Why are lootboxes okay as long as they only contain cosmetics?

Why are lootboxes okay as long as they only contain cosmetics?

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they're not

It's not and it's just a tactic to keep moving the overton window.

Because they're the lesser of two evils and a compromise between enjoyable vidya and humans' inevitable endless greed. No self-respecting human being cares about videogame cosmetics in multiplayer games anyway.

that's how capitalism works, sweetie

Because cosmetics are luxury items

I like being rewarded with random cosmetics for playing a game. That being said, they shouldn't be sold for real money.

Do you not understand the evil of pay to win faggot?

Only if you can earn the same cosmetics in a timely and fair manner without them.

Kill all pitbulls

It's not. It's a retarded argument used by coporate bootlicking idiots. Additionally their entire argument falls apart when you ask them why doesn't the comoany just sell the cosmetic directly instead of making it rng?

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It makes it so only idiots will buy them so there is no one left to complain.

The answer is trying to make more money without fucking the flow of a game. Can you stop being retarded please?

It's not about whats in them, it's whether or not they charge money for them.

>game uses servers to run on
>game requires updating to stay relevant/competitive
>game cost less than $20
>faggots bitch about shit they don't ever buy that is keeping their fucking game afloat

you people literally sound retarded. have fun paying for personal servers and shit.

because the assumption is no rational person would drop a shitload of money on them

Why aren't cosmetic lootboxes?

Games that are not licensed under GPL and other copyleft licenses are NEVER ok.

>have fun paying for personal servers and shit.
Are you serious? Player run servers are always great



the issue is when they don't allow trading or markets like they do in CS. valve, the greedy cunts they are, scrape a hefty percentage off of every transaction, but there is also a third party market/trading option to buy $1400 m4 skins and shit.

because people that would pay for cosmetics are already cucks so I don't give a shit
if it doesn't affect gameplay then I could care less

haha that dog looks like a lion

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>without fucking the flow of the game
And lootboxes aren't doing that already dipshit?

do you run your own server? or do you rely on a mentally ill furry, autistic brony, or retarded german battlefield squad to fund your fun online experience?

it actually does affect gameplay because the manpower and financial resources and time spent on implementing the system could have been reassigned to improve the gameplay and add more playable content

Imagine if you had $10 to make a pizza and could pick what toppings go in it
instead of spending $10 on making a pure mushroom pizza, you are required by something to spend $5 of it on adding pineapples that you don't like. So now you made a pizza that's half good and half shit

Assuming they are only cosmetic, then no, they really aren't

I care but i probably won't pay for it.

it's still content that's part of the game

>that is keeping their fucking game afloat

it's okay as long as the game is free to play. gotta pay the bills somehow and it's better than making it pay to win.

the people making the art assets for a new skin probably aren't also the coders doing work on a new character or game system

that's a stupid hypothetical nigger, you could make this argument about anything
why does anything have x when that effort could have gone to y

how does psyonix afford to keep their $20 game afloat with constant updates and the like? It sure isn't sales of a game that is bought for $10 on a steam sale. All those plat fags dropping paychecks on crate keys are.


The same person has to be sayi g bootlicker. I casually lurk and you're in every goddamn thread. Quit that shit.

>lacks basic understanding of game development
>backs it up with a spicy food analogy
do you realize how fucking dumb you sound?
new flash retard: different aspects of a game are worked on by different positions with different qualifications. to """reassign""" work you'd have to either pick somebody with the same credentials, hire somebody new to the company, or spend time and resources training someone.
you suggest ripping out somebody who models game assets and putting them into a game design position they aren't qualified for because you want to "totally own capitalism"
how dumb ARE you?

yes but the art people can also be used if you need new assets for new types or variations of enemies

it's not a hypothetical, I'm just illustrating that a budget of a game is finite and that if you add something, it takes away from something else so this argument of "It doesn't affect gameplay" is completely wrong

If you're game can't make a profit at that price you either had too large a budget or too cheap a price. And if they want to continue updating the game for the foreseeable future than make it free to play. More players getting into it means more potential ingame purchases.

You're the one who's fucking dumb. You must live in some kind of dream world where a game dev team has an infinite resource pool to draw people, money, and time from everytime they want to add something to the game.
Grow up dumbass

It's the difference between taking a little bullet vibrator up the ass and taking a giant unlubricated dildo.

No cock gobbler, cosmetics have no real impact on the game.

I'm not that person and that's a common term to use dummy.

