What's the comfiest build you've ever been a part of, Yea Forums?

What's the comfiest build you've ever been a part of, Yea Forums?

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Probably one of the many wurm villages I have been a part of

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Yea Forums server when?

Good question, when is the Yea Forums wurm server?

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problem with wurm villages is that they are either:
A. totally done with everything and there is nothing for you to do
B. inhabited by two or three people who log on once every 6 fucking months leaving you do everything except oh wait you dont have permissions lol

solo mode homesteading has always been best.

I miss my old skyblock server

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Right here

i remember playing wurm, don't play it much anymore though

What's wurm like? It looks interesting but I have no idea what it actually is

Me and my friends on a server spent weeks building a massive wall for no real reason. It took forever because we did it all legit and the foundation was 6x6 of solid obsidian. We didn't think to use an obsidian generator at first so we would spend hours underground on this huge lava source mining it. Maximum comf having 10+ friends in a cave together hacking away at obsidian. Once it was built we didn't even have anything to put in it so we left it empty

It's much like minecraft (notch worked on it before he left and went to make minecraft) except it has skills like runescape does. It was originally an MMO, but got released on steam and people can host their own servers now with mods and different exp rates. Rather than put things into crafting tables or other things like that, you have to add things onto what you're building by using them with it. It has actual game mechanics for facilitating building villages and working together. Instead of having items degrade to dust like in minecraft, you can repair them. In exchange the item will lose QL, QL basically determines how well a tool or something will perform. Higher pickaxes for example mine faster. It also has a hunger and thirst system, but the hunger system caner like minecraft's. It will reduce your XP gains and reduce your stamina regen, but if you don't eat for longer enough you'll fast and only the XP reduction will carry over. Water is the only thing that won't fix itself, and it is really easy to come by so it isn't a big deal and you can hold it in your inventory.

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Shitty server, 1.8+ is where minecrap died

lol retard

Enjoy your shit tier combat, faggot

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he says while playing click spam wahoo and shit blocking

>if you don't eat for longer enough you'll fast and only the XP reduction will carry over
That sounds pretty fucking cool
Does the game ever go on sale?

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Yeah it was once in a humble bundle for a buck so you can get from real cheap from key resellers right now, but it goes on sale on steam as well.

Kill yourself stupid frogcancer

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> playing minecraft
> 2011 + 8

I played it for like 40 minutes
It was shit

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Just like your stupid frog meme! END YOURSELVES

You sound quite angry, user.
Are you okay?

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Is it free?

What are must have minecraft mods?

What do you want? exploration, decoration, adventure, magic, utilities, tech?

Anyone else done skyblock with friends? It's a comfy experience

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Only ever by myself.

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fucking frogposters

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I'm vanilla so give me a quick rundown. Just installed my first shader (SEUS). I guess I want quality of life stuff to make it more enjoyable to waste time

No, but there is a pirate version that only works on pirate servers so you'll have to play with Russians or 4*2chan.