Dark Souls 3

Fuck this fucking shit “le it’s so hard by fair xD” bullshit game.? Wtf is this boss? How am I suppose to beat him?

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slurp more ass

Beat this fag my second try. He isn't hard. I died to first boss like 10 times. I did pick deprived though

>can't even get past the second boss
stick to zelda games champ

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stop playing, get a refund and play the better, based and redpilled DS2.

move out of the way when he attacks.
hit him after.

Honestly get good

>dying to vordt
hit him till you win dumpass

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Damn you suck bro.

press the roll button

Anyone else here fight Dancer first on accident?

put your face into his cock and roll into him when he charges, thats literally it.

don't get hit and hit him until he dies
you should be able to upgrade a weapon of your choice once and have 5 heals if you explored enough (or even 6 but that's unlikely on a first playthrough)
rolls have a gorillion iframes so make use of those

>there are people who actually, unironically died to Vordt

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"Play le pvp souls dud hahaha!!"

Actually kill yourself

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You can roll through just about anything and be invincible doing it.

This is how souls games work. At times when you are backing up and running away you should be rolling through him to hit him in the back instead.

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poke his butt

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I unironically find Vordt to be harder than 70% of the base games bosses because you might him undergeared as shit
On my very first playthrough of DS3 I was playing at like 20 fucking FPS on my toaster and still oneshot basically every boss in the 2nd half of the game other than the fight against the 10 bloodborne lookin asses
But Vordt? Nigger pushed my shit in
I was dealing like 3% of his HP per hit, 2-handed
And once he fucking phase shifts that's a shitton of HP that you still need to whittle down

get a trainer. Game will magically become fun.

Dark souls isn’t hard, just punishing to people who are impatient

PC*cks everyone


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>Don’t overlevel
user that’s the fun of an RPG that allows you to respawn enemies Infinitely

Fucking roll nigga, come back when you fight a hard boss

>the only way to play is to purposely avoid core game mechanics

My 8yr old daughter beat this boss by mashing R1

Then how the hell did you get past Gundyr?

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>Muh 8 yr old
Fucking liberals go

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This boss is very easy, try avoiding his attacks.

What is C.E.? Either way DaS3 is easily beatable without summons or anything.

Just stay behind him and mash R1


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Imagine not being able to beat the literal easiest boss in the game. Jesus Christ.


cheat engine
don't use it

did you forget about deacons


with this

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how do you fucks fall for this shit all the time

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You're kidding right? Just stay close and hit his ass. Move to the side as he attacks. Seriously just get good.

Have you not seen Asmongold?

i died to deacons once

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I did, but didn't die to fucking Suly.

>heard everyone talking about how easy the deacons are
>just jump into the mob, manage to kill the red guys very fast
>pope appears, just jump into him the same way
>a bunch of fat guys get in my way and I get trapped
It is not that hard to die for them.

The best way not the only way. Just justify your faggotry by saying it's subjective and I'm sure you'll cope fine.

nigger he's literally the second boss of the game you can beat him with unupgraded shit

>i died to deacons once

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Learn to dodge, it's not that hard.

Alternate between the roll and the R1 button. This is how you beat every boss.

>can beat him
No shit nigger, you HAVE to beat him with undergeared shit because that's all you have
That's exactly what I just said

Literally one of the easiest bosses in the series

Only way that happens is if you kill the old lady. Shame on you user.

>Beat the Bell Gargoyles, Capra Demon, Pontiff, Dancer and The Princes first try on my first ever playthroughs
>Died to Royal Rat Vanguard and Royal Rat Authority on my first DS2 playthrough
What is my damage?

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sony makes good games sony makes gooder game than xbox, nintendo switch gay is gay gay gay gay gay gay

RRA is a notorious motherfucker, don't let anybody shame you for that. RRV is pretty easy though, you bitch.

I thought it was annoying that every other boss was crippled wounded or crouching in some way

On my second play through of this game. Went high dex/magic. I beat dancer and iudex part 2 with chained black flames alone.

Stay close to him. Try to kee behind and under him at all times. Learn his moveset and know when to roll. Only time you have to worry then is his ground smash attack. When he dashes at you in his second phase, dodge to to the left or right. Its all about learning his moves and the timing. Good luck.

Side step slash my man heh side step slash

Anyone else think that DS3 has better bosses than DS1?
Like, the DS1 bosses can be trivialized so easily with poise.

DS1 has the worst bosses in the series.

Dodge you retard, bosses are faster but so are you.

I rolled Northern Warrior and smashed every boss first try until I hit a wall for an hour at Twin Princes.
DS3 was my first Dark Souls game.
Demon Souls and Bloodborne are way better games

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>saying this when DS2 exists

Nah, these are RPGs and I'll play them the same as any other. All problems are solved with leveling.

There's no fucking way you can beat Grundyr but not Vordt.

I do, I mean DaS has a lot of really good bosses but others that are complete fucking shit. DaS III really only has Deacons for an utter shit boss. Arotiras has already been replaced in my heart with Dragonslayer Armour.

The fact of the matter is Gundyr would be the strongest boss in souls if he actually wielded he's glaive like a normal person.

>don't use C.E.

the rest of these are correct though

Gundyr is a lot easier than Vordt.
DaS3 was my very first Souls experience and I beat Gundyr first try, but had to fight Vordt like 5 times.

The thing is that shitters don't get though, is that ds2 and ds3 both suck

Pus of Man is an incredibly annoying enemy to fight because of its big hitbox and strenuous attacks.

Gundyers Pus is the first Pus you encounter, its form and threat level hardly comprehensible within the few seconds you're given to react to it.
I can not see how you'd consider that easier than Vordt, who's most threatening moments is when he rapidly slides around.

with my magic build 2 chaos fire balls render pus of man's utter docile. quite satisfying to see happen.

Because Gundyr only goes Pus form at heat-up, and his animation takes so long that you can easily take him from 50% down to 25% HP in the time it takes for him to start attacking.
Vordt inflicts frostbite, making stamina regen slower, so you can't do much of shit, he hits harder, and its harder to tell what attack he's actually going to do. He's also a big fatass, which I have always found to be the most difficult type of enemy in this series.

yeah on my first run I beat Gundyr first try as well. Vordt took me around 5 tries as well.
For some reason, I had more trouble with Gundry on my second file, it was like being blind made him easy.

>just turn it on easy mode bro, they put it in for a reason

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>Instantly start attacking a boss as he moves into phase 2
Wow user, maybe it's because I'm instinctually not a bitch but I never do that and prefer to see what my enemies bring next to the table.

They're designed to get you to waste your fire bombs early on, of course a pyro makes them pathetic.

I noticed this as well when I ran a pyro build

something satisfying about them surviving on a bit of health and the pool of lava killing them after. I killed Aldrich like that, he was gonna do arrows and I was like fuck it and chucked one and as I was running he died from the lava. I didn't even notice it happened until the text came up.

I play every boss encounter defensively and it took me 5 or so tries to figure out that there was an unavoidable curse building up and I'm supposed to unga him to death.

DaS3 is thw easiest of the games you mong. Bort is literally "Watch as he charges past you and exposes his ass for spanking".

Okay, Vegeta.

You can play it slow for most part, though you do have to unga the casters when they start casting the curse cloud.

Anyone have good ideas for cosplay builds? I want to do this guy, he mostly fight with his fists so I'll do caetus but he has a finger beam that lets him control stuff. I was thinking Rapport could work. What armor would be good?

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Cosplay Robin Williams irl and hang yourself.

I don't need to hang myself because I am hung.

Me too, wanted to see what the big black vortex thing actually did