>cosmetics have no impact
Except on immerson jackass

or, you have an opt-in system that raises capital without a downside outside of fags wanting shit for free

I'm not the one that resorted to a flimsy food analogy that doesn't hold up at all to the reality of the situation.
I think I know a little bit more about this than you do, dear retard.

are american bulldogs the same as pittbulls?

Why do you think you're "rewarded" with randomized cosmetics? It's just a common psychological trick used in gambling to make people hooked on the random reward dopamine boost and hopefully spend money on more boosts, it's not even about the random rewards themselves but the anticipation before it's revealed.

>$0.05 has been deposited into your Epic Games account

why does immersion matter at all in an online videogame that usually has retards screeching over the mic

if someone wearing red armour instead of blue armour ruins your immersion, you're autistic.

>I think I know a little bit more about this than you do
no you don't because I've worked in ACTUAL game development at a large company and can tell you straight up you're fucking stupid

Because cosmetics do not affect gameplay.

don't pay for shit cosmetic crates if you don't want a shit cosmetic crate

You're the autists for making such a retarded example

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Kill all shitbull

don't make me pay for shit cosmetic crates if you're gonna make me pay for the game.

>I'm just illustrating that a budget of a game is finite and that if you add something, it takes away from something else
Which is why cosmetics are made to sell for extra revenue without compromising gameplay. are you brain deficient?
You realize a large portion of any given budget actually just goes toward marketing right? you know, the thing responsible for making your product known so it can make the money in the first place?
You clearly have a very juvenile understanding of spending if you think no money should be invested into pulling a profit

>I've worked in ACTUAL game development at a large company
Don't lie on the internet to try to make a point, son. Try using actual explanations instead of food analogies next time.

fp first fpbp post best first bp best post.

Did you know pitbulls are nanny dogs?

I dislike loot crates as much as the next guy but you never HAVE to buy them unless you let the devs sucker you into timed exclusive bullshit

they aren't
cosmetic lootboxes give developers priority to add cosmetics instead of gameplay changes
look at tf2 and overwatch for example
i said this would happen to overwatch and people called me a crybaby
FUCK you i was right

Pitbulls are a breed by themselves, but pitbull is also a term that encompasses all related dogs.

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>Don't lie on the internet
Ok bro I'm totally lying haha you got me. If that's what makes you feel better, kid.

Not an excuse

Is this a serious question?

and saying that devs force you to buy cosmetics isn't the truth

It's basically a retard tax.

Is there a game where lootboxes contain pets?

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you bought the fucking game with an impression that it gives you x and y. They sell z on the side and you don't need to pay for z because it only makes you look cool. But now faggot commies want x,y, and z because 'I pay fur muh gaem, I wan more free shit'.

fuck off back to the bread line, boris.

Yeah bro you're actually right haha I should believe you on your baseless claim on an anonymous imageboard haha I don't need evidence of competency or work at all
my friend once told me his dad worked at nintendo and he actually did! the absolute madman haha!!!
Nobody likes you, user.


I never said you are forced to buy cosmetics
But what is the truth is you are forced to pay for an incomplete game

It's not, but at least it means I only paid 40$ for Overwatch instead of 60 so they could justify milking retards for extra cash while I don't give a shit about cosmetics.

imagine writing all this just to show how mad you are when someone tells you you're wrong.

If someone wants to spend his money on a shit gun you can't say shit about how they spend their money.

Lootboxes are never okay
Microtransactions are okay when cosmetic only in free to play games.

Those are the rules.


I wonder who could be behind this post...

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why are you shitposting about pitbulls? this is a lion thread

it's not. instead of working on the game and trying to make the game better, developers are forced to come up with cosmetic bullshit that does nothing except make their company money which is fine if you own stocks in the company, but as a consumer it's total bullshit, and i wish human beings weren't as retarded and weren't consumed by gambling.

Remember when players could earn cool looking cosmetics in game by achieving difficult tasks or great fetes? Now its mostly grinding X amount of virtual coins or buying a lootbox for 3$ for a cosmetic and there are people on /v who unironically support this.

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As always it depends.
I can understand that the companies behind games want to offset the reduced revenue from higher development costs and inflation. For single player focused games this can come in the form of story extending DLC, for multiplayer focused games it's cosmetics. Now the problem is as always greed. DLC for stories could be like add-ons in the past with more variable scopes since you don't have to put them in stores anymore, but some companies cut from the main game to sell it off separately. The cosmetics could be reasonably priced and, bare some exceptions, also be earned through gameplay, but some companies have to make it a lottery or hugely overprice them like DoA 6 recently.


I like the idea of loot boxes because it takes money from stupid people.

I'm not the one asking for more shit per shekel after purchasing it. You are projecting, faggot.

