell of a move

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This boy and Robin.
I don't really know Shulk Bro, he is so good now thanks to the Monado Art Wheel but still nobody plays him.

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since day 1

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Wolf is the character i see the most online. Is it just because he's the most played in tournaments or is there some furry magic about him that draws people to him?

>Is it just because he's the most played in tournaments or is there some furry magic about him that draws people to him?
and he's also easy to play

Wolf is played exclusively by gay furries.

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This. Duck Hunt is literally fucking impossible to use in Ultimate. He feels like shit. Which is weird because I was great with him in Smash 4.

zero said he liked him so he's popular. and tournaments made him popular, too. there aren't many people drawn to him by the furry magic like me anymore. or maybe he's a fun character.

I loved how he played in Brawl and he's even better in Ultimate.

>more technical
>less rewarding
I agree on ken being more technical than ryu, but i think playing ken is waaaaaayy more rewarding than ryu. His heavy shoryu on the ground can act as a great anti air, unlike ryu's in which you have to land his shoryu on the initial hit. Plus, medium shoryu in the air can kill quite early


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r8 my main

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Behold all ye weeb, waifu, and furry fags. Behold the Redeemer. Through your blood, Smash will be made clean again.

Pac-Main for life

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No Nairs, fairs, or bairs, just reads.

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Wheres the peach boys at?? No one else wants to grind tech in lab for 100 hours??

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Based, respectable mains that are high iq and unique.

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>grabs u and throws u off the ledge at 0%

Heh... nothin personel, mac...


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Stfu faggot.

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He's a secondary for me.

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Garbage and low IQ mains. Back to R*ddit or DeviantArt and fester there.

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My main was roar, now he's my secondary.
He got replaced when I learned that Pic Related's command grab was OP and that it also has suicidal tendencies which is something I like.

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Then you """"high IQ"""" bitch asses stop getting sucked into my gun.

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I started playing this thing as a joke at the beginning of 4. All these years later and here I am. I don't even play animal crossing

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They did something to him that feels awful. I think most of his non-smash attacks have a much weaker sword range, and they nerfed the shit out of the two arts I like to use.

Is there a definitive control scheme for the Pro Controller? I'm not as reactive as I'd like to be and I'm not quite sure if it's because I'm not used to Ultimate's physics/mechanics or if it's because I'm not utilizing the controller properly.

I'm asking because this problem is making it very hard to choose a main.

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I play k rool

K Rool

Used to main, but stopped playing:

Trying to get gud with:

Based Picks.

L1/L2: Grab and Shield. Which one is which doesn't matter.

R1: Jump (for attack canceling)
R2: Special

C-stick: Tilts
Tap jump: Off
A + B Smash: Off
Rumble: Off

Can't talk on sensitivity because I just switched back to Medium. Can't talk on D-pad mashing because I've never used it.

best main 2003 north korea

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The ditto is so cancer that I have a pocket fox exclusively for it

I use the Slap City default setup. It makes jump specials pretty easy but it makes using the short hop crutch a real pain.

my boy

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r8 me

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>Only miis
Super alpha high dick ener-

>1 twink boy game
You ruined it.

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My brother from another mother

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But...it was an accident...it's not my fault Shulk's icon is so large...

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Just imagine a picture of Inkling

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I've mained Dedede since Brawl but I'm starting to tire of him. No one else really feels "right" for me like he does though. Hoping the DLC changes that.

>high IQ


rate me lads

Probably, idk. My lists were just shitposts
Guess my main.

After all my shitposting of wanting him back, this is the only answer I can give.

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Ken/Ryu are shit because they have to work 10x harder to do things all other characters do effortlessly. You're sabotaging yourself by picking them.

>tfw nobody uses your main so you have to create the combo tutorials

Wouldn’t it be funny if I took a big shit on the floor

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He feels great in this game for some reason. He's terribly unsophysticated but damn if it isn't cool to spike niggas with him.

