Tfw you play a game for so long you can't stop thinking about it while you lay in bed

>tfw you play a game for so long you can't stop thinking about it while you lay in bed

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>get so into a game that you dream about it
That's how you know a game is good.

Fun fact: if you play enough Tetris you start to hallucinate the falling bricks when you close your eyes
This happens even to people with short term memory loss, and the phenomenon is being used to help treat people with memory problems

>started replaying Pokemon Platinum recently
>getting so invested I plan out 5-6 hours so i can play it
>when im in bed I think about who I want to catch next on my team

the other day i dreamed i was in minecraft killing pigs, good dream i woke up relaxed

I couldn't even sleep for a week after playing Ace Combat 7 because my head was going MISSILE MISSILE MISSILE MISSLE STALL WARNING MISSILE MISSILE all the time

It's a pretty common effect with games that involve muscle memory. When I used to play rhythm games, I would think about hitting difficult patterns in my head too, sometimes I would even tap them out.

>if you play enough Tetris you start to hallucinate the falling bricks when you close your eyes
Me and some friends started playing Tetris religiously a couple weeks ago and this is already happening to me

when you play to much just think about it not playing it, school i thought about it, i'm neet. i need to play some video games.

Yup, it's called the Tetris effect, and they made a game about it.

Currently happening to me with Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon.

My introduction to the series.

>You start coming up with strats to beat a boss throughout the day when you're not playing

Happened with catherine

>play a game for so long the sound effects is burned into your brain when you sleep at night
Thanks Paper Mario and any game made by Tabata.

This. I played UNIST so much the past 2 weeks that I was dreaming about playing it and also dreamed the characters into existence in the dreams at least 3 different times.

>tfw playing Guitar Hero too long would do this to me
>would swear everything I could see was scrolling down despite staying in place

happened to me with 2048 lol. started dozing off once while watching silence of the lambs and jodie foster's facial features (eyes mouth etc) started sliding into each other to combine

Ive had devil trigger and crimson cloud in my head all day yesterday and today

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This is me with Yakuza games except 3.

Are you sure? I had this with factorio and my "nightmares" revolved around doing the same logical puzzle over and over again. I also face this with some programming problems sometimes.
Maybe there are multiple trigger.

>close my eyes
>stellaris UI still burned into my eyelids
>keep playing my current game in my my brain

>close my eyes
>fap to the thought of a female videogame character sucking me off

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tfw no Kaguya gf

How cute, wanting a Kaguya gf

Happened with many games and even my first job.

>tfw its a gacha game
where did it all go so wrong

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>tfw you apply the game mechanics to RL after waking up and have to snap back to reality
there goes gravity
there goes user hes broke

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Hate this shit. I usually have to watch an episode of a tv show to get rid of it.

For me it was Puzzle and Dragons and that's when I knew I had a problem.


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