Gambling for cosmetic items is a contract willingly entered into by everyone. Things like accelerator packs where you pay to unlock guns and scopes in battlefield or pay for a map to hidden items are the concerning things.

>Oh no this untapped market was finally tapped! This is a nightmare!
Welcome to capitalism manbaby. Nobody is obligated to give you things for free and your opinion is worth less than the opinion of someone who is willing to give them money
Deal with it or leave the country

they aren't

>$1.00 has been deposited into your EA account

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No sane ecomonic system allows you to buy your way to formal merits.
Buying items is like cheating in an exam.

which is what I fucking said. Attacking cosmetic lootboxes is ridiculous when there are pay to win accelerator packs in most new games.

nice rebuttal, you inept shitheads

>Attacking cosmetic lootboxes is ridiculous when there are pay to win accelerator packs in most new games.
Attacking accelerator packs in most new games is ridiculous when there are starving children all over the world so why not? you weren't doing anything with that $4+tip anyway goy

They'd be only okay if the game is F2P, else how they're supposed to make money from?
If you pay for cosmetics whatsoever after paying full price for the game, you're a gigantic faggot

>p2w vs a cosmetic item that doesn't affect the game
>being mad that people want stuff you don't
>being mad you can't afford that AWP skin for your sick montages

>It doesn't affect the game!

They're still not ok. It's just being pushed by big money to make more money for the big money. Cosmetics makes it a lesser evil, because it doesn't imply an impact on the gameplay as a whole compared to, say, weapons that would give you an edge. It still pleases the big money because the idiots still buy the cosmetic lootboxes, so it's the compromise people take.

>posts example of p2w for a fucking cosmetic that still does not affect the actual core game mechanics nor does it give any advantage
>maker of the video says this is pretty much only relevant in overwatch, where the cosmetics are unlockable after so many hours, but you can accelerate that by purchasing lootboxes
>is only against this because it is incentivizing payment to unlock the content the game shipped with
>most other games have a continued development phase that in conjunction rebalances the game and patches exploits, adds new cosmetic items
>these didn't ship with the game, are voluntary, and not unlockable through any other process
>they don't affect the core game mechanics
>they financially incentivize the developer to continue supporting a game

I'm sorry you fell for blizzard's bullshit, and I agree the lootbox route to unlock in game content that can be unlocked through playing the game is bullshit. This only applies to overwatch.

Of course I am posting an example of a game without mechanical lootboxes. That's the point.
The fact that they were added shortly after the game's release only makes it worse. People didn't know it was coming beforehand, and they fell for Blizzard's trap.

>not being ravenous shekel-fiends

Rocket League is great by comparison. They have cosmetic item crates, items cannot be acquired through progression, and you can trade for items you really want. There is also a third-party mod that enables you to, client side only, have every cosmetic item in the game. Don't want to pay $1200 for alpha rewards boost? AlphaConsole. Don't want to pay $100 for those sick wheels? AlphaConsole.
And the best part is that psyonix doesn't give a shit about it, because they know the people using it aren't going to buy unlock keys for the in game crates.

And they still made a fuckton of money. There are small studios who deliver games true to their vision and still make a more than decent living. But in the "wage slave triple A work for some share holder prick who probably hates games" world they need to squeeze every penny.

Then why aren't we calling for a war on Epic, EA, Tenshit, Bethescunt, etc?

>being mad that content for a game I already paid for is locked behind another paywall
>this is a bad thing

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When I look at some of my gaming friends it's because they just want the old games in pretty and they don't give a fuck about the devs. I don't want to take a "holier than them" stance, but whenever I say let's try this game they decline while I try to be open and we end up playing generic shooter Nth installment.
All the more weird when they are somewhat forced due to peer pressure or something they weirdly like it...
They just want the same shit over and over and publisher know it.

>>they don't affect the core game mechanics
it's content you aren't able to get unless you pay for it on top of the price of admission

>>they financially incentivize the developer to continue supporting a game
you know what else incentivizes developers to continue supporting a game? Buying the game.

>>This only applies to overwatch.
Monkey see, Monkey do

Yes if it's a free to play game

so then you get a shit franchise like fifa/madden/cod/battlefield where you buy a new game every year or two.

How would a company survive putting out a game like CSGO? Oh yeah, cosmetic lootboxes.

that's the way it be, people want cod 37 with more lootboxes and no story mode.

but, outside of dice/ea/blizzard games, lootboxes are literally cosmetics that can only be found in that lootbox and have no way of being attained through just playing.

Or just fucking sell cosmetics directly without the rng.

who would set the price of a cosmetic? How do they know which one will be sought after, vs fuck that gay $0.35 shitty skin.