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>No one posting the Junkie

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those aerials tho

simple but still fun to play. other main is ike and i get bored with him.

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Samus and Dark Samus are total fucking garbage

imagine having pk fire but its weak
fair combo gang

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King Boo and Banjo would be amazing. I’m fine with Shadow. Entei would be so unexcpected that I couldn’t help but be be stoked but Suicune would be cooler.

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Played him since Melee, but definitely been playing him more since 4. K.Rool is also up there with Wolf as a secondary if anything.

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i like characters that make me feel smart leave me alone you brainlet

The real brainlet is you for picking bottom tier characters

>the real brainlet
the real brainlet is the real brainlet who tells the less real brainlet about how much of a brainlet he is for picking bottom tier characters instead of picking brainlet characters and be a brainlet playing them.
You double nigger brainlet fucker. I will find you and I will subdue you, brainlet.

Not with a shit character you won't, stay down bitch

>sleeping on lower tiers
Unless it's like Kirby or little mac, you fucking dumb Lmao. You boutta get stomped.

>he thinks Ryu/Ken would ever get anywhere in tournaments


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based fitbro

>he thinks
big LOL coming from a brainlet

>My boys Pac and Doc taking GF and placing top 8
Keep sleeping lol, we'll make sure you stay asleep ;^)


They are broken characters that are permanent F tiers, like Robin and Sheik

Says the deluded.

>he reveals it was bait
Shit. Well played user.

Stand down Ryu/Ken guy. It's bait.

>ill show u hurr durr!11
Go win some tournaments then pussy :)

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any king dedede mains here? im bad at this shit but hes the char that im having the most fun with

*up smashes with a purple pikmin*

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Isabelle is cute and I main her

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why are u masturbating to dogs lol

Reminder to tbag anyone who uses Dennis the Menace aka Ness and his cohort.

Isabelle is only played by furfags or microbrainlets who want a worse version of Villager whose only viable move is side B.

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>Isabelle is for faggots
Yep, based and redpi-
>post Game and Watch
Go shave your neckbeard.

I'm guessing your main comes from Fire Emblem.

Oh god fuck no. Jesus user, i just said shave your neckbeard. Why you have to insult me like that?

He is 2hard for the average brainlet so they just play a fire emblem instead

But I really enjoy Yoshi, DK and Inceroar too.

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Incineroar *

And for the record
Im a Pac-Main

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get fit or get hit

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>Use neckbeard as an insult twice because too much of a brainlet to come up with anything else
Typical FE fag

It was just bantz, dont take it personal Gimr
Calling someone an FE main is worse than insulting their mother.


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based and fitpilled my friend

>Pac man
Wow pressing b and down b must be really hard work!

The 2D RNG nigger thinks he can talk shit. But for real, how long you been playing G&W?

>Charge Sun Salutation
>Enemy prepares to reflect the attack in a super secret surprise that definitely isn't obvious
>Duck under the projectile as it comes back
It makes me smile every time.

Why are WFT mains so based? Literally everytime I encounter a fellow fitplayer online we just mess around for half a minute before actually beginning to fight. Whenever I play another character and run into a ditto the opponent doesn't give a shit.

I'm lazy but add DK to this list and that's it for now. I like playing everyone though.

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That guy wasn't me, I give you some respect for playing as Pac-Man.
G&W is hardly RNG, Judgment is just a gimmicky fun move that never really comes in handy outside of silly situations and even then it's not really worth using unless you're just styling on someone.
I've been using him since Melee, although I'm no tourneyfag or anything, I just think he's really fun to play as.

>been using him since melee
I take back my earlier bantz. That's pretty based.

How about some deep breathing?

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WFT has the most clear cut line between reddit-Scrub and ProBro. And the line us between choosing male WFT and female WFT respectively.

Ironically enough WFT players have the least amount of waifu faggotry out of all the females in Smash

its always nice seeing someone play someone that isnt a tier topper or a swordie
at my college everyone either mains falcon, ganon, a FE character or shulk and its fucking obnoxious

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I main Fox so I can put Wolf mains in their place.

