Gamers rise up!

gamers rise up!

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>its a thread that starts with a mobile screenshot about some news site

Fuck off.

That kid is pretty based

It's only game
Why you heff to be mad?

Would you prefer a link instead to read yourself?

Is this a parody

>The mom's hair
Maybe she should talk to the manager about this.

based fuck boomers

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I'd rather have a twitter post.

Not him, but I would prefer you kys

If only his parents bought him Disney's Herbie: Fully Loaded instead.

The kid obviously wants to be Batman

Psychopaths raise psychos?

Who woulda thought?

If you read the shit the kid says you'd realize the solution is to just give the kid a simple ass beating of a lifetime.

>Have you tried turning OFF your TV, sitting DOWN with your children, and HITTING them?

Phoneposters ruined Yea Forums.

>big suburban house
>cop father
>fat annoying looking mother with retarded haircut
>cringy walmart batman shirt/skull beanie
>already owned fake guns
>xbox AND a fucking playstation

sounds like the autistic mutt was just raised like garbage by a beta dad and an uppity mom and given too much for his own good, spoiled little beast

How did he even get his hands on a loaded gun

>The boy allegedly told investigators after the shooting if he didn’t get his video games, there would be “a part two,” and said he wanted to shoot his dad in the head but couldn’t because of the way he was laying down.
>He also said he tested the Taser on the family’s dog before the shooting, according to authorities.

Combination of a terrible/absent father, an overbearing mother, and an only child. This is why you make your kids play sports, especially if they don't have siblings. There they can meet other kids who are outright better than they are to slap the weak bitch out of them.

>>xbox AND a fucking playstation
That's not a lot of money if you're not lowest level of poverty. Especially if you get them after price drop.

He stole it from his dad's patrol car. The kid clearly never learned the proper meaning of consequence and ramifications.

Father was a cop, psychopathy must run on the family.


>He also said he tested the Taser on the family’s dog before the shooting, according to authorities.


Sure he did. It was his parents who didn't consider the consequences of taking his games away.

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White men ask black men to fuck his wife

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rise up

it's not the money that's the issue, the issue is that instead of an actual mom and dad this tiny michael myers got two dogshit videogame consoles to raise him, why does an 11 year old with no siblings need two consoles? his dumb ass should have been outside

yep, cop's kids usually turn out to be assholes, they all have big houses and lots of cool shit but unlike normal wealthy families the father works 14 hours a day and the only person around to discipline the kids are the retarded cheating mothers.

Or just beat them when they get uppity
I was an only child and when I overstepped, my father would get physical, didn't take long until I stopped

Kids raised by cops can be the absolute worst little shits because Daddy is there to keep them out of trouble until they finally do something he can’t make disappear.

lol this little nigga finna get the syringe as present when he turns 18


Man I wish I died when I was 18. Life was really good.

They need to kill that little shit

Kid does not respect his parents at all, and he is a spoiled cunt. Was taught nothing, and was raised on baby-sitting devices.

Worked for our parents.

>white people

It's really atrocious... I mean, look at the mom's haircut, a fucking crime.

>this is your average idort