Hey pssst hey
just dont buy them you autist

>How would a company survive putting out a game like CSGO? Oh yeah, cosmetic lootboxes.
CSGO is free to play... which was my whole fucking point.

>but, outside of dice/ea/blizzard games, lootboxes are literally cosmetics that can only be found in that lootbox and have no way of being attained through just playing.
it's content that's in a game I paid for and is available to players, but not via PLAYING the game. Do you see the problem here?

>who would set the price of a cosmetic? How do they know which one will be sought after, vs fuck that gay $0.35 shitty skin.
who sets the price for LITERALLY EVERY GOOD AND SERVICE?

>sought after
They won't be because there won't be dumbfuck artificial rarity.
Just put them out for a standard price then lower it for the ones no-one gives a shit about

>who would set the price
The same people who set the price of the game itself, its dlc and whatever other pricing related matters?
>how do you know which one will be sought after
By making a bunch of various skins and which ever one sells the most you make more skins of a similar theme? Just experiment this is something literally every game that has a cashshop without lootboxes or skins not in lootboxes does.

Because I don't give a shit about how they hand out cosmetics.

It wasn't f2p for the first 6 and a half fucking years it was out for before going free to play you disingenuous idiot.

there is no problem providing EXTRA content that DOESN'T affect winning/losing and asking for money voluntarily. do you see a problem?

You missed the point on price setting.

so how much for an m4 howl on CS that has a store and not a case? $20? $100? $1200? Would it be as sought after? Are you literally only against artificial scarcity because you want it and cannot afford it? saying you don't give a shit about it means you also shouldn't give a shit it is artificially scarce in the first place. It was developed separate from the initially released game, and is essentially dlc you have to gamble for to unlock, but the only 'content' it provides is making your fucking gun look neat.

If everyone is super, no one is.


way to invalidate your argument

This i miss unlocking cool costume by doing challenges or finding them

don't argue like a soccer mom. jesus christ

It allows retard wagecucks to pay for your game for you

>It wasn't f2p for the first 6 and a half fucking years it was out for before going free to play you disingenuous idiot.
But it still went free to play, which was my point. If you're gonna put microtransactions and ESPECIALLY lootboxes in your game, make it free to play.

>how much for an m4 howl
As much as they think they can get away with without tanking reputation, like literally every business
>Are you literally only against artificial scarcity because you want it and cannot afford it?
I'm against it because it adds zero to the experience and makes it cost a literal random amount. You may as well just use a storefornt and price them using a random number generator

No, OP is clearly retarded.

Yea Forums is made up primarily of autists and poorfags, a large portion of them overlapping, so their opinions are less than reliable.
Poorfags think cool hats in a game that are further out of their reach than people with money is "unfair" and autists just don't like having things out of reach.
It's always me me me with these fags and they will never willingly choose to grow up and understand that their ideal cosmetic model would just cause the game more problems
Times change, markets change. Fucking deal with it somehow

they were seeing a reduction in title sales and sales in keys to unlock cases. It made financial sense at the time to do so, but it pretty much pissed off a gigantic part of their playerbase that was already fucking tired of being spin and aimbotted.

but then no one wants it. like it or not, the trends for cosmetics are whether or not a pro made a sick play with it equipped. They hit a nasty flick with an AWP skin that costs $10 normally? Oh shit son, that AWP skin is now worth $15-20, and the foil sticker they used doubled in price. I can agree with anyone calling this shit cancer, but it is opt-in cancer that doesn't (outside of blizzard faggotry) affect the game.

I can smell the blubber from here


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they arent?
why can I buy bayonetta or mario oddyssey and get 10 to 30 costumes without paying extra but with some other crap games I have to gamble multiple times the games worth to get some skins?

I would honestly rather be able to know at any given moment how much a product is going to cost that have zero clue, even if I can't afford it.

Or maybe I just recognize that whales indirectly benefit me by paying to support the game that I like?

>36 sheckles have been deposited into your Swiss bank account

I do think the cases need to have drop rates published by the devs, and held to those rates and audited by a third party.


>911 sheckles have been deposited into your Swiss bank account

>why are single player games fundamentally different from multiplayer games????
you people are just the fucking dumbest

>single player cosmetics are somehow different from multiplayer cosmetics
fuck off kike

I'm not so assblasted as to not recognise that as a step in the right direction

>Why would you want to know what clothes you're buying retard

In multiplayer games its fine since it means idiots buy them and everyone else gets free updates containing actual gameplay content, however this is only true for some like TF2 or Overwatch