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*Throws axe at you*

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How do I play her without feeling brainless?

Lucario a cute and so are you

Really fast heavy hitting disjoints on almost all of his moves which win trades

Also the best projectile in the game complete with a get off me startup.

A reflector

Very fast air speed and character in general where it's needed.. his only shortcoming is offstage but people are too afraid of losing the trades and fumbling it seems

>not brainless
pick one

Him and pic related.

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I have to know. Why THAT inkling?

Every competitive Smash player is a gay furry?

into your ass?

good taste

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Soiboi alert

He's a dork that I relate with?

Okay fair enough. Keep having fun, man.

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Simple and wholesome. Even bad guys have their own feelings.

Tardhelmet master race
Based filter bending this Jabroni namefag over and giving him the ol' 92 Nash special

She's fun

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When's Summit?


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Dad Bowser is the best part of Bowser,
Change my mind

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mii bros where you at

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Shulk is way better than in 4, Arts got changed into hyper versions, so less shield last less long, and buster you really need to get in to use it, but fast switching and faster air attacks makes him much better.

Boring moveset that looks janky as fuck. But dress-up is fun

>Go to local
>Wii Fit main is talking about how firm her tits & ass are mid-set and after the set

You are

Post Samus GSP, tough guy

>falcon, ganon,
those ain't good characters tho
I'd say Falcon isn't even easy to play this time around either so he's not an obvious shitter choice (Ganon might be, but honestly his weaknesses should keep a lot of people from picking him)

I play beauty and the beast.

Palutena and Ridley.

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On a quest to play every single character at a decent level

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>posts it
>"who fucking cares about GSP"
>doesn't post it
>"see you're shit"
GSP means nothing anyway, but explain why you think she sucks.

>Pacman on respectable
Pac-mains salute your excellent taste.

I know they arent good
People gravitate towards them for one of three reasons
1. They mained him in a past game and are too stubborn to move on
2. They know he's a smash favorite and pick him because he's popular
3. durr i only play honest characters bro, im so honest

R8 my mains

I actually want to pick up Pac-Man more myself. He looks pretty fun but I'm not great

Honestly, learn how everyone else plays first.
Pac-man plays in a special way that isnt normal for Smash.
I used to be a Doc and Mario only main but Pac-man changed that

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Due to system changes, while on paper they buffed him (faster fruit charge, new up tilt) he has ended up worse than his Sm4sh counterpart.

He simply needs some beefy buffs to keep up.

>b-air kills
>d-air kills
>grab slightly more reliable
>N-air out of shield insanely good
>able to charge held fruit

He's better than sm4sh Pac. You cant Z drop spam anymore which is sad but he's significantly faster, has better strings, has actual kill options, and still racks up massive damage.
I wish we still had frame 1 up B, but that's just personal preference

Phoneposter fag

>K Rool player
>called PLANT GANG
>stages set to standard
>crouches as a taunt because "lmao he dabbin"

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the best kind of player

Ganon is a solid mid tier character, maybe even the top of mid tier. Some pros like Void think he's high tier.

These two are so fun. im really bad at desync tho

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I hate myself and others.

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>k rool fags
Can we just eradicate these fuckers?
It was all fun and funny when K rool was announced, I was hyped too he's a fun addition
But now everyones on the bandwagon and wont shut the fuck up about how great he is despite being mid tier at best.
I bet 50% of k rool players are too young to even be familiar with the DK cartoon they love aimlessly quoting so much.

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I love you.
Fuck K Rool niggers.
All they is spam b moves and nair and get whiny when you play more passively to abuse his end lag.
K Rool is the ultimate way to tell if someone is a Redditor
His theme is pretty good though.

I remember when Yea Forumsandwagoners latch on to him while shitting on other characters, like there's that faggot who claimed "he's a really great leader who loves his men!"

her art is cute!

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