Are there people here that are still willing to defend the Wii?

Are there people here that are still willing to defend the Wii?

Even when I go back to try and play the most critically acclaimed games, just touching the wii remote makes me feel sick.

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Absolutely FUCKING

Get good.

There's no excuse for the wii having a better online store than the Switch. Library was fucking weak and really shows that first parties don't mean shit if you don't have multiplats to back it up. It gains points for having backwards compatibility though.

>wii shitty controller shitty graphics
>wiiu shitty tablet shitty graphics
>switch shitty controllers shitty graphics shitty handheld mode shitty console mode

>library was fucking weak
It has zelda
It has mario
It has xenoblade
It has fireemblem
It has mario kart
It hast mario party
It has mario smash
It has fire emblem

Only game worth playing that’s still exclusive to it is Galaxy.

And that's it. The Mario Party games on the wii are fucking shit, Skyward Sword is subjectively bad (I liked it) you said Fire Emblem twice, Mario Kart was good and both Galaxies are pretty good but not the second coming of christ everyone says. This would all be great if the Wii was getting the same multiplatforms the PS3 and 360 were getting, the GameCube was a contender in the console race before because of this, the minute they went cheap and cut out most of their third parties they've been a laughing stock The. Library. Was. Fucking. Weak.

Easiest controller to fit in your ass

I fucking love my wii.

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fuckin kino selection my dude
could use some more gc games but thats just me

Now is the best time to collect for it really. Almost everything is dirt cheap and it's cheaper than buying a GameCube. A much easier pill to swallow when you're only paying like 5$ a game.

The only Nintendo consoles that mattered were SNES, N64 and GC. Even the fucking N64 with it's measly 300 games outdoes the shitshow that is the Wii and its myriad of shovelware garbage. The so-called hidden gems are trash too. Nintendo as a hardcore catering company with passion for original ideas and pleasing fans ended in the mid 2000s with the launch of the Wii in 2006. Things have not been the same ever since, and never will be.

I think the joycons win this round.

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Even if you didn't like the Wii, it was worth getting for the backwards and virtual console.

Shit console. I sold mine and have zero regrets. Only Xenoblade Chronicles, Mario Galaxy 1/2, Braw were good on it.

As much as I don't want that to be true, it is. I wish they'd merge with Sony or Microsoft at this point. Preferably Microsoft.

This. You can argue that you didnt like these games or not the greatest in their own series but nintender really put some effort into making these solid games.

And HD rumble if you know what I mean

dude resi4

>Are there people here that are still willing to defend the Wii?
Why the fuck do you care what other people think?
>Even when I go back to try and play the most critically acclaimed games, just touching the wii remote makes me feel sick.
Really? Is your constitution so damn fragile that touching the controller of a particular video game makes you ill? How fucking weak are you?

Fucks sake either play the video games or don't.

>Put effort into making these games
I guess we're giving A's for effort now. I can put effort into taking a shit but that doesn't change what it is when I flush it down. I wanted the Wii to be good. It wasn't.

Get out of your basement and get some friends.

What are you complaining about?
Wii had better first parties than GC.


I'm like 95% sure you're baiting but hardcore Nintendo fans have the tendency to be this retarded.

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>The Mario Party games on the wii are fucking shit
Mario Party was always shit.

He's probably a gen skipper switchtard.

The best thing the Gamecube did was create Pikmin. Prove me wrong.

Except for smash almost all wii first party titles are better than gc first party titles.

Okay so you think
>Skyward Sword is better than Wind Waker
>Galaxy is better than Sunshine
>Mario Kart Wii is better than Double Dash
>Mario Party 9 is better than Mario Party 5
>Bonus round: No F-Zero, Custom Robo, Kirby Airride, Chibi Robo, Killer 7, Super Monkey Ball (without motion control gimmicks) Two good Metroid games as opposed to one, the other being the worst in the franchise
I guess everyone has their own opinion but Jesus.


>He unironically thinks Sunshine is better than Galaxy
kek. Also, both Zelda games you listed were shit. It's just that Wind Waker is the less smellier turd.
Like I said earlier, the creation of Pikmin is easily the best thing the Gamecube did.

I defended it in the height of the "hurr wagglan shovelware console" era, and I'll defend it now. Damn good little thing and it had some of my favorites on it. Fuck, Wii Sports is still fun to this day even if it was marketed towards soccer moms and grandmas.

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>twillight prince is better than ww
>galaxy is better than sunshune
>wii kart is better than dd
>who cares about mario party
Not to mention wii has access to all gc titles.

>Fun niche games that remain unreleased to this day like No More Heroes and MadWorld
>Brawl with mods
>Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
>Donkey Kong Jungle Beat released without requiring any bongos
>The GameCube’s entire library
Really not as bad as people make it out to be

>There's no excuse for the wii having a better online store than the Switch. Library was fucking weak and really shows that first parties don't mean shit if you don't have multiplats to back it up.
But this is literally every Nintendo system. Why the FUCK would you play something like, say, DOOM on the Nintendo Switch over literally any other version of the game? There's just no reason. If you own a Nintendo system, it's always been about their main IPs, because their third parties were only for poorfags, they're typically the inferior version to the other versions.

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The Wii has hands down the best way of playing Resi4. Other than that you've got your 1st party games that are good

>GC has no exclusives because Wii can play every GC game

It's a great retro emulation machine

Great potential hindered by the retards at Nintendo that just HAD to shoehorn motion controls into games that didn't need them. TP/Crossbow training handled aiming with the pointer really well, but SS was a fucking pain. Also wasn't a fan of shaking the controller when playing Bing Bing Galaxy.

Preference of exclusives. It's why people buy the PS4 over the Xbone even though it is objectively better. (Gamepass/controller/graphics)

Wiis good, I like it alot.

>It's why people buy the PS4 over the Xbone.
Maybe if Xbone had some exclusives people would buy it more... it's not like that has a thing to do with it or anything...

Yea Forums really is full of Zoomer retards now isn't it?

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Nigger, I know this it's why I don't own one. If it had them people would buy it.

>Pick one up for $10
>Hack it
>Becomes the best and cheapest emulators
Wii is kino, has a great library of games, has access to all of the GCN games good emulation for a fair chunk of N64 games

It's full of zoomer narcissists who care more about what other people think than just doing something you would enjoy.

You dont have an arguement do you?

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>Post asks if people still defend the Wii
>People attempt to argue in defense of the Wii

I do and I've stated it above but obviously we disagree and there is no changing your mind.

no motion controlled game exists still that is better than wii sports/resort

Post also includes OP being so weak that OP gets sick at picking up the controller. Imagine.

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sadly i dont think nintendo really deserves credit for that but its still a remarkable piece of hardware, you cant deny that

What the fuck is your arguement? How am i supposed to know what your arguements were?

>There are people in this thread who unironically think Sunshine is better than the Galaxy games
Gamecucks explain this.

been playing my wii more than my ps4 for months now, ever since the store shut down and I put cfw on it
its just a better console with better games. Its a shame that proper motion controls have been abandoned

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I still play Game Party 3 for the Wii darts pretty much every weekend. I try to get my friends to play Umbrella Chronicles with me because I love track shooters like Area-51